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RAINBOW LUCKY BLOCK Sky Block In Minecraft!

May 22, 2024
Me, Jelly and Josh each have an island today in Sky


, but it's not just any sky


. No, these islands are full of what I like to call



blocks. I mean, look at these amazing things. I think you should try hitting the like button. because then you can see what's inside one of these


blocks three two one whoa it's me, congratulations and look at the new merchandise that I'm using, go to right now because we're almost finishing the sale of this merchandise and all of these things and then they will be gone forever literally it will only be available for a few more days and remember to use the discount code at checkout because you should save ten percent if you go to the Cranostars Instagram it's called on the trainers stand in In the description below we also have a giveaway for five free t-shirts and I'm signing them so make sure to add Crane Install on Instagram and be a part of the giveaway let's get right to the video guys. each of us are standing in our own colors wait what do you mean my color and then a little bit yeah there's mostly red and a little bit of yellow these lucky blocks I feel like there's a lot more josh than me in this block, yes? which makes sense guys by the way if you get killed you'll be out of the video we know we know the rules yeah Jenny forgot oh yeah wait can I start first?
rainbow lucky block sky block in minecraft
No, I want to start. This is going to be a very short video, uh, yeah. okay, okay, three two one, what if he just died? Oh my God, oh well now it's my turn because it's crater o'clock because we were going back in time. Okay, I hope you die. Why did you go at the same time? time, wait, it wasn't his turn, yeah, he always does this, well guys, which gives me a lot of space, I have a green badge on my chest, okay, I'm getting it, yeah, are you ready to watch ? Yeah, okay, oh, nothing, no.
rainbow lucky block sky block in minecraft

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rainbow lucky block sky block in minecraft...

No, I can't wait, look at this, okay, please don't shoot me, I'll try, okay, that doesn't count, that doesn't count, one shot, okay, don't shoot that again, I won't, no I will do that. do it, there's still fire here there's no fire jello you're tripping over a block come on jello jello i stood on the edge i thought for sure the video was over i protected you oh god it's okay it's your turn josh please don't die open This one, are you kidding? What did you get? The same sword. Josh has a small sword. Josh has a small sword.
rainbow lucky block sky block in minecraft
Hey, wait, you have a green cosplay. Why don't I get one? Yes, you need one. Why does he occupy all this jail? half my luck removes some of your blocks, yes you actually lost a lot of them, it's so good or bad, it depends how you look at it, okay, I have to open one, three, two, one, are you kidding me? Stairs of blood, how are you? all this oatmeal um I think you just took out josh okay these things are too strong okay I'm not trying to stop again yeah you are doing it that's dangerous okay the gun doesn't count right no I'm not okay , what did you do? get another chess move, throw it away, I could have given it to the jelly guys, it's time for me to try a tree luck block, they are super dumb, yeah that looks really boring, I just have regular armor that's so dumb , is the only one who almost died.
rainbow lucky block sky block in minecraft
However, it's gelatin, yeah, gelatin almost got thrown away the whole video, the only one who almost died is in gelatin so far oh yeah, the anvils are fine three two one oh, I have another one of these damn batteries, okay, can Don't let it go into a vacuum, yes, there you are. go uh-oh lightning what are you talking about? oh, thunder, thunder, no, no, no, no, they come down again, uh, watch out, Josh Kevin, what are you doing? You missed your helmet, how did you miss every shot, please, please? Please, no, no, no, no one, none of those are going to hit what they're all missing, guys, why don't you aim straight for Jelly Island?
I wanted to land on him, only they have landed on me, oh, oh, it was you. I've been killing, stop, I can't, no, you got a dumb cane, josh, my turn, I'm stuck too. Crimson leggings, whoa, yeah, you can't even kill me, dude, oh, a normal ball, baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, go invisible, look at that. I'll shoot and maybe I won't hit you, no, no, it's funny, so wait, he's really gone. Are you kidding? You hit it anyway every time. Yes, no more death. What is that definitive profile? That? That? pro test ball no that would be double or right no um I mean what does it do?
I'm sure you're so tempted to shoot us right now, but we, oh no, you wanna feel what it does, major no, black, okay? You're trying, Josh, are you serious? He has a wooden toy. I never wanted that chain. I don't need that iron. What did you get? literally no, no, no, no, no, it would be over, yes, it would be over, it would be over for Jelly, not for us, oh, we could go on without Jelly, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, no, please , stop Jelly, ooh, infusion, chest infusion, oh, I think. That's stronger armor, Mr. Crainer's stuff, look, I can put my own head on.
Wow, I've never looked better. Ultrasonic leggings. Guys, look how fast you're going, be careful. Guys, look, I have a shovel. Whoa, whoa, George, what are you doing? Here guys, what I have bazooka, oh, jelly, wait, jelly, shoot more of your platform, no, I need to go back, boys, boys, it's not funny, oh, wait, oh, it's like jelly, right, it's me, Yes, I have that too. Three three, come on, three, oh why would I? you break, yeah, why that one, I don't have a choice, okay, ready, yeah, come on, josh, two, yeah, three, okay, um, one, two, three, here we go, okay, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, look what you got, oh, oh, wait, wait, make a four.
There's another bazooka up here, oh my god, wait, wait, eight didn't appear, you have to open those eight if they really are one, two, three, four, five, six and seven, I'm fine, forget it, okay, shoot the rocket, okay, straight up, what shoots straight? up, what is that? Shoot straight, I told you, oh, but then he's going to hit me good. No, that's how it works. This is the dumbest thing ever. Oh, I had a drink. Can you see the sky? I'm doing very well. I think I can jump to Jelly Island. My turn one, two, oh how do you always get those?
What did you think was going to happen a few moments later? They are ready? Yeah, yeah, okay, three two one, okay, what was going to happen? What does this mean? Even if, oh my god, I flew out from behind that, yeah, I won well, I didn't really have a chance, okay, you know, we could discuss that at a later date, but for now I'll have a light that's not mine. platform I won, I can't believe I won. I would like to thank my mom, my dad and my sister and watch these two videos, please, thank you.

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