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Red Food vs Blue Food Challenge

Jun 02, 2021
Cassie Red is better, come on, admit she's


. I'm serious right now. I don't play anymore. She is red. Do you want me to record this or should I? Oh my God, they're recording all this time. Yes, we look good. You did it? I didn't get it right, no, I mean, yeah, yeah, just cut it out today, we're doing a


because we were watching red versus


videos for fun and I thought blue is way better and I was like red, obviously, because that's my power color and Yeah, we're both very stubborn about this so we're actually doing it, we mean it and we're mad at each other for it.
red food vs blue food challenge
Yeah, we really thought about it, but you know, I have my favorite vegetable tomatoes. fruit, I call it a vegetable because I put it in a salad, it makes sense, anyway you don't understand me, in a fight we went to the Korean supermarket, so I don't know what all this is, but I'm sure it's blue and it's red and It says ramune drink not sure what it is but I'm excited to try it oh hey mine has blueberries oh mine has strawberries blueberries no strawberries are much better this is like an ice ball how ? Do you open this?
red food vs blue food challenge

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red food vs blue food challenge...

What's that? Separate the plunger from the center of the lid. Press down firmly to release the marble. There you have it. We separate it. Can you separate mine? Yes, I'm still angry though, but we have this. Yeah, wow, push. push push ah it hurts it hurts whoa first round for me because I opened it first there's like a marble yes, it's like floating okay, cheers round one that is very refreshing and good and it's not too sweet but it really tastes like strawberries each blue drink tastes very good It tastes like a blue raspberry, I'm sure, but this one tastes like a good strawberry and has soda in it, you can hear it, it's good, I approve, the red one is better, no, this is not only good, it's great, oh, we're using those words.
red food vs blue food challenge
Now you're grape, isn't that cool, although it's blueberry, you know what it would go great with? Are you going to try to poison him with something? Yeah, sing the song, the poison song, okay, so I literally found a bowl of green noodles and obviously I like Korean noodles. Hmm, I'm usually pretty defensive about blue, but I really don't think this is the case. How does it taste like seaweed? This one tastes very spicy. I'm delicious. I could eat it all. It's like the norm for Korean


, although it has chunks. like green algae because you chose green baby, I think red is better in this case, right, I think so, but I think two winners no, not two wins, two wins, okay, I'll need a phone because we know what flavor the of nora.
red food vs blue food challenge
It's apples, what the hell is ramoon, huh, why are there clear water glasses on the packaging? I think it's like their sports drink, but I'm excited for my apple, so I feel like I'm going to win this one. Oh wow, so it is. like a jelly hey, mine is actually blue, it's so delicious, what do I want to try, but I can't, it's my fault, it's good, but I don't know what it is, I can smell yours, yeah, smell it like toothpaste, it tastes refreshing. I think they try to make candy with refreshing water. The apple wins.
Apples suck. jealous. The next one is Asian, but I'm sure I have it in the bag because the cool ranch Doritos are the best Doritos ever and I think these are average. dorito flavors fromage nacho cheese but we have wonder woman so you know you get beauty points for gal gadot there yeah oh my gosh when these first came out I think I was in high school and I was like ew a blue bag What is a ranch? What do you mean? But it's so good. I'll give you that one. That's my favorite flavor once we get healthy.
Blueberry tomato. I think I win. I think I win. They say blueberries are really good for antioxidants, I think it's not specific to blueberries, yeah, but those are the ones with the most antioxidants, so she wins this one, thanks, but these aren't bad, obviously, I mean, They are cherry tomatoes. You're okay, I actually really like this, I don't even know what it is, so there's a little chick with a helmet. Okay, it's very clear that yours is strawberry. The problem with the blue flavor is that I feel like no one knows what it looks like. like it's just milk, it tastes like milk, I'm going to win this milk flavored water for kids, is it water, although it's clear that it's not milk, soda, strawberry flavor, oh, something still came out?
I'm a person who opens things with my teeth I'm a person who opens things with my skirt it tastes like real strawberry juice okay, I'm afraid because I expected you to have a slight strawberry flavor oh, it's very sweet so you'll get milk juice, this reminds me of my baby days it was like a baby it's good that's so good it's okay you'll probably win because I'm not dying for this one it's a little transparent underneath it's a transparent


so it seems like it has a hint of flavor this one really tastes like juice , oh blue food, I like how you can never know what to expect from blue food, it actually tastes like a white freezie, oh, it tastes like white powerade and white frizzy together, that's not milk flavor, you stupid liar.
Yeah, hit it harder, oh, shoot, bye, wait, you wanted to taste that good, give me those fumes, brute security first, that's why we don't share, yeah, we haven't seen anyone since zero, just each other, for That's just each of us. other friends right now so we're making these cookie things that are like pretzel sticks that are dipped in chocolate it's like pocky but I've never had yum yum it's yan yum oh yum yum yum yum we didn't have that either hey Hello, regards, Ugh, yeah, yeah, it was so awkward, I love it, okay, I just want to eat this now, look how creamy yours is, it's creamier, oh, why is it mine?
So it looks like Nutella, it's a stage beetle. Mine says Amanda loves bamboo, he certainly does. I like how blue is often associated with vanilla because vanilla is very, very good. I'm really upset right now because white chocolate frosting is my favorite. You can choose this round too. I like pocky much better than this one. I don't know what's wrong with this stick it's too sweet I don't like it oh my god you have to see this this says octopus eight arms and there's a little octopus on top oh grab a pound of mine they're all different inside oh wait horse who wrote this horse It's my neighbor quack quack I love these okay look how stereotypical this is a cunning and cunning fox that's not true the foxes are cute and fast and have gray hair rhino nose horn okay so I don't understand it then, what? what does your neighbor make horse what do you have nora I have easy milk it's strawberry flavor again what about you the red one is very restrictive mine is milk and yogurt I hope mine is better this time but they are both carbonated dairy drinks oh drink strawberry carbonated what yikers that's delicious, I can't imagine that yogurt and milk are well carbonated, it's not, no, I want to go to karaoke, I want to take this to my stand, make a mixed drink and, just, liar, if they can make it taste good, that should be the winner. that's because it's hard to do right, it's good, but this one is even better or does it taste artificial, no no, it tastes amazing like a little strawberry juice in a nice soda, refreshing milk, who would have thought it wouldn't Is there caffeine or preservatives? no corn syrup, yes we won, made in Korea, well this one has phosphoric acid and soy polysaccharide, we have filtered water, oh I think you win, yes I think Nora is going to win, I think I will too because she has haichu, look, she has strawberry in the center, oh.
My God, what do you have? I don't even know what this is. You do not know what it is. No, Japan's first robotic cat. Doraemon. How do you not know this? I thought you would watch anime. Okay, I feel like it. poser right now and by the way, I'm really sorry about how I've been pronouncing these names, but I don't know who it is, it's a kids anime, it's amazing, they have like a thousand episodes, okay, anime queen, whatever. jealous, now you have my favorite thing and I have the strawberry to chew oh girl, how cute is that, without a doubt, look at this, the gum is blue at first, it tastes very strange and then it tastes like juicy fruit and I love juicy food what a hate juicy fruits so i win why do you hate juicy fruits? too sweet it's not that sweet this is the kind of gum that loses its flavor in two seconds I feel a little sick I know this will win I've brought shame to my family welcome back to in the living room it's tea time and here we have nora with what white cake a white torch and what do you have my dear a white hazelnut um it's going to be spectacular it's going to be absolutely fantastic mine is bigger than yours oh that's not fair oh, that's very nice, that's very nice , mine are just these sticks, oh those might be my favorites, I love white cream, oh it tastes like those crackers with cream filling, what about you?
It's as simple as a cookie, like a nice sweet cookie with a little line of chocolate but you don't even taste the chocolate you want it's like well it reminds me of well chicapee hit this brand actually these guys are probably the first these are classy although you know your real friend when you clean the crumbs off my skirt I'm scared, I don't like airheads, oh I only learned about airheads like three years ago because I thought it was like one of those food rugs, wait, how old were you? When did you move here? Seven fresh off the boat, this one's good, oh. mine is very very red oh wait what flavors is it cherry it smells very artificial blue raspberry a delicious taste but look at these tongues mmm that's the brand I'm going to make that that's very good my bitter I like it oh my god it's a good artificial shit and the korean stuff a lot of it was contrived but it was good wait let me have some milkies wait let me have some milkies cheers my love cheers I think I won this


what no yeah you were telling me I won all the time.
You are talking? I said you only won two of all the eight things we tried. Okay, I win, I'll allow you one. The blue one is still pretty tasty. Although it is. I especially agree with most of the things You won like I changed all these things to blue. It's fun because it's surprising. Red is fun because you know what you're going to get and you know it's going to be passable. I hope you enjoyed this if you wanted to. See me again, be sure to send notifications, go check out Norah's channel, she is an absolute goddess, just stop, you're making me blush, oh wow, that's cool, seriously, uh-huh, anyway, I'll see you guys on The next one, goodbye.

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