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Jun 04, 2021
guys what's going on and welcome back to another Christmas video obviously no one is going to enjoy it so let's try to make the most of it by watching Christmas


hopefully this won't ruin everyone's day realizing that the Christmas is canceled thanks boris bojo he still allows


ads so we can watch them don't curse him I can't imagine that happening. You can't cancel Christmas ads. I just decided. This is your borrower's. no impressions, I don't know if you were making an impression, they're just arguing, okay, I hate it when I'm at a stranger's house, oh, Santa Claus, oh, ah, hi, I didn't mean to wake you up, I was just trying. to find Lou it wasn't you it's that stench I'm sorry honey just go back to sleep I was dreaming we've been like 20 seconds I want to turn it off why wait why am I seeing Santa's poop and it's a little boy who found it I have no idea what this advertisement is and I know it's going to say what it is, well that's my guess, oh, what you smell, ah, that's a good idea, why would they advertise that it's a Christmas gift?
reacting to the weirdest christmas adverts with talia
Pican, Merry Christmas, guys, um, okay, so the Ghost of Christmas appeared. Listen, just give me a second, okay, and I'll finish this. What is that smell? Oh, geez, nothing, Nicholas, please girls, go back to bed, he's dropping the logs on him. his fireplace, come on, a little privacy would be great. I've been holding this since Dubai. The whole house smells like a gingerbread homicide. I'm sorry these puns are getting worse. I don't make it as a meal. Okay, it's not that bad. Oh my god, another kid, do you think they were going to have kids until they got one that wasn't ginger?
reacting to the weirdest christmas adverts with talia

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reacting to the weirdest christmas adverts with talia...

That's why they always say, I think that's what it is, I just want to know how strong the smell has to be to wake you up. You also have three kids, you know, in movies like um where there's like a cake and the smell comes and goes under someone's nose and they float and like a dragon, it was like the smell went there and they read if you smelled something that Bad was your first thought, get in there, you know what's the worst thing I've ever smelled in my life, why are you pointing? Do you know the things you bought?
reacting to the weirdest christmas adverts with talia
That fake poop smell, oh that was the worst stinky spray. The poop spray. Yes, I almost went out like a projectile. I vomited everywhere. I should buy more of that. What would happen if you sprayed that into your toilet properly and then called a plumber because then the plumber is there like he literally he can't find any clog, no leak, nothing he can't find. You know there aren't even skid marks and you just have this lingering stench, that's the worst bunch of ghosts, that's the ghost of Christmas, oh dear, how did we get it? Jesus, there's another one.
reacting to the weirdest christmas adverts with talia
Oh! Return it. I was looking for that horrible thing. stench and they found this under the tree they have three accents they have three different accents I saw one of them is elegant one of them is Mediterranean the other is Scottish I swear I found the bug look kringle you should never have pinched a hot unused slice of fruitcake poop medley poop poop oh well that was gift exchange people here's one for you next time spray the bowl before you leave and no one else will know you know the whole thing about how sansa is looking at you like he knows when you're sleeping he knows when you're awake you know when you're sleeping it's a good thing that the fact that he didn't know they had potpourri means he doesn't watch you in the bathroom very well on his part because if he can watch you in your sleep while you're doing anything and he doesn't see you poop, he'll see when you sleep, know when you're away, she used that as an excuse to sing and your dingleberries will. they smell like jingleberries the hanging berries just to clean the hanging berries is the correct term not the hanging berries i don't want to do that i'm going to google are you mad why is that thing?
It looks like you have a bruise here from the shape, but it's a camera, look, yeah, santa, hurry up, I really need to catch a fish, okay, that made you buy it, yes or no, final decisions, good ad or no, No, for a long time, I was, I'm not on television in England, but you. I know what I've always wanted to smell poop because I don't know what doesn't smell so good wait, we don't have poop medley. I had some in the old house. Actually yes. We only have poop v i, that's straw. Well, you can stick to your smell, then okay, we have time filmed on a potato, that French Santa suit was for sale, no, the part underneath looked like a French boudoir sign, that's an unflattering image, these Transitions are horrible, yes, this is it. old adverb sorry for the confusion, I mean I already forgot about it on the website, it was funny, I like the ad though, it was short and sweet, definitely didn't get the message though what was the name of the show, meteor stuff , meteorite stuff, maybe.
How do you spell meteorite? Because that's a disgusting way to look at it. If you're talking about his penis, meteorite. You said it like meatier, like more meat, no, that's what I was saying, it was disgusting, you were like me for your things you saw old man yeah, I didn't do it, I remembered it I'm fine I'm here to train each of you so that they become a real Santa Claus yes, we have to change them for blizzard water we have to train them for you know, chimneys we make up little songs clock or I think it was I'm sticky I'm in pain because my is a candy cane what There are two things that come out of the North Pole, elves and reindeer, which one are you?
I'm an elf. My job is to mold them. Santa Claus. You're a Santa Claus. This is a reindeer. I'm really confused. What is this for? What is this for? I'm really understanding. skye was that was an announcement in the sky how was that? an adventure in heaven was so long it was very long and I had nothing to do with television I don't know if that was a stinker, it was a big stinky guy, yeah, here are the moles, all ready, sparrow position, snowflake snow, okay, submarine ready, on approach, turn, approach to Santa Claus. santa claus look up these are some of the creepiest kids in the world cool this one i don't care about


nothing is impossible orange breeds creepy kids who grow up to be kidnappers that's just the christmas version of taken i'm starting to realize that companies like telephone companies television companies I think they didn't know what they were advertising there was nothing there they told a story at the end they did this with orange they did this with sky they didn't even wear orange he literally I mentioned it in the last three seconds.
Nobody wore orange. This kid uses his phone like an 80 year old man. Anyone who uses a single finger has at least 60. Every time they do this it is because they cannot afford to wear reading glasses, God's destiny. I felt like that was also very unnecessary. I feel like they could have literally waited there, turned on the fireplace and you were lifting it the whole time, lifting it up to the ceiling, turning on the fan until they hit it hard enough to knock it down a bit. extra now your parents have a hole in the roof there is a there is a hole in your roof oh no oh they are going to fall no oh he is making fun of their bad gifts they don't save lives what is charity I think that is my problem is it was that no It's a bad gift and it saved his life I'm really confused this has shaken my head this is more of a twisted shutter island and no one understands the ending of that movie is he hunting? oh no, no, I wouldn't no, it's an ad no, you missed it oh no, wait, you better go somewhere else what's going on right now the worst ad I've ever seen in my life it was horrible not even I know and I don't want to know that made me hate cake and I loved cake that's not funny no shit cake everyone has been through the struggle at least once oh it's not even their car ah so what is it?
What is free advertising? Who is giving you a free coffee? Maybe this is a company that very popular oh yeah, yeah, okay, you like that, that's good if you ever have a frozen car or like a frozen windshield, hot water in a bag right above the front, it's a stop motion or This is it, I don't know if he's detained, I don't know. It's not really strange no, it's not real no, but it's like it's an animation it's not stop motion oh, I love it, that's the talent to use lighters is difficult, don't miss the ending, no, oh, no, a Christmas of pugs, oh, glasses, how do they stay? on his face these glasses are breaking so look I thought it was if this is a new dog I'm going to thank God for that because I couldn't see yeah that's why I couldn't read the sign yeah that's what It's, ah.
Well, everyone will see that if your dog ever runs into a wall, get some contact lenses and he'll never do it again. You saw what died, fool, although the reindeer died after that. I do not know what to expect. I'm just saying there are a lot of continuity errors in this. You watch the glasses go over his ears and then the next shot instantly below his ears. I think whoever directed this needs to use his lens, prepare for something darker, use his fingers, yeah. It looks like a dead salsa that salsa looks like an ass it looks like a wall that came out of Santa before I love how it's a sex toy I thought I didn't know what Lilla was oh yeah I'm not serious either so this has nothing to do with salsa what is this advertising sex toy like lello is a sex toy why are you focusing on disgusting sauce so well you're going to go to a section and you're going to say I want the sauce that looks like poop oh I'm going to give you the the best ad for uh the the elephant one, yeah, same thing, the elephant one was the best, second, the glasses for me, really, the dog glasses, yeah, which one do you go for?
I just need a second place, yesterday you're going to go for, you're going to have a trap old man, yeah, okay, well, that's all for today. I hope you all have a good Christmas. See you someday. Don't know. Thanks for watching. See the description of Thailand below. Peace.

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