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Raw Greed | FULL EPISODE | The New Detectives

Mar 30, 2024
A cozy Midwestern hostel becomes the scene of a gruesome double murder, two men are dead and a safe


of cash is missing, but the investigation stalls until several crucial tips and equally solid lab work unlock As the case widens in Michigan, an elderly man is found brutally beaten dead in his own home,


have more questions than answers as they follow a forensic trail of lies and deceit that leads to an unlikely killer. Two completely separate crimes. Two different murderers with a common thread. Both possess a murderous rage stemming from raw


in this


some of the names have been changed dayton ohio the heart of the midwest where old-fashioned values ​​are cherished and crime still shocks the core of the community st patrick's day is usually a time of celebration, but in March 1994 the fallout from the party took a deadly turn Mary Pickett's husband Frank arrived unusually late that morning, having returned to the local shelter to clean up after the St.
raw greed full episode the new detectives
Patrick's Day party. The night before, Mary hadn't heard from him all day, so she decided to drive to the shelter. To see if she was okay, Frank's vehicle was still parked outside and the side door of the shelter was wide open. She instinctively began to fear the worst and called the police. Dayton police officers responded to the scene. My husband didn't come home last night, so. I called here and there was no answer, Mary waited nervously as the officer entered the shelter, she noticed something disturbing, the St. Patrick's Day decorations were still hanging and everything was eerily quiet, then on the kitchen floor she discovered a dead body. life.
raw greed full episode the new detectives

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You will need to stay at the front door, don't let anyone worry, the attacker may still be in the building, the officers cautiously searched the area, the perpetrator was long gone, but before fleeing he left another card visiting, a second victim at the men's door. bedroom floor another man was dead and there was not much to do the police launched a


scale murder investigation mary pickett confirmed the identity of her husband and the other victim maintenance worker boyd walker she explained that frank and boyd were in the cleanup committee and were getting the Lodge ready for their weekly meeting.
raw greed full episode the new detectives
Dayton Police Detective Doyle Burke examined the bloody scene and began to piece together the events that led to the murders. The first thing that caught my attention was that the doors were formidably closed, however, they did not seem to be closed. been tampered with, so I felt like there was definitely no forced entry. Detective Burke looked around for other clues and saw that the cigarette machine had been opened and almost all of the money was gone. He then found a bloody hammer on the floor of the crime office. Technicians at the scene photographed the possible murder weapon, carefully collected it and sent it to the laboratory for analysis.
raw greed full episode the new detectives
Detective Burke's next step was to reconstruct the crime step by step. The victim was in the bathroom area and appeared to have been laid there and then beaten. death rather than just being caught by surprise the other victim in the food preparation area was very different seemed to have been caught off guard before being hit I thought maybe he was the one who could have opened the door for the suspect They were preserved samples of the blood found in both rooms were sent to the laboratory along with other evidence gathered at the scene. Detective Burke took note of the blood spatter on the walls and floor, hoping the pattern was a clue as to how these two men died while coroners were removing the victims' bodies from the shelter.
Detective Burke had many questions about the killer. He believed that the men not only knew his killer, but also could have opened the door for her. The autopsies were performed at the Montgomery County Coroner's Office by Dr. Russell I. We may discover some skull fractures here we will also need a photograph. Preliminary findings indicated that Frank Pickett was struck 19 times in the head. Boyd Walker had been hit 18 times. Both victims suffered brain concussions from a hard tile floor surface and looking at the blood, it appears he may have been taken by surprise from behind. The findings of dr. updegrove also revealed that the murder weapon left crescent-shaped marks on the back of their heads upon closer examination of the individuals and the wounds sustained on the heads of these individuals were consistent with the types of injuries that could be inflicted with hammer, forensic scientist Denise Rankin processed the hammer at the Miami Valley Regional Crime Laboratory.
I examined the hammer for blood and hair. I tried to remove the hairs from the hammer and there were red spots. which I tested to determine if they were blood and determined that they were blood and that they were a mixture of the blood of both victims. The analysis carried out on the hammer came back empty. The investigation stalled. A working group meeting was called to determine the next point. We have nothing, you are still teams in the center. Detective Burke was joined by Detective Tom Lawson. Together they headed the working group. An officer learned that a homeless man named Timothy Clifford had been trying to swindle money from a local church on the day of the murder.
It was the first solid lead in the trail of Timothy Clifford, who was an initial suspect in these crimes. The first thing we obviously did was take measures to locate him. Detectives found Timothy Clifford at a local homeless shelter, not far from the shelter. Clifford admitted that he was begging. at the church that day, but stated that he was at the shelter all morning, he said that the shelter had a book that kept a record of the whereabouts of the residents, it was a closed facility and during the period when these homicides occurred, his whereabouts was verified at that shelter, the lead was a dead end.
Detective Burke hoped that the shelter manager could give the investigation a much-needed boost. The manager told the detective that the safe containing all the profits from the shelter was missing. party and also said that a two-wheeled dolly was missing from the In the administrative office, the manager explained to Detective Burke that Frank Pickett had the unusual habit of sealing deposit bags with tape before depositing them in the bank obtained and As


believed the men knew their killer, the lodge manager provided them with a list of employees and members both past and present. He had a firm belief that he was someone familiar with the operation and of course the first place I'm going to look is former employees and then current employees.
The next step was to track down anyone who Maybe you know why frank pickett and boyd walker ended up dead hey, did you work on the hobbies after talking to dozens of people? The calls and tips were pouring in and this time there were some promising leads. Police began to see a pattern. Most of the information revolved around one man, Edmund Emmerich. One caller said Emmerich bragged about being able to lift a safe single-handedly, and another caller said I once saw Emmerich open a cigarette machine at a bar, but the biggest break came when an informant phone came into the police station, no one gave any information per se, that was enough to say that Emmerich committed these crimes, but when the volume kept going up, uh. with information about emrick and multiple tips and information about emrick he certainly became an individual we were very interested in what he has here the informant was a local man familiar with edmund emmerich he knew that emmerich had worked for a bar in the neighborhood he said Emmerich had a reputation for hitting patrons at his own bar, then calling the police and saying they had passed out.
He said he saw Emmerich at another local hangout being changed by the bartender when the bar ran out. He said Edmund Emmerich could be intimidating. A local who clearly knew the bar district also told the police, Emerick bragged that he knew where they kept his security at the hostel, there was information that Emmerich lost his job and needed money and then shortly after these crimes Basically, the cake alone wasn't enough, but when they were finished it was clear that it was of great interest to us. The police needed to find as much information as possible about Edmund Emmerich.
It didn't take long to find out. He had a police record, a record that included an outstanding traffic warrant and, most interestingly, an arrest for breaking into a safe in the state of Ohio, once his name came up in the investigation, detectives began monitoring him, the outstanding traffic warrant gave them what they needed. to get him off the streets, stop right there sir, take your hands out of your pocket for me, stay still man, the warrant gave the detectives the perfect opportunity to question hamrick for a much more insidious crime, the double murder, in the course of the research we carried out.
Several clues, but again it all came back to Emrick and for the first time in this particularly violent and frustrating case it seemed as if Detectives Burke and Lawson finally had a solid lead and a possible murder suspect. Dayton Ohio detectives were moving forward on the gruesome double. murder that took place at a local shelter the morning after St. Patrick's Day they had some clues, a stolen safe, a missing dolly, and a bloody hammer, but nothing added up after hitting several dead ends, one name came up repeatedly on the crime tip line, edmund emmerich. Emmerich worked in several bars near the shelter and had a reputation for being impulsive and dangerous.
He had an outstanding warrant for his arrest and police detained him. Detective Doyle Burke believed they were on the right path. Information was received that Emmerich was very brutal and very physical after his arrest Edmund Emmerich jumped to the top of the detective's suspect list when they noticed blood stains on his clothes, he claimed he had cut himself while shaving, but detectives remained skeptical. , something didn't add up, their alibi was too good, all I do is have someone tell me minute by minute, hour by hour, exactly what they had done. Suspected Detectives Burke and Lawson asked Emmerich to turn over his clothing as evidence of the blood that was found on Emrick when he was first arrested.
It was on his shirt, on his shoes and also on his jacket. He spent the night in jail while his clothes were sent to the laboratory for blood analysis. Detectives hoped that the blood on Emmerich's clothes would match the victim's blood. The evidence was analyzed in Miami Valley Regional Crime Lab Denise Rankin explains that there was blood on clothing that matched that of the suspects: her own blood on her own clothing, but like the hammer, the blood on the clothing did not come close. detectives to catch the killer, in fact, the jacket. appeared to support the suspect's story that he had cut himself shaving, but Detectives Burke and Lawson wouldn't give up on Edmond Emirate.
A warrant was issued to search his home and they discovered a deposit bag sealed with duct tape that an informant had given them. told detectives one of the murder victims sealed the bags for deposit in the same manner as technicians photographed the evidence and took several other items of Emmerich's clothing for additional forensic testing without immediate evidence supporting Emmerich, the suspect was released, but burke and lawson believed they had the man they just had. To prove it, the day after his release, detectives confiscated evidence from Emmerich's car. Technicians checked the car with a fine-toothed comb inside the car, found an extra hammer and a lug wrench, each was gathered and sent to the lab.
Technicians took samples of gray paint. of the stains found inside the door of emmerich's car investigators believe the paint could be from the missing shelter safe the paint stains were analyzed at the miami valley regional crime lab by director ken bentz we are seeking to determine if the paint is excellent, the paint that is on the Investigator Burke and Lawson also left a safe in the vehicle in question. Lawson's next step was to verify Emmerich's ever-careful alibi, starting with his family claiming to have spent the morning of March 19 visiting his father before heading to a local laundromat.
Detectives were neither surprised nor convinced when Emmerich's father confirmed his alibi, but a laundry employee was more helpful in poking holes in Emmerich's story.Emmerich. He said his behavior was suspicious that day. I think it was unusual for him to park unusually far from the front. door, especially since he had an incredible amount of clothes to clean, the amount of clothes Emerick had picked up that day was unusual and I think it was part of the prepared alibi that he wanted to be so memorable that the laundry would remember. This individual had so many clothes, it was such a large order, but the most damning thing the laundry worker remembered was that Emmerich left a two-wheeled dolly in the laundry parking lot, just like the one missing from the shelter, and, ultimately his alibi. was part of his downfall in the sense that it leads us to be able to verify that a two-wheeled dolly was taken from the crime scene and that emerick is in possession of a two-wheeled dolly moments after the crimes occurred and then a phone call.
He arrived at the Dayton Police Department. It was the break the detectives had been waiting for. A discarded safe was found right in the area where Emmerich had based his entire alibi. A safe so heavy that even a strong man like Emmerich would need a dolly to transport it. The police examined her. Abandoned safe found outside a hardware store The front door had been completely torn off The employee at the local hardware store said he had seen a white man matching Emmerich's description pushing the safe down the street on a two-wheeled dolly It was as if the dam had The box burst open and the safe and dolly were just the beginning.
The results of the tests from the forensic laboratory arrived. There was blood on one of Emmerich's shirts and it matched the blood of one of the murder victims, the blood on the shirt was from the scene and we were able to link it to that scene with that blood. The evidence was mounting and detectives were closing in on Edmund Emmerich, but it would take one more piece of damning forensic evidence and an eyewitness to bring this killer to justice. Local bartender Edmund Emmerich was the strongest suspect Detectives Burke and Lawson had in their investigation of a brutal double murder and robbery at a local lodge in downtown Dayton, Ohio.
Emmerich had a reputation for violence and a criminal conviction for breaking into a safe. A combination of circumstantial and definitive evidence was building a case against the suspect, but it was a paint stain found inside Emmerich's car that provided a crucial piece of physical evidence at the state crime lab, Ken Betts, compared the paint stain found in the car with the paint scratched. from an abandoned safe we ​​were able to determine that the paint found on the vehicle matched the excellent paint on the safe and became another investigative tool for Dayton police detectives moving forward after chasing leads for weeks, the Detectives Burke and Lawson were ending their case against Edmund Emery, but there was one more piece of evidence, a witness came forward.
His name was Brian Townes, a local homeless man who actually saw Emmerich enter the shelter on the morning of the murders. By interviewing him we were able to determine that Not only did he see Emrick at the crime scene that day, he saw the door he entered, he also saw him leave, and he even spoke with Emmerich during the period in which we were certain these homicides had occurred. Eddie took up his hobby when Emmerich left Towns' bar, took $20 from him, and watched him go on his way. Detective Burke showed Towns some photos and the homeless man positively identified Emery that day off with only two people there.
A stranger entered and we discovered that Emmerich knew both individuals. Emerick, of course, through Brian Towns was identified as being at the scene. Detectives now had a man placing Emmerich at the crime scene at the time of the murders, but they were taking no chances before arresting Emmerich again at the crime lab. Another piece of forensic evidence proved that Edmund Emmerich was the murderer. of tim dewer tool marks impressions of the wrench found in emmerich's car identifying a tool mark with a specific tool is like identifying a latent fingerprint at a crime scene with a known fingerprint of a suspect the impressions of the wrench were then compared to casts of impressions found on both the cigarette machine and the lodge safe were a perfect match the remains of the cigarette machine were observed microscopically Compared to the castings of the tool test, the tire tool marks were found several matches between the two and with that it can be concluded that the tire tool made the tool marks on the cigarette machine to the exclusion of all other tools.
The tool printing match was the final piece of the evidence puzzle. Not only did the police have an eyewitness placing Emmerich at the scene, but they now had clear evidence that he had broken into the cigarette machine and security police moved in to make an arrest, although Emmerich attempted to run the investigation. The police completely surrounded the house, there was nowhere for Emmerich to hide. After weeks of tracking down the killer, the detectives caught their man and were now about to get the full story of what happened at the lodge that tragic morning. When suspect Boyd Walker knew his killer and naively opened the door to his own killer, he had no way of knowing that Emmerich had entered the bar with the intention of murder and robbery when Walker's back was turned.
Emerick grabbed a hammer and brutally killed him with the same cruelty with which he had beaten Boyd Walker. Emmerich killed. frank pickett within minutes both men were dead emmerich grabbed the dolly and took the safe out of the lodge he later abandoned the dolly in the laundromat parking lot hamrick needed money badly and this was an opportunity to take advantage of two people he would trust In it, Edmund Emmerich was convicted of two counts of aggravated murder for his fatal assault on the two bar workers, as well as one count of robbery. He was sentenced to two life sentences in prison.
Some murderers take advantage of unsuspecting targets of opportunity. makes it easier to hide your identity others strike closer to home leaving behind traces of pure


emmett township is a rapidly growing community of 12,000 people located on the eastern border of battle creek michigan prides itself on being a close-knit safe haven community, reason why which what happened on the morning of April 26, 1996 was such a shock to the small town. That morning, Sharon Zachary went to see Bob Rogers. She had been caring for an 81-year-old man and rented a house down the street. From him, she Sharon was worried because she hadn't heard from Bob all morning when she Sharon saw her car on the side of her house, she was particularly worried because he never parked there and he hadn't answered the phone. her phone.
Her concerns were instantly confirmed when she saw the sliding side door of the house had been completely smashed in. She ran for help. Sharon Zachary was panicking. Her friend, Bob, had been the victim of several burglaries in recent months. It seemed as if this was another attention to all of emmett's officers the council at 7419 jefferson drive our welfare czech possible assault the officers were familiar with bob rogers it was not the first time they had been summoned to his residence they knew that the old man had a reputation for being a pack rat and keeping large amounts of cash in the house they were entering entered the house carefully and cautiously so as not to disturb any potential evidence, but this time the crime was worse.
There he lay face up in Bob Rogers' living room and he was dead. Hey Bob, it's okay, Noah, no, he's not a man. We have signal 15 here. We're going to need an attack also notified Commando Push Emmett The police now had what appeared to be a homicide on their hands Lieutenant Thomas Headley arrived prepared to begin the investigation His first step was to speak with Sharon Zachary the woman who had discovered the body the house here mr roger's house asking him to go to the station to make a statement examined the bloody crime scene from the beginning lieutenant headley knew that this crime did not happen like the others this crime scene is a little strange to me it is not consistent with if we know the behavior, mr. rogers, also the fact that the sliding glass door was forced open at the back of the house was not consistent with the other crime scenes, people did not have to make that effort to obtain insurance Among the scattered clothing and blood splatters the crime technology team took measurements photographs and samples all potential evidence forensic technicians paid special attention to the victim's bent belt buckle pick it up we'll get one more they photographed themselves and collected glass shards looking for of possible hand or foot prints, what did not surprise Lieutenant Headley were the large amounts of money found hidden in various places around the room.
He was an older man. He probably lived during the depression. He had the money on him. Probably as a feeling of security. Headley knew one thing he was sure of: money was the motive now. she had to find out who was responsible at the emmett police station lieutenant anthony geigel questions sharon zachary she told lieutenant geigel about her relationship with bob rogers said she became friends with the old man and rented one of his many properties zachary le She explained that she was worried about Mr. Roger's safety and even insisted that he move in with her.
She said she was tired of standing by while the old man was repeatedly the victim of violent robberies. Zachary told the lieutenant that he didn't see anyone. the morning he found Bob Rogers' body he went to. his house when he hadn't heard from her, but to Geigel there was something a little strange about Sharon Zachary's story and something strange about the whole murder the crime scene didn't match what had normally happened in the past the scene just had a aura that something just didn't seem right it almost seemed like someone went to great lengths to make this look like a robbery bob rogers autopsy was performed at the sparrow hospital morgue doctor joyce deyoung took the victim's fingerprints post mortem that she needed to determine which footprints found at the scene belonged to the victim and belonged to the possible murderer or murderers.
Deyoung noticed severe blunt force trauma to Roger's head and body. Mr. Rogers received between 25 and 30 blows to the head, with the majority of head injuries being to his back. and on the left side of the head, which would certainly suggest that the blows were inflicted by someone from behind, judging by the position of Roger's body and its decomposition, Dr. de Young concluded that the body was most likely of Roger to move after his fatal beating. He called the lieutenant. geigel to report the conclusions of her there is a pool of blood near the body that appeared to be where the body was face down and then the body is turned around and the hands are hands and forearms are in the air after Ryder Mortis. had established with the victim's fingerprints, forensic scientists began to reconstruct the murder of Bob Rogers using a technique specifically designed to lift fingerprints from porous surfaces.
They analyzed the victim's belt. Numerous prints were taken from the belt, most of them belong to Rogers, but one does not. If it was someone other than the victim's print on his pants, then it was obviously someone who touched that area, it probably would not have remained on the surface of the belt while the victim was wearing it conventionally. The scientists also found compelling evidence in one of the fragments of the broken sliding glass door was the imprint of a muddy tennis shoe simply by walking on the glass the design elements of the shoe are reproduced on that glass in incredible detail uh including no not only the design but the characteristic size of the individual characteristics unique characteristics of a shoe that allow us to positively identify the shoe the evidence was convincing but seemed to lead nowhere lieutenant geigel had no suspects and each day that passed was another day the killer was Free Emmett Township police were investigating the death of Bob Rogers, an elderly man who had been the victim of repeated robberies, they had evidence of fingerprints and a muddy shoe print.
Lieutenant Headley prepared the following plan of attack. He knew that strong evidence in the case would ultimately help him convict the right suspect. Emmett Police Hosted a Task Force to Brainstorm the Brutal Murder and Made an Apparently Shocking DiscoveryApparently they found out that Sharon Zachary had power of attorney over Bob Rogers' finances, since she was the one who found his body and had unlimited access to his house, they needed to take her out. As a suspect they obtained a search warrant and began investigating her affairs, we began talking to family members and as a result began to look at her a little closer as a possible suspect.
Her first stop was to return to the crime scene. Thousands of dollars. cash was found in the house hidden in every room investigators removed files and records from roger's home when reviewing his records lieutenants geigel and headley discovered that sharon zachary was using roger's credit cards same here when some detectives They began to suspect that their hunch about Sharon Zachary had been right, we also pulled bank account statements and discovered that she had actually been withdrawing some funds from some of her bank accounts, which led us a bit to think that there might be more to it. this and that there could be some money that could be in question, I deal with all his legal and financial matters in fact, to get more information about Roger's finances, they decided to question his lawyer.
Roger's lawyer explained that Zachary was granted power of attorney four months before the murder, but only two weeks before he was found. dead the old man had abruptly changed his mind discovered that ten thousand dollars was missing from one of his accounts and was furious in that brief case developed further when we learned that Mr. Rogers had made a will leaving the property belonging to Sharon Sacre behind his death, did you obtain the information with a clearly established motive? Lieutenant Geigel and Headley sent an investigator to Rogers Bank. The bank manager said Sharon Zachary came to Bob Rogers about a year before his death asking to be put into his account.
Rogers sat down and felt uncomfortable while the paperwork was completed, but she came back only the next day requesting to be removed from the account, i wanted her to remove us as attorney in fact, she wanted to handle her own affairs because she no longer trusted sharon sacra, mr rogers. I hadn't been able to get to his will but unfortunately he was murdered before I could. Finally, the detectives spoke with a security guard at a local discount store. Zachary went to buy some shoes and tried to use Bob Rogers' credit card when he The card was declined.
Security was summoned to the counter. They called Rogers at his home and he told her that under no circumstances did he give Zachary permission to use his credit card. She insisted there was a mix-up. The meaning of this card was that it caused Mr. Rogers to be suspicious because at that moment he would have felt that Sharon Sacramento was cheating on him. It was a big break in the case. Detectives Geigel and Hedley had confirmation that Sharon Zachary was desperately trying to take advantage of 81-year-old Bob Rogers. They were increasingly convinced that it was Zachary who killed the old man in a fit of greed, but they needed proof if they could find a way to directly prove his guilt.
The detectives knew they had found their killer, take Lieutenant Geigel and Lieutenant Headley. They were on the trail of the murderer of Bob Rogers, 81, the man was beaten to death in his own home and preliminary evidence pointed to the guilt of his caretaker Sharon Zachary. It seems that he could have signed his name. Zachary had been taking advantage of his power over Roger's finances, it seemed clear that the old man didn't like Zachary spending his money. We're trying to find something that would link Zachary to any kind of financial impropriety, that is, anything we could find to help rebuild everything, plus we still hadn't found the murder weapon and then another discovery, Lieutenant Headley learned that Zachary had attempted to take the plans to Rogers Land that they studied.
Bob Rogers Land. They wondered why Sharon Zachary, who rented one of Roger's houses, would request a copy of Roger's property plan. What they noticed immediately was the amount of water on Roger's property. They knew that one of the ponds would be the perfect place to hide a murder. weapon there were three farmhands who were adjacent to mr. rogers' house and we think that possibly they were used to hiding the murder weapon. It is also interesting that there is a worn path that leads from this area of ​​the third pond behind the Mr. Rogers House to the house where Sharon Zachary lived.
Divers were sent to check the pond and the detective's instinct paid off. The divers removed a section of pipe. three feet of water at the crime lab forensic scientists examined the pipe although a remote possibility there could still be evidence of blood in the pipe, forensic scientist Marjorie Harris, has pores, cracks and crevices that allow blood to penetrate the weapon itself or is dense, if you have cracks and crevices in a metal object, you still have pockets where blood can pool. and actually dried and adhered to those surfaces even though the pipe had been submerged in the pond it still had traces of human blood on it so glad to have found it.
I don't think this has happened before a murder weapon like this could be. Forensic investigators replicated the blood spatter from the crime scene using a pipe similar to the one found in the pond. They beat a melon to simulate a skull. They compared the crime scene photos to the crime. Reconstruction forensic investigators concluded that the pipe removed from the pond was the same pipe used to kill Bob Rogers. We like to do a crime scene reconstruction where we can tell a series or sequence of events. What happened. Where did it happen? What was the order that was given? happened the detectives felt they finally had all the ammunition they needed to go after sharon zachary with a search warrant in hand they entered her home confiscating the financial records in sharon sacra's home that shows that she had an interest in mr's finances rogers and who apparently wanted to know more about what kind of money he had available sharon zachary cooperated by allowing the police to remove bob rogers' records from her home the officers asked her for a pair of sneakers to compare with a shoe print found at the scene crime, without any argument, took out a pair of white tennis shoes that they immediately bagged to test in the crime laboratory.
The footprints on Sharon Zachary's tennis shoes were compared to footprints found on broken glass at the crime scene, although she insisted that she never entered the house that morning. The preserved prince perfectly matched Sharon Zachary's individual characteristics. They are exactly the same therefore the impression from the crime scene and the impression made by the suspect's known shoe are the same the shoe print was enough to arrest Sharon Zachary definitely placed her at the crime scene the woman who said being Bob Rogers' caretaker was now being arrested for his murder we believe that the forensic evidence we located clearly established that she was at the crime scene that we established that Sharon Zachary was a liar and we believe that Sharon Zachary murdered Mr.
Rogers in the crime lab Forensic scientists were comparing a fingerprint found on Bob Rogers' belt to Prince Zachary's. It was a perfect match. We actually physically found Zachary's fingerprint on the back of Mr. Roger's belt, showing that he had contact with the body. which did not match what he initially told his officers. Zachary said it was only natural that they would have evidence linking her to the crime scene. She said that she spent a lot of time taking care of the old man. man that it was not surprising that his print was on his belt, but forensics told a different story about the print: it is very fragile in nature and in all likelihood would have been destroyed by simply putting the belt through the loops and attaching it to the pants .
If it has been on a person's clothing for a period of time, it is not likely that the fingerprint of the victim or a suspect was present on the bottom of that belt. It was too late for Sharon Zachary. The evidence against her was overwhelming and everything pointed. To her fault, the forensic evidence we gathered at the scene of this incident was key to solving this crime, everything from the thumb print to the shoe prints that were pulled up to the murder weapon that we initially eventually found submerged. In one of the ponds that brought everything together and made all the pieces fit together and allowed us to solve this homicide, Sharon Zachary could no longer hide from what the detectives were able to piece together, angry at not being able to freely spend Roger's money, Sharon Zachary left Let greed get the best of her on the morning of April 26 she went to his house while he was hiding some of his cash, she hit the old man repeatedly with a pipe, I think she finally saw an opportunity to get him out of the picture. all her assets and get away with it, she went through Roger's pockets, turning them inside out and taking out the cash.
I guess she knew exactly what she was going to do when she went there. She knew this based on his history of thefts. and before the previous assaults on mr. rogers and she's going to make him look exactly like that, trying to make the premeditated murder look like a random robbery, then she went out and broke the sliding glass door, mr. officer robert, and after doing that, I try. to make the place look like your typical textbook home invasion, but she forgot a couple key facts and I think that was her biggest downfall. The strong detective work of Lieutenant Headley and Geigel was held up in court.
Sharon Zachary was found guilty of first degree murder and armed. robbery she was sentenced to life in prison without parole some are victims of circumstance murdered for being in the wrong place at the absolutely wrong time others are exactly where they belong but still not safe from the killers who seek them with a motive of pure you covet

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