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Rappers vs Producers: Who Makes the Better Song?

Apr 24, 2024
friend, it's because it is like that. bro, I don't know what you were thinking, but let me fix this so we have the course too. 13 minutes to mix it. You get the extra four they gave you. 17 minutes. It's crazy because we talk like we're not. We'll use it, we're about to use this out of this, what do you guys think about the mix? Although, what will the mix be like? I mean, we have stock logic plugins, we don't have much time, and do you know how to use them? like doing your own compressions, all that, let's see, I don't know what this thing is, oh yeah, like I don't even know.
rappers vs producers who makes the better song
I attended I'm not going to go through the scale right now you let me see I'm alone does this thing have internet oh , we're showing everyone what's going on right now man bro stop selecting files dude you can just drag and Leave it oh you've used this before yeah wow dude that was crazy so stressed baby. I got a bomb for 10 minutes where the tone crashed into ah, bro, little guy, I thought I did it, damn bro, no, come on, man. Take a deep breath for me, look real quick in this thing while I lose you, come here, I need a compressor, your workflow is crazy, dude, I'm trying to space out right now, dude, I don't have enough time for any of this, brother.
rappers vs producers who makes the better song

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rappers vs producers who makes the better song...

I don't have enough time to do any of this right now bro, what am I up to? We've got six minutes, that's not enough time to do any of this, goes where my echoes are, bro, oh wait, wait, I'm not compressed. not compressed bro, I'm not compressed thanks to the fact that I still can't sleep the last three minutes, this has improved a lot. Damn, man, this is 58 seconds, wait 58 seconds. Matt is stressed right now, man, I think it's frustrating when you have it. someone else is constantly recording for you and you are focused on being an artist to come here and in one hour record two people and do everything yourself, not only are you being creative but you are recording without being used to it and Matt is online, TRUE?
rappers vs producers who makes the better song
Now dude, I thought the hardest part for the artist was going to be making the beat, but it turns out it's just the overall production because they're used to being artists they're used to, they just like what's best for this hook. We're not used to like how I arrange the beat, how I fade the beat, how I auto tune, how I do all the similar production stuff that


are obsessed with, it's not what I thought it was going to be, man. , this. It's crazy but they have about 30 seconds left so let's go see oh foreigner that was literally crazy bro I don't know what was more stressful the b or the b or this oh I have to order save the brother I'll be honest man I'm proud that I did a good effort and, you know, with what we had at crunch time, we needed those extra four minutes and, man, okay, yeah, okay, so there's something I haven't told you yet.
rappers vs producers who makes the better song
We're in the studio right now, but behind me there's no wall, I actually showed up at what this bro, you're going to perform your


in front of all of us right now for the other teams, also make sure guys. subscribe to the channel because once we hit a million subscribers i'm taking one of you to a studio like this so subscribe to reserve your spot okay you're ready don't just tell me what you mean honey honey that It's in my new sound. Encore, what do you think? That's fire, maybe it made me completely forget that my good work came from the hallways that led me to Bomb Bag 10 years of hard days Adam took the long way without a scenic route around these great seals my mom found this on a proud place Don't decide to be surprised on Monday at Throwbacks I'm not even like that girl.
I know you know that made me focus on the bad and the girl got it so wrong that I got stressed. I have a party. Well, look who got the shine from her. The man he saw. I still can't sleep with the boy once, yeah, yeah, come on, WOW, and that's his



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