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Apr 29, 2024
about to react to the






comparison 1954-


now we have reacted to filmcore before its channels on the screen here, don't forget to watch them now we have reacted to this before but it actually wasn't this video this is an updated version of what we've seen before it was a bunch of


s and their



was crazy it was crazy but this is an updated version with the new stuff of


and i think some little new things in the middle so if you haven't already, subscribe below, enough talk, let's get into this oh baby, I'm getting excited oh, going up oh oh they're skipping every oh, they have little battles now that's like I was a godzilla which I'm not king ghidorah oh man there are so many that I don't even know hey I need help yes you are in your luck you need to have an escape answer for all your problems it is a shadow of rage oh it is an advertisement there I am, on the beach, there is a big tidal wave approaching, oh my god goshira 1954 oh this is sick guys you have to go see them.
reacting to the evolution of godzilla s atomic breath 2021
Film Core is doing some crazy things, okay, okay, it seems like they've been demoted a bit. The first version looked better. Wow, the first version looked even better than this one. There's no way animations were that good in those days. What the hell is literally being demoted? Mothra vs Godzilla What year was it? Oh my god, I'm sorry, but they. It got worse, I think it's doing, calm down, what's that jump? Oh my god, he looks like a frog now, son of Godzilla, frog from 1967. Hey, this isn't a Manila movie course prop, what is it? It's like a King Kong Godzilla thing. kong zilla this is not a movie of course it's not their fault they're just making what seemed like 1968 now i gotta say the beginning is starting to come back the first godzilla was definitely the best though so far i'm the robot godzilla . what did that one look like, but the atomic breath looked crazy, this is the atomic breath comparison, not the Godzilla comparison, well updated, I'd say since the last one in 1975.
reacting to the evolution of godzilla s atomic breath 2021

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reacting to the evolution of godzilla s atomic breath 2021...

He hit one of those no, no, I had chills, okay, let's go, let's go. Throw me, throw something crazy from 19. What's happening? What's that t-rex from Toy Story Hannah Baramida that sounds like a hot chili Godzilla cartoon? You know, they just went down this realistic route and did that. That was crazy, I must say. what the film court just did was very impressive to me, oh yeah, I like the kool-aid man, okay, you know how that atomic breath stinks, yeah, that was incredibly trashy, incredibly bad, oh, this one man took some steroids, 1989, that's my favorite, oh that one is definitely crazy.
reacting to the evolution of godzilla s atomic breath 2021
The best Godzilla so far, that being said, he's like a zombie, even better, oh, the atomic breath is becoming much more realistic, much more destructive, I like it, I like this, what we'll do, Godzilla, okay, the last one was still my favorite, I don't like it. Not a Godzilla Junior, it's like a dinosaur, almost not that one, isn't it? Isn't it still? two two godzilla it's a Godzilla heist, oh never mind that one's come show me something oh yeah buddy that's it I like this Godzilla on fire. number one, oh you know, this guy is crazy in terms of details, this one definitely looks like a weird T-rex, wow, the colors he doesn't even have, like the colored tips on the back, I don't like them, no I like them. like that, but that one was detailed, one looks like his brother, it's a cartoon version, oh, he breathes slime, whoa, he had an underground building.
reacting to the evolution of godzilla s atomic breath 2021
It's strange that I don't think of Godzilla now that we're going back to the good old days of Godzilla 2000 millennium, but what's Godzilla 2000 like? But it was 19.99 oh my power that man had a lightning bolt that man had a projector and I'm I'm not talking about BMW ooh okay gmk giant monster total attack 2001 I think I said these lizards are getting out of control this rock music is nice godzilla vs mecca godzilla that's the name of the movie 2002 um I don't know which one is my favorite anymore I can't say it's my favorite. I can't say it's like many of the others.
It's got some cool stuff on the side of the neck and I have to say the solo on this guitar is going crazy. Oh, him. massive look at the buildings all destroyed final wars godzilla 2004 you will see that atomic breath is like frost godzilla what is that man just ran through some buildings oh he has multi talents he has blue and fire flame he has to be my favorite. the biggest one had several things and there was a little manila back literally blowing smoke rings, nevermind, it's growing, oh my gosh, oh lady, I love it, it looks crazy, oh, that's cute, it's number one, sure, the whole movie scene went up a notch, that's crazy. the detail is huge like he's crazy Shin Godzilla oh man I don't know let's see what he's doing oh yeah it's a little smaller than the last one.
He's upset oh my god Zilla, I thought there was going to be some sickness where he looked like that. evil animations with us oh it has to be oh joe they're building it oh this has to be my favorite oh he's destructive he's my favorite that's my favorite so far shin has what's small oh no it's an anime trilogy no what shame you can You don't even call that Godzilla, it's small, you don't even have to get out of this, okay, now that's his dad, your big brother, oh my god, Godzilla, earth, you better not get out of the mouth, come on, I need a bean, what are you? doing that is embarrassing what the hell it's huge but it's not right now we get small but it's still huge it's the size of a building king of the monsters oh the eyes light up yeah oh the look in his throat gone oh man the whole thing number one music, hands down, 2019, okay, okay, okay, okay, what is this?
It's kind of degraded but it's a Shinka Lion movie. You have to impress me. It looks a little older. Snow Frost Godzilla concert type style. The last one is still my favorite 2019. that was 2019 too, although oh my god holy godzilla singular point says 2021 and then in his it's crazy what is it? It's going to end my life. This man has beans all around him. He is conversing with different Godzillas gods. universes is crazy they literally have the music on point there is another of course there is of course there is is the almighty god of god god godzilla is the top view holy oh I thought it was going to be a top view disgusting this is cool I don't know if this It's surpassing the last one, but do it, do it, throw up in the sky, did you ever think about that?
That's really all Godzilla does, he's just throwing up, throwing up, getting a door, he can't just go back, oh. wow one on six bro I don't think you're going to beat monster zero oh my god that's it I don't know what just happened that was amazing leave that subscribe below now see you in the next video.

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