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Reacting to Every Mario Kart Wii Glitch World Record

May 27, 2024
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very exciting video to


today. These are my favorite videos to react to. We're


to all the



s in Mario Kart Wii that include Ultra


es and shortcuts. We did this before mainly for Ultra shortcuts. but now we have to add


es to the mix because there's a whole new category in GC and Mario Circuit, here's Logan performing gcn's new Mario Circuit glitch. You will be able to skip the entire U-turn and land back. the main track and get two low tricks and speaking of low tricks here we have a double trick.
reacting to every mario kart wii glitch world record
I mean, this lap was one of the craziest laps I've ever seen on any track in Mario Kart Wii 27,454 on GC and Mario Circuit. and we normally see 30 second laps on this track, so it's ridiculous, the new shortcut is broken. Watch how it stays to the right and then the wheelie multiplies. It is very strange to see that keeping right and reversing at the same time allows the vehicle to get this strange type. from Bounce and then finally you hold diagonal to the right, it looks like you're going to clip the wall and then almost all the way to the bottom when you try to get over the visible wall, that's so cool.
reacting to every mario kart wii glitch world record

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reacting to every mario kart wii glitch world record...

I just can't believe this is possible. Nick told me that the enemy told me that Logan got the quick lap record last year, which means the three-lab category was inevitable, so it's great to see. I mean, what is that turn? I don't believe it and then, halfway through lap two, with no mushrooms left, the category completely changes. You have to drive a three without power, so you really mix things up and Logan already had the


record before for this track without any problems, so how cool! beat your own world record and add an additional world record to the mix so that doesn't happen too often.
reacting to every mario kart wii glitch world record
I don't know when it last happened, if it ever happened, but now we can see the lap without streaming, what does it mean? It looks like we're going to turn the chain around at a world record level. Look at this, a little grasshopper right there, riding a little bit in the air lane and it looks good, so this race is amazing now and the thing is it's going to go down another second because in the driving there are a lot of wheely turns here, a lot of waste of time and then the ending was also not optimal as you will see there was a mistake so a big waste of time ended up just barely beating the world record without flaws but the No disc with glitchell is that perfect so it's really hard to beat.
reacting to every mario kart wii glitch world record
You can see how close we were. We start with the Heavy Hitters first, then we'll look at the other tracks, but now we have Rainbow Road and I'm sure


one. You've already heard about this, but the new outside drift bike world record strategy right here, let's look at this again. This is Justin's and Justin discovered it and now he has the world record and he used two mushrooms. You can do this with a mushroom. I'll eventually see this done twice in a row, but that's so awesome and just pulling the wheelie and skidding and then turning in that direction shooting forward like the physics in this game, never ceases to amaze me, shows how much further the game can go, people are always finding new ways to get airtime or get through invisible walls or even break boundaries all together and that really opens up the game for further exploitation and sometimes you're combining different glitch methods to find new glitches.
I mean, it seems like anything is possible at this point with 21 tracks having a fail category, maybe one day all 32 will be or maybe 30 out of 32. So, it's the second world record that now has outside drift in Mario Kart Wii Shy Guy Beach. is the other one that uses the exact same method so I mean outside of their bikes they have completely revolutionized Mario Kart Wii for the tool assist scene they will take over almost all the world records outside of drifting Will Rain Supreme with the tool assistance uh just by Rapid Fire and the super jumps and all that.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see another ultra shortcut using this method. We already have Shy Guy Beach. We have Rainbow Road. This is much better than the Clacker method and is also much easier. Many more people have done it. this shortcut actually i just want to see this one more time look at this this is so close to failing like literally the back wheel was hitting the white part of the rainbow road not even the rainbow part of the road was touched too i'm going Put


one of these links in the description for those of you who want to watch the races uninterrupted as I'm doing a lot of things like fast forwarding and rewinding especially when glitches appear so here we have Logan once again.
This is the Toad Factory box clip, absolutely one of the coolest shortcuts ever discovered in the game. One of those things I can't believe is possible. It's something to show people who haven't played the game in a long time. It's like one of the first. shortcuts I'll show it to someone if the conversation about shortcuts comes up, it always surprises people, it still surprises me when I see it today and it's a really difficult shortcut, one you won't see people doing online and the funniest thing in the category it's the mistakes that are made on purpose and it's to fix the alignment so you can trim the Frame on that as well and maybe there's a better way to do it that would be harder to optimize and maybe one that you see that has this category. three box clips, somehow they will find a way to do it but for now they can't top this which was a perfect ending to The Box clip and then they will see flawless driving for the next lap and a half I wonder if there is any way to not have to slow down at the end of lap one and then maybe make the mistake on lap three.
I'm wondering if there's a way to do it because that's how it is right now. It's funny to see how to slow down on purpose. I've never seen that in a world record just to get the time for something. This is such a weird world record now and what's the time to 144.308, so it's like five seconds faster than the no. category of failure and I really wish that failure was a little easier, but anyway I'm still glad it exists. It's always surprising how low they go in the cut without fungus, yes, and a pretty solid sinker gets the low tricks done.
The Landing perfectly 144 308 us We're moving on to the flower cup here we go we go backwards this is a three fail race and I love how different the fail looks on lap one it looks incredibly difficult I don't know I've never done it before this glitch with that method and it's really cool to see how you clip the post and immediately take it down like this, it saves a lot of time now that we are trimming the trees, this glitch has been so optimized that I remember the old days of this glitch and now I like just the way it works, without having to go back inside the tunnel to get to the key checkpoint.
This record looks a lot cooler than I used to like every time you have to go back on a little record it always looks extra Jank, but like this it just looks clean. Now there's just the part where you go backwards from the start instead of always having to activate it inside the tunnel, so it looks like the alignment at the end was a little difficult, but the rust was absolutely crazy. I can imagine the nerves after doing a fail at the end of that too, oh my god this is Braixen and this time it's almost a second faster than the world second or what the previous world record was.
I mean, this was like a crazy world record at the time, I don't know. how long will it be until someone beats this and this is one of the dumbest categories in the game. Coconut mafia fail and one of the craziest things is passing the finish line, it's been drifting and then it triggers the start of the second lap. and lap three later and still following rule 95, of course, to get the lap count, but just driving the weirdest lap ever I'm going to like that first key checkpoint, it just works in the middle like that, it's looks super weird 31,809 by Poyo a Spanish player who had the world record on this track About 13 or 14 years ago I'm not kidding when I saw this name appear I had to take it twice I didn't even think my eyes were seeing the right thing Coyle plays Mario Kart Wii is still great, a blast from the past, like when McLaren returned to the same track after seven or eight years, this was even more surprising, so we will probably be Funky Kong in this world record for forever, I think the days of Luigi they're done, unfortunately, but an incredibly fast 31809 and it's funny because coconomal is 31311 and this one is 31809.
I can't believe coco mall is actually faster than gold mine. That's ridiculous. Koopa Cape looks great now there's no turning back. at the beginning it's amazing how they are doing the glitch at the end here and it's just going to be a glitch run since you have to use a mushroom and unfortunately you have to fall down this glitch so now it's a spear track which is really interesting , it really makes it feel more like a glitch and being able to see some spear lines here by uh by key defeated Lawrence's world record looks like we're up against the old world record here on the ghost, which I always love watching the replays and The comparisons really contribute to this overall, but make sure you subscribe to MKW Records anyway.
I'm going to put each video link inside the description and also the mkw records channel, which most of them were watching on that channel and put the input viewer. the bottom left looks amazing, that helps you. You can always look at the bottom left corner and see the exact entries the world record holders make each second on the track. They teach you how to learn any shortcut or glitch strategy in Mario Kart Wii, such as it's amazing, so super useful Channel and yes, Koopa Cape glitch, we're looking at a 17.991 second lap which is just stupid, but overall, everything the rest really clean, that perfectly LED wheelie stayed in the stream of water and just a little bit of bad luck there with the location of the zapper but landing on the rear wheel cutting it on the inside making the spear look like the flame runner and I don't know If that's the best way to do the ending.
I'm no Koopa Cape expert but one five seven nine hundred those are some sweet digits and now let's move on to Maple Tree style. I think I've seen every single one of these world records. I love seeing glitchy world records and some of them I haven't seen in months, others I've seen very recently like Rainbow Road Circuit and GCM Mario, those two blow my mind, the fact that we have two glitches that break the game discovered this year in 2023 in Mario Kart Wii, this is the game, uh, it's the gift that keeps on giving honestly, like what's next, what 2024 has.
What the rest of 2023 has in store for us is crazy, guys, It's crazy. The GCM Mario circuit excited me, that's the reason we decided to make this video. I had to show you guys, and I mean Maple Tree Way. look what they do now, they put their rear wheel on the edge of the out of bounds, so the rear wheel is in the ground and then you can, when you do a mushroom wheelie, you get that little bounce because it's like tracks customs and when you go back to shooting on the ground you just get up and that allows you to do the shortcut a lot easier and I wish I knew that when I was playing this category, that would have saved me a lot of time oh wow.
The tree hit I saw wasn't a huge mistake because of the boost trick, but it's still 0.3 or 0.4 seconds I'd say, and it's a race just to make that mistake as quickly as possible, it still seems difficult and not I do. I think this will get over for a while just because you know you still have to get the Maple Tree Way bug three times, it will still take a lot of practice, a lot of tries and just the entry for the bug is hard so it's more like doing nine . you fail because you also have to do the part after the cannon and I see safe lines.
I don't blame Des at all, three by three on Maple Tree Way, ladies and gentlemen, it's been done, so many things have been done that I never thought I'd see. made by humans and this game has a long way to go and that's something I've learned in the Australian world record. This is uh jiren. I think that's how it's pronounced overcoming the aake and it's really cool to see an Australian have a world. record in Mario Kart there was a long time when that was not the case and it is no longer the case 15,497 in Grumble I don't think we will ever see another track that has a world record that is less time than that and this has been completely perfected, my Favorite part by far is just the entrance to the Rock, only it's a ridiculous maneuver and then hitting the wall to slow down on purpose, it's a beautiful 15 seconds, now on to the Bowser's Cup special on Fox's Channel.
Castle and this is not an ultra shortcut but it is the extremely popular online shortcut that we see people doing it all the time especially Daisy the simulated bike players but this is a world record that is on fire Runner now andwe're looking for three for Three shrimless misses and incredible lines, so I want to say Fox was the best player in the world for a while. I mean like 2016, 2017, that Box era had the most world records and it had been at least three years since Fox had set a world record. So seeing this box in the time trials getting world records in 2023 was amazing, it was a blast from the past and nostalgic for me, and Bowser's Castle is just one of the coolest tracks, just careful logging runs overall, so check it out This like the track, you have to constantly be very attentive, you have to understand all these low tricks and there is so much technology at all times, so I really love watching this and who knows what Box will do next.
I mean Box can literally do anything in this game I'm really excited to see it and this is a 208813 now so it's going to be really hard to see a sub like a sub 208 anytime but I mean I wouldn't put it past these Mario Kart Time Travelers, it seems like I can do almost anything and it never completely surprises me anymore. I'll put it that way, okay, that was a better ladder section than the last lap, it didn't get the unfortunate bounce and that always scares me that part of the level right where it ends where you have to get the wheelie into the geysers.
There are a lot of times where I hit the wheelie button and I don't get the wheelie, but you have to time it right because there's a big bounce right there and switch the pillars to get the triple trick Land on a slide and then we're going to take a little air on the stairs here, but landing on a slip again, nothing as crazy as the no-fault world record where they do the low trick, but I imagine the focus right now is on the miss, the miss isn't easy, especially a Flame Runner. I've never been good at it and, oh my God, he barely clears it, he barely misses the ball.
This is, oh, that was, that was so parkour. and that's okay, the wheelie didn't come out that fast, it only takes two tricks at the end, it hits the record in about 100 milliseconds, it was very close to the retro tracks we have at Peach Beach and this is a two miss world record. I think we'll get there eventually. I will see a literal three disc on this track. I'm not kidding. I think maybe one day someone will cut down the palm tree at the beginning, like three or four palm trees, and I've seen tulips do it.
Don't know. how difficult it is, it has to be difficult to make a completely different mistake than the one that is already almost impossible. The peach talk problem isn't easy, guys, and I remember it giving me some trouble when I was trying to do it for a shortcut montage. video, one thing I forgot to mention that I wanted to talk about earlier, when we were at the beginning of the video, was in the GCM Mario circuit. That mistake I tried to do for almost an hour when I was making the YouTube short called uh. like Mario Kart's top 10 legal shortcuts.
I tried to get the GCM Mario so I was in Dolphin trying over and over again trying to do it exactly like Logan was doing it and I would get a lot of air but he would do it. I always hit the invisible wall at the top. I never made it over the visible wall and there were many times where I thought I was going to make it and I didn't make it, so I gave up and never made it. It's just crazy the fact that it's on a world record. This one is so cool, it's a double mistake and it involves going backwards.
I mean, this is so stupid. I love it, so it's kind of like what I did in an Olympics video. I didn't make that angle, but I remember cutting that block and getting back on the track and I never thought that it would actually be in a world record race such a surprising mistake and that it was actually already an ultra shortcut because even though it hit multiple points key checkpoint, you didn't reach the first key checkpoint, so even just making the first mistake made it an ultra, but now it's like a double ultra shortcut, it's crazy and the rest is just basic, huh, the Ghost Valley 2 driving, you know, some spinning drifts. and oh I didn't get the slip there so that was a little mistake but not too much because I didn't have to do the mushroom shortcut so the line was fine for the mushroomless and oh spin drift. ends, yeah, I'm not going to do the loading trick, but get the sub 49 992, wow, that's crazy, this Jack's 112 225 sherbet land world record, it's the world record by over two seconds, like this that here we are going to make the mistake and then not have to go back. just being in the perfect place to do it and so a 1.3 second lead loving the nunchuck inputs on the bottom left looking sharp and a mushroom here saving it of course because you know a mushroom doesn't mean you can land again. the track with the match because I think I know that there are certain vehicles that can return to the track with a mushroom that you make the mistake.
I'm not sure if magic wizard can do it if magic cruiser can then this track will always be a magic cruiser track but we will see a respawn bug here and it's all about the speed of misses and landings for this track, but the driving looks great, no problems, no signs of nerves at all. All. clean and then I have to obey rule 95, move forward a little bit and jump in so sure he got enough and then you just do that weird thing, oh look at that, oh my gosh, that was so good, let's see this part is the most I was impressed. anything in the whole race, this little change, look how good it is, I'm so used to seeing two turbos stopped, that was so good, it's like five jumps and a drift, much more efficient, in a cooler way, we got the zip zip, the zip zip Finally getting some love here and Mario Kart Wii as the zip zip holds the world record.
I got the usual. What is this game? I can't get over it. Well, then, who is this Vincent? Yes, I think this is Vincent 114 513 Vincent n y. You know, we have Daisy and the zip zip, which has a good off-road stat. We're seeing that, as demonstrated here, it makes the low trick really clean, no misses on the turn when you're ahead of Luke, you know things are going well for you and then now we have of course the miss, oh no , it's in lab three, nevermind, it's been a while since I saw this one and here we go, a new place for shrimp, which is the ultra shortcut, ladies and gentlemen, across the grass.
Now we have another shortcut ahead. the crab almost costs or is supposed to be a threat there, but look at that ultra shortcut guys, let's go back right here, the outer drift ultra shortcut, now you can do this out of bounds, jump over the deep end and there's a shortcut more. in the level, so we've seen two big shortcuts so far in the slot and now we're clipping the bomb, no, I wish, still, it's pretty cool, although I mean, it looks weird, like clipping deep water. I love how there's like a there's a hitbox there like between normal water and deep water it's so silly just imagine that in real life the water gets deeper oh let's go up it doesn't make sense where's the engine?
I can't find the world record I found Here's the world record okay this is a Waluigi stadium with two by three glitches making a bunk and then it lands it doesn't fall it looks amazing maybe one day we'll see a crazy quintuple jump drift instead of having to endure so many turbos to achieve it. turn that corner faster who knows, it's a 131 987 Hunter I mean I'm really curious to see what's going to happen here, okay so it's not the best invisible wall trick, let's see what the spin jump looks like, We will see a leap in the world. records well, too much air, that looks good, although all the wheelies are not going for it, don't play it safe, don't blame them.
I don't know how long it will take for there to be another two-by-three world record. of why you would go to the stadium, but I'm happy to see it and we're going to watch the second one right now and it's got to be one of those things where he's like, oh, I'm not going to get the world record that I could. Well I just went for a two for three and actually made it so crazy and the comeback isn't even that much slower but overall the world record was guaranteed at this point and this is just the win that gives the best feeling of knowing that every moment of this is breaking a world record of 131,987 I don't think we're going to see three out of three anytime soon, it will be two out of three for a while, that's my prediction, two out of three for at least five years.
We are not going to see a three for three in the Waluigi stadium. I'd be surprised if we see another two-for-three and we have Justin here at Desert Hills, one of my favorite world records. I remember playing this category in the past and you know it's general. one of those shortcuts that due to its nature you actually go slow before the clip so it makes the clip a little easier than other clip glitches which is nice plus everything stagnates once you get past the uh pruning Boos. or the Fire Serpents or whatever they're called, so turn three is the only time where the glitch really changes and you just have to interact with them a little bit, the Fire Serpents, it's not so bad, after that you are simply cutting out a wall.
You know, it doesn't move, it's not like the moving trees in Mario's loop or anything like that, you don't have to do it non-stop and for that reason you can sometimes keep up with this bug. I remember, you know, sometimes I do. this error twice in a row after failing for five minutes straight, it's really funny how it works like that, but entering the tree that way also allows you to completely skip the fire snakes and then you just have to avoid them here and there. It was close, it was extremely close, that was always the scariest part for me, playing on the track is making the shortcut on lap 3 and then not being sure, you don't have that feeling of relief or you don't even have the nerves, but you're only in crisis mode until you pass the fire snakes because you have to go very slow through them after appreciating the off road so I want to say this track is crazy we are at 139.90 however it can be improved a lot because You can have lapses of luck on this track and you can completely pass the off-road and probably save a couple more seconds so I think this category will go down in the future with some 155 715 antics from Logan in bc3 this is ridiculous being the old. world record by more than a second, it's such a pleasure to see all these world records, how much work it must be just to find the right pixels to press which inputs and the timings of everything, it's blowing me away like this bug right? here, technically it's not an ultra shortcut, it's one of the hardest in the entire video and you'll do it multiple times, so we'll let it run instead of rewinding like we did in the past, so you know, I mean.
Not that it saves a significant amount of time compared to using the mushroom; however, you can go a little off the path after the shortcut and that saves time, makes it worthwhile overall and world records depend on who is the fastest no matter how impractical it is how ridiculously difficult it is how inconsistent it is it doesn't matter all that matters is what is faster and here we go once again shortcut without shrimless super difficult extremely difficult to get only once in a race but getting twice as many nerves would be compiling at this point because not only do you have to drive really good lines, you also have to do the ultra or I guess it's called auto shortcut, I guess I don't know.
I'll just pull out the glitch, the ultra glitch, there we go, yeah, you know you still have to do it one more time with the mushroom, so in general I mean the job is not done, you still have to run something at a pretty high speed. , it's really easy. fail this like oh oh it's a three by three it's a three by three seriously wait no no no on the first lap he used the mushroom right? I haven't seen this whole record what the hell well no wonder it broke the world record by so much I can't believe it this is a three for three wow yeah ok so I thought it was a two for three not even I didn't even realize it was a three by three, well that's even more ridiculous.
DK Jungle Parkway, so we were talking earlier about the exterior. derives having multiple world records how much I love that how I think there will be more outside records in the future and one of them will be at Parkway because the world record uh sorry the tool support tool support record for this track use the the zip zip, I'm pretty sure and it's due to alignment or failure and also the off-road stat is really good for the end here so I think we'll eventually see a zip Circle record, it's just going to require you know a lot more effort to learn even how to use the zip zip on this track and how to do the correct alignment for the glitch you know you already spent so much time learning how to do this glitch in the Mach bike game. ridiculous, this video really makes me put it into perspective, how ridiculous this game is.
I'm just referring to the fact that you can hit the horizontal wall on the sign and you can avoid the fall limit normally, you will never be able to avoid the invisible wall. but it is possible on Decatur Parkway that raceso ridiculous and that was Invincible 41 seconds and it's been around for almost two years now this is Logan once again almost under 158 at DK Mountain this is the track I have By far the most experience of all these categories we've been looking at , so I'm pretty sure this is the same old record I saw a while ago.
I don't think this issue has been overcome in a long time. this is a hard problem, I mean, I have a lot of trouble doing this three times, but doing Bowser's Castle 3 nonstop, no mushrooms, uh, ultra bug, ultra shortcut, whatever, doing that three times is a level completely different. I remember the good days. Do this like 20 of the time and the other shortcut is something you do less than five percent of the time, maybe less than two percent of the time, so this puts lap 39,495 into perspective. I'm going to make a prediction that Logan will return. to this track and will set a 157 sometime this year or next, that's my prediction we'll see 157 at DK Mountain any time I never imagined would be possible, but I want to say I really like this strategy here, just canceling little horse. in the air and then get that smooth drift.
Turning jumping part of the mountain without having to deal with it and setting up a really nice fault alignment because look how clean the shortcut is after the fault, the drift of the turn. Flawless and interesting holding the analog on the bridge, that's something I've never seen before. I did, it will probably help you with the rebound. I imagine that's a good thing. One thing that's always really cool is the twist that comes out of the canyon right here. You have to be very careful with him. If you try to cut too much initially on the slope, you will get airtime and then.
I'll cut the twist too wide, but it always seems like a lot of fun to me now. I mean, it seems easier than what we used to do. I remember having to hold down while spinning and achieving that kickback without any major issues, but the new method seems more consistent, seems easier, and is generally good. I got the rolling cart spam like 100 times, that was great. I love that world record and we have one more to look at, it's Logan's once again and I think Logan is the only person who can do this. glitch it could have been someone else to make this uh this is one of the hardest glitches in the game and I've said it like a million times but this is actually one of the two or three hardest glitches in the game so look how cool this one is, I mean there's none, no other like this, it's the barrel, it turns a four, a full upright wheelie and then you're so upright that the bike just bounces like crazy once you move like a mushroom, so you're really able to with the moment of the rebound, okay, let's just look at the appearance that you can brake.
Jump, watch the jump on the sidewalk, and then grab the clip. It looks like it's down diagonally to the right and then folds back down, like gcn's Mario circuit glitch. which is interesting, I don't want to say it's anything similar, the amount of bounce needed for both misses to work to get that extra height, uh, it's incredible, and I mean, I don't know if we'll see this world record. For a long time I imagined that the motivation to break this world record would be quite low because the world record, I mean, it's already very impossible to make this mistake, but Logan's driving in this world record was Beast, the spear is not made for this trap, some of these Turns you're not even able to do at all.
Atmosphere. You have to do a ridiculous and crazy pre-alignment in the corner before to avoid hitting a wall. And he makes it look so easy it's like a spear track. This is the section that I'm talking about that, oh my goodness, the spindrift is coming out and running right there. I love the strategy here, which was to jump as it levels out and then start the spindrift early and then cut it in and have to like it. slide to the right down the stairs you have to take such awkward lines with the spear to make this work and look how wide it starts to make the corner work just to get a decent enough line just to make it look respectable it's comical see. this track is being powered by the spear, I mean I remember when the Parkway world record was on the spear and that was equally fun, yeah I really like that Stratocaster and then yeah it got a lot better, it was actually a lot better than the previous laps and I was able to get the alignment to take the really cool U-turn and you know, pull the wheelie for an extended period of time, let's see what this turn is like in comparison, yeah, it was a little tighter compared to before and then it didn't move forward. the railway shortcut is faster, but raising your spirits is much more difficult of course, so overall, thank you very much for watching everyone.
I hope you enjoyed this video and let me know which track you think will glitch next in Mario Kart Wii.

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