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Recreating 8 BRILLIANT Clothes Hacks (DIY Ideas)

Jun 10, 2021
happy day and you are seeing amazing clothing


, the good thing about the


is that yes, they have led me astray but at the same time they presented me with the best pants of all the pants that are so good, so stretchy, I think these pants gave me a asia, our first spiral together and they are very comfortable, wear them all the time. I want more of this when I wear those pants again. I know I can't stop. Grandma has bracelets. Bracelets are always very easy for me to wear. I have this problem where I have a very small wrist and very small hands and for that reason these are actually pretty good, they look expensive anyway.
recreating 8 brilliant clothes hacks diy ideas
Wrist bracelets, how are we going to make a cute outfit with bracelets on a wrist? Only God knows, but Oh, I bought you a new skirt, honey, but this is one of those times when you're not happy because grandma is giving you a skirt you don't like. Is there anything more heartbreaking than receiving an item of clothing from a parent or relative that you would never wear ugh, we have to turn this skirt into something fantastic, okay, that's not bad, I don't see why you would want to update it, she hates it so much, but never forget that we have the bracelets and some elastics, oh, okay, well.
recreating 8 brilliant clothes hacks diy ideas

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recreating 8 brilliant clothes hacks diy ideas...

This is an interesting way to make your skirt look like it has buttons and make it a little tighter like this girl's, like it's not tight enough, not tight enough, which is exactly what I feel too, it's a good idea, the problem with my bracelets is They are not circles, they are ovals, but I think I can try to make this work. She loves it so much that she wants to take selfies with it. What a happy girl. Okay, that old lady impression is offensive, but it's time for her to try. My God! I have the exact same one, check it out, let me get into this real quick, oh, excuse me, yeah, there's a window right here, I'm sorry, oh, this skirt is too baggy, guys are never going to hit on me, oh, I Sorry, this doesn't work either.
recreating 8 brilliant clothes hacks diy ideas
I noticed that when my hair is blonde I get hit a lot more. I feel like when I leave the house with this black hair, no one is going to talk to me even though I think it looks better, isn't that so weird? Anyway, I'm about to do it. do a makeover, okay, so I want it to be like here, here and here, so I'm going to take the bracelet, put it under my skirt, okay, this could make it look like I have hips, that would be nice , uh-oh, the elastics are too big, it seems like I bought this bag of elastics for no reason.
recreating 8 brilliant clothes hacks diy ideas
My biggest fear is actually that an elastic band will break and hit me in the eye. It's not my worst worst fear, but it's something I think about. Oh, okay, hey, she just arrived. for summer I don't know why I always say it's not even funny come on, why am I so shaky? Okay, we're chilling, we're chilling, this is what happens when you get it right once and then you get too confident. It's that cute, it looks like it's part of the skirt, yes, it is, right? I'm definitely going to like pinch the bottom in a nice way and even from my perspective, I can't even see the elastic, so no.
Bad trick, if in theory I received this skirt as a gift, then surely my grandmother would know my measurements maybe and she would like it to fit around my waist, not bad. She just wishes they were more on the outside, well then you can see the elastic, you can a little, oh no, maybe you need to color them green. I think it's pretty good from the outside out, she's leaving the copyright to the vita, that one was good, I liked it, I'm impressed with what we have next, oh no, this. girl was sweating everywhere again, actually it was me in high school like I had to go home at lunch and change because my sweating was so profuse and I wanted to get like dry salt, dry salt, it actually worked like if maybe I didn't sweat for a week.
I wanted to get botox in my armpit like it was a whole situation, but since I've gotten older it's been a lot less serious, but apparently this is a way around it. By the way, this is not the same shirt, okay, absolutely. destroy a yellow shirt and what turns it into a muscle shirt oh that's interesting oh okay turn it into one of those shirts where you can see them on the side. I don't like those because I don't like side boobs, you know? What I mean and I feel like it's only nice if there is, but we can try it anyway.
Oh, this is a strange cut, but it's the best we've got. I feel like the faster I go, the cleaner the cut is when I was obsessed with sewing. I had fabric scissors when I was a kid, but my life has really gone off the rails since then. We will call that part of the style. We'll call it ripped chic. Okay, I'll just like to tuck my shirt in. my bra, so it looks like I'm wearing one of those little things, oh, it's nice for working out, but I don't like this kind of shirt for every day.
In fact, I'm realizing why people wear these when you're working. because the amount of air I'm getting is so refreshing, I don't really like it, it's not something I would ever use. Honestly, I prefer to work out in a bra because I don't care, but if you're shy, pretty cool, unless you want to just go to the store and buy one, but man, they really came in with the sketches for this, I have no idea what is happening and when will it be about


, that's a creepy, creepy t-shirt. I don't want to hear it I don't want to see it shoelaces yeah okay okay great this is the family content I needed for my day so you take the jeans and tie them with laces around the ankle area but why and then? you tie the oh oh, this is a backpack.
I have done this before. Okay, so this is my new backpack. You can put your pocket monster in it. What do you think? Wink, say another microphone. 10 out of 10. That's a nice nod, next one, okay? So again we have a girl who sweats too much but look, she's wearing drawstring shorts. Why is she pretty? I had to throw that in there anyway. What are we going to do with the shorts with a k? Really, ha, okay, guys. Figure this out, how does it all fit together? Oh, I guess it's pretty easy to adjust, but what about this?
It actually looks like I'm wearing a diaper inside out Hi guys, yeah, sorry I'm late, I just couldn't figure it out. what to wear you put it on there's like these white parts at the bottom of the shorts and then all of a sudden uh bang they're gone this is a bulky fit right here I don't like this one okay so we have graphic t-shirts Here Everyone loves a good graphic t-shirt. I used to wear graphic t-shirts when I thought I was really cool and hipster. I'm so glad those days are over. You could be cuter than the girl who wore the same shirt as you at the party by spilling something on her but she has no tricks up her sleeve she's going to figure this out don't cut it right so she cuts it oh I always wanted to do one of these oh my god girl you're killing it oh my god you're so much prettier than your friend that's what she gets for spilling on you let her hair fly down all the boys love her mrs mcspill can she go do something else with your time because no one cares hey this is something similar hey I feel like if I do this right I'm actually going to get something I want to use so I have to cut the little holes in the side here oh I'm afraid , okay, right, mine won't be that complex. because I'm really afraid of messing it up more determined than you've ever seen my goal in life is to make the jeans that have the tie on the side a little daring but I'm a little daring so now I'm going to tie it, right?
Is it fashion or is it one, two, three, go vote now, is it time to give your honest opinion? Very good, uh, yeah, it's very good, actually not bad and you don't even like sleeveless tops. I feel like they just kill. everything that is interesting about a girl and they look very comfortable shoulder clavicle stomach everything is interesting yes, but you literally lift it like 800 times a second it's okay, it's true, but I think it's cute I wish the print was higher, but How could I? I don't, but I'm happy to use it again. Let's see a girl multitasking on the phone using a key to get into her locker.
I never had lockers with keys. This girl needs help. She has her bag. I mean, she could use it. a crisscross, but I'm sure she has another solution to this optical illusion, what is it?, take a purse, just crisscross it, girl, you're wasting your time, oh, okay, then she'll take a purse, hook it again and then he will make a backpack. Outside of this, why wouldn't she just buy a backpack or wear a crossbody? I don't know what's going on here. Nice little bag. Okay, let's hook it on one side, thread it through the middle, and then hook it on the other side.
It's true that what you do I'm notoriously bad at remembering anything oh I did it right I did it right the first time for once except you put it backwards geez that's kind of weird and funny I actually like this if you don't want to use it applesauce crisscross that's pretty good I'm at a concert it's not 20 20 actually this is what we're using these days I'll say today's tricks were pretty good they usually just roll me up each one Once I try it , but hey, let me know what you thought of these tricks. I hope you enjoyed this video.
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