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Ranking Rhett & Link's Favorite Foods on GMM

Apr 14, 2024
Today we're


the best gmf meals, as you may well know, not only do we all cook in this lovely channel's mythical kitchen, we also work for a show called Good Mythical Morning and there are some amazing meals we all make for that purpose. on Good Mythical Morning, however, you don't get to see how they're all made and today we all promise to change that, well you three because I'm not going to cook any of them. Yes, yes, yes, but what is happening? What's going to happen is you guys are going to do the best thing you've come up with for GMM in the last month and then I'm going to come in and eat you and rank you.
ranking rhett link s favorite foods on gmm
Sounds good? Yes, do you heat your food? muscles today and the microwave, did you also hurt your hamstring trying to get your cat out of bed because it was biting your toes last night? Yes, okay, let's cook. Welcome to the other GMM program. Yes, that's right, what's it called, like I said before. we are the chefs of GMM and we create a lot of really cool things like food trends so in this recipe today I'm going to show you how to make a sour pesto noi that I made for a GMM episode 4 until 2024 food Trent I.
ranking rhett link s favorite foods on gmm

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ranking rhett link s favorite foods on gmm...

I feel like one of those babies eating a lemon on Tik Tok who just can't stop coming back to it. You know what I'm saying, it's like, you're right and then they're right, oh, maybe go. Back for a little bit more, we're going to start with the noi and that's basically what the Italian potato fluffy ass pillows, anyway, I'm going to go ahead and rice these potatoes so we have our DIC potatoes and rice and We are going to start making the dough and we have some egg yolks that I am going to put in this bowl a little garlic powder a little pepper a little salt a little onion powder that I am going to mix here first with a little bit of flour , that's good, well, well, take a little bit of our orange and give this a little bit of zest.
ranking rhett link s favorite foods on gmm
I always laugh at how people grate things. I see a lot of people do it this way and then Josh likes to do it, like when he makes parmesan. cheese like true what's the difference there's no difference it's how you prefer it true I like this because it just reminds me of a therapy it's nice it's nice here I like it anyway I'm going to leave this orange powder there grab some of this lemon lemon no I know what the hell I'm talking about I don't know my citrus this is alive I'm going to put a little bit of that in this mix right here throw this out it's going to get stuck in your whis that's totally fine don't think you don't know what the hell you're doing because sometimes I have a lot of moments where I do that well, so that will go there, whatever we go for. to mess that up, use the rest of that flour and then we're going to make our dough, so I'm going to move all of these things in the way, I love it, we're going to start mixing this and pretty much mixing. until it becomes a spongy mass and that will be the solution and Yi, I'm just going to take this out.
ranking rhett link s favorite foods on gmm
I like the counter, yeah, we're going to go in there and then yeah, I'm going to need this for a little bit and we're going to come back with a nice, nice dough, so as you can see, we have a small, round dough. I added a little extra flour because yes, you want to make sure it's smooth, but you don't want to. Make sure it is very moist and soft inside. I'm going to take this and probably just cut it. I said probably like I didn't know if I was going to do it or not. m I'm going to grab this because I know what I'm doing and then I'm going to make a cute little doughy flower snake so you can spread it out using your finger muscles and just roll it up so it's a little bit thick on this side, so I'm going to keep going.
Honestly, I like cooking for Red and Lake. I think those are some of our best creative moments, when we do it, the only time I don't like it. is when Link tends to bite my finger and yeah, that's a real thing, check your gut, you know, that hand that's feeding him, that's me, okay, so now that we have our beautiful little doughy snake, let's cut about 1 into pieces. the extremes and just keep going and it's okay if they're not super perfect. I mean, I don't really have that fancy ass machine, you know, that makes it bam bam bam, so let's leave all of these little ones I like to reshape some of them if they get a little weird, you know what it reminds me of this?
Has anyone ever seen The Nightmare Before Christmas? This is what the boogeyman's body looks like, so imagine this, but like with a face and he moves like this, like that's exactly what he reminds me of, so I'm going to take all my little Boogeyman and I'm going to drop in my hot water, here they were boiling forever and then you're just going to boil them until they float and that's when you know they're done. It curdles again, so what exactly makes this pesto sour is this nice little yellow juice here, camanzi juice. I like to think it's just you. you know the Filipinos


fruit, it's super sour and acidic, it gets you in the back of the neck, but we're going to make our pesto with it and then we're going to add some walnuts, some parmesan cheese, we've got a nice little Yu here and some garlic and I'm going to add a little bit of salt for flavor, obviously put this in there, bam, okay, so I'm going to try to multitask a little bit, let's move this pot, move the hot pot, do this. it's doing things it's doing things this is hot let's add some butter add some calami juice over here bam that's cute that's cute that's nice and green so I'm going to leave that alone now because it's ready regular this It's going to be like our frosting.
I am what I am looking for. I'm going to grab all my floating noi around here and just throw this into the frosting. Oh yeah, so we're going to let this kind of wander into this thing that smells delicious, it smells delicious, so I'm going to throw them in this bowl, bam. I'm about to use a lot of plates right now because I was supposed to grab the plate I was putting this on. I didn't do that, get our Dungarees and just you know, put it out there, I'm going to take this whole wig cut out, look why Josh does this now, it just makes my life feel so much better, okay. cool so we're gonna go ahead and just put this on our nice white plate so you can see the green we've got some parmesan cheese that we're gonna just boom boom boom boom on top yeah and then we're gonna grab a couple of pieces of basil and I just put it in, yeah, green, that my friends are sour pesto, milky boom, holy, we wrote a cookbook, yeah, look, it's my family, my mythical family here, don't we look good?
In fact, I tried every one of them. recipe in this cookbook so I'm really proud of it and you should definitely buy this cookbook on Cookbook or anywhere you can find books so I'm going to throw this out catch it kg okay good cat, I'm making a french onion. Jelly Donut soup from the episode Will it Jelly Donut, sweet and pleasant. I think you could put some Orbit gum on top. It would be okay, you could be like lady, that's a lot of damn onions and I would say yes, it is, but they will caramelize and become nice and sugary and just sweet, so we'll let them cook slowly and then we'll get rid of this bowl and come over here and we will roll out our donut dough.
So this is just a basic donut so the recipe um we're going to let the French onion soup gelatin shine in this um and we're just going to poke some holes. I also love the Willet episodes because you're like, will he do it? and you're like, I don't know and then R and R and Link say no or they say yes, so that's the concept, if you haven't seen it, it looks pretty cool, okay, I think that's it. a good thickness and I'm going to cut a couple of these, yes, this is very good, yes, French onion soup is one of my


I love soup. People don't know it, but she's French. because you have to French kiss the onions before you cook them and luckily I sliced ​​them and you didn't have to see that part. We have a test box here, this will only help the process. the temperature of the dough and I make sure it doesn't dry out, so I'm going to put them here, put them away good night, dut dough, put them next to my hot oven so they can rest a little longer before I fry them. I have my onions here um this is going to take like a couple of hours.
I don't know. I'm going to go see a Marriot in the first place and we'll be right back. It smells so good here and I can taste it. That's right, Anelise, yeah, um, when I was doing this for the actual Willet Jelly episode, there were like 5,000 people who came here and were like, "Oh my God, what are you doing like something so good?" And I thought it was literally just butter. and onion and that's one of God's greatest smells because it smells, it smells like uh, I don't know if it's a heat, I don't know what, who, it doesn't matter, we have some gelatin sheets, they're like crunchy, I love the ones that we use. them all the time um in the mythical kitchen when we're making crazy creations.
I reviewed a lot of packages of these for Willet's jelly donut episode, so we have ice water and what you do is you just put them in ice water and they bloom. there and I'll show you the consistency of them in a second, but for now we're going to add our alcohols to deglaze these onions, some people use white wine, some people use brandy, I want to use both, you know, get a little crazy. I'm just trying to make a really nice French onion soup and then make it weird by putting it inside a donut, so okay, yeah, it smells really good in here.
We have some cool weather. I thought it would be fun and creative. like leaving the land inland, but now it's like in all my hands, so it was a good production call. I'm going to leave them as twigs here just so I can pull them out a little bit later, um, I'll add. a little flour to thicken the soup a little, just a little. I'm not going to use all of that and then add my bay leaf, add a little bit of sugar just to sweeten the deal, you know, even though my onions are already very sweet.
It's going to go inside a sweet donut, so we're going to make this sweet and savory and then we have our beef broth. This is something I agree with Josh on, is that I like to use the granulated beef bullion powder and add water and kind of make your own stock, rather than buying it like the store bought ones, they tend to be very diluted, so let's literally pour all of this in here, oh God, I'm pouring it out, okay, here we go, I'm going to get this. Bring it back to a simmer and now my gelatin sheets are pretty much done, you can see they've really gelatinized and then as this heats up, I can just stir this in and then I'm going to put this in some of the containers.
They put it in the refrigerator to set and then we go fry our Donuts, fill our donuts and come right back. I came back with a dut and I'm going to fry it in a deep pot. fryer like and I'm going to come here it's sinking um I'm going to come here and just pinch a little bit of garnish This time I have scissors so the dirt doesn't go anywhere because I'm a smart girl um and just pick some of these okay , let's go to the floats. I totally love cooking for rettin


um they're actually really hard to impress because they've had everything from the show that I did, it's also going to be kzone and I thought it would be smart to bake them fresh right before the episode, fill them and everything in our really gross ovens. um the whole kitchen was in smoke like the whole building actually people were coming in to make sure I was okay and I wasn't.
He was having a little meltdown, but R and Link don't need to know that this suit looks good. I'm just going to give it a oh oh yeah, okay, this is good, we've got a little bit of Browning in there. It looks good golden. I'm going to let this finish cooking, let it cool a little bit and then fill it and show you the result if you've ever been to Married at First Sight comment below so we're wrapping up. up our donut here is nice and golden, it's still pretty hot. I'm going to poke a hole in this and I'm just literally using a toothpick and just twisting it around to leave a lot of room oh no, maybe I need to do that. do it a little bit longer sorry I need to put this back on for a second I thought it was ready okay I put it on for a couple more seconds just to make sure the middle was okay but I'm going to go back in with my Chopstick, it's really hot, I also wanted to do this as a whole cook bee with a French accent because if you're a fan of me, which you probably aren't, I'm really good with accents, comment below if you're a fan of Comment below if you hate me , okay, so I'm going to do it.
It's so hot, people all the haters below in the comments probably love that I'm suffering right now. Okay, I'll let this hole cool for a second, but. meanwhile I'm going to add some grated grer cheese on top oh my French fish I'm going to I'm going to put my we we now we just take the blowtorch and turn on the Quant and we just do that and we just melt slowly. I'm going to add even more cheese, more cheese, okay, yeah, okay, we're going to get a nice char on top, it's melting onto the donut just the way I want it.
I'll finish burning it in a second. I'm going to come in with my jelly here. This is like room temperature. I like to melt a little bit inside the donut, but that's okay, let's open my donut hole.again because the cheese covered my hole, there we go and then I'm literally just going to push this in. Can someone make my hole bigger? Nicole, it's my specialty. Can I hold the donut and you just make sure I'm going to go a little sideways? Yeah, yeah, bigger, okay, no problem, bigger hole. I'm making it stronger. I'm doing it, right?
I need, you don't have to be, it's a family program. I'm not being a fool. I'm just giving you the address. Okay, thanks, no problem. Okay, I'm going to go in here. Oh yes, that's much easier. m I wasn't even trying, you guys are making it inappropriate. I'm fine, I just have to touch the hole a little. Sorry, touch the hole, okay, thanks V, thanks for the support, maybe you should have done that. my hole got bigger. I went out of the order of operations here and I said, "let's go smell the cheese" and then I did it and then it looks like this, you know, cooking is not this, it's like Kone turned everything over again like things turned around. crazy behind the scenes we are going to put another layer of cheese on it is going very well okay this looks very good I am going to plate it I am going to go this way it is prettier I am taking my I screw the tongs I don't need the tongs anymore and we are going to continue with some time.
I'm sweating, okay, that looks good, pepper, my hands are so gelatinous, there you go, French onion soup, gelatin donuts, mercy, so I'll show you. Guys, how to make the fried chicken bagel from no episode of GMM. One of the writers said: Hi Nicole, can you make a bagel with chicken? And I said, I don't think anyone's ever done that before, but it seems like a job for us. So this is the fried chicken bagel. Basically I'm going to make a big chicken nugget, fry it, cut it in half and put some cream cheese on it. You'll see it and you'll love it, so I'm going to start with some ground chicken here.
I'm going to add a sco which just means a little bit of Tony Seas, that's it and it's not a bagel anymore and then I'm going to add a little bit of salt and garlic. onion powder white pepper powder monosodium glutamate and a little bit of cornstarch this is basically like a McDonald's chicken nugget, a big one. I think the word of the day today is big butt and I like it and I know the keto community will come to me and say this is just bread, this is just keto bread and yes, it's keto bread, but we don't market it that way because The ketogenic diet is a bit fraudulent, it's a lie and you should eat whatever. you want so I'm lubricating my hands very important and now we're going to shape our chicken bagel.
I'm going to take approximately how much is this? How much would you say 3/4 of a pound feels like? 3/4 pound. I'm just going to place this on my baking sheet and of course a bagel isn't a bagel unless it has a hole in it which would need to stay that way so I'm just going to slowly form this. on a bagel, not a donut, because a donut is sweet, a bagel is not and if you put chocolate chips on your bagel or blueberries, you're fed. I'm going to gently give it a reasonable bagel shape, make the hole a little bit. a little bigger, everyone, relax, everyone, relax, it's not that big of a deal, okay, and yeah, this is what my bagel looks like and I'm going to let it hang in the freezer for a little while to keep it's shape because we're going to get deeper. .
Fry it, that's right, see you in a little while. Now we are ready to fry our Fried Chicken Bagel. As you can see, the integrity of the hole has been maintained. Can you see my eyeball through this Taylor? It's okay, very good, if you listen. You can hear the ocean over here. I have some flour. I'm going to add to it. There's salt there again. A Tony Se Sco. You know, a lot of times, um, the writers and the producers. Like, hey, is it possible to do this? Is it possible to be in an episode that we come up with like these wacky ideas, a lot of times the ideas are based on puns, and then a writer says, hey, this is funny, can you do this? this in real food and we say, sure, let's try it, see if it's like this, if we can execute your brilliant idea and a lot of the time they say, hey, can you, can you fry this star and you say?
Sure I can fry the star, what do you want the star to be made of? They're like pork and I'm like, okay, we'll make a pork star, you know what I mean? Strange things happen, it's always important to make food entertaining. Entertaining doesn't always equal delicious, so it's always important to show people that you're not cooking for the masses, you're cooking for people's eyes, so let's take this flesh-colored monster and dip it in. in our flower now this part is going to get a little messy. I'm not going to lie, there will be a lot of uh, poking and prodding, it's not because I want to, it's because I have to, so the vibe of my appearance.
Today I know that everyone is wondering Nicole, why are you wearing glasses? Hoops, a bandana and this weird puffy sweater and you know, sometimes it's not like I get ready in the dark, it's like I get ready a little late, you know, like I run out. from the door, I'm like, hm, let's try this style and I think the vibe is uh, substitute art teacher from Vermont moved to Berkeley and is deciding to teach little kids how to make paper mache and Modge Podge, anyone else feeling the vibe? Oh. Thank you and I'm going to take all the bagel seasoning, very important, and I'm just going to put points on top, very important, we're going to fry it with all the seeds and all the stems and all that. well, well, and again the integrity of the hole is incredibly important because what a bagel without a hole is is AI, thank you, that's nice, that looks good, we'll carefully place it in our spider and let it fry.
Have you ever seen something so beautiful? Check this out, it's literally what it is, it's a fried chicken bagel and a bagel isn't complete unless it has cream cheese, so just to be clear, this is my first time. Time to cut this out. I have no idea what the inside will look like. I checked it temporarily. No, of course I did. It should be completely cooked inside. If not, I'm sorry. My surgeon's precision makes sense. I'm going to go down to eye level to check out this fried chicken bagel. Okay, make a small incision and then slowly guide my knife all the way around.
Okay, that makes sense, that makes sense, everything is exactly where it should be, are you ready? the gra reveal, can i get a hoya? Thank you very much, okay, look, it's beautiful, isn't it? And like a typical bagel, we're not going to toast it because who the hell toasts the bagel around here, not me? I'm going to stay down here because it's comfortable. I'm going to take some cream cheese and I'm just going to mash it up there. If I have cream cheese, on the other side. I can get? Can I get a can? I'll get you a hya. oh I missed a spot, how could I?
Okay, it's hard to do this on your knees that's what I said that's what I said that's the bottom this is the top uhhuh Top it off and there you have it Fried Chicken Bagel, you might see this on an episode of GMM it's very plausible if you make sure to come back to this video say hey I saw Nicole you were right I guess it worked they wanted to make it food yeah I'm completely speechless I love what's going on here um I'm going to rank all these dishes I'll decide a winner I'll finally decide a loser and then I'll decide someone who's perfectly average that's what second place is uh V what do we have here? um this is a sour pesto noi it's made with potatoes orange zest lime zest in the dough and then it has calamansi juice in PESA which makes it sour it's absolutely fascinating it's almost like a salty splash you know you're getting a good amount of umami from the parm, a ton of citrus zest like I still want. to go back it's giving you that little sourness of Warhead colam mon it's super bitter but also very aromatic thanks sh I like that man that's funny a funny moment um Lily your donuts made us sick uh wa what is this?
Would you recommend I go? Straight to the hole or more or less going straight to the hole and playing around it made it bigger for me because I needed help. Oh, it's very cold. What was this? Yes, because it needs to stay in gelatin form. It's a French onion soup jelly. donut and I kissed myself with the onions, I French kissed them because that's what French onion soup does. I bet you didn't know this is actually good, it would be better if the inside was hot but I understand it's meant to stay gelatinous but it tastes unmistakably like French onion soup the dut is nicely fried the cheese on top is great I love the addition of thyme and black pepper is really selling well the whole dish the inside is a little hard to get I'll say it's giving like gelatin qualifies because the temperature the temperature the tasty um cold gelatinous I spit a little no no don't look this concept has a lot of legs.
I think if this wasn't made for GMM it would be really delicious, but I understand this is for Willie and we're testing the bounce of science, not necessarily trying to make the best donut, but I will say this is impeccably executed. Thanks, Nicole, what can you explain to me? Your donut, chicken, fried bagel, hell yeah, this is the temperature. it's supposed to be served it's iced, uh, I would say room temperature is the vibe, okay, okay, your chef, do I eat it open or closed, like a bagel?, okay, no, that's how a bagel, we literally did. a whole podcast about this stop being weird you're the monster I'm literally not being weird I'm the monster I'm the creator of the monster so I'm a monster this wins easy easy this wins this is so much better than everything otherwise this is a competition, you get a you're not even eating it right, what do you mean no, you put some hot sauce on it?
That's amazing, that's a giant chicken nugget. I can't participate, I'm going to ruin it. with garlic and onion seeds stuffed with cheese this is the new I want some tea this is excellent the feeling of your teeth sinking into the chicken and then hitting the cream cheese is both familiar and completely foreign to you in a way that turns you on and it also disgusts you in the way any great art should make you feel. I win Nicole is the winner. V I give you second place Lily. I think you executed it well, but this is completely disgusting to me. yeah, it's a, I know, I don't want to, no, you open mine, I don't want to eat it, oh my gosh, I'll say you all did a great job, but that makes me sick and not in a fun way that makes me kind of I go back to second place.
I'm proud of all of you for doing all this and I'm proud of all of you at home for doing all the things I assume, unless you're like a lazy dad paying his kid. support I'm not proud of you so I'll see you next time the mythical cookbook is finally here order your copy now at mythical cookbook. comom and make any kitchen a mythical kitchen

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