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ranking teen dystopians on how ridiculous their futuristic societies are

Jun 06, 2024
she falls in love, this is an ironic One Direction fanfiction that wouldn't happen, remember the moment when every young author decided to write a dystopian novel. The world is divided into two groups: those who pour


cereal first and those who pour


milk first and when you turn 16 you have to choose by eating the genetically modified cereal that will show you all the possible futures based on your breakfast in a world future and by the world we mean the United States, everyone is required to wear makeup, but our main character is not. She doesn't like makeup, she likes reading books and starts a rebellion by forming an army of young men who are so in love with her because she is not like other girls.
ranking teen dystopians on how ridiculous their futuristic societies are
I think he could write a bestseller. The common idea is that all these dystopian young adults. Futures were kind of rubbish, but we also know that the things young girls enjoy tend to get trashed too much, so today we're going to take a closer look at all those


age dystopian futures we're not. We are going to see plots, writings or characters, we will simply classify them according to their



. Let me show you the levels I made. The first level is called killing because these are all interesting and well thought out themes and often a lot of people die too The Perks of Being a Cyborg these are dystopian novels that are basically coming of age novels.
ranking teen dystopians on how ridiculous their futuristic societies are

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ranking teen dystopians on how ridiculous their futuristic societies are...

I think it's good to recognize that many dystopian young adults never set out to be a critic of society, the dystopian society of the story. it simply acts as a stage on which to perform the theater that is the AG


neighborhood and if you do it well I think that deserves credit too then we will know why your scientists are so incompetent, you will be surprised how many of these dystopian futures exist solely because to really bad scientific conduct. niist deor refers to dystopian


that are kind of too simple and lazy backdrops for a fun action-adventure story.
ranking teen dystopians on how ridiculous their futuristic societies are
Last year I reserved them only for those who give me a lot of question marks and also for flavor. above, I've added to this list a bunch of my own dystopian


worlds that I came up with when I was about 15 and a big fan of all these books, just kind of a contrast, a lot of these why Dorion books suddenly it looks really good if you compare it to what a teenager would come up with, they're pretty crazy but we'll get to that in the end, let's start with an absolute classic and that's Divergent, so in Divergent the world is divided into five factions. based on your personality, the fearless abnation of emity and Candor, also known as Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff plus and honest people at 16 years old, you discover where you belong and of course, our main character Tris turns out to have more than one personality trait and she is divergent because she doesn't fit into any of these little boxes yes it is true that this world doesn't make any sense the idea is that the world was divided into factions to avoid war so why is it bad to be divergent and have all these virtuous traits?
ranking teen dystopians on how ridiculous their futuristic societies are
The world has absolutely no relation to real world criticism unless you are a teenager. Divergent may not have created an adequate representation of what the world is like, but it's definitely an adequate representation of how the world feels when you're a teenager and that's why I think Divergent is a perfect example of a story about most. age with a dystopian world that somehow helps that coming of age story. Unfortunately, this is all completely broken with the last book in the series. I put it here because the ending book of the series just makes a complete one, there's like a big plot twist in the final book which by the way will be a spoiler that changes everything we knew about the first two books, let me explain it to you , government. has genetically modified people to eliminate genes that cause crime and murder.
This isn't too far-fetched, there are genes that are associated with vulnerability to becoming a criminal, although it is still greatly influenced by the environment, but instead of being able to fix people's genes, they accidentally damage everyone's genes and the whole thing blows up. war, beyond the fact that you have somehow spread a genetic modification throughout the entire population and never before discovered that it does the exact opposite of what you want it to do, but They are trying to cure these damaged genes by creating these cities simulation like the world in the first book, where people are divided into these five factions and then they hope that every once in a while someone is born who is Divergent and if you are Divergent, that means your genes are no longer damaged, so don't just all the previous books are just a simulation oh it was just a dream now the whole point of the story is kind of interesting it's about how people aren't defined by their jeans and even if you have damaged genes you can still be A good person, our main character turns out to have 100% pure genes, of course, but that's beside the point.
I would put this on why your scientists are so incompetent, but I just remember being so angry at this book when I read it when I was 17. I'm going to put it at the bottom here. I really respect all the creativity that went into these books and if you consider yourself creative too, I have the best place for you to cultivate that creativity with today's video sponsor. Skillshare Skillshare can help you go from creative passion to paycheck. What are your creative goals? Maybe you want to start a newsletter to share your writing. Maybe you want to set up a shop on Etsy.
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I highly recommend Skillshare. The first 500 people to sign up with my link will get a full month free trial of Skillshare, so click the link. in the description to get your month of free classes and thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video. Next, let's talk about Wither. In the Wither world there was an attempt to genetically turn everyone into a perfect race, but once again it went wrong and now oops! all men die at the age of 25 and all women die at the age of 20 once again. I'm just asking how come these futuristic scientists are so incompetent that they give the entire world population and by world population we mean just the US genetic modification and it backfires, completely opposite, in a way they never fully discovered.
Preliminary investigation. If my memory is correct, the reason it only happens in the US is because the rest of the world was destroyed by climate change. I could have created a level for vague reasons why the rest of the world no longer exists so that the author doesn't have to deal with geopolitics, but then almost all of these books would end up on that level now. The point of this book is that our little main character is sold as a bride to a random man, like most young women do, to become baby machines, and in fact, I realized that I think this The book takes a lot of inspiration from Bluebeard, the fairy tale because the bride lives in this big house with the man, but then there is a secret underground chamber that is filled with all the corpses of all the previous brides that have been used to experiment on.
The whole plot of the story, it's absolutely crazy, it's not plausible at all, but I think it's kind of poetic like this world where no one ages beyond their youth. I don't really hate it, but it's going to make incompetent scientists lose points. Then there is Beloved Shatter Me, about a girl who is lethal in the world of this book the disease is everywhere the birds no longer fly everything is a desolate land I don't remember it and I couldn't find out on her wiki page why the world ended either. Well this may never be explained, all I know is that the reset is an entity that is trying to fix it and now they rule the entire world.
This whole book is basically about how our main character becomes a weapon and learns to embrace the power of it. So this is a very good example of pretty decoration, there's just a desolate world that's like a lazy backdrop for the real story. We have all 100. I've never actually seen the show. I only read the book. The world has been completely destroyed. Because of the nuclear war people have fled to space in a large spaceship and then the young criminals are sent back to Earth to see if it is habitable once again this is a post-apocalyptic world that is mainly just a setting for the adventure story oh maybe we should talk about The Hunger Games In The Hunger Games, the world is divided into 12 districts and they are ruled by the very rich capital as punishment for the past rebellion.
The 12 districts have to harvest a child each year to go to the Hunger Games, where they have to fight to the death, the rich, the excessively decadent capital is basically us, overconsumption, blinders for all who suffer, we just want keep things entertaining and a show of how capital keeps its citizens docile and blind to all the injustice just by giving them entertainment. from The Hunger Games so that they don't start questioning the world because at least they are entertained, that is literally the plot of Brave KN World, an acclaimed dystopian book. The whole idea of ​​these districts facing each other making each other the enemy so that they don't realize who the real enemy is: the capital that oppresses them, all the districts are poor and underdeveloped even though it is them those that provide all the products that make the capital as luxurious as countries in the global South. all our clothing, our technology, supplies our wood, everything to support our luxurious Western lifestyles and in turn we simply exploit them.
I could go on and on about this forever. The point is that Susan Collins thought about what she was writing every time she saw someone believe that The Hunger Games is just some stupid young adult dystopian with a love triangle. I instantly no longer take any of her opinions seriously, she's a sledder, okay, what's next? ooh. Let's talk about my favorite other than the Hunger Games, and that's Angel Fall by Susan E I. I think I'm going to have to roast my favorite, so this story is about the apocalypse, the biblical Apocalypse where the angels come down and They begin to rule and ruin the land.
I really like that this is a story where the angels are the bad guys. Guys, because angels are often presented as beautiful and really nice beings, but they can be very scary and no matter how much I love this book, this is really an apocalyptic world that is there as a setting for all the fun action. Okay, so we have We Have Legend here, we follow June, a military prodigy who got a perfect score on the trial aptitude test from a very privileged background and then we also follow Day, who is a kid from the slums, so that in this world there are children who do not get high scores.
Enough people in this trial aptitude test are basically thrown out and experimented on, which I think is a really interesting parallel to what Cutthroat Academia is like and how kids are pushed to get the highest and highest scores, and if you're not good. At school they consider you as if you were worthless. In this book there is a war between the Republic and the colonies and apparently the Republic has been constantly lying about them being on the winning hand when in fact the colonies have been on the winning hand for a long time. A long time ago and I'm pretty sure it's something that happened exactly in 1984, if I remember correctly.
I really feel like Marie Louu, the author of this book, had something to say, so I'm going to put it in Sleigh Cinder by Marusa Meyer. Unlike all the other books we've discussed so far, this one doesn't actually take place in the US, it takes place in the Eastern Commonwealth of New Beijing, there's also a country on the moon. I think it's one of the most unlikely parts of this story. is that the moon has been colonized by scientists who simply live there because they want to do their research and exploration. If this happened in real life, there would 100% already be some kind of billionaire taken over the moon to exploit it in some way. money, but in this book the people on the moon had been exposed to cosmic rays that mutated their gene, leading to a moon gene that gave them magic.
Is veryimplausible that if you are exposed to ionizing rays, there will only be a singular gene mutated. That wouldn't happen now. I will say that I find it difficult to categorize this book as completely dystopian. I feel like it was categorized that way because that's what was trendy at the time, but it's actually more of a fun little sci-fi. where this futuristic world is a genuinely fun world for an adventure story, but it's not an interesting dystopian future. Well, before I move on to my horrible dystopian futures that I came up with, there are a few more dystopian books that I have personally created.
I didn't read them, but I couldn't make this video without them because they are staples of the genre, so keep in mind that I haven't read them. I just researched what their dystopian worlds are based on. Let's start with Uglies at 16. years old, all the teenagers are given a nice operation where they become conventionally beautiful and all the young people are persuaded to think they are ugly so that they all undergo this nice operation this is brilliant this it's just a fantastic concept that explores beauty standards it has to rise to the top so we have delirium this is about a world where love is forbidden and when you're 16 they give you the cure against love but of course oh our character principal is about to turn 16, but just before receiving his cure he falls in love.
He is very, very far-fetched. Yes, I don't believe for a second that there would be a futuristic world where we would ban love. Is it a poetic hell? Yes. I think this is a very interesting concept, especially for teenagers to explore first love and the importance of love, which makes for a great coming of age story, so I'll put it on the perks of being a cyborg o Let's talk about the maze runner. So the whole idea of ​​this world, if I'm right, and these are spoilers for books like the later ones, because only then is it revealed that there was a virus and the scientists are trying to find a cure, of course, so they put to the children, some of them. immune, some of them haven't gone through all these tests like the maze like The Scorch Trials in the second book to investigate the virus and how immunity works again.
What's up with all these horrible scientific practices? Or, then, Ellie Coni has equalized us. In this world, officials decide everything about you, what you will do at work when you die, but also who you love. Our main character is matched with his perfect match according to the officials. According to some kind of test, but then a little love triangle happens and she has to choose between her perfect partner, like on paper, her perfect partner, and a guy she has more passion for. I know this book is kind of a slapstick for being really bad. I haven't read it and I'll be honest, I find the concept quite interesting, it's a world that explores what it means to be compatible, how the influence of what other people think about your relationship impacts your own relationship decisions if you choose your own destiny to love or trust. about the idea that other people might know better than you, it's pretty cool, it's a pretty cool concept.
I feel like this could be an episode of Black Mirror. Oh wait, it's an episode of Black Mirror and it's one of my favorites. It really reminds me of Hang the DJ. So yeah, maybe the books are extremely poorly executed, but again, this tier list is just based on the concept of the futuristic world idea of ​​it and I like this one so I'm putting it here. Hello, editing myself here to say. I shouldn't have put Match at the top here, like what I'm getting at in these last few clips is that I think the story line and concept of Matched really works for a good coming of age story, so I should have put this in the second tier it's not on the same level as The Hunger Games ah next is everyone's favorite the selection so this is a world divided into casts where you get a number like one is the best and eight is the lowest and there is a girl of a lower level.
I think the cast that enters this bachelor competition to become the prince's bride, and then you get taller, you become number one, so the dystopian society here is that the United States and China were at war between Yeah. China won and the United States became a colony of China, then Russia joined the war and China and the United States teamed up to defeat Russia. To be honest, I can't see this being based on any real criticism of the world other than America's general fear of China and Russia and always making China and Russia the bad guy, but what I find most fun about this series is its system. of distribution.
They criticize the casting system from what I've learned from the plot summaries of these books. It's all like, oh, the casts are bad and it's really sad for everyone. poor people and then the prince is like a hero in the last book because he dissolves the cast system, but also the goal of the series is from rags to riches from ooh, the main character is now among all these rich people and ooh , she gets to Experience all these luxuries and isn't it wonderful to be rich? Where do you think they got all this money from? And at the end of the third book there are again spoilers for the last book.
She becomes royalty and marries the prince. casting system because it was so bad to have all this class division, but our main character is royalty, now look how great it is now that she is so rich in royalty and full of luxury and that's why I'm going to put her on the level lower. Here it is okay, before I move on to my stupid little IDE ideas, the last one is the donor one. The Giver is a classic about a world without color, without emotion and where everyone has to fit into this concept of equality and it's about a child who inherits. the memories of the time before equality and because he inherits these memories, he himself, for the first time, begins to explore emotions and experience emotional depths, so hey, I'll be honest, this doesn't look too bad so far no We've done it.
I talked about my ideas, but when I was reading all these books, of course I wanted to write my own too and I just liked writing for fun, so I wrote my own dystopian stories, they're exactly what you'd expect from a teenager who abandoned history. and geology classes as soon as I can which one we will start with. We'll save the craziest one for last. Let's start with this one. This is an ironic One Direction fanfiction where the love interest was NY Horon and all the evil clones of him. Oh, this. It's crazy, why am I sharing this?
The main character is not like other girls because she doesn't like to party and prefers to read and she and her friends are on this big cruise as a school trip, the captain of the ship turns out to be evil, his name is Captain SharkMan and he is secretly a British pirate and he is giving all these teenagers on his ship these deadly riddles and tests to find out where the secret treasure is hidden on his ship. I really liked writing stories with mortal characters. games in them. I wonder where I got that from. I also have to share with you the Hunger Games fanfiction I started writing with some of my friends.
We never got beyond two chapters, but that was enough for us to build a complete dystopia. world, the capital has been dissolved and is now part of the district, it's called district 14 and The Hunger Games are back because it wouldn't be an interesting story if the Hunger Games didn't exist and the twist we came up with is that instead of people being harvested as normal as individuals, an entire family would be harvested and then people would have to vote who from that family would go to the arena why was this implemented because we needed a fun little twist because the drama is why which is fine and now for the one who really has more hinges, this story was called the black parade.
This story is the direct result of a teenager reading too many of these bleak dystopian stories without understanding the point of their gravity, so I wrote an incredibly daring story, oh I need to. wait oh I need to share the chapter titles I came up with for this one, the chapter titles are as follows and I'm translating them directly from Dutch because of course I wrote them in my native language, a selection of girls a those who are allowed to die. 2 is a smile in the dark chapter four is called the meaning of death and chapter four is called surviving, that's good advice.
I think I stole it directly from The Hunger Games without realizing it and the first sentence of the story is that there was a room with four mattresses, three girls and a dead body, so if you thought that was bad enough, wait until you hear the dystopian concept behind it, let me tell you what it is, there are all these girls who are ruthlessly pushed into a trailer and taken to some kind of camp and throughout GRE in the first chapters, our main character Jiran Jiran Jiran constantly he looks for a band-aid on his arm and thinks about how he knows it's going to hurt soon, he waits for this feeling of excruciating pain and we Have other characters talk about what the experience was like for them and how much pain they felt.
We heard from other characters that this thing they put on Jiren's arm made them lose their tongues and others had their legs completely paralyzed. and what this has been doing to them was a vaccine. This story was about a government-mandated vaccine that leaves people broken and with horrible diseases. It's a good thing this was never published because Qanon would have taken a field trip with this and it gets. worse and the government gives everyone in this country a vaccine that will try to kill them, those who were strong enough to survive the vaccine deserve to live and those who died from the vaccine didn't deserve to live in the first place so it was just Straight up Eugenics, that's what it was.
I also clearly didn't understand what the vaccine was because what I'm describing here is just a poison. I just called Vaccine because it sounded cool and the whole plot of the story is that our main character gets kidnapped to join this thing called The Black Parade, which are basically squid games where people have to play deadly games for the enjoyment of the rich. , so they're basically squid games but without any political consciousness, so you know, all these dystopian books really weren't. Honestly, these should be on their own level, as the selection and allegation are much better than anything else.
That was good, thanks for watching, let me know if you agree with my rating or if there are some things I've missed. I would love for someone to share their


dystopian ideas that they came up with when they were teenagers because I'm pretty sure, I hope, I hope, so I'm not the only teenager who came up with these woefully unconscious dystopian ideas. I want to say a huge thank you to all my patrons for supporting me with a special shout out to all my Elite Patreon members. In December we're reading Weathering Heights for my Patreon book club.
I will leave the link in the description if you want to join thank you very much for watching this video I hope it brought you a little joy and I will see you soon in another video next week bye

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