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Rōnin “Close Quarters” Combat Rifle -浪人

May 11, 2024
following? I'm going to keep going back and forth and I understand my trade-offs, get this right, so once you understand, you'll notice the nudge, understand it, we get the nudge and then once you understand your trade-off. now you can adjust your grip, so in three I'm going to start adjusting my grips, get it, very basic stuff, I'm building that data. Any questions on how I can press, is the gun safe again once it comes out of this mount? is the gun on fire once it is assembled ready to go good shooting with both eyes open correct very good sausali shooting position sausali shooting position correct we are hitting like this I don't want to see you upright I want to see a slight bend in the knees okay , first iteration up, can you talk about the structure of the weapon that holds it?
r nin close quarters combat rifle
The structure of the gun is for me. I try to imitate a pistol and


in the same way in the ford handling hand four handling hands in a pistol is this correct give me what structure because I have what wrist line structure in a handling hand because I have this forward grip look that look the structure itself structure is fine so what is that? give me what is that give me your threat and rust you are a threat right, I'm going to point towards I'm already on you so if I can point my thumb at the threat and my The structure is there because I've been doing these moves over and over again.
r nin close quarters combat rifle

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r nin close quarters combat rifle...

You think I really need to aim for this point unless it's a low percentage, so what I'm training you is speed with a weapon at this distance because I took your time. reacting well makes sense is fine any question about the forehand any question about the drive hand the movement from below ready or moving from a compressed position once you hit that is already on fire and the finger on the trigger is in the trailer ready to go good ready to go don't push this too hard where you hit the trigger okay it's nice and quick but that finger on the trigger is already on the trigger so you got away with it Tyler so load up the gun, okay, look, I'm already on that wall, okay? but I have trigger discipline, so it's a very aggressive move, turning on the trigger makes sense, okay, and then we're going to do three rounds and then from there you're going to adjust your grips, you understand, so you should have three rounds, your first round is. point of aim point of impact two two inches and from there you adjust your point of aim to where your point impact is knocking out the black, you understand Jeff takes control, so why would we do this?
r nin close quarters combat rifle
Why would we enter into this exercise? I'm going to give you all the knowledge I can, so you won't be able to run these iterations so you feel comfortable. It's not about that, it's about me giving you an idea of ​​how to train and be competent. when I'm not here, okay, then I'll give you all this knowledge, so when do we do high compression? When would we go there? Think if I need to get there so there is a hallway and this is a door and I need to get into this area clear gun so here I am walking look let me place that cannon on cqb.
r nin close quarters combat rifle
If you know the tactics of cqb, then you will understand that we cheat a room in cqb. think about number one, number two, digging the corners, number three, number four, is it more competent to sweep the gun up or drop it towards the center line of the room? What do you think is right? That's why I'm not so concerned about low readiness and well my friend, if you know how to do CQB, you will prepare your weapon to be successful because you are dissecting that room, dissecting that door, you understand that you are looking at where your teammates are and you need to tilt that door. and it depends on low compression or high compression it depends on your teammate it depends on you and it depends on you know you need a center uh if you need to take a snapshot of that room or you don't quite understand, now what we're going to do is Let's go. to work with Jeff's new low compression targets, so we're going to work with a local low compression press, unlike the low radio that they teach us, the guns clean the low low rating that they teach us because they say, hey, yeah If my stock is already mounted in my shoulder pocket, all I do is try to pop the gun, but you feel its weight and also notice how I am already extended forward, is this really conducive for me in a house?
I'm trying to exercise muzzle discipline at a correct threshold, so you have to be able to pull your gun back, so the compression goes down, the compression goes down, I don't do it this traditional way, but I go up this way . Notice how my weapon is. Well, this is a bass, ready for us now, okay, so instead of the old days of pushing, remember I told you it's the same move, it's piercing weapons that are already on fire, I'm going to take this I go back to my shoulder pocket, so again, guns clear low compression. compress it low, turn it on, put it back to safety here, compress it low, turn it on if you find yourself doing this, that's wrong, right, right, normal, because I want to be able to walk, I want to be able to see, I want to be able to move.
I want to be able to sniff around and see how new my feet are. I want to be able to do that. I can't do it when my weight is forward. I can not do it. I can't transition to a weapon. I'm going to have to go back, I'm going to have to get back up to that level, otherwise I'm going to have to clean my gun like I'm doing too many moves, so if I'm upright I can transition to my gun if I have to. I understand okay again under compress here any questions in the local press okay guys jeff take control loose you know sometimes you know I could demonstrate all day but then if a student demonstrates to everyone oh yeah that's good so come here, come look, I want to look at their equipment, look at their equipment, but I want you to look at their movements, minimal movements, you know, people ask me, you also know why do martial arts, why and I said, you know from a to b, what martial arts means.
From a to b is doing something with proper form, if you are able to do something with proper form then it becomes effortless so this is martial arts so observe its effortlessness so attack your target again , get back here. I want you guys to give them a little, but look how easy it is, okay, get to where you can see the thrust blade of your gun is ready, wait, press, press, thank you, sir, thank you, come effortlessly, correct notes, the mount, look at the mount. the body didn't move, it didn't have to fight against its equipment, and that's where we have to make minimal movements, okay?
So what am I? Why do I teach you how to assemble the gun? Why am I teaching you that? important because in the old days, when you were going down hallway number one and number two in the hallway was down there, optically it was down there, often, what do you think you would see when you were in your office? You see that red dot and You see, what we do now is we compress our weapons, whether it's high or low number one, number two, they're already a little offset, but they're a little bit outside the gun, they're outside the gun so we can sight what, so if I'm going to come here he threatens with minimal movements, these minimal movements understand and the thrust method was the fastest for me versus the leverage on the weapon, the weight of the weapon going up makes sense, any questions about this is okay so next iteration jeff takes over let's punch it okay guys compress in the demo okay so in the demo in a push I'm here I'm pushing aggressively some of You guys are doing this, no, you gotta let it go, man.
You have to release all the muscle tension because your shoulders are stiff. Some of you are built like rhinos here, if so you have to let go because you can only move like water if you let go of muscle tension. look at my muscle tension I'm releasing my muscle tension here I'm releasing my muscle tissue releasing my muscle time here make it a nice jerk the only way I could do it is by releasing muscle tension a little bit of you are really focused, you say yeah right, and what happens is they drive the gun too much second and they are too tight, that means they are not going to move fast, we are here for you and my biggest goal. is being able to train yourself on an individual skill set and a team skill set so you can progressively advance your team through this training curriculum so you can take a snapshot of my sequence and how I train for tight spaces. , then you'll be able to take this and deploy it on a flat field and mimic the tape drill in a shoot house, I get it, so that's what we're doing.
We see how these moves can fit into the house. Can we use this in the house? You see it? Okay you

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