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"Rejected for A Purpose" - Stephaine Ike

Jun 08, 2021
family, while we're standing, let's get into the word and I'll be reading Mark chapter 8 verse 22 to 25 and it says that Jesus became a district attorney and his blind brothers begged him to touch him. then he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town and when he spat in his eyes and put his hands on him he asked him if he saw anything and he looked up and said I see men my trees walking so he put his hands over his eyes again and he made him look up and he was restored and so we all clearly father God we thank you for the word that is going to come out Lord Jesus we thank you for this moment Laurie god of an exchange lorca that our hearts are already prepared Lord for what You have proposed to do in our hearts Lorca that anything that comes between our intimacy with you Lord we release it to you in this atmosphere we release it to you in this space we release it to you here and now Lord God, do what you want in this message Holy Spirit , move in a way that only you can touch each and every one of us uniquely and individually and speak to us in the way Lord God that speaks of all that we are going to lift up Lord.
rejected for a purpose   stephaine ike
May this word transform us and we thank you for what you intend to do I speak healing over this house in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you you know everyone you know the prayer of everyone's heart Carl Orica you know what they We are looking for you, but Lord, I just released healing upon this house, anything that is a destruction, we cancel it now in Jesus, do what you want, amen, family, you can sit down. My message to those who may be taking notes is


with a


, you know. One of the most remarkable things that I have experienced in my walk with God and I think for many of us this is quite remarkable is the moment we begin to realize that everything really works for our good, the moment we begin to understand that Wild Lord, there was a moment when I thought that this very thing was identified as bad for me and this very thing that maybe I even had resentment because it happened suddenly, there is a moment in time when I recognize how I had been functioning for my good all the time and then there are doors that we feel like God, you should have opened that door but then you closed it and I feel like I had a resentment against that because Lord I felt that you withheld something good for me and then we look we come back and we realize God, if that door had opened, that would have been destructive for me.
rejected for a purpose   stephaine ike

More Interesting Facts About,

rejected for a purpose stephaine ike...

There is something powerful about a moment in God when we recognize that things are really and truly working out for our good. It's not just a scripture that we know. Let's say, but it's something we've experienced, but sometimes, even though we've recognized it in certain parts of our lives, something else comes up again and we have to allow that experience to shape the way we respond, you see one of the fascinating things like Scriptures even tell us that God's ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts and I always wondered where this separation between how we think and where the things of God happened and I wonder if they happen in the Garden of Eden, You see when Adam and Eve ate the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it was almost as if they allowed that to shape their perception of what good and evil became, because before that tree they were naked and honest, not even They weren't even. in its nakedness God looked at it and said it was good and when they eat from that tree, suddenly they feel shame for something that God said was good, so there was a difference in how we saw life and how God sees it, but the beautiful thing is that in our relationship with Jesus we can close that gap, we can close the gap of how we see life and how God sees it and this happens in our walk with God that we suddenly begin to realize that maybe what I call good may not actually be good for me and maybe what I call bad or evil may not be bad for my destiny, so there is something so powerful about when we have a moment where we recognize God, He has actually been working.
rejected for a purpose   stephaine ike
For my sake, it's not really against me, you see, what's fascinating, the family is that they are studying the things that happen in life, there are certain things that we cannot avoid in life, one of those things is rejection and our perception of it would determine how we respond. and the impact it has on us, for some reason rejection has a negative connotation and I don't think it should be that way because rejection is not really a bad word, rejection is not really a negative word, rejection is just what is. reveals a truth rejection reveals the truth that maybe someone couldn't receive you or receive your idea because they didn't have the capacity to do so we look at it and think wow someone


me and we think it has to do with our Value and our value, but in It really has to do with your ability and when I talk about ability, ability can come in many forms, ability can come in knowledge, ability can come in faith and belief, it can come in wisdom, it can come in character, it can come in our destinies actually have a meeting point and then we look at it and think it's negative but actually it's the truth that I don't have the capacity for you and would you want yourself or your idea or your vision in the hands of someone who it was not ordained to see it you would want it in the hands of someone who does not recognize the value you would want it in the hands of someone that God never orchestrated for that to be the means and so for some reason when we think of rejection we think that it is a bad word but it is not just what it is is that you came to a door that didn't hold you you came to a door that didn't hold what you're carrying it's not bad it's wisdom, it tells you it's okay, you know, this is not the place where everything goes to work, so I'm going to go next door and today this passage that we read may not seem like that, but it is actually a story that teaches.
rejected for a purpose   stephaine ike
It tells us a lot about rejection. You see, the first verse of the passage says that Jesus came to a town called Bethsaida. The fascinating thing is actually what happened before he got on the boat and came to this town. You see, just before he had a meeting with the Pharisees with some Pharisees and in that meeting they came to him and were demanding a scientist they asked him for a sign from heaven a sign from heaven that in the end in his mind would validate his identity but Jesus understood that these people have come to me to test me because they were not really looking for a sign they were not looking for you know what I just need to see something so as not to fall into deception they were not looking for that they were actually coming to test the Lord because they had seen too much, they had heard too much to not believe in him, you see the Pharisees, these were, in their eyes, you know they were influential and to some degree they were influential religious leaders and they were not willing to submit their authority to Jesus.
They were comfortable with the authority they perceived they had and who they believed themselves to be and so they come to him to prove it. It reminded me of when Satan tested the Lord in the desert and said if you are the son of God command these stones to become bread Satan was not asking him that because he needed confirmation about his identity because Satan had no plans to surrender or submit to him but rather I was asking him that question to see if I can manipulate your emotions to move you. They take you out of your submission and then at that moment Jesus is looking at the Pharisees and recognizes what they are doing and finally they have an exchange of words but then he walks away from them because he recognizes that these are people whose hearts are not even with me so that they may come to me say they are looking for a sign Lord I just need a sign to know this is yours but you are really trying to test me see this is speaking to us and our individual lives because sometimes the Lord gives us a tax to do and then we are like God.
I just need a sign, but you have to be real with yourself in your heart. Do you need a sign because you really don't want to? to be fooled or you need a sign there is one more thing as an excuse to go further so are you using the idea of ​​a sign as an excuse? really because you are looking for the truth. The Pharisee said they were demanding a sign from heaven. I wondered what that meant, they wanted God to make, they wanted Jesus to make it rain, maybe in slow motion or they wanted the clouds to dance.
I was confused by what they were asking about a sign from heaven and therefore family. We also have to be intentional and we have to be honest with ourselves even about the things we are asking God for signs. Have we seen enough to know what he has really called us to? Would we have heard enough if we had been exposed? too much to know that god I don't need another word from you I just need to go and this happens he leaves the Pharisees and gets on a boat and arrives at a certain town the fascinating thing about this town is that in the scriptures, Jesus has actually spoken against this people about the people, he said about them, that these are people who have seen many great and mighty works done by him and yet they do not repent, he actually compared them to pagan cities and the pagan cities were just cities. who worshiped false gods and said regarding them that if those pagan cities had seen the same miracles that Jesus did in this particular town that they would regret it but that these people who do want to see miracles from God but are very willing there willing to change their customs was interesting to me because Jesus leaves the Pharisees to come to people who were like the Pharisees but he didn't come to them because of the people, he came to them because of a particular man and even in that story. family, it really struck me because sometimes we become we, we think we have this idea that we are familiar with God, we have this idea that we are familiar with the things of God and that can be a very dangerous place because the moment we think we know we stop growth the moment we think we know this is how God moves this is how church happens this is what happens when I do this then we turn off the Holy Spirit to expand our knowledge about that area and so on life you have to be careful because these people knew the Lord but they did not make room in their hearts to recognize that he could come to earth like Jesus did, they knew the father but they could not recognize the son because they had placed a limit on how God could move and the way he could do things on earth, they could not recognize the son who was right in front of them because they believed that they were familiar with God, you see, we have to be very careful with things and people that we think we know and that we conclude about our knowledge of them based on our experience with them, because the moment you conclude something, because of how you have experienced it, you limit how God can use it, as you see today.
I was so fascinated that I was thinking about Moses and I thought about Moses when he left, you know, when he fled from Egypt and he was in the desert and he was there for 40 years, during those 40 years, I think he was very aware. with the areas in each place and the desert, but on one particular day, God found it in a new way, he did not allow a familiar place not to make room for the supernatural, you see, sometimes we have to make room for the same people what are you looking at. to add to your team are right in front of you, but you have become too familiar with them to see them as God sees them.
Sometimes the very place you are in is actually the answer to your prayer, but you have been there too. A lot of time to see the power, how the power of God could move through the very thing that you see as dark and so sometimes we have to take inventory of the things and the people that we are connected to and have come to a conclusion. about our knowledge of what they are. brings to the table and who they are because when you conclude and someone stops that list, it's almost like you close your heart from hearing what the Holy Spirit has to say about that place, that person, that thing, and this was the case. with these people and that is why it is fascinating that Jesus comes to the town and the Scriptures tell us that these were the people, they bring him a blind man and they beg him to touch this blind man and what really happens reveals that maybe it is not what It seemed because the Scriptures tell us that when Jesus takes the blind man by the hand and leads him out of the town why Jesus, if these people really, if his intentions were pure, Jesus would have stayed in that environment, it is seen many times in the Scriptures, when Jesus takes people out of an environment before healing, no, he takes someone out of an environment, he talks about the toxicity in that environment, so even though they were people who came and brought this blind man and were begging Jesus to said: Lord, touch it. something about their intentions was not pure and this is crazy because maybe who knows maybe they were doing it for entertainment maybe they were making fun of this blind man to finally say maybe you need to stop talking about this Jesus and look at him, he doesn't can heal you.
We don't know what the story is, but what we know is that something about his intentions was not pure and then Jesus takes the man out of town and this whole thing about him coming to this town was for this blind man and then he takes him out of this town. town forheal him, but what fascinated me and my family about this blind man was the fact that when the people brought him to Jesus and when Jesus took him by the hand and led him out of town, he never said a word. I never spoke, I would think that when the people were begging him, we were begging the Lord, please touch him, I would assume Jesus. that would be a moment where the man actually says Lord, touch me.
I would think that maybe if he didn't speak, then maybe when the Lord took him by the hand he would say something to the Lord and say, I've been waiting. He never spoke a word about you but the very fact that Jesus came to heal this man says that there was actually a prayer from his heart that desired his healing because every time heaven answers you there was something that was released and that's how it was done. . I wonder if this man had become insensitive to his own prayer. If he had become insensitive to the same requests he had from the Lord.
You see something fascinating as we continue reading the Scriptures. There was a time when Jesus laid hands on him. and he asked him what do you see and he says I see men like trees walking and there are two parts to that message. The first part that really caught my attention was that this man is familiar with what men look like and what trees look like. He wasn't born blind, so I started to wonder. One of the things I loved most about Scripture is when the story is almost open-ended because it's almost like the Lord is saying, fill in the blanks, use your imagination to ask yourself what it really is.
It took place in this story, you see the very fact that this man was not born blind, so there was something that happened along the path of his life that led to his blindness and I wondered if when that moment began when perhaps the blindness was progressive . He asked me if he prayed. I wondered if you hand the prayer over to God and say, God, heal me. I do not want this. I don't want to lose my sight. And the more he prayed, the worse things got, the more he actually prayed. He actually went completely blind.
I wondered if that prayer was buried under the dirt of disappointment, pain, frustration, rejection, and feeling like God hadn't heard. You see? Have you ever been in a position where you are praying for something you are? praying for the healing of a loved one and the more you prayed, they actually got worse and the more you prayed, they actually passed away and you start to question God. I believed you for the life of this loved one. What happened? You are seeking God about something. which you think is a desire he put in you and the more you pray about it, you feel it getting worse and worse, but you see something.
I am also learning about prayers, that prayer is not us demanding things from heaven, prayer is us speaking. what heaven demands and that's why sometimes I remember that there was a particular situation, there was a friend of mine and the mother was sick and they had been praying for the mother to get better and he and when he came up to me and said hey? Can you pray for my mother because she is sick? So we got the prayer call and I immediately wanted to talk. The Lord is healing her right now. It was, as you know, natural, but at the moment when he wanted to free him, the Saint.
The spirit stopped me and said I didn't tell you that and I stopped for a moment and started crying into the phone because I thought what do you mean you didn't tell me that? So when I sucked on that, actually, you know, I just got off the phone pretty quick and when I sat down with the Lord and he said, I know I'm going to call her home, it's her time, but you see, we all wished that God, wouldn't , we want her to do it. she just adds more years to her life. You would know, do it like Hezekiah at 15 years older, but the Lord said there is a divine plan and I will call her home and whether you know it or not, she is actually at peace with coming home. and although she may say she wants to stay, she says it for the kids, but she is at peace with coming home, why am I sharing this family?
Sometimes when things seem like they are getting worse while you are praying, it is not because God didn't listen. you, but there's actually something he's working on that's still working for his girl, this man. I wonder what the situations were that caused her to bury her prayer and then when I was studying this, I remembered something that our pastor said, Pastor Sarah, there was a message that she had and in that message I believe that the message was called to arise if not You've heard it, you need to hear that in that message she said something so profound and she said that buried prayers still reach the ears of heaven, you see, it's crazy that yes, your pains and disappointments may have buried your prayer, but Before you buried her, God heard her and one of the most important things we should know about the prayer family is that God listens to you and even if He doesn't respond, the way you expect, but there is a designated time and a designated response. for exactly what you are asking of him, but everything is working out for your good and for the impact your life is supposed to make, and even though this man didn't say a word Jesus answered a prayer he could have made a long time ago Now the fascinating thing is that in his healing the Scriptures tell us that Jesus spit on him.
You see, there are two other accounts in Scripture when saliva is used. in the healing in one part this was when Jesus was healing a man who was deaf and mute and what happened was that he put his hands in his ears and then it is suggested that he spit on the ground and then he touched the man's tongue and then his ears and said: be open and his ears were open and he had the ability to speak in another situation this was a man who was born blind and the scriptures tell us that Jesus mixed the mud and saliva and put it on the man's eyes and tells him to go wash in a certain pool, but Jesus never spit directly in the eyes of the man seen in the culture and even until now spitting was a sign of objection, spitting was actually an offensive act to spit on a person and So it's fascinating that in his healing Jesus spits out that what the rejection represented was part of his own healing.
Come, family? Have you ever wondered if the very thing you thought was negative about rejection was actually healing him and maybe caused rejection? The heartbreak was that God would heal your sense of worth that we sometimes indulge in primarily in relationships and God will tear it apart so that you will once again have a sense of having standards for yourself, could that rejection be that the rejection of the industry regarding your project, you are worried, what you want to do is actually for your good, the Lord knows that if you start living with his acceptance, you will lock yourself in and all the creativity and inspiration that I have put into it. rejection would not come out in you it is actually part of your healing process you see everything the Lord does is so symbolic I said Lord why would you spit in this man's face and that was part of the process What are the areas in which you feel?
God, this rejection was negative and the Lord is saying no, it is actually part of your healing. In fact, I am strengthening your foundation. What if rejection from loved ones and people actually forgot about being able to put a mirror in front of your face? to see who you really are, that for too long in your life you have lived by people's opinions and been shaped by their expectations of you, that you have lost your sense of self and so sometimes God will let them not do it. . See yourself properly and so push your ideas away and really make fun of the things that you think you're going to do so that you can find the place of strength within yourself and so it's a fascinating family that is very healing actually involved. which symbolized rejection you see the scripture said let me even read it in that place then it was verse 23 and he said like this he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town and when he spit in his eyes and put his hands on him he asked him if he had seen something and verse 24 says and he looked up and said I see men like trees walking there was something in what he saw and I won't actually read this um and he says then he put his hands on him again and made him look up, you'll see. , what was fascinating to me in this scripture is that, first of all, the man the Lord puts his hands on him and says, what do you see?
I think this was very intentional because this was the is really the only account in Scripture of a healing that took place in two stages, a healing that was progressive, it says to the man, what do you see? I mean, this is Jesus, he could have whistled and the men would see clearly, it's all so symbolic. so when he does that and the man says I see men like trees walking something about what this man saw seems to have been traumatic because when the Lord laid hands on him again the Scriptures tell us that Jesus made him look up the first time his hands the hands were laid on him he looked up the second time Jesus makes him look up almost as if based on what he saw he would rather be blind and see that again you see men like trees walking for a long time I was wondering what it could mean this Lord, what does that mean that he sees men as trees walking and when I checked what particular tree they were talking about and it was suggested that he was referring to an oak tree, you see that the average height of that tree is about 82 feet so when he says I see men like trees walking it's almost like he's saying I see men like Giants I see men who seem overwhelming I see men who make me feel like I'm a victim I see men who make me feel like I'm prey, there was something about what he saw which is almost as if it reminded him of how he had perceived people and his surroundings, you see him as a blind man.
I wonder if he was at a disadvantage in his community, maybe people took advantage of him because he couldn't see what was going on and that's why at that moment his eyes finally opened again and he has to see what he It has led to people preferring to be blind rather than seeing in reality what areas of our lives we see. men like trees walking and I asked myself Lord why would you allow him to see this same thing you see the Scriptures there was a moment when Jesus told the disciples and told them that I send you like sheep in the midst of wolves there was a recognition that where I have assigned you that the place of your destiny and the place of your


you will be seen as prey that I send you like a sheep among wolves that is going to be that but at times they will seem challenging because you would recognize that you are surrounded by people who are against you, you would recognize that you are surrounded of people who don't really want your good, it's like the people who brought the blind to Jesus, they brought him to Jesus and said, please, knock. him but Jesus takes it away from them because something about his intentions now were pure that even in the midst of healing him he was sheep and they were wolves, you see.
I believe Jesus allowed this man to see men as trees walking because he was the one who recognized. The fact that I know where I sent you, I recognize how things can appear, you see, for many of us, God won't even do it for all of us, honestly, because whatever way God has signed you for your purpose, It will be a place where You will feel challenged It will be a place where you will feel like the underdog It will be a place where you will question Lord, I don't feel like I have I'm the right person not to I think I have the right education for this job.
I don't think he has the proper training. I don't think I'm the right age for what you're assigning me. I don't know if I have adequate wisdom. I never have the right connections relationships I don't know if I have the right accent I mean there's a lot of things on the list and Lord they say none of it really matters because what qualified you in the first place was your heart but I think when Jesus allowed this man to see men as trees walking is Jesus saying I recognize the fact that you are sheep among wolves I recognize the fact that you seem prey but you will see as I study this what the Lord put in my spirit is that even when you recognize that you are a sheep when you recognize that you are in a position that makes you feel vulnerable when you recognize then Lord this this seems so far beyond me when you recognize that do not forget that you have a shepherd that yes, you can be a sheep and yes, you can be among wolves, but you have a pastor and a pastor who intends to support you and a pastor who intends to expand your territory, you see, it's fascinating that the more you think you are not qualified for the job.
God starts opening another door to say, “Oh, look at this, I'm actually showing you that what you thought was a threat isn't really a threat to you, and so what are the things that you seem to know, men? ". like trees walking I feel like a grasshopper and the righteous one in the room full of giants Jesus could have allowed him to see men like ants man like a cat so he could be anything but when he saw that he spoke to something if you You can be a sheep and you can be among wolves , but you have a shepherd and yes, people can come against you and even what may seem like rejection is actually your shepherd still protecting you.
You have a shepherd who watches over you. David said that the Lord is my shepherd. You will not be lacking. I do not have the reality of luck because I have a bird that guards me and that is why anything that seems to come against you in the places that God has given you.called you have to remember I have a shepherd I have a Good Shepherd who keeps me there yes I may be vulnerable but I have a shepherd yes this may seem like I'm out of place but I have a shepherd there are times when God will open certain doors that will get you started to question yourself and God I am really, really, really, the person you are calling for this and he says if you focus on me, we would do everything and more, so you have to focus on that Lord, that's why it's whatever. could be happening I have a pastor and the fact is so beautiful that when Jesus laid hands on him again it made him look at me, that speaks of the love of God, that God is so intentional with you that he recognizes even when something seems to dominate you, I would create a scenario for him to do so. you recognize.
My son, my daughter, I've been with you all this time, it's not as hard as you think. You see, what is also fascinating about this scripture is that it talks about what would happen right after this man receives his complete healing, but then this would begin Jesus' journey to Jerusalem and Jerusalem would be the place that would also be rejected and then crucified you see. , it would be in Jerusalem that the soldiers and the people would spit on Jesus and lay hands on him, but violent hands. because this is when the scriptures tell us how they slapped him and beat him and things that make me more grateful that we have a savior who would do that for us, but he will go to Jerusalem and they will spit on him.
Then he would be rejected by the people and would be crucified. It would seem to the disciples that this is really the Messiah because it would seem that these and are like walking trees. Jesus is now dominated by the people, but everything was. part of a divine plan that Jesus could have unleashed angels at any time but the rejection of the people was part of a divine plan because it was on the cross that he earned a name that is above any other name and name that we now have the ability to use in the war, you see, but if we look at history, ah, they rejected Jesus and that was negative, Jesus even said: Father, forgive them because they do not know what they do, he understood something about rejection, that yes, they do not accept me, but.
It is because of their lack of information, it has nothing to do with my value of my density. They lack information about who I am and for that, Lord, forgive them. It was on the cross that we freed ourselves from all the addictions that could try to keep us united. It was on that same cross. , the same cross that was placed for rejection, that was the place where we gained our freedom and that is why family, this message today is very simple but it is something I believe in. that the Holy Spirit will write in their hearts that every rejection every place where they have ever felt rejected they were rejected for a purpose if you think now think about the same things that you felt at some point that God I alone if this happens I would simply praise you and God would close the door and think about how much you are grateful that He closed that door.
Think about the things you thought were against you and think about the depth of wisdom he planted in you if you can put them down. memories together and you can say Lord, I remember how you kept me. I remember how you kept me from my own ignorance. I remember yes, I may have been angry with you, but God, that rejection served a purpose, they are not negative words, family, they are not. does not speak against your value or your value is actually to you if Jesus' rejection led to victory and power then what about you? How about you?
One of the things God is really leading you to. and that's why we have to look at anything whenever something happens that involves two different opinions, the enemy wants to use that to plant a seed of dysfunction in you and a seed of bitterness, but God wants to use that same thing to plant a seed of trust and the seed of hope and a seed of faith so that you know that God if you close this door, something bigger is on the way thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus family stay with me I want to pray thank you lord thank you lord family, I want to talk to those who have misunderstood what rejection represented in his life, you see, because there are things like I said before that simply cannot be avoided, it's like, for example, offense, offense is something that you don't have to accept.
People will do things that would offend you, not because people want to offend you, it's just because of how you interpret their actions, because everyone has a way of interpreting people's actions and some things you interpret as good, other things you interpret as bad, and That's how it would always be. come but you don't have to accept it rejection would always come in life because not everyone would always understand what you are called to do you are not called to everyone you are not called to please everyone not everyone is assigned to your dream and then there will be people who simply because life would not agree with you, there will be people who, in your understanding, should be assigned to this thing and heaven says I never call that person to that project and then just for life there are people who you would look at and say oh man, this is it the one for me God, I think you've introduced me to my spouse and you'll think his rejection speaks to your worth, no it doesn't, it just means that was never meant to be and that's why we can't bear the weight.
I heard someone say that you will never be the right person for the wrong person, so whatever it is in our lives, family, you can't look at rejection and think that rejection is speaking against your worth, your value. or the value of what God put in you is not only that where you are taking it also does not have the capacity or it was not assigned to you and by that it means that God is only going to guide you and that is why I love the saying that He Rejection is a redirection because the right thing to do is that God will guide you to what is for you.
Rejection will always have a purpose that works for you, it will always have a purpose that speaks to you and that's why I think the reason for this message was. What weighed so heavily on my heart is that if we walk with the feeling of feeling rejected and we will carry this weight in our lives and it would almost be that we would begin to project it on people and we will not trust people. and we're not going to talk and we're not going to be bold about the things that God is telling us to do and the crazy thing is when you think that rejection is against you, you will stop, you will stop following the leading of the Holy Spirit because you are going to think, oh, here we go again, but when you recognize that no, it's actually for me and the Lord, if I didn't hear you correctly, I want to try again because sometimes we can make mistakes, sometimes maybe what.
I heard the voice of my own desire maybe I heard the voice of my own ego maybe I heard the voice of society's expectations maybe I called that voice the voice of the Lord it's okay to be wrong but don't do it Consider doing it wrong as a way to silence the Spirit of God because the way God speaks to us could come through the same channels where we hear the voices of fear and we hear the voices of doubt and the voices of society and sometimes you. I may be wrong, but it's okay that even in those moments you can come back to the presence of the Lord and say Lord, you know, maybe I heard, I heard this wrong, maybe I perceived it wrong.
One thing I have learned, family, is that God will never be my problem God will never be the problem in any situation and that is why if something in the situation does not work now it is not because God is the problem sometimes we have to humble ourselves to recognize maybe I was wrong maybe that wasn't the company maybe that wasn't the person maybe that wasn't the place maybe that wasn't the position and yes I know, I prayed and I fasted, but prayer is not about my demands, prayers about heaven require that the prayer be about a time when I agree with what heaven said it is not for heaven to agree with what I want and then there may be things that you have You've prayed and you've fasted and it feels like actually the more you pray you don't worry daddy died and you wonder God did you ever listen to me?
You see what I didn't share with you and I talked about the person whose mother, when the Lord said it's the mother's time, I didn't tell them because I felt like God to others. that's just not fair sure you should give them more time and I didn't say anything and he tells me this would happen in less than a week and I didn't say anything and I let them continue praying because he was wondering if God maybe you would. He changed his mind and it happened within three days and when it happened he told me that if you had told them you would have given them time to say goodbye, but instead they used their time to almost make it look like God was withholding something good. from them and that taught me something family made me begin to understand that prayers are not our demands and maybe I need to humble myself to really listen to what God is saying and submit to understand that God maybe sometimes I'm still discovering how you move and how you work and I should never conclude them because you did this this way for another person you would do it this way for the next person what is it and so we allow ourselves to carry this burden and we think God put it all down and it didn't work and you killed it Lord, but What if we were praying our own prayers and what if we weren't taking advantage of what happened?
Saying that God will never be the problem. What was crazy was that after the mother passed away. and I shared it with him and I said, I'm sorry, I knew I was supposed to tell you this, that it was indeed his time and when we talked, he told me that something in his heart was sorry, but that he was trying to push the limits. to see that maybe maybe something would change but he had a piece about it and that's why I praise God, but sometimes it's not always like that because I've been there, I've been in the position when I'm praying and I'm fasting for something that God never assigned me and I had to humble myself to say God you know what the voice that directed that same prayer was not the voice of the Holy Spirit it was the voice of my ego and sometimes God responds to me in a different way when he purifies the desire and the intention and that's what I love about worship because when we worship God when we worship when we worship and present our requests to the Lord worship purifies the intention suddenly I'm like God I really don't want that and I started to see where that desire was coming from, It is never that God rejects you, some will withhold something good from you, oh God, what God would call something good if he rejected you, that would never be the case we serve. in fact, it's a very good God and sometimes we just have to trust them, we just have to be patient and we just have to know that God, I may not understand your ways because your ways are not mine, but the more I walk with you, I close that. gap the more I experience you, the more I communicate with you, the more intimate I have with you.
I'm starting to close that gap. I'm starting to understand how you see life. I begin to have peace about the ways you move because I recognize that it will always be that way. I know for me, family, if you're in this house and there were things that you felt like you were putting against God because you felt like God you should have done this. I prayed and fasted and nothing came. I want you to do it. come down because the Lord is healing your heart right now thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and there are two cases in this because in some cases for some of you the law reveals that it was never my voice that guided you to pray that prayer and in other cases the Lord is speaking to you that I answer buried prayers so if I can resurrect people, I can resurrect your prayers, you see, for some of you doors will open that would surprise you because they weren't.
You expected it, but the Holy Spirit will remind you that this was a prayer you buried, thank you Jesus, thank you family Jesus, if you are in this house and you did not understand what rejection is really doing in your life, you are dirtying yourself and the Holy One. The spirit is touching your heart to recognize that it is always for you God will always be for you if that is you I want you to come down the Lord is healing hearts tonight thank you Jesus thank you thank you Lord you see the reason why I call you go down to the altar is because when you recognize what was happening the enemy cannot function in the light when you recognize that God actually hurt me when you recognize that God you know what he had this expectation of you when you recognize what was going on in your heart you give God permission to heal you but if you hide it from God you can't see what a misconception we have is that God wants us to pretend that we are fine, that you know, let the weak say I.
I am strong but you have to recognize that you are weak it is not a question of hiding your weakness just to say God you are my strength you do not have to recognize that I am weak to say that I am strong and so you cannot hide your pain from God and think that that is what he wants, you already know, but he needs you to recognize it in order to heal you because if you hide it from him, the enemy works in the dark, he builds in the dark, so if you hide and hold him back. from it you simply give him space for the enemy to continue building, he builds where you cannot see him, the moment you see him, he is exposed and has no place to stay the moment you recognize, oh, that's ego, ya It cannot exist at the moment when you recognize that I did this out of pride, you will not continue to do it because who is really excited about being proud, but if you hide it and cover it up and want to maintain this image, you give the enemy more ground in your life and forthat I call you down to the altar that every step you take is actually about what is happening between you and God it is not about people that the moment you say you know what I don't care how people are going to treat me perceive that the moment you leave you say God, I recognize that something went wrong and I'm walking now because I'm taking a step of faith and saying: Lord, I'm going to believe that every rejection was actually working.
For my sake and I'm I'm going to believe that yes, they may have been things that I believed and thought were supposed to happen and they didn't, but they could be so many different things Lord, maybe you're revealing to me that that was never you or maybe that. was if the answer is for a certain time and I just have to trust you either way it's just about standing before the Lord and saying lord if I'm wrong let me know one of the most powerful things you can do is to never be mistaken. too attached to a prayer never be too attached to me to not hear what happens if it is from God or not never be too attached to a study request that you do not discern where it comes from you do not discern your intention and so on, when you can give the Holy Spirit space, you can say God, I know there's a desire in my heart for this, but show me if you want me to let it go, girl, I'll let this go. in an instant, but if you tell me that this is mine, I will pursue it relentlessly and I will come every day to look for you and cover it in prayer, but I never want a prayer request to take over my hearts more than you do.
I want to see what I am asking for I am seeking to have a greater weight in my heart than you Lord I do not want things to have me I want you to have all of me we were singing in worship God give me an abandoned heart that all I want is you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus some of you in this house may be at the altar I don't know it was a little vigilance because of the circumstances that have surrounded your life Some of you didn't even want to come to church today, but because of the circumstances that surrounded your life , you have been rejecting the blow of the Holy Spirit, you have been rejecting God, you have been rejecting his leading because I just feel how can a good God allow this to happen in my life, but family, if you have an experience like this, believe me, how much The more you walk with God, the longer you live, you will recognize that everything really works together for the good of each one.
What you would learn is that God is not a waster. God does not waste any experience you have gone through. God wastes no pain. He wastes no pain. He wastes no tears. of the circumstances that surrounded your life you have rejected a lock of the Holy Spirit and that this is an opportunity family that you are willing and your boat to say God come into my life come into my heart I want to make you my lord that you are I want you to be my Lord and my Savior I no longer want to walk with this weight of feeling that everything is against me the world is against me and you are against me God brought you to this house because he is calling you home he is calling you home he wants to do your heart is your home and that is why if you are not at the altar I want you to come down to this altar thank you Jesus thank you Jesus God sees you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah for those of the observation I just want you to raise your hands father God we thank you for what are you doing now we thank you that you are healing hearts we thank you lord thank you Jesus I have it your healing arts lorig in your healing minds florica your rewriting of history you are allowing your children to see that no that was never again she oh that it was actually for me when this incident happened oh actually it wasn't against me, it was actually for me while April 20th was it wasn't the worst day of my life, it was actually one of the best days Lord you are rewriting the story, thank you sir, do what you want in the lives of your sons and daughters, write this in your hearts.
Lord God made this day, that one is taking place right now at the altar Lord God may it be engraved in your hearts Lorca that you never depart from him and I cannot like this every attack of the enemy that will cause you so that will make you feel so that no There are things perhaps against me but they would recognize that when I feel sheep when I feel vulnerable when I sit among men walking through those streets that I would remember that I have a shepherd a shepherd who keeps me we thank you Lord for every rejection he is actually working together for our good and I thank you Lord for those who took a step of faith and said Lord, I would no longer block your spirit, I would no longer block the direction of your spirit, but I recognize that you are for me. and I would resolve in my mind that you will never be the problem so that I open my heart to know more if you want to grow in yourself Lord God I to Jesus there you will speak to your children that every seed of bitterness is being torn out right now all the rules of the businesses have been uprooted right now in the name of Jesus Lord God they would not walk as if everything was fine on the surface and dying inside lord I thank you that joy would spring from within I thank you that joy would spring from within the joy of the Lord Our strength is the joy of the Lord that is not attached to anything or any place or any person but a joy that has its roots in knowing you Lord Jesus a joy that is ruling an intimacy with you I thank you Lord because a joy would spring from within of your children and it would be their strength make your way have your awakening in the name of Jesus Amen amen

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