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Raw Edge Applique using Freezer Paper & Elmer's Glue - Making Mr. Pumpkin

Jun 05, 2021
Hello guys, welcome back. I had a lot of questions and comments on my previous video about




and Elmer's


to make raw



s, so today we're going to make a


, a little project for Halloween, and I'm bringing it in and, Hopefully, I'll answer some of the questions you may have about this technique. Stay tuned before you start. I wanted to answer a couple of questions I had about



. Freezer paper has been used for years and years. In the sewing room, many people use it on the back of fabric to turn the needle and make appliqués.
raw edge applique using freezer paper elmer s glue   making mr pumpkin
Maybe we'll make a video about that soon. My favorite application method is raw



, just because I'm looking to save. Time and freezer paper with Elmer's


apply on a budget and I look for smart ways to save time and money to complete my projects looking very professional and that is one of the reasons I love border unfinished. apply with freezer paper. Now I've had some questions about the freezer paper. Freezer paper is usually used in the kitchen to freeze meats and things like that, it is different than wax paper, where wax paper has a waxy coating on both sides and it is not like parchment paper which has a dull side on both sides, Freezer paper has an opaque side that you can write on and then it has a waxy side that really keeps meats fresh in the freezer. stuff like that also keeps meat from sticking when it's in the freezer, you can unwrap it and it won't stick like you know aluminum foil would, but for years people have been


freezer paper in the sewing room to make applique projects, it even has a quilt applique in the box, awesome right? so the waxed side is not sticky to the touch, it is slippery, however, when you place it with heat on the fabric, this waxed side acts like a glue, however, when you remove the freezer paper from the fabric, there is no left No residue on the fabric and this comes off pretty easy so you don't have to be afraid to use this on your fabric as it won't stick permanently and won't leave a waxy stain that will make you worry about ruining your project.
raw edge applique using freezer paper elmer s glue   making mr pumpkin

More Interesting Facts About,

raw edge applique using freezer paper elmer s glue making mr pumpkin...

The glue. use Elmer's washable school glue and this is perfect because it is fast, saves money compared to Heaton Bond and Steam Esene product, fuse straps can be quite expensive and some projects really require those products and then many of the projects I do this works perfectly and again we are sewing on a budget but with very professional results now we are heat setting this glue so you don't have to worry about your machine, the needle getting gummy or getting parts of your machine, the glue dirty. When we take our product our project to the machine will be dry so you don't have to worry about that and you also don't have to worry about it getting stained or left on your comforter because the first time you wash your comforter all the glue products They come out, so what you're left with is a very nice curtain for your project, their fabrics maintain a really soft feel, while some of their fusible products, which you know if you've used them, can be a little stiff. and it leaves the fabrics where you've used those products feeling a little different, so when you've used this and sewn everything up, wash the quilt, the fabrics will feel like cozy quilting fabrics, okay, I'm trying.
raw edge applique using freezer paper elmer s glue   making mr pumpkin
To think about, if there were any other questions, what I'm going to do now is lower the camera to our work surface. I'm going to show you our pattern and how we trace our pieces on our freezer paper and let's go ahead and make this


, okay guys I have my materials ready, I have my pattern pieces ready today, we're going to make this cute pumpkin and today we're going to to add a face. a denim base I love using recycled denim and blue jeans in my projects and that's why I already ironed that I do have a stabilizer on the back just so the denim isn't stretchy and so let's start with one thing.
raw edge applique using freezer paper elmer s glue   making mr pumpkin
The thing to remember when you're


the raw edge appliqué is that you don't have to mirror your pattern pieces; If you are


the fusible products to make a fusible raw edge applique or if you are making a needle turned applique, you would. You want to reverse your images or mirror your pattern pieces before you start, the raw edge towards Lakai with Elmer's glue and freezer paper, that's a step you can eliminate, so print your pieces and don't worry about making a picture mirrored so this is what our pumpkin will look like when we're done and I just have the map of where the different pieces go and then I have my template piece that we're going to trace out, you can see the lines are thinner and Let's start now, remember that your freezer paper has the shiny side and then the dull side, the shiny side is what we actually iron onto our fabrics and the dull side is what we trace.
You can see that you can see through the freezer. paper and that makes it perfect for tracing your patterns, so let's get started and make sure to label your pieces as you go. I like to leave a little space between my pieces, so I move my freezer paper around and you Guys, freezer paper comes in a huge roll, you can get it at the grocery store. I found out my local Farm Fresh has it, but it's not as widely available and it costs more, so I go to Walmart. Remember the bright side of those sides. I go to Walmart and buy mine and you get a huge roll, it's like 150 square feet, it lasts me forever and I think the price is five or six dollars, my hands are shaking, does anyone else have shaking hands?
It's something hereditary. That is hereditary in my family and then we have two small pieces. I'm going to make them a little bit bigger for our little pumpkin boy here and then we have a truck piece. Can you see through that? Yeah, I guess you can see that, okay? and so we have all our pattern pieces. You can see that I separated them to make it easier to go through and cut these pieces. At this point, you're going to make a rough cut not on the scribing line but around your The pattern piece is fine, so I'm going to go ahead and take you to the iron.
We are ready to cut and iron them. Look at this leg and I actually just trimmed it so I don't waste a ton of fabric. like that, so remember we're not cutting the layout line, but we're giving ourselves some space. I'll cut one of these one more so you can see how much room I give myself like this, so I'll cut out the rest of the pattern pieces and I'll take them to the iron. Ok guys, we have all the pattern pieces cut out and we are ready to start placing our pieces on the fabrics we are going to use. and I picked out my fabrics for this project and they are all leftovers from other projects I completed so I'm just going to show you how we prepared them.
If you want to set your iron on a cotton setting I usually use it as a six and it helps this waxy side adhere to the fabric and again we place the pattern pieces on the right side of the fabric, not the wrong side, okay, so let's see, I'll show you how. It sticks to our pieces for this color we're going to make your eyebrows and it doesn't take long, it's just as quick as our pattern pieces are glued to our fabric and what it does is add stability and give you your pattern tracing line, all in one, okay, and we wanted to make our trunk, let's see, let's make it a little bit smaller so it fits in there, there's our trunk piece and like that, it's pressed down, now we can move on to our eyes and our nose, I It helps when I'm making raw edge applique with a bunch of different little pieces, not only to place the pattern piece on your individual pieces but also to give you little instructions so you know when to cut all of these pieces.
You're putting them on your block up and down, so I put little arrows just to help me, here's our eyes and our nose and then we're going to use this as the body of the pumpkin again on the right side. up and we're just pressing these pieces down to see if there are any others that sit here, yeah, it will fit so you can see how fast your eyes are as well as you under this piece and now let's get that piece out of there. and one more piece I'm trying to find the best way for the pieces to stay there to waste as little fabric as possible because even this piece here is going to be saved for a project who knows when, but look how cool this fabric is. we'll save those pieces, all of our pieces are ironed, so now is the time when you actually cut on the pattern line, these lines that we made by tracing, that's when we go ahead and cut directly on those lines, my hands scream. here we go guys, making these videos for myself, maybe for some people it comes naturally to me, it doesn't, and in high school I had to take speech classes and I would break out in a cold sweat, look like this, it's our perfect pattern piece .
I would break out in a cold sweat. I would have nightmares like the week before I had a project in that class. I would have nightmares so I'm trying to get out of my fear of making these videos just because I know these tips although I'm not the only person who shows these videos but I know a lot of people find these videos helpful so I'm trying to break with my fear of public speaking and making videos to be able to provide you with these tutorials. We have our piece, so I could be a bit chatty or just ramble with you.
I apologize and you know the amazing thing about YouTube is that it's my video style or teaching style is annoying, there are a lot of other people out there that maybe are better for you to watch, but I hope you'll bear with me. I think every video I make gets a little bit easier and so you know that we all have areas that we can grow in and areas that we can improve on. so that's what I'm trying to do with my videos, but thank you all for being patient with me, we'll cut this last piece together.
It's cold here in the store. I'm really trying to refrain from turning on the heat. because here in Virginia it's really hot one day and you have the air conditioning on and then the next day it's cold and you're like, oh, I have to turn on the heat, but I'm really trying to refrain from doing that because they had the air conditioning on yesterday, it's okay guys, I'm going to go ahead and cut out the remaining pieces, it's just a few and then I'm going to bring them in and show you how to glue them to your block, okay?
Guys, we have all our pieces cut out and we are ready to use Elmer's glue. Now there are special tips that you can buy for your glue that give you a very small line of glue if you have trouble using the nozzle that comes with the glue. I have done this so many times that I just use the hustle that comes in there and you can adjust the amount of glue coming out and knowing that all the glue is removed from your quilt for me I'm fine with that so remember we're using this school glue and we have the map of where all of our pieces go and we're ready to go so remember We're going to leave the freezer paper on our piece during this process, you don't want to take that.
Removing it gives you the pattern piece and adds stability to your fabric. Well, we'll see how the same fabric if you were trying to glue a piece together, you'll see how it falls and this is a much smaller piece that would be even more difficult to handle, but. The freezer paper adds stability to your piece, so we'll leave it on during the gluing process. Oh, I just want to make sure that you can still see that yeah, okay, I like to run a little drop of glue near my edges they don't have to be directly on the edge now you can use little dots if you want to use dots you can make a drop of glue I wouldn't use a ton of glue but maybe you can see how much glue I used, so now you guys were decorating at this point, it's like a big puzzle, let's put it where we want, let's move the other pieces and now we're going to heat it up again, keeping the iron on its cotton setting and I normally use like a six and a nosteam we're looking to dry the glue and put our piece through the sewing process so we're just looking to dry the glue and it really only takes about as much time and our piece is on now, it's still very hot, so I'm not going to handle it much, but this will stay, so let's say you're doing a project and you only have a short time to work on it.
You can glue some of your pieces together, leave the freezer paper on during this process, but you don't have to worry about your pieces getting lost or coming off, they are done until you sew them so you can leave for any amount. Time turns back and everything is exactly where you still need it to be. You can see only a small amount of glue. We are going to put it. Yes, it looks good there. We're just drying the glue and it doesn't take long. time like this, so see you, it's relatively quick, we'll make one more piece again with Elmer's glue.
You don't have to worry about it sticking to your machine, it's just like any other type of fusible product you use it, you're sewing everything togetherthat so that your machine handles it well. Now you don't want to bring this in while it's wet because then you might have some problems, but once the glue is dry you'll be fine. so at this point we have all our pieces of paper glued together we go down to our block and we are ready to continue go ahead and remove the freezer paper because we have glued it down you will have less rain that you will have freezer papers are sacred at this time the fabric It's a fabric and that's what it wants to do, so the closer you have the glue to the edge of the fabric, the better or less it will fray when I'm removing the pieces, but you'll find that the freezer paper comes off pretty easily.
I like to let my pieces cool really well and I find that the freezer paper comes off much easier after the pieces are set down like any other. type of applique project that you're doing, you can do the layers, you can see we have our pumpkin body here and now we can go in with our face and glue those pieces on now, at this point, I think I'm going to go ahead and sew around my edges remember we're using school glue, it washes out, you're going to want to use a stitch around each of these pieces and the type of stitch is really up to you, you can use a satin stitch, you can use a zig zag stitch and those two stitches really They will help prevent the edges from fraying.
You can do a blanket stitch or just a straight line stitch near the edge of your pieces. Now keep those types of stitches in mind if you wash the product of your piece. Once you're done, you'll have some frayed edges, which on some projects might be the look you're going for. If you're going for a country, distressed look, then those types of stitches with this process really work. alright guys, we have sewn all of our pieces to our base, we have used a small zig-zag stitch using a bit of brown thread around each of the pieces and now everything is sewn, what is the exact stitch?
You shouldn't get any. When fraying, you may have a loose thread here or there, but for the most part, all of your pieces will stay nice and secure without fraying. You can use a blanket stitch or a straight stitch near the edge and that will give you sort of a worn look to your pieces that is quite pretty on many different projects. I wanted to show how you can still layer using this technique with your pieces after sewing them. I'm going to go in with the face pieces and Actually, this is probably my favorite part: deciding where all the pieces go, like decorating your pumpkin.
I think his face looks really angry here, so again, like the body of the pumpkin, we'll use a small amount of glue around everything. of our pieces to the edge and it's just a small amount you and then we place all of our pieces. I went ahead and did this with all of our pieces and the glue stays wet and workable and you can rearrange your pieces. before ironing them gives you a lot of work time using Elmer's glue. Also keep in mind that if you place a piece and heat secure it with the iron, the piece can lift and move, you just have to be careful with it. but you can take it and I'm going to go ahead and place all of these pieces where I want them to be and then our heat set all of the pieces at the same time with my iron and then next I'm going to show you guys the end result okay guys , we are all done with sewing.
You can see I went in with my darning foot or a free motion foot on my home Singer machine and did some stitches just for decoration. I put his eyes on him and went over all the pieces of his face to give him some definition. I think my choice of fabric for her eyebrows might have been different, but you know what I really like and I think that's all that matters: whether you're satisfied when you're done. you can see it's pretty close to our pattern piece. I think he looks a little angry, although that's fine with me, although you guys really like it and I hope this video was helpful if you had any questions about using Elmer's glue and freezer paper I hope this video answered to your questions, if not, you can leave questions below in the comments section and I will try to answer you.
You can always join me again at Lisa Cape and Quilts on Facebook. I am quite active there and you can share photos of your work and how you have used this technique. I would love to see your photos. If you are interested in any of my future videos, you can click Subscribe and see the little bell next to it. Click to be notified when I make new videos and some of the videos I have coming up. I was asked to show how I bind my quilts and how I bind the quilts and then also how I trim. my t-shirts for t-shirt quilts so if you are interested in making a t-shirt quilt stay tuned for that video.
I'll show you what rules I like to use and how I center my logos and make my blocks for those quilts, thanks again everyone for watching, thanks for dealing with my rambling and if you don't mind me rambling on, go ahead and subscribe and you can also leave video suggestions if there is something you would like to see please go ahead and comment below. I appreciate you all and hope you have a fantastic day.

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