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Reduce Shedding: French Bulldog Fur Maintenance

May 08, 2024
thank you hello everyone, welcome back. I'm here with Mila and I'm Michelle, her mom, and if you've been watching our videos, you know that I prefer to stay out of the vet's office, so with that being said, we'll be here today. talking about coat


Neely gets compliments all the time on how soft her coat is and I agree that number one starts with diet so be sure to watch our video about her diet and what foods Mila eats but number two I will show you. a few things we use when we work on maintaining her coat and reducing


because I'm sure all of you can't handle


like me.
reduce shedding french bulldog fur maintenance
I always have a lint roller on hand. I'll end the fluff. rolling pin, so Mila likes that, but number one, I always have some treats on hand, so the treats I give her are all healthy, basically organ meats, but I always like to make this fun and tell her it's a good girl, so Melina, you're so good. a good girl, so we'll leave them here, the other thing is that I like to wash her with Derm alley, it's oatmeal shampoo. I'm sure any oatmeal shampoo works great. I love the way it smells and we do this at least almost every day. for his feet or before going into his cage, he is a germaphobe and I think especially in some parks, you don't know what is on the ground and a lot of things can get on his paws and you can get sick.
reduce shedding french bulldog fur maintenance

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reduce shedding french bulldog fur maintenance...

So I prefer to stay away from the vet. I prefer to invest five minutes of my time or less. Actually, it will probably take us two minutes. Mila, washing your feet properly, it probably takes us two minutes, but the first thing I've been using is This firming some people recommended it and all I do is talk to Mila, talk to her about her puppy dream that she had and, well, You know, I'm sure it feels good. I love getting my hair done in a dry bar, so I can't imagine this is something you know any dog ​​would enjoy, but as for Mila's short hair, you know, for all you guys out there with a Frenchie or some kind of short haired dog, I'm sure you know it's like they just keep falling out and falling out and falling out, so I'm going to do this a few times and then I'll be left with a clump of hair like this.
reduce shedding french bulldog fur maintenance
I'll put it aside and say, "Oh, Mila, you're a good girl." just do his whole body, we'll do his chest, especially here where his collar normally goes and behind his ears and um, I've been doing this almost every day, but that's just because I have some free time, I would say for a while though. She was doing this every day, but her shedding is quite a bit of hair everywhere, so I've been using the Raider signature and she seems to enjoy it, sometimes I rub her belly and tell her, Mila, you're like that. a good girl, right, and it must be nice to just be a dog and be steady all the time, so I'll probably do it three four times until I have a few strands of hair and then when I wash her, one of my best friends told me .
reduce shedding french bulldog fur maintenance
Tell me about this glove, it's called Hands-On. I'm sure you can find it on Amazon, that's what I did, but it's pizza nails, but it definitely helps remove the hair because there are little grooves here, so when it's wet on bath day. I'll do this too, but even on a normal day just to


some of this shedding, so we'll firm up for a few minutes, we'll do this meal, it feels really good, yeah, and then the final thing is what we do. With us I'm always removing lint if I'm dressed in black like I am now, so I'll check out Milo with the lint roller.
I would say this is something she's definitely not a fan of compared to the other stuff, but you know, you might as well go straight to the source and you know, if you have any skincare tips, feel free to put it in the comments or let me know, send me a message and now this becomes your skin care. It's really that simple and I would say, as I shared before, diet and what you feed them is what creates her soft, luscious, soft coat. Mila, you are like a fur blanket. Make sure to share this with a friend, someone else who You might need some ideas on how to help with shedding and I'll see you in our future videos.

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