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Relaxing Slime Storytime Roblox | I'm bacon but I have infinite Robux

Apr 20, 2024
this is me ugly and handsome man hey, don't talk to my boyfriend like that okay, my name is Lily my age I'm 14 and this is me ugly Hey, don't be rude, you crusty Dusty divot crusty Dusty divot crusty Dusty I'm going to slap your A's Easy by the way your next purple boy I'm the last one my girl um oh my god my fake voice is glitch um guys private chat I bought myself without purple boy everything says sure guys I read the purple boy's mind and this is what he said wait I


a record oh my god my fake voice is glitch oh my god um guys we


a plan carmilla tells the plan guys what did you talk about I'm not okay at all are you sure you are? okay


then purple boy you're next okay but wait my mom called me right now for dinner I'm okay sister look guys purple boys boy me I think I was eight or something.
relaxing slime storytime roblox i m bacon but i have infinite robux
I'm back, so I'm Henry, I'm seven years old. I mean, I'm 17 years old and this is me. I think I see that on Pinterest, so show your true colors. Okay, calm down. This is me oh my god I'm sorry Amelia kicked Mia beautiful the ending ABC to join my group chat ABC ABC because why not ABC because I'm so lonely pick me Shut up don't be mean oh my god . You're annoying, stop talking while drinking Meo's tea, the silence is too loud, stop talking about me, you crusty, moldy Ruster rat. I hate you and your dad probably never came back with the milk and you belong in a schwentai trash can, damn those were personal names, Emma.
relaxing slime storytime roblox i m bacon but i have infinite robux

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relaxing slime storytime roblox i m bacon but i have infinite robux...

James Ethan, my name is Grace, I want to be okay, whatever it is, private chat so you know my dad never came back with milk. Ethan, her favorite, left the chat in the group chat. What did you talk about? I just destroy anyone here, yeah, I'm here I'm here where the fizzy Finn is sleeping how do you know Emma? Oh yeah, sorry, I was eating my muffin, but I know because he's my neighbor. Uh-oh, okay. I'm going to wake him up by throwing a thick rock on his ass. window wakes up lazy ass Ethan oh I hate you Emma hey guys okay let's do age and face reveal everyone agrees first I'm 15 and this is me cool kill Queen I love her I want to ask her to be my girlfriend Ethan oh yeah I'm sorry , pretty, I'm fine, I'm next, I'm 15 and this is me, nice guy, very cute, handsome, okay Nami, I'm 16 and this is me, cool, bro, pretty nice, damn, okay , Emma, ​​oh yes, I'm sorry, you're doing great.
relaxing slime storytime roblox i m bacon but i have infinite robux
Ethan blushes why Ayla they are so cute together okay I'm 16 and this is me Material girl beautiful cool anyone I'm here too I want to play Cheese escape yeah I'm okay join me play Cheese escape for two hours that was so fun Emma yay private chat okay in private chat I have a question and what is that question who do you love wait actually for the Egyptian tons I love you too will you be my boyfriend? Yes and good family neighbors, so we don't need to be. Those embarrassing Roblox Staters okay let's tell the group chat in the group chat what everyone talked about in a nutshell we're dating now congratulations I'm so happy for you guys okay buy me lunches guess what ass chicken, silly? asses three people left the chat oh my god are those pictures play ragdoll where the hell is she oh she says she's in Ragdoll let's join her they join her there's Emma oh hey boy why are you leaving because you left the fool that makes sense questions common so you can answer them Baby watches, everyone left the chat, why did they talk about me like they were so grumpy? green I don't care it was still because of race those who are tall if someone is tall you are why are the kids so quiet I was having my popcorn and I was eating my popcorn Emma goodbye and Lily, our new baby left the chat, okay, goodbye these guys, another day, another sleigh, oh my god, kill queen James, are you gay?
relaxing slime storytime roblox i m bacon but i have infinite robux
No, shut up, no one asks, hey guys, shut up Ethan, what the hell, why is the fake Ethan in your house, maybe because he's my neighbor and my boyfriend, oh yeah, I forgot. 'They're all neighbors guys guess what oh my god I just joined the group chat great ub1 you're happy babe in fact I am. Why did it take you so long to join? Because I was trying to find my phone and Emma was sitting on it. I want to play identity fraud yes they play for an hour the scariest thing let's play evade now they play a fade for an hour and 30 minutes.
I saved fuel like five million times. I have to go to bed. I have to get home, goodbye. Hey guys, guess what? oh sorry, what were you going to say? Well, I was going to say, okay, cool, whatever the chat is, what the hell? Why did you leave Emma? Just wait for the girls to join. Why was there an event? Because I made one hoping that you guys would come along in the boom. I'm fine and it worked this was lunch what just happened well I just sang my heart out oh so Emma is high why do you sound like a girl bro for real facts where do you come from oh my mom Mason British left the chat I'm going to take a nap, I go to lunch, okay, all the way and I thought, what the hell can't they do that?
Hey guys, what the hell, Chloe, you interrupted Emily, oh my god, Emily, I'm so sorry, whatever it is, Chloe, but. Guys, can I add my girlfriend? What did I think you were normal? You're not part of that cult or whatever. I'm normal. I'm just a lesbian and I'm proud. I love girls and not boys and it's not a cult either. Chloe, whatever you say. definitely not a cult haha ​​Chloe the Cutie added Penelope Queen guys this is my girlfriend Penelope everyone say hello and don't be mean hello everyone let's do facial reveals I'll say yes as you know I'm Chloe I'm 14 years. years old and this is me, beautiful baby, pretty, I guess Hannah, oh yeah, she's fine, I guess I'll be next.
I'm Penelope, I'm 15 years old and this is me, beautiful honey bunny, you're not that pretty, Hannah, don't be. rude, come on, my name is Emily, I'm 14 and this is me, oh no, what, oh, nothing, um, but anyway, nice outfit, Emily, thanks, it's Hannah, it's your turn, wait now. I mean, I have to go, sorry guys, bye. um, that was weird oh no oh no oh no oh no What if they find out who I really am? My insecure Asian bisexual self who is threatened by Emily. I need to ask Emily if I can share my face or if I use a fake Emily.
What church did you want to ask? Yes I use my real face or a fake one and I can also use my real name. Wall means yellow in Chinese and I am very proud of my language and culture. Please let me use it. No, You can not. They won't know that you are Chinese, ugly, small eyed, you start to cry, don't cry, people will hear you use this face, now you judge, from now on you are a white girl named Hannah with this face, but this is my real face . I don't care now, shut up. I do not want to know anything about you.
Remember that I know your address. I can go and kill you. What should we do now? Let's wait for Hannah to return. Oh, Hannah, I'm sorry. My mom loves to get angry. I was. I'm not going down to dinner okay, but my name is Hua, I mean Hannah, I'm 15 years old and this is me, you're really very beautiful, sleigh girl, you're so pretty, thank you all, him, guys, Let's play it safe, oh Chloe. I didn't mean just Hannah and Penelope oh okay have fun no Emily we have to play with Chloe. I won't play without her, no, it's okay, go play without me, yeah, let's play and also Chloe has problems, she's gay and that's it. she's not normal and she said she has some problems go fix them said Chloe Emily stop Emily you're not normal you're making Chloe cry you're so crazy I hate you all Hannah come on Hannah no what Hannah Hannah come on did you hear me no egg Emily emo ha left the group chat guys help Emily is at my house I heard my parents scream she said if I ever disobey her she will pay me one Lee and my parents she knows my address come on Hannah stop playing that's something serious you were joking, Please believe me, Chloe, please, I believe you, but I can talk.
I'm driving to your house come on Chloe she's obviously joking haha ​​Hannah and you can't even drive haha. Chloe jumps out the window, she hopes, but she's just kidding, right? Guys, we have to call if we want to talk. I'm taking Hannah home. Foreign boys. I know this is a horrible time to tell you this, but my real name is Wong. He is Chinese. Can you start calling me that? I'm sure it is, but wait, Hannah. I mean, Wong, why is your face different? Oh Emily made him wear a fake one. Oh Wong, can I say something?
Yeah I kinda like her no no you won't like her and she will reject you and stop being your friend Chloe Chloe Chloe I. I think vekna has her oh sorry guys I'm now but I'm like you don't like me, Chloe, it's okay, but um, I love you in a romantic way, Chloe and it's okay if you don't like me, Chloe, but just don't do it. Don't leave me in things. I like you too, but don't you hate a new girlfriend? We broke up privately and we don't share because you know Emily, but we're just not soul mates and we both understand that, yeah, that.
It happened that everyone lived happily ever after after the end

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