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Ranking EVERY Mask in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

May 06, 2024
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask is currently my favorite Zelda game, although I said Tears of the Kingdom currently looks great so far, I'm not sure which one will be my favorite after I finish playing it. but I thought it would be fun to make a video about the Zelda series to celebrate the tears at the launch of the Kingdom, one of the main reasons I love Majora's Mask so much other than the atmosphere of the setting and the characters would have to be the


s, there 24. skins in the game and each Grant Link has a special ability when used, however, not all skins are as useful as others, some will go so far as to completely transform the Link, while others will simply allow you to obtain a piece of heart , so today I thought about it.
ranking every mask in the legend of zelda majora s mask
It would be fun to rank all 24 skins from worst to best. This will usually be based on usefulness or, more specifically, how often the player would want to use it in the game. The aesthetics of the


will not influence the


unless its usefulness is tied to something else, oh you know, at the end of the video I will do a completely separate aesthetic


just for fun, so with that said, if you enjoyed this video be sure Leave a like and subscribe. channel and let's jump straight to the worst mask, there were two masks that I was stuck between for the worst option, either the mask of sense or the mask of the circus leader, they both have uses that, let's say, are barely useful, they do not help get none. important element like a piece of heart nor do they provide a link with especially useful new attributes, so they are definitely the two worst, but of them, which one do I like the least?
ranking every mask in the legend of zelda majora s mask

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ranking every mask in the legend of zelda majora s mask...

I kept bouncing back and forth, but I think I'm going to have to do it. go with the sans mask, this mask is obtained by completing the deku butler maze first. This maze is incredibly annoying, comment on the skill issue, all you want, I don't care, but this maze is more frustrating to complete than his job, but it's okay once you actually get the mask, this turns Link into a plug. I have to say the new idle animation is pretty cool, it's the only non-transform skin that does that. Link's voice will also change to pig noises while he uses this.
ranking every mask in the legend of zelda majora s mask
Now I'm going to To be honest, for a long time I really thought this mask was useless, however this actually does something: it will allow a link to find mushrooms and give them to Kotaki to get a blue potion, yeah, that's it , considering that almost all other skins offer considerable permanent improvements. some kind of just getting a blue potion is really boring. I mean, maybe it's just because of how I play Zelda, but I hardly ever use potions anyway, I just have a bunch of fairies in my bottles, so I think it's safe to say the mask of sense. it's probably the worst skin in the game 23 the circus leader skin this is our other practically useless one in the N64 version look this is one of the few skins that actually changes between the original release and the 3D release this video will focus in the original version since it's the one I played most recently I'd probably prefer the 3DS version overall but yeah just keep in mind this is an N64 video to get this skin you have to complete the Toto sound test on The Milk Bar, which will move this.
ranking every mask in the legend of zelda majora s mask
Brother Gorman to tears also needs details. The song you play here is the Ballad of the Wind Fish, which is actually a reference to Link's awakening, but anyway, once you get this mask, what can you do right? When you put it on Link, he will start crying like you.


one does it


time I say, I think Mario Galaxy is halfway through, what does this do for Link? Well, you can use it to get some unique dialogue from the Gorman brothers at the race track, that's kind of interesting I guess, but yeah, that's it, oh wait, sorry, this really does it. having a practical gameplay use using it while protecting the kremia milk shipment will prevent the two Gorman brothers from attacking you very well, well here is what you need to get the circus leader's mask, in the first place you would have already needed to complete the kremia milk shipment because that is What does Romani's mask give you and therefore allows you to enter The Milk Bar?
Yeah, this skin isn't really useful in the 3DS version, although the skin can be used to get an empty bottle, which is definitely a worthwhile reward, which is why I decided to give it to you. the ranking advantage here realistically, both this and the previous skin are equally useless 22. The giant's skin is okay, I know people will disagree with me, but I hate using this thing first, it can only be used on a place in the entire game. during the twin world boss fight at the end of the Stone Tower Temple, this is also where you get the mask, so this focuses solely on this boss fight.
Too bad I hate it, the main problem is that the giant's mask requires magic to be active. that's unlike any other mask in the game, so it's really a big disadvantage, lucky for us, although during the double mold boss fight, Link can break these pillars scattered around the arena to get more magic bottles . Here's the thing, even though Link's giant hitbox sucks, it feels almost impossible. Actually picking up any bottle from the ground even if you go and stand right on top of it the link may not pick it up so you can try taking off your mask to pick it up while it's a smaller pit that just leads to the link spawning miles away. of the bottle and not being able to reach it before it disappears, well why don't we just default to breaking the pillars in the first place?
Well, the only way to break them is with the giant's mask or by making the twin run. In this, which is much easier said than done, all of this leads to this boss fight being my least favorite in the game. I always end up running out of magic and having to rely on my bow which isn't very fun, the concept behind The Mask is cool and playing as a giant can be kind of fun if you avoid the magic meter but I really can't stand this. I should note that the 3DS version makes this skin a bit better, so it would probably rank much higher if this video is about that, but since we're talking about the N64 version, I hate this thing 21, the postman hat, this is pretty much the only skin that is hindered by how you get it, so let's start with how it is actually worn when used, let the link check. mailboxes and steal people's mail, what a nice guy that link the first time you do this, you will be rewarded with a piece of heart every next time, although it will only be a green rupee, it could have been cool if they randomized the amount of Ruby. but whatever I guess, yes basically this mask like many others is a step to get a piece of heart, obviously they are very valuable as they are used to increase Link's health so what makes it Getting this mask is so annoying?
Well, it's one of many masks. You reach the famous cafe in Anju's side quest. This is a huge mission that requires a lot of effort, but that doesn't mean it's bad. The last item you get in this mission is a mask, so the length isn't necessarily an issue for me no, the problem with the postman hat is that you have to choose between receiving it or a bottle. On the third day you will receive priority mail and you will have to choose between giving it to Café's mother or the mailman. who in turn will give their later rewards as this is the last day of the mission which means if you want to get to 100 in this game you basically have to do everything twice, this is absurdly repetitive and sucks especially in the N64 version where you can't skip time for hours, so you end up having to wait several minutes to get to the crucial events.
I mean look at this alien so yeah the postman hat is more useful than what we've seen before but for having my least favorite method of getting it it ranks low on the list 20. dongaro skin to get this skin you just have to bring the score of some food from the town which compared to the previous one is much simpler, this allows you to link to Talk to the frogs of the world, which may seem stupid, but if you can talk to all of them after By completing this headless temple, you can obtain a piece of heart.
There are four frogs. The link needs to find one. the one in the swamp in Clock Town, one in the Woodfall Temple and another in the Great Bay Temple. The two in the temples are the real ones. The annoying thing is that you have to go through it until you finally reach their rooms, which can be quite tedious, especially for the one in the Great Bay Temple, all this just to get a single heart piece, which requires a lot more effort than some of the other heart piece skins we'll look at in a moment, if maybe each frog gave you something unique then I would do it.
I like this one a lot better, but as it stands, using this mask can be quite tedious for the small reward you get 19. The Coffee Mask, this is the first step of the long Coffee side quest in Anju, you get this match from Café's mother and you have To use it to show Andrew that you are also looking for the Lost Café, it was very difficult to figure out how to classify this one because realistically it is used to get several different rewards in this Mission, you get three masks. Each of which allows you to get a piece of heart and a bottle, so I wasn't quite sure how to count this mask.
If you think it belongs in the next two because this is what is used to unlock them, then fair enough, but I personally thought I'd put it here on the list. It made more sense since it's really only used to start the mission, speaking of which, let's look at the other two skins you can get from this Mission 18, the Keaton skin and 17, the couple skin, each of which will allow Link to obtain a piece of heart. The Keaton mass will have a link to meet a Keaton where then he will have to answer some questions correctly to win the piece of heart.
Some of these questions are really stupid, though like how am I supposed to know how many cutcos there are at Romani Ranch, which I did? Actually, what I didn't know before making this video is that there are actually several places where you can find the key. I always thought it was just on this patch of grass in Clock Town, but you can actually find it on Milk Road and in Mountain Village. I'll only give one piece of heart though, so you'll only need to talk to him once the couple's mask can be used to get a piece of heart from the mayor, as it reminds her of his family.
The reason I put the couple's mask higher up is because it's a lot easier to get your piece of heart and I like it as a final reward for the big side quest 16. Mask of Comoros, this can be obtained in the terminal field of the Knights of the first and second day, you will see Cam's ghost dancing. on one of the tree things and you have to play the healing song which will reward Link with the mask when warned. This will allow Link to dance. What I like most about this is that you can spam or cancel it quickly, obviously not practical at all. but I find it very fun, this is used to get a piece of Heart by teaching these girls to dance Rose, so although, if I use it, it is the same as in the last view, the dance mechanic makes me enjoy it much more using this mask 15.
First of all, the mask that lasts all night, this may have some of the most interesting stories of any mass. It is said that it was used as a torture device, as anyone who uses it cannot sleep no matter how hard they try. Yeah, that's a pretty scary backstory aside from this. It can be purchased from the Curiosity store, but it will only be available if you prevent the old lady from being robbed on the first night, so it's important to do so, keep in mind that the mask will sell for a whopping 500 rupees. Don't worry, the price is certainly worth it, as instead of just unlocking a heart piece, this will allow Link to collect as well.
They both come from Andrew's mother in the pot where you have to listen to one of his stories and give the answer he wants. I normally hear that Link would fall asleep because the story is incredibly boring, but with this mask he will be forced to pay attention. Each story will give Link a piece of art, so listening to both will get you a total of two, so yeah, this is basically a double. as useful as the latest skins 14 romani mask Crimea gives it to you for completing the side quest at romani's ranch this requires a decent amount of effort as you have to defend the ranch from the aliens and the Gorman brothers, but the reward is It's worth it, this skin will give you access to The Milk Bar, which is used to get three items first.
The least important of the three is Chateau Romani. This powerful drink costs 200 rupees, but it is worth the price aswill give the link infinite magic. That three-day cycle, if I had thought about it beforehand, could have saved me a lot of trouble during the twin world boss fight, as this would have solved all my problems. I will remember it next time next to Chateau Romani. The Milk Bar Also provides link access to the Circus Leader's Mask, as we said, it's basically useless, but you can't think of it as another step towards being able to unlock the fierce Mass deities.
The last item it allows you to obtain is the Cafe's bottle. Mother, yes, this is the other annoying thing about Choice next to the postman's hat, but it's not really the Romani mask's fault. I'll overlook it, it's a little hard to tell if this group of items or the two pieces apart from the whole night. The mask is better, so it depends on you personally. I like having access to The Milk Bar the most and the Romani Ranch quests are cool, so I gave this one The Edge 13. The Bremen Mask is obtained by listening to Grow Girl and Clock Town in The Second Day or Night The first one will confess his crimes to you and get rid of the evidence by giving the link the mask he stole, there is no need to worry about that as this mask can help link him with one of the most powerful elements in the world.
The Bremen Mask game will allow Link to leave the Zoc Arena, which is equally fun as the chamber mask if Link leaves with the baby. chickens at Romani's ranch the man will reward the bond with the bunny hood well, yeah , it's just one element unlike the multiple elements of the latest skins, the bunny hood is much more useful than all of them combined, we'll get to it in its own segment, but since the mass of the brand is what is used to unlock it because it plays pretty loud in itself and the fun walking animation is definitely a plus, now our next three skins are some of the hardest for me to rank among all the skins in the game.
Technically, these three skins are necessary to beat the game, so you might think that since they are literally necessary, they should be at the top and if you think that, I don't really blame you, but it seemed that way to me personally. A bit boring, these skins are mostly impractical outside of their use in the story, while some skins above aren't technically necessary, but are immensely useful throughout the game, so I decided the best place to place these three era above optional heart piece skins, but below skins with practical in-world uses, hopefully that decision is fair enough for you, but the first of these skins is 12 garos, this is obtained by defeating to the Gorman brothers on the race track, this disaster will give them access to the iconic Canyon, which is obviously important since it has one of the dungeons in the game outside of it, this will only allow Link Fight to grow ninjas, which will only give some vague clues as to what to do, although yes obviously this skin is important to winning the game, it doesn't actually do that. so much so that it would feel strange to place it super high 11.
The gibdo mask is received by playing the healing song for Pamela's father, who is corrupted by Skull Kid. This mask will allow Link to explore beneath the well in the iconic Canyon whenever he needs to. using it to ask the gibdos what they need to convey is not only a fun mini dungeon to explore, but it's the only way to enter ikana's ancient castle, which is required to complete the game, the reason this is placed above However, Garo's mask has to do with the fact that it has much more practical uses in the game world. Using it will make gibdos and raids no longer attack you;
In fact, webs will start dancing, which is a little strange, but okay, as long as they're not attacking me. I know when I was younger I loved this mask because I was terrified of reading ads for too long, so having something to defend myself with was really nice. 10 the captain's hat, this is our finale of the iconomass trilogy required to beat the game and unlock it, the link has to defeat Captain Kita and the Icona cemetery using the Hat link you will be able to talk to the children of the post and open Graves, which will unlock the Song of Storms, which is required to be the game.
This is higher than the last two masks, but you can actually get a few more optional items from this one by opening the other two tombs and finishing them will give Link a Piece of Heart and a Bottle. You can also use the captain's hat to learn. The order he needs to hit these masks in the Oceanside spider house to get another piece of heart. Technically, you can use the old guess and check method, which is what I always do, so really this mask just helps a little bit to add that this mask will. It also prevents the red ads from attacking you and you will easily get the best skin of these three.
Well, our last nine masks here are useful not only for obtaining other items but also during the game in general, since they grant special attributes to the link the first of these are nine, the mask of Truth, is obtained by completing the house of the swamp spider and it is certainly worth the effort, it will give the link the ability to read all the gossip. Stones scattered around the terminal, this can give you some very useful clues as to what you're supposed to do to get most of the items in the game, obviously the usefulness of that varies depending on how much you know the game, but I think it's fair to say that it's still worth being here besides just giving. some useful tips there are two pieces of heart that are obtained using the mask of truth first of all there are some caves located in a field that contain gossip stones by reading them all you will be able to solve what you have to do to obtain a piece of heart, the second and most famous use in Dougie's race, here it will allow you to read a dog's mind and more effectively choose a dog to win the race, while all of those uses are extremely useful, technically it could do everything the mask of Truth ignores it, you can guess the correct dog and you already know what the Gossip Stones say from previous games, but despite that I still think that the mask of Truth is high on list 8.
The mask of Truth Stone and the N64 version are obtained. Upon finding the Invisible Man in the iconic Canyon with the Lens of Truth, if you then give him a red potion, he will reward Link with a stone mask, although it is not used to unlock anything. This has the extremely practical use of making Link completely invisible to enemies. while using it, as long as Link doesn't attack them first, the enemies will just act like Link, isn't that there? This is useful throughout the game, as it allows you to completely avoid trouble spots like the Pirate Fortress and Great Bay, which become much easier.
Unfortunately, while wearing the mask you would have already had to defeat it when you unlock it, but luckily this was fixed in the 3DS version as the Invisible Man was actually moved to be located here, but yeah, although this usage is definitely quite a bit. simple, it's quite useful 7. the explosive mask, puts a bomb in Link's face, this is obtained by stopping the old lady from being robbed the first night, where she will then give you the mask in exchange, the reason why this is so useful is because it allows Link to create an explosion without needing to waste a bomb, so if you're ever running out of Lincoln, just throw this in his face and blow up everything in his path, causing some damage to itself, but a launch is shown during the explosion.
I'm actually going to avoid it, which doesn't make sense because the mask is behind the shield, but whatever I say, I wish the cooldown didn't take so long, but other than that, this mask is definitely one you'll want to add to your collection as soon as possible. as possible 6. The Great Fairy mask Despite being one of the most horrible masks to see in the game, this is incredibly useful and in the four main dungeons of the game you get this combination by turning the clock back down while you are in human form wearing This mask will let Link know when he is in a room with a straight fairy.
Each dungeon has 15 of them spread across as many rooms and collecting them all will reward Link with some upgrades, including the super Spin Attack. From the Woodfall Temple. the double magic meter from the Snow Head Temple, the defense upgrade from the Great Bay Temple, and finally the Great Fairy Sword from the Stone Tower Temple, all four of which are incredibly important while playing, so so it's safe to say you'll want to use this. mask to collect all the fairies as much as possible. The mask will support particle effects while Link is in the room with a fairy.
This pointer is very useful as some of these berries can be quite stupid if you find them staring at you, snowhead. Temple fairy. I know. In my recent playthrough, despite not remembering where any fairies were, I was able to complete each dungeon with all the ones collected on the first try thanks to the mask. Now you might think that this would be like the mask of Truth, where you do know where the fairies are. The mask wouldn't be useful, but that's not really the case as it will also attract the Reed fairies to Lang, which is even necessary to collect some of them in the game that are very out of reach, so I think it's fair to say that this is definitely one of the most useful skins in the game 5. the bunny hood, we already talked about how to get this item with the bremen skin, so how is it used well when it is equipped?
It will allow Link to run significantly faster in addition to making him also jump a little further, this is without a doubt one of the best things you can get. The link feels super slow, so putting this on and making his running speed feel reasonable is very satisfying. Not only would an upgrade like this be useful in any Zelda game, but it's especially important in Majora's Mask since the entire game is on a timer, so being able to speed up the travel process is a huge benefit, so while yes, it's very simple, I think it's fair to say it's worth being in the top five, oh and also for some reason it makes the timer not disappear in the postman's 10 second minigame.
I'm not sure why, but hey, it allows you to get a piece of heart easier I guess, but our top four are of course for the game. transformation masks, each of these are incredibly useful throughout the game, three of which are necessary to beat them. Let's start with the one that's not for the fierce deity mask. Technically, this is Link's most powerful mask and may even be his most powerful item. in the franchise will allow a link to do an incredible amount of damage as well as being able to fire sword beams at the cost of some magic.
However, the use of magic is very small, so you don't have to worry about it, since by the time you run out of whatever you were fighting with, you would already be dead. Obtaining this skin is easily the most difficult of all, as it requires you to trade all 20 non-transformable skins with the Moon Children at the end of the game, the reward being. It's certainly worth it though, as it makes the final boss feel like a complete Joe with this mask on, you can kill him in seconds. This is one of my top 100, quote-unquote, favorite rewards in any video game.
Yes, you don't need all the heart pieces. or elements, but come on, that's essentially what it is, unfortunately, although it can't be number one since it has a major flaw that holds it back. It can only be used in boss fights if it were usable throughout the game this would probably hit the number. one, but as it stands this limitation is too much, it's still nice to be able to finish the dungeons of the game relatively quickly with it, but unfortunately I can't say it's better than our other three skins. three, the Deku mask, this is the first one.
The skin link will win in the game after being cured by the happy math seller. The link will transform from a Deku bush to a human with the ability to transform back when necessary. Of the three main transformation skins, this one is definitely the least useful, but that's not the case. Let's say it's useless, obviously, it wouldn't be number three if it were, so it will allow Link to shoot a snot bubble from his nose and jump over some water, but mainly it will allow Link to use these Deku flowers scattered all over the terminal, this gives him a bit of extra height and the ability to glide for a short time, which is useful for a lot of scenarios, it's obviously used a lot in the Woodfall temple, but there are several other places where the mask is use to get items like heart pieces more than others. two masks, although you never actually wear the Deku mask because you want to do it almost every time, it's because you have to because the other two havethings that make them fun to wear outside of what is required, which is why the Deku mask will.
You have to take number three, two, Zora's mask, which is obtained by playing the healing song of a cow that will leave the mask after its death, this gives a link to Azora's abilities, that is, being able to expel to his fans and being able to create a Damage Shield underwater and of course a good swimming mechanic. This is quite essential for navigating the entire Great Bay. You can't even dive without it. You'll use this guy a lot. Zora's mask is legitimately a lot of fun. for swimming too, especially compared to the agonizingly slow default lake swimming, what keeps this skin from being number one is the fact that it's only really useful in an aquatic environment which is primarily found in Great Bay; however, it's so useful here that this definitely earns its spot at number two, number one, the Goron skin, this is hands down the best skin in the game for a whole host of reasons, it's obtained by playing the song that appeals to darmani, where he will then leave the mask behind after his death, well I guess he's already dead because he's a ghost, but you get what I mean, this gives Link a lot of abilities that are useful throughout the game .
First, Link can use the Goron Mask to have a powerful punch that is useful in solving Snowhead. Temper and even break some objects that previously required bombs. Secondly, Goron can do a ground slam which is used to activate some switches throughout the game, but I think it's the other two uses that make this easily the best when using the mask. Link will be able to pick up the Gunpowder Keg, which is required to not only enter the Goron Race Track but also Romani's Ranch on the first and second day. Not only is this necessary to beat the game, but each of those locations gives Link access to a large number of items, such as other masks, bottles, etc.
The main use of the Goron mask is, for Of course, rolling, this will allow Link to move forward at very fast speeds, even faster than the bunny's hood. However, the bunny hood is still useful as the Goron role is more difficult to control and requires magic, but both certainly have their uses. The Goron role is also capable of climbing Steve's slopes, which can make Traverso much less painful. I think it's more than fair to say that Goran's mask is by far the best. mask throughout the game that's not the end of this video if you remember from the beginning I said I would do a rapid fire aesthetic list at the end so now it's time to go over that 24 the mask of the great fairies 23 the mask of Dungaro the Frog just doesn't work as a hat sorry 22 the postman hat isn't all that notable 21 the captain's hat this one isn't that notable either but the design is a little more creative 20Romani's mask is just a cow hat and I prefer the ones real skins 19.
The couple skin feels like the most generic looking skin in the game, it's not ugly, but if it didn't have the prestige of being attached to my favorite Zelda side quest, it could. see a lower placement 18 the giant's mask looks cool, but I like the other masks better 17 the bunny's hood is not ugly by any means, but he much prefers the real masks like Link's face 16 the gibdo mask the appearance of the mummy is pretty cool 15 the girls mask this is actually one of the only skins that changes its appearance between the 3DS and N64 version I think I prefer the 3DS version but they are close both look pretty solid 14 cents mask good , well the actual mask itself is a bit ugly, the pig noises and the unique animation of the idol which provides a link definitely make it a cute addition 13 The Mask of the Circus Leader Crying is a lot of fun The mask in yeah it doesn't look very good, but the crying detail is fantastic 12.
Freddie met wait, this isn't supposed to be here 12 of the Bremen mask the design of this mask is kind of decent, but the market animation really makes it une 11 Coffee mask I think the hollow eyes are really fun, it makes everything feel a lot more sinister 10 the exploding mask is basically just a black mask with a skull on it. The skeletons are quite impressive, although not in the mask of truth. I've always been a fan of the look of this mask and its connection to Girl Ate the Stone Mask, it just looks amazing. Goofy and I must love the seven-chamber mask that covers Link's entire face like this, it's super unique, but come on, it's here mainly because of dance six, the all-night mask on top of it that probably has the creepiest story of any mask.
They designed it to fit perfectly into that tradition. I have to say, while they can never get the icon for this item right, I mean, what are these five, Keaton Mass? I don't know why I've always liked how it looks, how it's used. a lot in different works of art by young Link, so I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way again. I can't really explain it, I just really like it. Our final four are of course the transformation masks, as they give links a completely separate model for the Goron mask, well it definitely fits, link is a Goron.
I just found the other transformations to be a bit more interesting. Three, the Zora Mass. I think Zora's design blends better with Link's design than the guard, but still. I think the other two are barely bothered by the Deku mask, not only does the design work extremely well, it's easily the most iconic of the main trilogy as it's the only link it starts with, even this isn't even close to the number one position. far away is the mask of fierce deities, this is one of my favorite character designs in the entire Zelda series, heck it may even be my favorite, the color scheme is so cool, the light blue colors mixed with the gray armor are fantastic , not to mention the face having those marks and Herobrine's long treatment with the eyes, this is the most mysterious mask in the game and while yes, it is based heavily on Adult Link, I honestly think that helps even more, the Sword also received a massive update with these two being really interesting. streak design that is unlike anything in the franchise, there is a reason this design has carried over to so many games, being a costume for Link in every blockbuster game since Brawl and even being a costume set in the wild Hopefully it will come back.
Tears of the Kingdom. I really like it, but with that being said, I think it's safe to say that the Fierce Deities skin is easily the best designed skin in the game, but anyway that's it for this video. Do you think Link should have been able to get the? Mario Mask, let me know in the comments that the answer is yes. By the way, it would easily be the coolest skin in the game, but speaking of Mario, I hope you all enjoyed this break from my normal content. I would love to make more Zelda videos. in the future and I plan to record my entire Tears of the Kingdom playthrough so I can make videos more easily.
If you have any ideas for the game, feel free to let me know in the comments, but anyway, dry bones for Smash and me. See you next time abroad.

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