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REGINA FALLS DOWN HATCH! Spending 24 Hours Spying on Mr. E to Reveal Project Zorgo Hacker Secrets!

May 16, 2024
What's up, spy ninjas? We have the best video ever happening here today because the guys can't believe the mission I just went on. Remember I dressed up as Joseph Bank, I met with him and found out he was a good guy, he wasn't the evil scientist, no, no, no, he said the scientist is evil, I talked to him, he helped me, I don't know anything of this, Daniel, take the camera here, I know this is evil, just accept it. He said you were evil, so Chad don't be afraid. I'm good with the hot three or Daniel with the elves.
regina falls down hatch spending 24 hours spying on mr e to reveal project zorgo hacker secrets
How are you going to prove it? Show me you're good. Watch


s or the latest ghost video. It has vital information that is key. for your safety live new video buddy check this out idk what okay here it is yeah there was a new video today it has come to our attention that spy ninjas discovered a secret photograph from long ago At the time, this document was never supposed to see the light of day. Look, look, the leader even knows what these images are. We thought you were shaking hands with the preferable leader. Well, of course, he would know that he was there and that I was there.
regina falls down hatch spending 24 hours spying on mr e to reveal project zorgo hacker secrets

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regina falls down hatch spending 24 hours spying on mr e to reveal project zorgo hacker secrets...

Let's keep looking, maybe you can help us find. the location of this third individual shown here, He Who Shall Not Be Named, disappeared years ago, yeah, I was worried who is that character that is always on the right in the picture, Joseph, who is that guy. I haven't seen him in years. I don't do it at all corn, what is his name? Oh, I don't remember how he looks at it. If the spy ninjas don't manage to bring me this missing person, I will delete one of the most loved videos on Clay's channel, Deadpool vs Batman, which was one of my first videos that I made fighting with Justin oh, that's a good one, we can't let that brother Circle delete this video, these videos got 5 million views, ok Joseph Banks you need to tell us who is this third character in this picture, we need to find him. and we have to take it to the leader.
regina falls down hatch spending 24 hours spying on mr e to reveal project zorgo hacker secrets
Yes, I will help you as much as I can, but I don't remember at the moment, so if something ruins my memory, you would be the first to know. Jorgen Melvin, refresh your memory of him, are you ready, Joseph? Thanks for a brain scan maybe it'll be after lunch okay lunch is served rope this Melvin calm down where the spine is full of cum we can find out who this third guy is yeah we can go back down to the


look for more clues I'll open some more of those closets that will tell us who's right the third guy I don't think we should go down the


, right?
regina falls down hatch spending 24 hours spying on mr e to reveal project zorgo hacker secrets
Joseph Banks um, that's what you told us, yeah, he's very wise, she understands how dangerous he is, what was that? Who the hell could it be? He has bright red gloves. I remember this. I got a FaceTime call, it's mr. and mr. This is Hannigan. Oh, everyone, calm down. I just saw his hands on the keyboards moving like that. Should we open the door or not open the door? AHA. Oh, she's getting angry now that she's spoiling her. Oh my God, I don't think so. We should open the door I think it's bad Yes, let's not let him into the safe house What's the worst he can do It can't be that bad He took you to your mom You like him to your dog He took me to my dead grandparents I agree, some wishes have just opened the door.
We left here, no, my son, who is that here? We must have taken too long, they must have laughed, they got bored, we kicked them, boys, well, it can't be that far to the right, let's go, yeah, let's go to the farm, okay, yeah. sounds good thanks come with us we're a good mystery no I'm too old for this mess it's too bad for me I'm not talking about this kind of excitement I need to get ready for game night I'll see you in the morning oh yeah yeah , well, I stop by the morning crime mystery, come on, yeah, okay, mystery, mystery, he'll be around here somewhere.
Do you see it anywhere? He had those red gloves on, just look for the guys with red gloves, Sherlock, like we're looking right here. look in the grass maybe it's your pineapple don't be ridiculous Melvin he was right here you saw Regina a certain hello pollutant are you trying to figure out who I am? Yeah, we're trying to figure out who you are, well, don't even do it. annoying, I'm too smart for you, yeah, just because you have that disappearing trick, like Regina Regina can do that too, right, Regina, I can do better, yeah, you're not that smart, don't insult me, I'm trying to help you .
If you try to help us, why did you disappear? You should have come here and talked to us. What's happening? You don't want to see your face or what listening takes. I'll make sure your video doesn't get deleted. Saturday, oh yes I will do anything to not get deleted, please tell us what we have to do to not let that video get deleted. There is more equipment in the hatch that they have not yet discovered. Okay, guys, we have to go down to the hatch. Right now we have to find out who that third person is.
Let's go, you know, during that long walk home. I think I changed my mind. I trust in mysteries. Oh, how about you remember to save them? Maybe whatever's in the safe is about that. third person in the image oh yes what code should we try so much comment has happened Alex López said that the code is 16 26 because P is equal to 16 and C is equal to 26 ready guys 16:26 enter incorrect try again in 2009 I Alex, We can't try again for another 24


now, otherwise it's self-destructive, okay, if all the spy ninjas agreed, the guys still aren't going, so we have to go home, we get hurt, yeah, no, Environmental Protection, you know what time it is, it's time to get dressed, yeah, oh right, who. wants to go down the ladder first who wants to go down first I'm here so you have to go first like my dough Brooke Regina she's not going down yes, hey, take it, it's very difficult to climb a ladder and hold the camera, the symptom Look, don't you Take this seriously, Regina.
I have this conversation. I really want to show all these fighting ninjas at home that I'm awesome. I understood this. Hey, fine, we'll be right behind you. Okay guys, wish me luck. the leader of the pack oh I'm sure I did it slow and steady yeah yeah yeah I hear you hey slow and steady win the race man this is harder than I thought holding a camera going down down a ladder, oh, did you get clumsy?, what's going on? Stay down here, are you okay? I don't know if I can stand. Your leg hurts or what my leg hurts.
My neck hurts a little. My back hurts. You should be lying down right now. You need to keep your head stabilized. Check your pulse. What is your? name Regina yes, where do you live in this egg house what year is it who does it in 20 his mind is fine what's wrong with his leg because his leg Melvin Wow, it's his femur, leave me, he suffered a lot of damage to that bone, it hurts , No? I feel like a fever it feels worse fever even femur with an M your bone like the monkey I love lemurs Oh femur I don't think she's all there in the brain right now well, any minute the gas will come in and it won't make her work rescuing Regina easier.
We need to get her up this ladder right now. She will hurt you, but you have to get on my back. It's the only way out of here. Come on, she'll get on that leg. Oh, piggyback, are you sure you can? Climb this ladder Melvin my heart is beating so fast if this isn't adrenaline I don't know what's okay here we go you have that hose fight oh oh we're dead you have this oh my god you guys oh my god Eugene Are you okay? Oh, this is beyond our ninja spy skills. We have to take her to the hospital.
Well, maybe she's okay. How many fingers am I holding Thomas Jefferson? That? Regina recites the alphabet backwards. Oh my god, she's missing out. Well, this. It's a sign of possibly an intracranial hemorrhage, we have a hospital, oh man, we better call the ambulance right now. I'm using your phone Daniel, okay, yeah, hello, I mean, Amber, we had a girl here who's dazed and confused, she took a big fall. I'll be here in ten minutes just hold on Regina, let's ask her more questions to see if she's okay, like seven by seven, no, oh, let's put her in the ambulance, we'll come visit you in a moment, she'll be okay, do you think? oh I think she'll be fine yeah just a checkup sure make sure everything's okay yeah yeah she's more than just a checkup she's a brain scan a cat scan a dog scan let's go in to may he return well.
I'm glad most paramedics ask why. we're wearing these suits okay I hope Regina's okay guys we have to get back to that hatch because we need to find out who that third mysterious character is in that photo with Joseph Banks in the lead otherwise the


circle is I will, oh really, I'll go back to the hatch, don't you see what happened to Regina? No, we're not as clumsy as Regina. You have to admit that we can get there without slipping. What do you say if you want? Go down the hatch on the right, but it's a little dangerous, not only did that just happen, but there's smoke coming out, we can't breathe, the environments are crazy, it was like Haughton, how cold, let's wait for Regina to come back from the hospital and see what . she has to say I'm sure she'll say let's go down, that's a good idea, spy on ninjas, what do you think?
Should we go down the hatch or should we not go down the hatch? I'm here now. I did it. I don't know, this was bad Regina, okay, flowers at the doctor all night, well, don't worry Regina, the column is here, I really care about you, we have something for you, yes, yes, we have some gifts for you happy, gifts for me, I'm still waiting for my birthday to come. here Gina, I'll get well soon chocolate, hey Daniel, it's open, yeah, I ate some, no, I didn't know it would be there for so long. I'm hungry. door, Regina, I also bought you something and I didn't eat it here, viola cam here. let's look at what I have Regina I know you're the girl this is a better gift than Daniels oh I have something for you too Regina really there you're going to lift them up use those muscles let's go down this way there's a lot going on around me I still need to get used to it to walk What have you been doing?
I was away for a long time. Well, we're still trying to hunker down because if they don't, the projects or ghosts will still delete Chad's video. I can't let you guys do that, don't go down the hatch, it's too dangerous. I broke my neck and legs through Melvin and Daniel can go down there. Yes, we will do it. Why don't we head to headquarters? Now we can take the DeLorean, take it up the pyramid to the top to the light so you can turn off the lights, drop it really hard, smash it and then we can take control of its servers, just take the full result of the practice.
Wow. I've been a pretty boy, oh yeah, B, that's great, but I still want to go down the hatch, it's right down there, it's a lot easier, you know? Let's vote, raise your hand if you want to go down the hatch. three three now raise your hands if you want to do this Delorean plan and all three: kids win, let's go down the hatch. What about Joseph's Bank? She said not to go down the hatch. Yes, he is not very intelligent, we should take his opinion. Keep in mind so you're out of the engine there's four against three but he's not here right now so it's three against two should we go down the hatch or not how many times do I have to tell you it's too dangerous to go down that hatch stay out of there?
If Joseph, if we don't post a protection circle, he will delete one of my videos, he is one of my favorites, well, sometimes sacrifices have to be made in the name of safety, since when does his vote count? He's not even a spine ninja, why? We haven't recovered and we're just here to vote? Comment below, type hatch if you think we should go down the hatch or type Delorean if you think we should drive the DeLorean to the top of the pyramid, it's crazy, okay? Looks like it's the girls I belong to on this side It's the girls against the boys, put your face here, yeah, the boys want to go down the hatch, the girls won, do the Delorean thing, yeah, great plan, yeah , guys, girls, that doesn't count anyway, so we.
We'll have a boys vs. girls challenge to decide whose idea is the winner, oh man, yeah, it'll be in the next video that's on Beat Quinn's channel, so make sure you're subscribed to it and that video will be right up there. Melvin Hayes' shadow told you that the notification ninjas were showing a bunch of your comments down here thanks for getting here in the first 60 minutes, let's kick B's video.

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