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REAL Marines DESTROY the Hospital MAP on Ready or Not Adam update! #marines #readyornotgame

May 20, 2024
will leave and you. You are going to back away as fast as you can, death will come from that threshold. You're okay, three, two, one, great rooms, clear, close the door on the left, two closed doors on the left, wait for the lucky one, that lucky one there, okay, just hold this plug, the holes hold the place. hold the place plug the holes someone take this door on the left everyone hold the door Venom knock knock your last man death schmevin Splinter chop hold what you got one in g-lead clear gilad's room actually that's me I'm in three two one close left clear clear door clear right what do you want to do short ball through the door eyes towards the door let's see if we have an angle on someone wants to stay away close left close left nothing but dead bodies close it dangers dango wedge The boys they were retreating we They're falling Revan and the screens of death, that's the door we're taking out, okay, let us know, opening wide.
real marines destroy the hospital map on ready or not adam update marines readyornotgame
I have it. I'm on the handle side. I still have no worries, I'm not worried, it's okay, we have a hallway. Center fed hallway, uh schmein. You're going to take one because the door is in my way moving, move well, one down holding, open the threshold on the left, connect it to the left, connect it to the left, right, check it, right, it happened By your helicopter, it flows out, by the way we all moved, right there, let me see. your hands squeeze squeeze this man thank you the last man is in see, let's point points in position continue with your mission thank you message from Julieta send it a point I'm holding um in flow position what's happening in the back how are we wrapping the Tango Zoe's body, hey, let's fan out into this hallway, wrap the bodies, we're flowing to the right, which is northwest of Ern, so Chopper is ahead, most of the men toward the direction they We are moving, it doesn't matter, sliding is correction.
real marines destroy the hospital map on ready or not adam update marines readyornotgame

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real marines destroy the hospital map on ready or not adam update marines readyornotgame...

I'm on your six-copy copy, cut, you're my second man waiting for the last man. Venom, tap, tap, you're going to push up, double stack, cafeteria door, last man in one man. on the right the rest on the left, okay you will see a dead Tango, deep mate, the doors open when I arrive, I close this door so there can be more Tangers there. Dango The third man appears. The third man appears. Come on,


, three, two, one death. Ghost, you two are the last man, Roger on your left, holding left, holding left, right, I've got the right runner, yeah, wait, I need one on me, okay, let's push the inventory, okay, come on, muzzle, with me, moving the truck, you're going to get in, yes, look, look, opening. door clear leaving clear the door is stuck always stuck let's break unless that's the flow thanks is that flow is where we're flowing to the front of that door let's go to the front copy of Chopper break it I've seen everything collapsed right, Venom builds up to the last man, good Venom, are you feeling okay?
real marines destroy the hospital map on ready or not adam update marines readyornotgame
I'm fine, cut your point. Understood, that Scout muzzles me. I'll open the door on the left, I'll probably get the flash


, yeah death, send that Ram up, we're leaving. to block this and go through, okay, which side do you want to open? left side, okay, left, left side, death, move to the left when you've done it, oh okay, I see that's okay, opening three, two, one, okay, go, move, stops last month, turning toward the left. close door left holding close door beautiful van push past hang hold corner right corner left corner left corner dangers stay down I'm here change it change it push touch Taps learn Chopper move to stack move helicopters on the left side on the left side last man in points up ready Point in motion multiple front dead tied tied we have been here we have been here putting ice The road is moving well that door is jammed enter a locker room that I had to fit before death in the air change me okay, okay, lift that Ram I just wanted to be in your position, okay, got you ready, ready, all good, audible Contact with the hood pushing left, walk past me, yeah, let me see your hands, yeah, go, look at your butt, you're on a threshold last man moving with you why pushing and pushing left, take it right three two one oh boy, pushing left, get it, get it, get it, yeah, don't push that, uh Romeo, come on to need at least one more guy with us. here I am in the milk with you okay, let's wait, wait, you've pushed too hard closing the door, spawn around your shoulder, good rest, okay, move, definitely, yes, we're okay, we should all split up dead, oh deji holding, I'm linked to the stack group, next job, keep that feeling, I'm going to hold this bell, I'll fall back and then I'll fall back, you got all that glass, I got it, yeah, I'm there, okay, I got a couple of dead.
real marines destroy the hospital map on ready or not adam update marines readyornotgame
Tangos, I'm going to stand on my right. Tango, good job so far gentlemen, well done, friendly, according to what we know about the enemy's numbers, they should all be beautiful, that's clear, God, let's put our eyes on the front of the room and then that's it the expo waiting last month, move, move, move, move it, I'm with you g Onna, death, I'm with you, okay, move, friendly, but he's clear, let's finish, last night, beautiful doors fitted, good effort and front door fitted, we move to the only door I'm showing copy Venom, guys, stacker, yeah, ram, we move.
Stack, stack, stack, come on, we're almost done, boom, stretching at home, I'm stretching, guys, push the bar stops, North Maria, the single door, Maria, that's the staircase we use. eyes in eyes on get in there now let's get in there let's go let's go let's go touch touch man back we're going to push push push push push push push last man no, it's better to go up to the third floor that's my move doors fitted Edge up we're going to get there in we do a head count, we send it reaches jtf and then that's it, my guys on the left, what was it that they pushed down another team, private team applying for the Expo Hospital jackpot, all the Tangles eliminated a Dr Sakia, pick it up?

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