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r/Me_irl | please leave.

May 14, 2024
me tuesday me monday me wednesday me thursday me friday me sunday me saturday a 15 minute task how are you doing ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to take a look at r slash what? Are we taking a look at today? Wait a minute here, okay, I, you know, who calls me and gets worse as we go, let's get in there. I wake up too,


don't be 7am,


don't. Don't be 7 in the morning, please, don't be 7 in the morning, 3 in the morning, oh, you're absolutely right, it's a gift from the gods.
r me irl please leave
Every documentary about serial killers were alone, they had no friends, no lover spent all their time alone at home. I, hey, wait a minute. I want to wake up with you for the rest of my life. I get up at 5 in the morning, it doesn't matter. I mean, you can wake up with them, but you don't have to stay awake with them. Hey, look, an alien sacred fish among us. You don't see it very pleasant. Is it geez, you guys are bad? Awake, deep down, anxiety trying to sleep, it's in your brain now, why would they say that?
r me irl please leave

More Interesting Facts About,

r me irl please leave...

Why would they say something that makes sense? Taking the lilo approach to science tends to be more accurate than we would give it credit for. normally father, I am ready for hunting child, there is no need for you to hunt, but father, why does my brother continue hunting? The cat is just a I am the god of death, of course, everyone is. There are two types of people in this world. avoid them both until next time friends for the power of grayskull this sob is right brazil has almost 60,000 murders here's a map to put that number in perspective brazil had as many murders as all the blue countries combined you probably know brazil is a place dangerous but my evil america and brazil number i can't read that come on this isn't an awards show it's for them stop giving me your toughest battles please for the love of god just shut up and wash the dishes, hey, wait, wait.
r me irl please leave
Jesus, calm down, I'll take care of this any expensive night. The Bezos rocket explodes. Oh no, where does this money go? That is the question of the day. He has children? Don't know. He's not going with his ex-wife. Is all that money gone? Sharks bite 57 people a year. New Yorkers bite 6,700 people a year. It's a known fact that New Yorkers have always been significantly more dangerous than the average shark. Well, those people are scary. Yes, New Yorkers. I'm looking at them. You know the guys who get on their damn horn the moment the light turns green like we're all going to teleport out of your way 2022 in six months I'm still processing the birth, yeah, things have to slow down speed okay I'll be 30 in a few years and I don't like that hell before then my hairline will look like this guys people born in 1999 people born in 2000 that's right you have no right to talk about issues I mean everyone the issues, any issues, shut up, sandwich. bread cheese lettuce chicken mayonnaise and bread hmm doesn't sound so bad a little hungry now trying to find the right place to sit around a campfire be like that's the best part you can guy holding a cardboard sign me waiting for the light turns green ah they're used to it they don't really expect anything if you accidentally make eye contact unless you're in the kids are afraid to check their grades adults are afraid to check their bank account college students are afraid to check both just get rid of College is so easy, geez, cheese, is this a white boy thing?
r me irl please leave
You all are pulling at me right now because I'm even hungrier now, ex-classmate, oh man, I don't really feel the need to avoid ex-classmates with every fiber of my being, but it can get a little annoying , legitimately, remember all the human beings I have ever known and went to school with. I remember them all. If I am introduced to you, I will know your face and your name, possibly forever. I mean, we do. We have to get to know each other a little. It can't just be a hello. Pleased to meet you. Do you want to sign with my son?
No, it can't be that there are restrictions, brother, a clown's salary from 35 thousand to 88 thousand a year, what the hell? Why am I doing this for free? A clown earns more than me. I'm trying to convince my friends that we should buy a very large piece of land and start a community. Which of you will be the leader of the sect? Although that will be a delicate topic. Don't say you love anime if you haven't read the delightfully delicious Karl Marx and Frederick manga. I'll be honest with you. I don't know where he was going with that joke.
We can move on. Now forget what I said, cowboy advice, support, touch and for God's sake shoot, but most of all, be kind, dead inside but still horny, yeah that's a good part of us right there, what a great shirt , me, 12 years old, in the back of the class imagining fighting a demon with my bare hands in front of the whole school we all did our thing well the difference a dog can make sorry I can't really relate I'm just Yo even though you found a song you like and search for the artist the whole discography is totally different ah man you accidentally stumbled upon the only experiment they tried this is a DIY meme think of your favorite meme laugh release dopamine you're welcome I think I've really laughed at like eight dog owners don't be scared, the dog's just playing, so is the dog, yeah, get that thing off me, man, nobody, the door handle, I've had it a couple of times, oh, It's cool when it somehow goes through the belt loop of your pants my phone crying please I don't have space delete some photos I'm begging you I'm download rat is short for anger you know you don't need that on your phone mental health affecting my education education affecting my mental health you know education wouldn't be affecting mental health as much if they didn't assign so much unnecessary homework a night, six hours of homework a night seems pointless, how can anyone learn through that that asexuals watch porn like if it were your animal planet?
I don't think it's England, the whole European continent, look, just read a little more about the history of England and then you'll realize you shouldn't worry, you're wrong, it's not true, I, it's a fact, look it up, my evil. You're right too me, it's one of the few times you accidentally jump on your horse and fly into the stratosphere the scariest things in the world the dark clowns sharks serial killers death the tape measure going backwards at 299 miles per hour yeah, it's probably going to cut your finger off teacher introduce me I'm fat at what temperature do you become solid gender ooh that's a fair question I couldn't actually tell you personally I'm still thinking about it hey girl do you like trees because if cat if a cat got stuck in a tree like in the tree if you were a cat stuck in a tree you'd be a cat i forgot the pick up line i'm a girl who only plays single player games i think i'll try some online play oh yeah, never again it's totally fair look, either I would like to do it, it's disgusting, what happens the moment you speak, cessation of 10 million fireflies, my eyes, given the current circumstances, it's just not possible, I understand the reference to me after trying something new for five seconds. and not being good at it right away, yeah, yeah, hey, at least I stuck with the voice acting thing, huh, it was the only thing I was talented at, naturally, I feel like this skeleton really wants to fuck, but his pick up lines are just horrible, which makes you grow how old are your guts?
How long can they be really good? Although what I want before I go to sleep I love you what I have I guess I'll use my hand tonight Me looking for all the women my mom told me I'd have to fight when I'm older 'cause I'm so handsome Yeah mom could you stop encouraging us and be real with us for about five minutes before we actually go out into the real world at a certain point we expect? Realistic expectations, you don't know, mom expectations, when am I going to have grandchildren? Wow, mommy, I don't know, I'm kind of ugly and stupid and I have a bad personality, and it's hard to find someone who is willing to deal with that and come into their own. unhappy in the process it's like java what hava have a good day lmao gotham what is a sign of a cry for help that is not obvious to the average person nowadays I learned that I am more depressed than I was willing to admit oh when I see someone I know and I have to hide and wait until they


I've done it before the waiter. The usual please, okay, you have to tip him extra for that, although before writing a novel consider the fact that there are millions of great books. out there in the world that people are already ignoring, you could say this almost anything you want, really when the serotonin from all your impulse purchases wears off, that was me around 3 p.m. m., my jokes, me making people laugh, making people worry about my mental health. I make jokes like this all the time and not a single person has come to me and told me they're genuinely concerned.
Alright. Zack usually just laughs and slaps me as hard as he can. We laugh. On Monday he approaches me. I want the painting to not be able to make a mistake if I'm not awake, that's a very good point, in fact I'm taking it seriously now I want money without working, then you should become a voice actor, it's kind of afuturama joke, I kind of reappropriated it for this. current situation, but okay, the number of voice actor friends who may or may not, for some strange reason, hear the joke I just made will probably be very angry, but guess what I've been doing this for almost 12 years and I have every right to make jokes about this industry thinking every day about how in Civil 4 the national wonder of Mount Rushmore is unlocked by discovering fascism Mount Rushmore vanilla oh it was introduced in vanilla okay national wonder type oh it requires fascism Yes, that's there too.
It has to be the most beautiful rendition of that mountain I have ever seen, President Rushmore, after all, he was a force to be reckoned with, he had four giant heads, wow, today was great, I wish I had never been born . Hey, can I have that movie? No, oh. I now understand that my favorite conspiracy theory is that everything is going to be okay, it's one I still cling to. Okay, call me crazy, but I'm going to hold on to her a little longer. Okay I found the Pepsi fountain but it only comes in gold for some reason urine it's clear in the lease no pets are allowed in the apartment sorry okay I'll make an exception because he looks very polite and so Generally, those kept in terrariums or cages do not count towards the lease.
Unless otherwise specified, I don't know how it works for you lib, but that's how it is here. I guess some guy quit, no, it's all good. He went back to the surface web, deep web, dark web, second redditors accounts, after forcing my friends to look. the show i liked why no one is having a good time i specifically requested it look it's brian the bastard whoa why are you always such a bastard because i don't want anyone to be sad after i die i feel like there are steps i could take before i this point, Brian, you know what I mean, the recent obsession that no one cares about me like I do, like once a week, man, I swear to God, last year it was watches for a month when you take a free sample and you pretend to care about the product aha yeah yeah I see it when I'm playing out a dream scenario in my head and I catch myself trying to rush to the good part, no no, hold it in, save it, the owners of dogs are a husky, no, it's an American Eskimo cat. owners what breed of cat is that orange one he thought school was only for one day he's mad oh my friend let's do some math, now the number of days in a given school year varies from state to state here in Colorado it's about 160, whereas in a place like Connecticut it's about 180.
Now if we say there's an average of 170, I don't know, we'll meet in the middle and say we're looking at 170 times 12, not counting kindergarten, my friend, little more than 2040 days. and by little else I mean exactly 2040 days, but we know that's not exactly how it works, buddy, you're in for a wild ride when you told him you didn't want anything from the store and he actually took you seriously and didn't. Get yourself something, how dare you dad? Please slap me hard. Imagine I'm a bag of dirt at Home Depot. Oh, don't say you're going to die.
Music makes it much easier to study myself inside for four seconds, too. After turning it on I really don't know why that image evokes that noise. Sorry, it just came out okay. Sorry, I can't cum. Every damn thing I own looks stupid to me, oh man, at least I get that. once a month sharks according to the media and pop culture sharks in real life i'm going to swim blue blue when you show someone a photo in your gallery and they start swiping ah that's right don't you dare me and the guys, there's no waythat happens.
The teacher will come in this bad weather. The math teacher actually reminds me of my time working as a host at ihop. He would sit there during a giant snowstorm, hoping to God those 85-year-old clients wouldn't come. Oh, and let's


it. I tell you those wandered through the haze like an army of zombies I feel terrible now I feel terrible and faster I'm terrible faster this is me every morning I'm going to hunt memes for you ungrateful creatures we don't ask I feel like this Big Toad right now, how about you're honestly a little bit the same?
Yes, I'm vibing with him. A big happy birthday to seven-year-old Lucy Scott, five-year-old Alex, four-year-old Houston Racing, six-year-old Jake Perkins, and 36-year-old Tony. The guys will earn zero. moves on to his crush and then proceeds to post this maybe I'm just meant to be lonely yeah you'd be surprised how much just asking or asking or saying anything will work seriously how else do you think Am I dating your mother? What would you do in this situation? I, yes, that's right, I don't forget about you, my son, I finally have time to play video games. update required oh no, you have to wait like five minutes, that sucks, okay, that's not fair, I understand that some internet connections are a bit poor let's just say things I learned during my first year here on reddit everyone hates Tiktok but I also use a lot of their content there are no emojis for some reason I never understood it but I just did it I continued.
Shrek, Rick Astley and Keanu Reeves are their gods. Everyone loves it here because of the balance of memes and yes they have a good selection. DARE is. that the emoji thing doesn't make sense shrek and rick astley what year are you and everyone hates tik tok yes, even people who use tick tock hate tick tock wi-fi advertising my video hey man, once you start giving it to Google a billion dollars an extra year in revenue maybe I'm kidding it's when the waitress takes your plate and there were still fries on it I screamed oh no that's the whole story dude oh well good for her though honestly look, I know the guy is sad null but once he opens his heart and opens his mind, he will be ready to accept love again soon, that is, if he ever truly deserves it after being a.
I wish all my boys a very pleasant Wednesday. It's uh, it's Saturday when I recorded this. week 168 hours seven days it's you this is stupid you don't know my tummy hurts but I'm being very brave about it oh you even have a little bit of dry Canada right there don't worry it will clear up soon you're being very brave I'm crying in the bathroom at work every Tuesday me in the middle of an unmissable ad thinking if the youtuber I'm watching deserves this money I'm giving him oh like the four cents you're giving up is Okay, okay, I can think of a lot of names that don't deserve it , but I can think of many others who do deserve it and on that fantastic note we have reached the end of another video, friends, but before we continue, let's take a look. in today's fan art eh a pretty worn out ms paint mk fan art not gonna lie but i hope you like it anyway you made this in ms paint sorry this is so good always remember if you enjoyed a little bit about today's video, consider leaving a like, right? below and hey, if you really liked it, why don't you subscribe and click the bell icon?
If you're feeling super generous, also consider checking out my links in the description below and until next time, I'll see you later.

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