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Ranking WEIRDEST Fidget Toys $5 Mystery Boxes

Jun 19, 2024
make this work well, I love you, this is phenomenal, oh, I get it okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, so the numbers we see are how you're supposed to thread this string. I was going to say wire the rope but first let's see what's on the zippers oh yeah that's okay that's okay what's in here? Well, alphabets, that's pretty good, the zipper is nice, pretty sturdy, it has to do it and I guess the rest of the alphabet will be here, yeah, there you have a nice zipper, so if you really don't even want to buckle up making noise, you can do this and no one is going to tell you that you are going to ruin a jacket, it's for you now, okay, okay, and we have the rope that technically ties at the end here, I hate untangling things, it's like If you knew when you were going to order takeout. and then they really tie those bags really tight and then you meticulously try to untangle the little nuts and then you end up tearing the bag, that's me, I don't have the patience to untangle the little thing one at a time, but let's go ahead and do that because I think that It's the goal of this activity I have you I have you fan there let's go okay so this is number ten coming for number ten go through number nine eight oh God, I'm going to regret this, aren't I? six seven I can pull it all up once all the way oh and it's attached oh it's attached okay I'm going to pull it all out like this and the nice thing about this rope here is that the tip is really firm so you don't have to worry about it moving through these little holes, no, no, no, that's what he, for example, if we want to pass it through number one, look at it very carefully through number one, it's like threading a needle, I like this.
ranking weirdest fidget toys 5 mystery boxes
I don't like sewing this, but I really like the fact that it's very easy to just push it through the different little compartments or tie the laces. No, I'm not going to fix this. It's like tying a shoelace without worry or stress number three look at that that actually feels really good


pillow where have you been my whole life you're soft you're interactive you're full of activities I get goosebumps you make my life so much better now I love you I love you so much and now basically the next part of the fun is basically clipping out everything you have in whatever order you want, but I guess these clips have to come first and then you turn it around and then you clip things together. , which I've never been a fan of things with buckles, but there's no stress in the fact that this is probably my least favorite, this green one here, but okay, let's dig you out of the hole.
ranking weirdest fidget toys 5 mystery boxes

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ranking weirdest fidget toys 5 mystery boxes...

I don't like you that much, here we go and then these. the ones that go in and out like this and then the last one here that I thought was broken but it's definitely not broken you have to pick it up and pull it the other way and hook it is definitely great for physical therapy look at that there but now we have this side. this side doesn't seem to be a big activity, I think it's just moving things back and forth because nothing moves here so we can't really eliminate this kind of push down motion from one side to the other so it's almost like a


toy, basically repetitive movements that don't require much thought to help you relax, so that's what I see here.
ranking weirdest fidget toys 5 mystery boxes
Same with this one. I dont know how to use it. Someone knows? Oh, okay, this is for unbuttoning. so this is unbuttoning, wait, so this one should also unbutton, right, no, nothing unbuttons here, this one doesn't really unbutton, but this one unbuttons like this in and out and then we have the buttons, okay, very easy, the holes are very, very big like me. I saw ooh hello little bear well hello jackie good to see you here little bear I'm just here to hide because I'm evil and you can only find me by accident ok this review got crazy real quick ok let's just kind of get you you hide here what are you doing? you think you can hide me I'm not afraid don't do this don't stop and then the last one here again like shoelaces and putting on I don't know what Are they called shoelaces?
ranking weirdest fidget toys 5 mystery boxes
Yes, just shoelaces through the hole. Oh no, it's another bear. Do you think you can get away with hiding my brother? I'm going to leave it at that, so I'll have to say that this concern. pillow minus the fact that it's not portable, maybe they can make a mini version with less stuff, but it's still the same concept. I'm going to give this a 9 out of 10. because it has so many different elements of fidgeting or physical therapy to relieve some anxiety. a little bit of everything for me is definitely worth the 28, but now we have the owl looking character, are you better?
I don't know, oh, it wrinkles, no, it wrinkles, oh no, it's okay, back with the felt so as not to continue scratching the surface. The first thing that's really different is that we have some kind of texture that wrinkles the feet. Just the little wings. There is definitely a lot less activity on one side. In fact, let me check the price. Oh, now it's 26 dollars. it's okay and it only has 10 reviews which is one of the reasons i chose it because i have like 10 reviews this should go in the trash but so far it's very soft it has the same kind of pillowy texture honestly . like a stuffed animal, it wrinkles up nicely, okay, let's open the zipper and it's basically just a little pocket on one side, nothing special anywhere else, it says hello friends, how are you today?
Okay, close it, oh, it's actually good, okay, let's try this. again, oh hello, did you hear about my favorite anime? I want everyone to see it. It's called ABC. I'm busy. Compress it well and the other side is fine, it seems that we have the same type of activities as this one. Okay, even the same. colors there are no different colors okay so we have the normal belt buckle type. I really want to get to the bottom just so we get an idea of ​​what's going on at the bottom. made the same buckles, this is the circular seat, oh, there we go and the clip, aha, and instead of numbers here we have, you're going to pass the actual rope through the alphabet like this, very simple, very direct again, no big deal, actually I quite enjoyed the other one, I found it quite relaxing, except here you have more of that threading stuff and then down here you have a clip that you can drop like this, you know what I think, they just pushed everything on one side , this one too.
Same thing, just push in and out to move it back and forth and then we get more zippers, nothing on this side for the zipper, so no giveaways per se. I don't really care about revelations unless you're really, I guess, learning something. the zipper on the other side and that's it, this one came with buttons and more laces so it's two dollars more expensive, I think as cool and cute as this one is, I'll have to say this one is definitely the superior one. stress and physical activity toy, I really don't want to hit myself with this so nine to 10, I'm going to say eight and now it's time for the scented balls, stress balls, yeah, I've never seen a use for scented stress balls, but I guess .
You never know until you get a good sniff of it, I mean play with it, I mean fidget with it, there's just no right way to say it so let's go ahead and squeeze them. You're done. You're done. I can smell them. Here they already say that there are three different levels of softness, so let's see, we have pink balls, we have blue balls and the extra level of purple ball, this is exactly where the channel is at the moment, welcome to the family, so we have these little statements. in that this is called motivation keep focus positivity you are enough they mean like I'm too much like you're enough like you're enough you need to stop this year enough is that that's not what it is because I'm not feeling very positive at this point I feel like a load oh oh very minty okay, it's an interesting texture, it feels like it's a mochi toy wrapped inside a fabric, so it has a very firm texture, interesting, but it's definitely a mochi on the inside yeah you're not sure what a mochi fidget toy looks like here's the next one here it's called gratitude stay grateful for some reason I feel like it's toxic positivity but whatever it is it's just me okay stay grateful and then kindness open your heart oh , that's a lot firmer, this one is pretty soft than a holy shrimp, yeah, you have to use a lot of forearms for it, I guess it's good if you really want to work with your forearms, oh, that already hurts, I'm not ready for this and so oh wait I didn't smell it hello this smells like nothing and then the blue toy is called health your best self if health was that easy I would do it just get healthy please energy feel rejuvenating , I feel like whoever wrote this hasn't really gone through any kind of struggle in his life so this one is okay, this one is definitely the softest and lavender so far this is the mint one that smells the best, I think this one is lavender , but the smell is almost not there and this one just doesn't It doesn't smell like anything, yes, nothing, so is this the mildest medium or is it that they almost feel the same, what is that sound?
That's weird, okay, they feel like they're the same even though he says he's different, let's try, okay, this one is gone, okay, yeah. this is the softest this is the second and this is the hardest you know what they could probably be used for massages you know where you have different balls that you can help yourself with by massaging different parts of your body your sciatic nerve and those things that I feel like they are what Soft enough, you could get away with it, so as a fidget toy, I'll probably give this one out of 10. But I haven't used them for massage yet, so I'll probably update them. you're on an Instagram story or on Twitter or something and last but not least we have a mug in a pug what are you waiting for a pug in a mug so a pug in a mug is only a dollar and there are a pug in a mug and I think it says squeeze me. squeeze the cup, okay, we're ready, okay, yeah, I'm sure you know what works.
Enter and exit. How do you feel? It's a mochi and it just goes back in. It feels good for a dollar. Yes, why not? I'm going to give this. a basic rating and give it a 6.5, so not great, not bad, okay, remember again this is your last chance, this is the last week to pick up the out of this world fidget kit that comes with the ever so sought after salero plush the last time a salero plushie was released was two years ago so don't miss out on this one and again you will get all this awesome stuff the holographic sticker the sticker sheet two galactic themed fidget cubes and the plush for 29.99 considering the plush last time was only about 25, this is an amazing deal.
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