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'Re-homing': America's shocking trade in unwanted children | 60 Minutes Australia

Mar 18, 2024
If you believe that America is the heart of modern civilization, this story is sure to change your mind. There is a





and the way they do it is distressing. It's known as re


and when parents decide they no longer want their adopted child, they simply advertise. Post them on websites to attract potential new parents, it's as simple as getting rid of an old refrigerator on eBay, no investigations or court orders are required and these disposable


can be given to anyone, in fact, until you see it, it's difficult to believe and we should I warn you that she is a rather confrontational young woman who is looking for her forever family.
re homing america s shocking trade in unwanted children 60 minutes australia
It is a parade like no other of abandoned children who desperately sell themselves to gain a new family, a new beginning, and in the audience evaluating them to find a perfect match are their potential parents. Traveling today to this so-called matchmaking event is Tom, a childless teacher who is interested in 14-year-old Frank, abandoned by his adoptive family two years ago and now living in a nursing home, the chance to be part of something. . You know a part of the family I've been waiting to be a part of for a long time, if something happens he'll chase it and if not it's no big deal I guess there's nothing lost but Frank is eager to do For something to happen, he has a lot to lose and only two hours to convince Tom that he is worthy of adoption, trying to show him various aspects of me and let him know which ones are the darkest.
re homing america s shocking trade in unwanted children 60 minutes australia

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re homing america s shocking trade in unwanted children 60 minutes australia...

Frank has sold well. Tom agrees to give her the new son to him. a test and I will pick it up in 15 days. Thanks, do the same, but six months later, Tom decides they're not compatible and, again, Frank can only wait and hope to find a family he wants to forever watch those kids try to sell themselves. find a forever family what does that do to your stomach oh it gets scary that we end up in a place as unseemly as this horrible, tragic and completely legal here in the US it's a phenomenon known as re


where in addition to matching events, troubled children are advertised as commodities on eBay and given to anyone who will take them, primarily their adoptees, and often, where the scars of abuse and neglect are most disturbing, their parents have decided they are no longer with them. want, it could be here in Portman's atom.
re homing america s shocking trade in unwanted children 60 minutes australia
The Boston-based National Center on Adoption and Permanent Rehoming is the heartless result of desperation. Desperate people do stupid things and desperate things. There should be legal structures and social and professional structures that know what the hell they are doing with all this if this is the case. No, if we don't protect vulnerable children, who are we protecting? It's an underground


in children that could be happening in any suburb in America. It is estimated that there are around 24,000 foreign adoptees who are no longer with their adoptive families and like us. I have seen that there are many more waiting to be rehomed so rehoming a child here is surprisingly easy.
re homing america s shocking trade in unwanted children 60 minutes australia
Parents who no longer love their children simply hand them over to those who do and that could be anyone, a desperate loving parent waiting or a monster. I think it's often the child doesn't meet the family's expectations and so instead of working with a child, they try to rehome him, get rid of him, get rid of him. Megan Exxon has five children adopted 2 through rehoming, look at the girl in her ballet costume with her flower in her hair I don't know how you can give up a child like she will Megan is well aware that she can't be trusted everyone looking for these kids and what about the people who might be watching them? photos who could be good could be anyone we know from experience can be pedophiles and people who lie and cheat well this is like a shopping list for a pedophile absolutely absolutely a 17 year old puppy knows the terrible truth through first hand experience As an


pet, puppies, she was rehomed by her former foster parents when she was just seven years old, given to Nicole and Calvin Eason, a couple they met in an adoption chat room and who have since been exposed as pedophiles on series here.
Nicole gets caught talking about relocating my family. look up another family on the internet word of mouth you know, friends and their not so gentle approach to parenting the day you were sent to the easton house what was that scary? What was scary? What was scary about being left by people I thought that? his family and not being able to see them anymore so this was mom and dad hey, you considered mom and dad mm-hmm, did you understand why they were sending you away? No, they told me it was just there. a little road trip and that's all they told me poppy and another child from another family 14 year old dimitri would now experience the worst of rehoming what happened in that house many things that shouldn't happen how would you describe the scumbag essence? and uncaring, ruthless, selfish, self-serving lean banks, an adoptive mother and an anti-adoption crusader, scanners discovered the gist online and were immediately alarmed.
Did you find out it was fake as soon as you saw it? Yes, they were trying to take the children home under false pretenses. This shows how easily the Easons scam people. This document is intended to assure parents who no longer want their children that they have given them to the right people. It's a security assessment signed by social workers but the gist was pure fiction When you suspected the gist, did you become obsessed with tracking them down and stopping them? It was the right thing to do and I couldn't turn around and walk away from it.
You know who else was going to do it. Lin discovered the Asons themselves. The children had been taken from them because of neglect and suspected abuse, she told police as the Easons moved across the country from children they picked up along the way. How similar the story was from one state to another. Very similar. They were doing damage that they were not receiving. trapped were freedom, we will find can you explain to me how Dimitri and Daddy were placed with the Easons? Well, I mean, they met her in our group. Megan Exxon ran a chat room created to support other adoptive parents who were unaware of their background.
She welcomed them. the Easons and introduced them to the other families, but by tracking their every move online, Lin alerted Megan immediately. I know for a fact that she has an 8 year old and a 14 year old in our group. We introduced them just two weeks before this call, Poppy and Dimitri's parents had left them with Nicole and Calvin Eason Lynn's phone call was confronting and devastating a pedophile, is this Calvin after having that conversation with Wiggly and what did you do later? The first thing I did was call the parents and, according to them, they couldn't.
I'm not coming for your children and I decided that if no one else was going to come for them, I would greatly embarrass them. There are some parents who then walk away and don't look back at the ugly world sometimes, let me tell you. There are no guarantees that the Easons would hand over the children. Meagan immediately set out on a 10-hour mission. - - right, your mistake the house was dilapidated on the outside it had garbage bags it had animal feces it had urine on the front so go up to the door and you were quite an imposing man.
I imagine he is 6 foot 2 yes I am 5 foot. I just said I'm here for the kids and he said well you can't have them and I said no. Calvin, you can't have them, you have no right to them. Lin describes that decision as very brave. Do you feel brave? No I feel stupid and why is it because I helped put them in that position and what did you think of anyone? come and rescue you that way I thought she had a year of that what she was doing he said she was a heroine poppy suffered what no one should, especially an abandoned seven year old girl, she was certainly sexually abused Nicole and Calvin walked around naked they wanted her the children slept in bed with them they made the children watch pornography and as if it were a family movie so moved by Poppy's experience Megan adopted her and Dimitri found a family too although he was now safe for a long time Poppy blamed herself herself for being abandoned by the people she knew like her mom and dad, who she was recently able to face again, so you were reunited with your adoptive parents, your first adoptive parents, what was that?
I felt guilty that something was done to them to make them do that. Me because I didn't understand why she told me that she no longer believed he was capable of taking care of me. Have you forgiven her for not coming to rescue you in that box. Incredibly even after she saved Poppy, the essence continued to relocate? children, it took Lin Banks almost a decade to collect evidence against them before the FBI acted with the help of her testimony. Two months ago, the Easterns were sentenced to 40 years in prison each for their crimes against children. I just can't imagine being in a house with them, you know, and I can't imagine being a little person under the control of someone like that and people get in your way with you and I just can't, I just can't imagine going through the whole search.
Lynne's unwavering support for a decade. of the essence resulted in 11 children being saved today for the first time that she meets one of them, how do you feel saying puppy, yes, yes, what to sit at home, are they real? I'm very happy to see the puppy in person. remember why Lynne did what she did. I have wanted to do this for a long time to save precious lives from the most vile people. I'm glad you said yes, let's go find the eggs after we found her forever family with Megan Marty. and her four adopted brothers and sisters, Poppy has been given the opportunity to live the life she deserves.
What do you think about adults who are capable of leaving their children with strangers who can simply leave a child and walk away? They are disgusting. I heard that they themselves don't deserve to have children. Do you think rehoming should be allowed in this country? I hate that everyone is in that position. I think it needs to be regulated to be safe for children, but a child needs to recover from rejection. and abandonment and trauma have every right to walk this earth healed that's all

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