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Relaxing Slime Storytime Roblox | I only have 2 days to live and my bestie tried to steal my BF

Jun 22, 2024
How dare they I'm going to her house right now and it doesn't matter she lied to us ARG hopes someone stops it right away damn you're coming with me okay ending Andy in Roblox Hazes. The Bacons get bullied a lot. I


to do something to regain equal rights for Bacons. I'll make a group for Bacons, but I need to do it. first find someone to be a group, join rag doll hey, I'm creating a group for Bacons, do you want to join my group? group for Bacons yes, are you interested? haa no, I don't want to join that group, I


n't I changed my avatar still doesn't mean I'm a bacon oh I got it sorry uhuh stupid suddenly another guy appears hey I want to join your group oh really yes, other users me They bullied a lot so I want to join their group it's cool we'll make a strong group ha stupid you guys are funny poor Bacons hey don't be rude if you don't like it you can get out of here okay bye Mike he left Hazes, he is very rude, don't worry about him.
relaxing slime storytime roblox i only have 2 days to live and my bestie tried to steal my bf
I think we still found more members, yes that's right, we have to find more members to make our group stronger, oh but I forgot to ask your name, I'm Charles and you can call me Andy, oh great, so let's find more. friends ah I have a friend she is a bacon I can also add her to this group right yes absolutely Andy adds his friends to a group chat Hello, nice to meet you I hear my friend you are doing a group chat for bacon yes that's true, oh you're so amazing I'm a bacon I knew bacons get bullied a lot thank you hi hi oh what's your name?
relaxing slime storytime roblox i only have 2 days to live and my bestie tried to steal my bf

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relaxing slime storytime roblox i only have 2 days to live and my bestie tried to steal my bf...

I'm Yaa and you, I'm Andy. Okay, now we have three members. I'll go look for one. more friend Andy is going to find a friend more hello, can we be friends? Oh, of course, yeah, great, what's your name? I'm Andy and you, I'm Samantha Melanie kits, oh my god, your name is so long. Hell, when someone asks my name, I'm sorry. how shy that's why oh don't be shy it's a special name you're not really lying to me yes, I'm serious anyway don't worry about it anymore hello hello hello can I make a group of friends with you oh actually I already have a group of Friends, if you don't mind, I can join your group chat.
relaxing slime storytime roblox i only have 2 days to live and my bestie tried to steal my bf
Of course, let me add you to my group chat. Oh, thank you very much, you're welcome. Samantha, I'm sorry, your name is so long I can't remember it. no problem Andy hello guys, I made a new friend hello guys, nice to meet you oh oh, but you're not bacon oh, I forgot if she changes her avatar she can stay in our group what does that mean? Because I can not? stay in this group because this is a group for Bacons just change your avatar if I wanted to be musty bacon I wouldn't have brought these things with robu I won't change my avatar you guys are so weird oh my god you're so weird rude at least we're original you guys are literally the default outfit are the same as bacon at the beginning too hey you guys are so weird I can't stay in this group that bacon isn't my style okay so we'll kick you out of this group chat delete Samantha sh I got kicked out, okay, so I'll go find another friend's group.
relaxing slime storytime roblox i only have 2 days to live and my bestie tried to steal my bf
I'm going to join my sister and her friends. Maybe they need a member like me. That's great. Ha ha ha. I am very intelligent. Samantha joins. her sister group hey sister, can I join your group chat? oh, you join samanda, he, he, I can, I make a group of friends with you, oh, this is your sister, Cara, yes, this is my little sister, oh, actually, she's a little rude, why what did you say that? because she suddenly joined our group chat it's not fun Cara and we're not fit to talk I think you should get out of here Samantha oh oh okay bye Samantha left the group chat hey Siro, that was a little rude of you but she She is rude first. she's my sister she can join our group you didn't respect me you should play alone Sarah oh no don't leave me Cara Cara left the group chat and then comes back to her sister I came back to you Samantha hick thank you sister I had an idea: let's make a group of friends for elegant styles.
It's a great idea. They join XYZ ragdoll to be in our group of friends. XYZ elegant styles. Can I have my friends? I'm sure you can add them. Add more friends. Hello guys, you are elegant. but one member of our group is Big Ups, sorry guys don't kick me please, I'm sorry but this group is for classy styles. Ki, she, Neil was kicked out of the group chat. Nobody plays with me. Suddenly Andy realizes what's wrong with you, redneck girl. I'm a bacon so no one plays with me, don't be sad, let's join my group chat, can I really join?
Yeah, my group is a bacon group, so we're all equal and no one bullied anyone, that was cool. Andy adds Mia to the group. chat Hey guys, we have a new member, oh cool, what's your name? I'm Mia and you can call me Andy and you can call me yaa and I'm Charles. Okay, we'll be a group from now on. We will be a team and we will protect. anyone in our group if they are bullied by the other yes I agree that's great yes we need to get equal rights back for Bacons great guys we need to come together hey guys let's introduce ourselves let me do it first.
I'm Cara and this is my sister. I'm Samantha Melanie Kuwait oh that's a long name don't mention it please okay I'm mmy and here's my friend you guys can call me Linda so what do you do now? I want revenge on a group that kicked me out. of that, what group is that that's a bacon group bacon group hahaha that's so stupid yeah we should show them which group is the best that's right I'll go find them Cara is coming to meet Andy hey hey I heard you're the captain of vacon group chat yes I am who are you I am the captain of a classy group.
I'm here to restore the honor of my team member the last time you kicked a girl that's Samantha right oh yeah that's right she's not suitable for our group so we have to kick her and I see she's not she likes my group too you and your group have to apologize to my team member that's ridiculous we don't do anything wrong we have to apologize to her oh you won't do it do it right yeah my group and I won't we won't bother anymore, goodbye, Andy is gone, Shady, he dares to do it against me, okay, I'll make him let him down for this.
Cara returns to her group chat. What happened? Cara, they said I won't apologize to you Shati, we have to do something to get revenge, we are a classy bunch, right? and we have many Robo. I will hire a Hecker to review his accounts, they will disappear from this game and our group will be the best group chat, oh but are we doing the right thing? Yeah, I think that's not good, don't stop me. I'm the captain of this group so I'll do it without your opinions, oh you're so toxic I won't be there. your group already, yeah, me too, bye, and Linda left the group chat, shit, don't be mad, Cara, I'll be by your side, okay, I'll hire a hacker to hack their accounts.
Cara hires a hacker and then everyone in the bacon group chat got hacked oh my account got hacked yeah me too we all got hacked why did we get hacked this way who did this let me find out who did this , they have to take the result of this, Andy investigates the cause, oh, I knew who did this to us. Who is Cara? Who is the captain of the elegant group? Damn, why did she do that? Maybe we are against her group. She is so toxic, don't be mad. I'll restore her accounts, guys, and block her account.
Are you a hacker? Andy, no. I'm actually the CEO of Roblox, what the hell are you serious? Yeah, I don't want to put that out there, but now I've done it, oh my god, I can't believe I'm friends with the CEO of Roblox, yeah, me too. you guys are so lucky come on guys don't make me shy ok now we will restore your accounts restore accounts omg thank you so much Andy omg thank you so much Andy omg thank you so much Andy now I will block Cara and S Mon's account block accounts at the end lol I'm totally into this I want it bro what are you saying wait my best friend is texting me I need to talk to her real quick and I'll be back okay Jack Jack Jack be online be online I have Good news omg , Erica, I'm here, what do you want?
Okay bro, I didn't notice you anyway, the good news is, look, I like you for a few reasons and do you want to be my boyfriend? Maybe it's not good news for you, but for me it's look Erica. I'm already in a relationship and I'm not sure for this purpose, but I don't want to break her heart, but I also don't want to break hers too, so I hope we can still be best friends. I already found someone, oh Jack, I get it, I know how you feel, but maybe I can find someone else, you better not tell me again that Erica wants to be my girlfriend, please, sure, whatever it is, this It's not going to happen.
Go back to my lover, it's stupid Brew, I'll join Mikey, I better forget it and now you know how to jump, boy, oh my God, hey, hello, hello, Erica, where were you? I missed you so much, anyway guys, something happened today. Today I posted my best friend and he said no and then he starts talking saying I already have a girlfriend and you know but I don't want to break your heart but I don't want to break her heart too oh my god Sage what's happening? It's so funny that you guys are laughing wait so it wasn't the right place to laugh yeah whatever Jack Jack you better get online or I'll tell you.
Do what Erica is. I'm Meami. Wait, who is Erica and why are you calling me? Erica honey, look, he's not what you think, he's just my best friend and you know, I've been with her for years and sometimes I call people Erica because I grew up with her, you know, that was a great explanation, but I still don't do it. . I don't think so haha, you never talked to me about Erica and well, breaking up I already found someone better go cry to your mom now wait what not, it's all my fault I lost Erica and Amy now I have no one to stay with I'll look for Erica and I'll tell him he'll forgive me Jack, I can see you, what do you want, Erica?
I'm so sorry for what I did, my girlfriend broke up with me and I thought, if you want her to be my girlfriend, will you? The boys want us to leave so you can talk privately. No, he's going to leave now or not, Jack, whatever. I do not like you. I can find someone better. Okay, what are you waiting for anyway? Guys, should I add my girlfriend? She is not bad. Promise, she's fine, but if she's bad, then you won't take her side, you'll leave her, she's fine. Zack added about me, so these are your friends, yes, but they're all girls anyway, what's your name, the rose?
Oh, I'm Erica. Shut up, I wasn't. talking to you I was talking to her Isaac it's okay I'm sorry it's all right no, it's not Isaac remember what I said oh what you said I don't understand it was said remember please now uh I don't remember I'll just forget it I want to play with an Obby anyway of four players, oh my god, yes, I would love that too, no, no, don't choose me, I'm sorry, there are four of us in total. Are you going to play with the ghost? No, I'm not going to play with the ghost.
I'm just going to invite my friend and then play with him. He's a guy's guy and I'm not going to talk to you. Oh, they're gone. I hope Bailey tells him. Hey, what do you want? After 1 hour of talking, Oh, what do you want? What are you doing here? What are you doing here as if you were a member of this GC? They know each other? Yes, my ex. Oh, so this was your ex, that was your lover. Yes, I think we have to go. Yes, and who is this boy? Bef that's why you were cheating on me, yeah he's prettier than and plus I never met you in real life, when when I met him can you tell me what you want from me and leave me alone?
Please, I don't want you here anymore, why should you? I'm leaving after everything we did, you're going to leave me like this, huh, why am I going back to Erica anyway? I wish I'd never met you, she's so much better than you, plus I'd rather be my childhood best friend than a girl I met in a game so why did you say no when she asked you if you wanted to be her beer like her? You will leave for me but now I leave you. I never liked you anyway. I hated you all the time and she was using you for robu, she will. take me back so close she told you to leave now leave after that Erica Valerie ammy and Isaac


d happily zero the end

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