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RECORDING The Child: A Granny Chapter 3 Song

May 27, 2024
welcome to record with gwen where aj gives me notes and i can't repeat them to you hey guys i'm gwen and we're here today for the kid to record the video and yes my christmas tree is still standing what are you going to do about it? Did I get the lyrics back? This


is from some abyss with such hideous, oozing skin. His hollow eyes and piercing cries seemed to summon some of his relatives. It was fun. Whose


is born from an abyss with such hideous, oozing skin? Their hollow eyes and piercing scream seem to summon some of their relatives where could they have put my spouse if he is dead or locked in a cell I will search the entire tank house while I evade these pockets of hell I have to free them I have to catch them they can't stop me Now the club is gone, the clock is ticking and I'm still missing the keys to four of the locks but they've discovered me and grandpa's old, rotten arms are strong as an ox stop screaming, you're crawling, go away I don't want you around boy , right, I hear you, dear, why don't you go to sleep?
recording the child a granny chapter 3 song
I hear you, dear, the clock is ticking and I'm still missing the keys to four of the locks, but I've been Grandpa's old stained and rotten arms are strong as he acts stop screaming, you crawl, go away, I don't want you around, do you? why do not you go to sleep? I hear you, dear, I should entertain you guys, do you want to hear a joke? I don't have a joke, it doesn't matter, I don't want to sing the next part, the next part is dangerous, right, I don't remember, I don't even know where to enter, wait, the fire roars in big bust, I told you so.
recording the child a granny chapter 3 song

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I didn't know when to enter. It's like it's going to be now, it's going to be now, no, no, no, ah, the fire is roaring and the grandfather is snoring, he's sleeping soundly like the dead, but now the child is screaming wildly, I'm still one step away. ahead that's the grain line the fire roars and grandpa snores he's sleeping soundly like the dead but now the boy screams wildly i'm still one step ahead that's the chance i need grandma oh well maybe it's already over gone maybe grandma will leave us alone forever I don't know, isn't it very likely that she will explode at the end of this?
recording the child a granny chapter 3 song
Maybe she saw it coming and ran away. We need more silence. He should act like maybe he's trying to get around Grandma, but you. I know I sang in the first, I sang in the second, I don't think she hears me in the third, either I'm just saying, I'm just saying, the fire is roaring and Grandpa is snoring, he's sleeping soundly like the dead, but now the boy is screaming wildly. . I'm still one step ahead, hush girl, your grandmother is here, this is just the chance I need, let's get this escape going and finally free my man, please, please, can we do it?
recording the child a granny chapter 3 song
He is still chained to everyone in the garage. Sorry, baby, wow. I forgot we used to like to talk for a while here wow oh you need a can of explosive gas no the music stopped so no I have a plan all we need is a can to blow up a plant uh I'm thinking about a nice fern perhaps. a hydrangea, I have a plant, we need a can of explosive gas and some weapons, with one good shot we can blow the snot out of all three keys at once, honey, when I find the computer, I turn on a tactic and maybe we can end this nightmare tonight I didn't sing it that low, did I?
I don't believe it. I don't think so either. A little sweeter and I don't sound like that either. If it does. I think he does. With one good shot we can ruin the snot of all three keys at once, you fight with the baby while I find some fuel to start a tactic and maybe we can finish this nightmare tonight I don't know what the notes are, so no, no I remember, I know. I make a harmony on that sounds good maybe I remember I didn't like it the first time too let's skip all the talk all we have is one dim all we have is one demand we'll trade you this bull rat for that gun and that gun for that one gun in your hand that's how a new dawn arose that's when it fell apart everywhere the grandmother how it fell apart everywhere the grandmother fell fell the eldest and fate came to our aid scattered on the ground that's how it happened The oldest fell and fate came to us at the door why didn't they use the doorbell oh, it's a car, cars don't have doorbells, right?
What is a car horn if not a car bell from the inside? Yes That's what I'm saying when UPS has something to deliver to your car, they come in and honk so you can come in and pick up the package too. I'm going to figure this out. There's a comparison here somewhere. I like it a lot better when the baby doesn't attack me at the end. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed singing with us today. If you liked it, there's plenty more to see here in random encounters and we post something new each. Friday, so go ahead and hit that subscribe button and notification bell so you don't miss a thing.

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