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Red Dead Online Frontier Pursuits Update! Bounty Hunting Wagon & Tier 3 Bounties!

Apr 10, 2024
Well, hello, glorious humans of the Internet, welcome back to Red Dead Online. We have the group. We'll have some fun today. I have leveled up quite a bit. I really haven't slept much in the last few days. We have all of our jobs right now at level 3, which is pretty good, so we get the


cart, we get the



cart. I have videos about all that coming out this weekend, really interesting content, in fact I've been getting a lot of them. I'm having fun with the new Let's Play style, kind of going back to my roots of how I really wanted to make videos on YouTube and I hope everyone is enjoying them.
red dead online frontier pursuits update bounty hunting wagon tier 3 bounties
I'll do some real tutorials like tips and tricks videos, but I'll try. and now also give my tips and tutorials within these videos, but let me know in the chat right now if you're enjoying them, but anyway, yeah, now we have a restock for the Crips trading company and then we'll get into some. Level 3 Rewards: These are the highest level you can get before the legendary rewards we will get at the maximum level. In fact, there may be level 4 rewards. I don't know, but level 3 rewards are crazy, sometimes even. having explosive ammo and stuff, it's cool that this Red Dead bombing is killing you or why, for better or for worse, oh Captain John, what will happen to eternal damnation when Gibbs comes out in court, I love it , maybe we will be able to do it.
red dead online frontier pursuits update bounty hunting wagon tier 3 bounties

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red dead online frontier pursuits update bounty hunting wagon tier 3 bounties...

I want to make more Borderlands 3 content, but I'm pretty tired, so I want to play a game I already know because I can make better content for it. I've been exhausted the last two days and I apologize, we'll do something else. more Borderlands tomorrow night or tomorrow during the day make an early broadcast what's going on Tony rush how are you Sean Hufford from session Oh Mex, I was wondering what was going on. I thought, "He doesn't know that he invited them." What happened. There have been a lot of problems with Posse for those of you who are members, patrons or patrons and wondering why.
red dead online frontier pursuits update bounty hunting wagon tier 3 bounties
I've been offline because there are a lot of issues with group stuff and with participation, which will block sessions, so I've had to hide offline and then send invites, but I don't believe the invites. They are working very well right now. I apologize to you who have not been invited. I've spent about 30-45 minutes trying to fill the group before going live and it's been really difficult because if the invite system just isn't really working well what's the hairy Leslie Anna Whitman Rader going on? Welcome, how is she doing? It also has this weird horse glitch where even if it has gold cores it has its head hanging off.
red dead online frontier pursuits update bounty hunting wagon tier 3 bounties
Yes, some strange things have happened with horses, but in general. That's a shame, I think it's all server side issues, just because there are so many people playing, it's much better than the first day at least and I love this resupply mission. We have four bags, which means we're going to make about two. We are going to earn 2200 XP right now for the merchant role. We will get a level. Will be great. It seems like they even had to fight anything, which is even cooler. I know there's a hearing at the bank. Can I pick it up?
Oh no, it's on the


, yes, but I love rolls. How does everyone like the


? Are you enjoying the content we've been posting and do you like the style I've had a lot of fun with? It is simply exploring the world that I feel revitalized. It's starting to feel a lot more like story mode, especially with the collector. It's really cool to just explore and find all these little secrets and stuff. What level am I at? I have a hundred. and nine and I have all my almost I have the collector maxed out the


hunter level twelve so we could get some player rewards today and then the merchant is at level 13 uh attack make sure you join the discord.
I have a Red Dead. specific discord


and is meant to be set up so that people who you know don't have a group can find a group, you can find people to play with, find friends to play with, that's zero discord, so people who They misbehave and act like idiots. they just kick them out of discord trying to build a really nice community so people can find other people to enjoy the game with and there's a nice 110 post so if any of you are looking for possessions or something or information about the game join the discord in the description and you will find some cool people to play with.
That's what I really like to do on YouTube, build communities and stuff like that, and we haven't really had the opportunity to do that for a long time. Red Dead


because there really hasn't been any reason to play together until now. Did you see the stats on your HUD? What do you mean oh um, hold down l1 l1, yeah? Oh, 101, hey, so we have a lot of XP for that, oh, yeah, we have twenty. Simply perfect material units, keep working. I am the one who will make all the deliveries. How do you like the outfit?
I could change the glasses here. Oh, there's also one cool thing I haven't pointed out about the new thing. I didn't even realize this until now, so I knew that the camp now grew dynamically depending on the size of your Posse, but also, if you have a certain theme assigned to your camp, it will choose that theme and place it on the largest one. camp, so it's not just a general theme, now you can have several like this, the hunting one. I think so, that's the hunting one. And then we have the collector's item, which is very good.
You have like a python down there. you've got a bat, you've got the fortune teller Madame Irene, there's all sorts of little things, they're really starting to get good at decorating these things and then just a standard one over here, which is pretty good, I just really like it. what they are doing there are going in the right direction there is still room. I'll do a review here in a couple of days. I'm glad I didn't review it sooner because the more I play it, the more things I discovered I like that I was originally going to complain about mark Colca thanks for the super chat man the Corgi booty shake from Awesomeness I'm trying not to eat my ps4 for frustration trying to level up having collectibles problems finding tarot cards and flowers the content is great so for those of you who don't have your metal detector when trying to find flowers or tarot cards they won't show up in Dead Eye , but other than that, the flowers will usually be separated from By appearance the rest of the flora can usually be noticed and will glow and Deadeye as long as you don't have the metal detector turned off and the tarot cards are usually on railings or some sort of objects, so just look for railings and objects and you will probably find out which role is best.
They are all very, very good at making money. I've made around $2000, in fact I've probably made closer to 3000, yes I've made around $3000 since I started. playing the roles and then I have another two thousand ready to sell from the collector. I won about five thousand. I have been spending incredible amounts of money and have more than when I started. I bought almost everything I can really, I've been buying all the cards so I've already upgraded like four different cards which costs money, isn't this what I want to do? I want to do one of the new big rewards we're going to do. quick trip to Stroh oh my god strawberry I'll be a pain the invites are practically broken there are some problems with them I hope they improve well the free roam events help to sort the rolls quickly the specific free roam events yes the merchant You can get like a thousand Lycra Trader XP by doing that with all of them, well with all the events you'll get about a thousand XP for your role when you do them, not to mention money and materials for roles like Collector.
He is the best, the leader of them all, although the Mountie Hunter also generates a good amount of change. Ah, there we go, our first level three reward. I have a video about these. I am, so I have. I've gotten videos in advance, like the first time in months we had the Jones pirate boys wanted


or alive, named for their loyalty to their old ships. Captain John Jones, these six men have looted supply trains in three says they are at large and must be approached with great caution now these Level Three rewards you can tell what's here because of the money sign you have Level One right there with the dollar sign your two with the two level three with the three And then there are the legendary rewards: here we go, where are the shemales?
Our cart driver. I'll summon our


when we get there. Now we have the bounty hunter tank, which is actually very nice. Gunners, what's going on? Hello, our designated car. Driver, don't abandon us, we need you too, my horses are the biggest and thickest. There's an episode about what will happen to the meaty clackers coming out soon in the morning, but the meaty clackers have brain worms and it's time to watch, he's. climbing stairs thinking he's a human too everyone wait I have to get into the they need to not just attack because they've been doing that and then the target dies because they're much harder okay everyone just wait before you go running. just wait for everyone to get to the UPS you like, don't run in like crazy because they'll run away unless everyone is there, patience young padawans okay if you just make sure they're going to run away real quick so they're getting to the hideout we have to wait for everyone to get to the hideout as if we were safe because sometimes it likes to spawn one that is not in the hideout and if you go in too soon that one always escapes, okay, let's make sure here real quick. and we have one, two, three, four, five, six, if we should be good, okay, let's get some of you to go to the south side, only you already died, okay, we have to go get it now, oshi, tomorrow, thanks for the super talk.
Thank you so much. I appreciate it, yes, we have Bryan to escape from. I'm pretty sure those on the south side are fleeing. Yeah, okay, those on the south side are trying to escape. You're going to look for them. I'm going to look for the ones on the south side. Tell me. Yes, friend, I think we're going to have a fugitive and a


man. Carmela Patch. What's going on? TC wo Shi Maru. Thank you all very much for the super chats. I appreciate it. I was able to escape from my horse. I can call the cart.
Someone? get the one that was clean, yeah okay cool wheats we got them all good dead but that's not a problem well you're the one who died. I'm calling the cart now, Nichols, it's Ching, reward cart, here we go, all right. I have Boas, yes, but I used all my bullets. I don't have them all at the moment. Okay, let's grab that cart because it's already spawned and it's bumble, that's not too far away. I hope you enjoy the live stream if you find yourself. enjoying the live stream be sure to pet that leg button whisper sweet nothings hit him a little show him some love i really appreciate the support what's going on bill how are you doing now?
The good thing about this car is that they can't escape, but once you stop them inside, the medium car is worth it. You can go with Spore to the medium wagon and upgrade to the large wagon if you want, you don't necessarily need to. The big one is the one you really want. PCW, thanks for the appreciation. You for becoming a member, welcome to the community. You glory as a human. I really appreciate the support. Thank you so much. Oh, there we go. Last time I thought I couldn't lift them. I found it a little difficult.
Ed Wicked received a restriction. order to do strange things the leg button oh boy, okay, so we're good here, what's going to pick up a little car? You have three inside about to have six. I will join here and protect our rewards. Could you listen to them? in chat when I turned on in-game chat so the scrolls are all free now they are 15 gold bars each unless you have Twitch Prime PlayStation Plus well there is one free for Twitch Prime there is one free for PlayStation Plus there is one free for receiving all the cards but we just get detected, a kind low lag friend is here to kill me once again, okay you guys can listen, okay, I don't like to permanently turn voice chat on and off again, wait Wait, Mrs.
Boyd, we don't. We don't have the other reward in the cart, it's okay, don't stop. Oh God, friend, we have no other hope. You don't have the other reward in the cart. Okay, we have to put it in the car just because. we deliver it without putting it in the cart, it will count it as lost, yes it's a strange problem, but for those of you who don't know with the bounty hunter cart, make sure you put them all in there because it will. count it as lost if it's not on the wagon, it's strange, you don't do it all the time, but there's a good chance it could happen so keep that in mind andBe careful, we are having a crazy delay here right now.
David Lutz thanks for the super chat hey I just came in just to show a little support on Friday oh my gosh I haven't gotten my horse on but I'm trying to make that all style oh yeah it's pure style, light on the road. like Rudolph David thanks for the super chat man I'm Davis hashtag lag well played sir well played thanks for the super shit man how are you today? and Mark kolka, thanks for the Corgi.Booty Shake only level one in my collector, that's a level up. Should I just go looking for collectibles or is it better to buy maps from the lady?
You don't need to buy well at level one. Yes, at level one. I would recommend maybe buying maps. so you can quickly get to level five once you have the metal detector and some of the upgrades, you will never need to buy a map again like now, you can just search and search for almost every collectible you can. See them in Dead Eye once you've reached a high enough level. If you have the money on the maps if you don't have the money just go around the cities and get all the collectibles in the cities they are very easy to find just listen to the music pay attention to the vibrations of the controller and you can find them make many thanks for the super chat and also in all my videos I show myself like I collect a little things all my videos will also have locations let's turn this bad boy, in 7 minutes, hand it in now look what we get is the collector worth getting yeah oh we got point 16 gold bars 651 Bounty Hunter XP and 43 doll hairs not bad at all the most I've gotten so far was 86 dollars and that's if you wait a little longer for it to be here too and a level reward one.
I don't want to do any level one rewards. Let's go to a new city, okay? And yes, for those of you wondering where Madame de Czar is. Today I posted on my Twitter every day, but she is here. They change the fact that you get more money and take longer on the mission, no, but it is unpredictable with the bounty hunter. I recommend spending half the time. Don't waste any more time than that, although if you get back to town and it's on the ground, the timer is already at 2 minutes or something, so yeah, burn it down to 30 seconds; otherwise burn it only halfway, it won't be like that.
Otherwise it's worth it guy thanks for the super chat JDM thanks if I was a Jedi would you be my strength? Absolutely, I've been disconnected from Rockstar. I knew that was going to happen. It was so fucking slow, okay? JD and thanks for the super chat man I really appreciate it burn it hey Casey what's going on dark man Blayne how did you do it was super crazy last night where I couldn't even connect I hope that doesn't happen Marcelo welcome and we have to go through the pains of trying to invite everyone again, I'll really mark an interesting tip, you just have to bring him alive, make sure you bring him alive and I would do the bounty hunting events every time they show up talking about Jedi.
I'm going to play Falled Order in November, yes I will, and Tom Davis, thank you so much for the super chat and I really appreciate it, and I'm excited to see it, I hope it's good, I must be very unfortunate because I never saw it with the app rotate the trees. pretty weird, I've only seen one, hey Ethan, what's going on, I hope you have a good night, okay, let's try this again. I knew the server was going to crash. They already said there will be more rolls. These are the first three of potentially many to come to the game.
I can't wait to see what they bring next because I really like all of these things. How do you think there are some small possibilities for improvement and changes, but other than that, make sure if you have any? The actual recommendations besides saying that things are expensive and I haven't played the


so I don't know how much money I have but it is very expensive looking at it even though I can't get it for until I earn about $4,000. at my job anyway but I want it now even though I can't have it now yes but real recommendations and I would also make sure to report bugs.
I see that many people like to inform me. I tell him to inform Rockstar. I can not help you. I wish I could, we'll see his party, invite Posse Lindsay, you obviously haven't played the update, if you think it's mediocre there's a lot going on, although if you don't like playing free room then yes. you're probably not going to like the way the bowl is I'll have to pick up some I have you can take three at a time Dean tastic I agree it's very frustrating. I've submitted some reports about I don't know why it's the only job that occasionally just doesn't give XP or money, does that matter ooh, what do we have here?
We have a wader in Mitchell Townsend, the swaggering Townsend brothers, known for being bandits and fools. They've added arson and theft to their list of misdeeds, pursue with extreme caution, we have to pick that up in a second at the Boynton gym, oh we're full of shit, wait, it's just that something made everyone go back to the weed, baby beluga whale, everyone. I'm back, that's a fucking Christmas miracle, okay, that's cool and it rarely happens when the rewards get better every five levels, the rewards get better, so let's accept this, we've got everyone here, we've got one, two, three, four, Five, six, seven, someone is loading. right there, so we should be good at this level three reward, updated, yeah, if you do it, I really recommend it, if you have access to all the jobs that don't just put effort into one, it won't be as fun as all of them. them at the same time, for example, make sure that if you are playing bounty hunter, make sure you are collecting and using the merchant at the same time, it will make it a lot more fun, for example, I can't express this enough, don't growl hard.
You can work hard with the collector because it's fun to explore and it's very easy to level up, but if you're working hard with just the merchant or just the bounty hunter, you won't have as much fun and trust me if doing it all at once, yes. you're going to level up as fast as if you were just trying to do it hard you're going to have a lot more fun trust me okay that's broken we won't get XP for this one oh let's go to the viking tomb that's cool though just We have two, so we'll have to use the car, let's see here, so I have some bullets.
I don't have any bullets, we have to go to the weapons store to pick them up, but yeah, I can show you the progression I have on my rolls here in a minute. Let me set up a stop here real quick. Make sure you put a marker and where we're going so we can fast travel. madame de zar is a dog ranch almost hung oh yes, I have read, I have leveled up all the scrolls at once, I have not strictly focused on one and I have a collector at 19, a bounty hunter at 12 and a merchant at 14.
Make sure you join all the free roam events, they will give you tons of XP. Make sure you don't buy the treacherous things. Do the actual quest to get the materials because you'll get tons of experience doing it that way and it's a lot more fun. then when you play as a bounty hunter make sure to loot everyone because you will get collectibles that will level up the collector, you will get skins, you will only level up your merchant so the bounty hunter will not only be at higher levels. make a significant amount of money, but it's also kind of a route to making money at other jobs efficiently and then when you travel, if you really want to level up like we just passed the treasure, I'm pretty sure he Heard my controller vibrate what the hell was that?
Make sure you have your little detector device off, here we go, make sure you have your metal detector on at all times and when you feel a little vibration just stop and find the treasure. Jesus Christ. I was going to try to revive it I'm stuck, yeah, yeah, I'm broken, I can't move. Oh son of a bitch, I shouldn't try to revive his horse. Oh, there we go, holy shit, that was crazy. Others, are they already fighting? They left me. behind and that's why you always wear your seat belt, you never know when a dancing man will come out of the woods and bone you, baby Jesus, all right, when you're living chained up with the gang, I can't take my time and do things. or else I'll just lose the rewards completely.
Working through the collector now levels up a lot and the merchant, my main one is the nice reward. I'm doing everything at once to even out the synergy between rewards. The jobs are pretty good, oh they're actually looking for them, that's great. Take a shortcut, which is my favorite. I'll be honest when I started playing bounty hunter. I hated it, but the more you level up, the better. Actually, you get the point, they've always talked about job evolution and bounty hunter is like the only job that's really going through real evolution right now, where the game gets significantly better as you play it and level up. .
I didn't even get the legendary rewards yet, the tomb of doom, we have to hunt down this idiot canoe. I wonder if there is flu in the grave or something in the grave we can collect, maybe if I get out my metal detector, oh it's a treasure. here somewhere this way why not even be here and gender? Thank you very much for becoming a member, welcome to the community, you are glorious, even you. I really appreciate the support and donors, beautiful, beautiful man. I have broken six blades. my fan on my PC to keep it from making expert bouncing noises oh my gosh, wouldn't that mean you have no blades left on your fan?
I'm going the wrong way, that's hard, yeah, don't mind me, I'm just finding a treasure. There we go, we have you near this tree or between the tree and the rock. I can taste it right here. I saw it appear. Return it. Aim. Are you all over me like this? Here we go. Oh God, here we go. Warning. Thank you very much for the Corgi booty shake man, I really appreciate it and ginger, welcome back. I'm Lee, kind of live broadcast, welcome. I hope you enjoy it. We'll need two more arrowheads. Matt's bar or the daughter's sanity. poor daughters I tell you what a loud fan is.
It's a pretty annoying noise, very frustrating and I have to agree. Nine flattened braids. My dog ​​is very interested in the video they showed us. Beans, baby, who likes beans. Oh, they're actually on the way to it. Now I'm Heather, my horse, oh my God, it is. The sacred collection is worth selling around here, yes, because you can sell it, repeat, excuse me, horse, you can sell it repeatedly and it gives a ton of collector X, but you can get between a thousand and two thousand XP for turning it in. level each time and you can turn it in multiple times horse, this horse just goes the way of the dodo suit.
I'm telling you what yes, my horse has high beams, it has 20 inch tires, 20 inch horse, bold horse that moves old horse hooves. Yeah, okay, the automatic reward eats its eyes, if it takes me much longer to plan, there are two of these penis bags: where are they? I like that in the actual hunting process you feel like a bounty hunter when you are when you are leveled up oh that's the best way to find a jumping treasure and I inspect it closely I want to open it excuse me what do I want what's inside you inside from you we are going to grab what is inside you that is strange, is this a mistake, could I continue closing this and opening it?
Oh, I think there was an error, okay, I have to find this reward, this thing disappeared, this is not clear, I have to find more clues, ladies and gentlemen, Blue's clues, that is a very God scary tree, I love being able to run on dead ions mmm shit it's a forest what's the horse that comes out of nowhere it just splits up anywhere oh that's where it goes? Oh, someone found him way down in the west, he goes with the friction axe, oh, I don't want to. Hit him with that, oh no, damn dude, hey, how did that work?
Look at those two peas in a reward pod, the best way to get gold for work playing stranger danger or if you have a job playing bounty hunter but stranger quests will be the best place and specifically Adler. I have a tutorial on my channel on the best way to earn gold XP and money at the same time. You are good at PvP. You can also do PvP, especially if they like gold. bonus for that weak ally, let's add our level 3 reward for Tyler's price, thanks for the support. I know, I think this will be released on PC.
I have no idea, obviously they are getting close because they already got a rating in Australia. was probably thinking they were going to try to release it for this holiday season that way they could do the one to three hit like they did with GTA it would release on PC don't come back here oh yeah someone ran their Well we almost got the money maximum for this, damn it. I don't think I got a reward with the gang and like two days, the only time I get max reward rewards for playing alone, that's okay. Fun things happen when you play with the bounty or the gang, that's what you get for trying to escape the idiot bag, find Horst Davis, thank you very much for the superjet my family usedwe'll knock out I've got my horse light Oh, bounty hunting tonight, pretty I bought the bounty hunter ring Madame de zar: what's going on, are you doing?
Abel Daniel M. I hope everyone is having a good day. today I want to take a shortcut but I don't want to tie oh that's a collectible I felt my controller give me a little rumble in the jungle Arden there is no flower right I have like 15 of these things when I found you abandoned me I will kill you you understand tea you want to die today I don't think so Oh Cousy stay yo mom that's what I think I'm doing this is another cause damage one good well I guess we'll get the dynamite Shazam I do it I need a little explosion, that's a civilian, ha , ha ha, come on, in there, I have some dynamite ready for you.
What are you telling me to say my prayers for the girl? He will work in Hampshire, the goal she is running for. Oh, I've got your ass and that's what it is. why the ball is so good what are you doing pretty lady oh the reinforced lasso is definitely worth it yeah come on horse god I hate you who are you calling idiot lady? I'm going to murder, bring me with a good time, what is this guy? this knight in disguise I think was a person he just shot instead of an NPC as you call me actually I should probably loot all these bodies a little nervous because the game just shits on me but also what I want to do is not I don't want to deal with her escape and some of the events on the calendar, so apparently if we have the lasso in our hand we can knock her out.
Consider first: he didn't let me hit her again. I don't want to cut it. Wait, we'll do it, we'll do this the hard way, then okay, that's enough.Red Dead online live stream for tonight. I have a bonus episode for you. I'll release it now instead of tomorrow, but I'm done with the disconnects. It keeps killing the transmission. Yeah, done, I'll throw another one. episode for everyone right now, so if you want to watch it, I'll post it right after. You'll see it live here in a second. Thank you very much for your patience in the live broadcast.
We tried MBM. I hope everyone has a wonderful night and I'll see you next time. Visit the channel's home page to watch the next episode. I'll post it here in the chat, in about 4 seconds.

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