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Reacting To $1 Vs $100,000,000 House!

Apr 14, 2024
nice, just saying. I feel like maybe there wouldn't have been anything like, uh, other than the basketball court, everything was like a really really nice


, we have a


whose price turns out to be a funny number and now we're in the $69 million mansion. V, she looks like a villain, how does this compare to your house? Miranda, it's much bigger than mine. It can not be true. What are your accessories? The reason this strange-looking house can still come on the market for $69 million is because it is filled to the brim with priceless art and sculptures coming from all over the world.
reacting to 1 vs 100 000 000 house
Tell me how much these works of art are worth and we'll try to guess how much you think this is worth. I'm going to say 100,000, what do you think? Miranda, I'm going to go with 80. Oh, she has one of these at her house. Yeah, well, you know the real price. Oh wait, actually, this one will be fun. I'm going to opt for a million. It's like going down the initial stairs so 450,000 very precise, very specific, the 30 million dollar house had a water park, 100 cars, this place only has works of art, a big red sculpture, this room here we promised you 30 Sometimes to not touch what is inside, come here without touching anything, what is it?
reacting to 1 vs 100 000 000 house

More Interesting Facts About,

reacting to 1 vs 100 000 000 house...

This is an all-analog custom sound system made by the creator of the Walkman, which was one of the first devices that allowed you to listen to music while walking, which you also have under your belt. the Walkman, I don't think you can get this under your belt, let's cross the Skywalk, oh my God, I'm excited. Another reason why this house is built so strangely, for example having to cross Sky Bridges to get anywhere, is because it has been meticulously built to be able to withstand the force of a real tsunami. I mean, you have to admit it's cool.
reacting to 1 vs 100 000 000 house
You can see tsunamis before they hit your house and you stop them. Which completes the CRA view of the neighbor's backyard. You can see everything. What if the man who lives here is secretly in love with the person who lives next door? That's his ex-girlfriend. They are Romeo and Julia. After checking the last two rooms inside, I had a surprise waiting for us outside. Look there, what are they? Oh, guys, did you even notice the airplanes drawing that? No, how the hell did they do it? I paid for these planes and also bought 1,000 tickets all over the United States to let everyone know that Febles is the best tasting chocolate you can buy, stop eating Hershey's and others.
reacting to 1 vs 100 000 000 house
Febles brands are trendy chocolate too because Halloween is coming up and all of these retailers that you see here are now selling these bags of these smaller Fels bars so you can hand them out during trick or treating if you don't want to be silly. On Halloween, be sure to give febles or candy. Fortunately our sweets are very affordable but you want to know what not so far we are going to the last house suitable for me if money wasn't a thing like I had all the money in the world like I ain't doing it for nothing ya You know, I could buy that and then sell it.
I think I actually like the $1 million house better because it's a family home, the 1 million and then I would pay 30 million just for the fact that I like it, it's just a nice house and then you have all these houses, well, the 30 million didn't really feel like a house, you know, it had all the extras, but it's not. like I don't know, they could be very lonely, I think I would go 1 thousand 30 thousand and then the other two, the lawyer's mansion was sick, it was sick, the last one was the last 100% 30 like a hotel, yeah, like You would love to be there, I mean, you would love to live there all the time, but I feel like yeah, it would be amazing to live with like 20 people in the final house or should I say the $139 million that is possibly the most luxurious.
House on Planet Mega Mansion This massive 36,000 square foot mansion has things you'd never see in any other house, from a nightclub to a T-Rex to an entire robotic car. It's definitely not the one that's going to explode, no, no, no, it's not what you think and to make this house tour a little more special, we brought in Justin Timberly how are you doing and this is the house from Justin and he ain't shit. Have you ever seen a better view than this in your life? This is beautiful, yes, guys. really the CGI is perfect, it looks real, he says, yeah, maybe it's top 10.
I was going to say I definitely haven't seen better views than that. I call it it's hard to describe how big this Manion really is. It has 12 rooms and 17 rooms. bathrooms spread over three huge floors, all with a perfect view of the Los Angeles skyline. I always judge a house by the kitchen, minimalist kitchen, you judge these things, how do you feel? Well, let's continue to the end of the tour, we will get yours. opinion on whether you would pay $100 million, you have it on hold, you need to know what you mean, this house is built with the most expensive materials on the planet, for example, the walls of this room are constructed entirely of rare marble imported directly from Italy.
You guys have to get an estimate or something of how much marble is actually in this house. I mean, that's like custom made, yeah, there's not a single drywall thing in this whole house. the roof literally started caving in because it's so many thousands of pounds it really goes on, you didn't tell me, tell me it was a million. I was playing with him before. There are literally $6 million worth of chandeliers in this house and there are a ton in the bedroom. another house down here look, this is this is where, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say I don't want this house, I love this house, but like they said, there's a nightclub, right?
I don't even go out. to nightclubs I don't want one in my house come here I want maybe it's literally an ice room this is where you check me in please no so there's an ice room they ran out of room ideas probably there's a 50% chance you're locked in here because that doesn't have a handle oh no we're cool that would have been fun if we were his face it's a real dinosaur now that you know the house has a dinosaur are you more EPT to buy it? I'm still not sure what this is, a locker room.
No one currently owns this house, so they put up name tags of the few people on the planet who could actually afford it. Warren Buffett is worth like 80 billion. Ellison is worth like 50 billion. Bezos like 100 billion Chandler why isn't your name up here oh what okay let's see the whips Nolan are you just posing? I'll just be sitting here, you really fit the house, thank you, I was going for that, I was going for that job, well When I'm done, I'm going to go to the editing room and cut that out in these breaks like they're just for show.
I'm sure you're about to tell me that the $2.5 million car lift is one of the craziest features in the whole house, basically you select which car you want to drive on the tablet like you two, Flo. The main problem with this is that it only stores six Lamborghinis and you needed storage space for 10 cars. This house also had by far the largest home theater I have ever seen. My life. This almost looks like a real movie theater. This is the best movie theater yet and they are actually reclining chairs. It only costs 100 million. Check it. Jimmy, wait and see.
Press my massage button. Oh, I got you. Imagine all that. money, you can't even use C, that's what I'm saying, but some people do that, bro, where's my button? My chair doesn't even do that here, it changes, let me see, yeah. CH tries the massage function, oh my god it works, there's no way this is just the only one here man, this crazy brother, what's wrong with him? Okay, lead us up, we haven't even seen half of the stuff, look what's down here, they look like sushi rolls, but they're huge, we haven't even seen I've seen the party room.
Can you continue here? Can you go upstairs? There's like there's a little area up there. It's just ridiculous. Head up. This is the master bedroom. It never stops here. Oh, and then here are the bathrooms, in case you can. I once wanted to shower with 10 people, now you can, that's my thing, man, you can shower with no one, basically just yourself, but showering, you can one arm, that's what you like, he is and now the best is over part of the house. in the pool the real reason this house costs so much I'm pushing it oh is this a screen?
It's absurdly big, not very slow, but wow and slow, it gives drama, although it's exactly like that, it gives a dramatic effect, okay, that's crazy, yeah, imagine. a C world when I see the World Cup there, I mean it's a little flexible, what a beautiful view of La, do you imagine the screen was La, I think there is downtown Los Angeles and there is downtown Los Angeles for reference . Carl is like 6'5 Yeah, something like that, more or less, and look how tall the TV is. It's okay, Justin, you've seen the whole house. We need to know.
You obviously have $100 million in cash sitting outside, right? Are you going to buy the house? Noan's t-shirt comes with it. my shirt your shirt comes with it yes, I'm in, does the bear that tore the shirt come with it, come on, I hope you liked it, okay, see you to buy the house you just saw, check out 1200 beler in Los Angeles, just in case, just in case you wanted to buy it, if anyone didn't see it, by the way, just click at the bottom, if you have a spare 100,200 thousand, do it, you know, ODS, buy it, yeah. let me know, let me find that money that he was probably forced to promote.
I mean, I'm sure he didn't care, he was like yeah, sure why do you assume I don't have it, Simon, I'm going to go. Right now I think you fully believe in yourself. I like these videos just to like them. I like just looking at them, but at the same time I feel like I'm always disappointed by the ones higher up, there are always some in the middle section that I think are the best, just like the boats. Obviously some of the huge ships are ridiculous, but like the middle ones, I always think they're always the best, yeah, good video.

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