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Rap Icon Johnny Dang: The King of Bling

Jul 01, 2024
to make any of these types of rolls. Yes, yes, I do everything myself, but how long did it take you to do it yourself before you started hiring? and bring people about four or five years four five life sweating hard wor


not like 4 five easy just go to work for an hour come back relax here it's not so easy in those four or 5 years you almost fit like 10 to 15 years of work like that how hard you work in any production, we start with this first, they call it wax, but this is created with a machine and we use this, we cast it in gold, even the grill that we start with first is every diamond added by hand, every diamond . each diamond after finishing it,i have a jeweler here,they cut it and finish it,but not polish it.still,and after finishing i transfer to L7 set,the perfect size is L,then polishing start to finish,how much How long does it take to make a Grill PA?
rap icon johnny dang the king of bling
If it works properly, I will continue like 2 three days, how does a 3D printer work? this cost when it just came out around 100,000 another lesson here is that you have to constantly reinvest in the business, very important, like look at this, ma 100,000, you know what is the most important thing in business, eh, be honest, yeah, how a hardwor


person is very important, but being Honestly, I need the most important thing for any business guy. Now they want quick money. They want to make a shortcut. Man, you make a shortcut, you shorten yourself, yes, you cut your life short.
rap icon johnny dang the king of bling

More Interesting Facts About,

rap icon johnny dang the king of bling...

Sometimes they don't know how to relax. How would you say you are with relaxation? I play climbing to be relaxed and enjoy it. Go on vacation. I take a lot of vacations every year. What are some of the most important lessons you've learned? The commercial client is always right, many times he is wrong, yes sir, photo, I appreciate that I will have a baby in January, okay, congratulations, thank you. I'm starting to get it right. I don't want to make your life too easy. How do you balance that with being a successful parent? How do you raise children who are not spoiled children?
rap icon johnny dang the king of bling
We just trained them from a very young age. We buy what they need, we don't buy what they like. Over time, you want to pass your business on to them. Of course, they need to be educated, so they have to finish school, that's why we send them there, train them very well, so my goal is just for them to finish four years of college and then run businesses. You have to be, if they like it, man, it's hard. Pass it to the child, yes, but if I pass the whole thing on to them, they might fall.
rap icon johnny dang the king of bling
Do you have to travel safely depending on where you go? Yes, I have two buses at security that travel with me. Have you ever experienced a really big learning experience? business lesson like there was an event that you really learn from, it's a crazy story. I'm a super celebrity, we make a deal. I make a mistake, let's say you buy 10 goods and then I only went down and received only nine, so after I left your house. I checked the inventory right away on the car. I found out I was missing a watch so I came back and told him he is so angry.
I told. Just relax. He didn't want to look at the receipt, but he left. People made me say. throughout the day, that was the first thing I explained to him. He is a very good customer, he paid, but he is still a customer to this day. Yes, a small mistake, but make me learn the lesson they like. Be very careful when doing this. Johnny invites us to his neighborhood and the golf course where we can take some swings and he drops some nuggets of wisdom over the beautiful Houston sunsets. What do you think makes people successful?
I come from nowhere in Vietnam. I have a real Hood in Vietnam, right, I grew up without electricity or power when I was a child every day we went to the forest, we hunted, we eat whatever I C Many times we don't have rice, many weeks, not even days, we don't have rice to eat eat eat whatever we cut someday if I didn't cut anything I didn't eat well rat neck vegetables like everything I eat of them Unarmed robbery with the bare hand oh birds birds yes, it's not worse than that and we survived and I do it Do you think the does luck have any role to play in the success?
They make the move, the right timing, the luck. People complain but they couldn't achieve it. Under what conditions are you going to build my house? No, it's not normal. wooden house or normal concrete house that we build with mud, so when rappers say I got it out of the mud, you really got it out of the mud, yeah that's a real M. Did you have a mentor? I'm looking for my father too. Very good man when he sees you coming from Vietnam making $35 a day for an Empire to MoGo business, what did you think meant a lot to him?
He is very happy, but my parents are the ones who appreciate it the most, they don't really need money, let's be honest, they just need us to be there. grow up as a good person do something good for the community as a good person have good families I think that's the key to being successful just be a good person true story right when I started I started buying the diamond because I was a Jew right I don't have credit, nobody gives me credit, so whatever I have cash I buy and then one time the diamond dealer had an accident, he gave me an extra bag of the diamond, I put the back like 7 diamonds worth of $8,000 and I went back to him and told him Johnny.
You're the good man, any diamond you need from now on I give you unlimited credit I could have kept it he would never know that's what I learned I had to be honest and then I look at my parents I'm much luckier that my father my father was locked up for 10 years and without knowing what day he was released, why was he locked up? You know, the Vietnamese have a south and a north, he's a South Vietnamese soldier, he's a great captain, so when he doesn't take control of the cells. They put all the soft drinks in bad condition, so were you still born when your father was in prison?
Yes, he was 3 years old. I remember visiting him all over the forest and they like 2 3 days on the road just to see. him and then he escaped, he said he was fine, he escaped from prison, yeah, he said prison, oh my god, yeah, they caught him, put him in Ys again and hung him upside down for days and Heap again as soon as they escaped from Vietnam on the ship. They ran out of gas so they were floating on a boat for 2 weeks so two weeks without food so when they came here I was like okay that's how it's done.
Johnny is putting some candy out there, hey, that took a pat. Walmart four, okay, one more try. one more, my best see, better than a hood, okay, so friends, life is a great adventure, if you work hard, apply yourself, with a little luck, you can become anything you want, Johnny, some final thought for people. there, walk hard, be honest, walk hard. I make it easy for you man, you can be the king of


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