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Quixel Mixer for Beginners: How to Make a Custom Destroyed Street Tutorial

Apr 01, 2024
Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel. In this video we will talk about the


you see here. This is something I'll be using later for a post-apocalyptic environment I'm building before I start, the best way you can support this channel is by leaving a comment below by hitting the like button, be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and also ring the bell to get a notification which really helps me, with that said let's get started. Alright, I just uploaded a new project so we can all start from scratch. If you're a beginner, a newcomer to the


, there will be a playlist below to get you started because this is a little bit more of an intermediate


quixel mixer for beginners how to make a custom destroyed street tutorial
So the first thing we're going to do is apply a hexadecimal value here so we can save some time. Okay, press Apply and this is so that the base layer color doesn't interrupt us because we can't rotate it. off, so what I'm looking for is just adding a surface layer and it's going to be black asphalt, so it's this one here. If you want to continue, click OK and once it's loaded, you'll see that. our asphalt is more or less below our base layer, so we're seeing a little bit of the height map and the normal map of that asphalt, but it's still below that layer because they both occupy the same space, they're both on the threshold zero, so I'm just going to increase the alpha black asphalt threshold until we get rid of that base coat, so you might be wondering why I keep that base coat if I'm not going to use it.
quixel mixer for beginners how to make a custom destroyed street tutorial

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quixel mixer for beginners how to make a custom destroyed street tutorial...

The reason is because This, if I turn it on, there's no threshold, there's no offset, so that's the reason for leaving it on now. The next thing we're going to do is do the road striping that you may be tempted to do. use these paths right here, but the problem with these is that they are just the way they are, you can't


ize the sprite, you can't change the way the sprites look, the stripes, so I'd rather do it myself, the other thing is if you go into the atlas section, uh, you'll see there's some stripes here, I actually downloaded them to my local library and there's this one here, so let me load it once so you can see the reason why I'm building this from scratch and Once I load it up, I see that I can tile it down if I wanted to, but it's incredibly large, so even if I were here and we did a box projection, we can scale it down and it takes a lot of adjustments and it's more complicated to use. these instead of creating yours from scratch, I'm just going to delete it and we're going to add a solid layer, so this solid layer will also have a specific hex value so we can save a little bit of time trying to pick colors.
quixel mixer for beginners how to make a custom destroyed street tutorial
There you have it, this solid layer needs a wrap to underline the layer and it needs to be above the threshold, well the reason for wrapping to underline the layer is because that way you can increase the threshold but it won't affect the scrolling of everything else . in fact, it's going to be wrapped right on top of our asphalt, that's why it goes all the way to the top and because it's practically painted and the next thing we're going to do is put this solid in a folder and let's call it line l for the left, I'm going to come in here and I'm going to create a mask, but instead of creating a mask for my solid, I'm going to create a mask for my folder, this is something you usually do a lot in the substance painter when you want to have a specific place mask but then you want to add noise or any other mask to that place without affecting everything else, this is the way to do it, so I'm going to add a stack of masks to that folder and I'm going to go here and I'm going to select a pattern, so that will be my square pattern, it will be one by one, there you have it, now all we have to do is


98 spacing. and you'll see that instantly we have our line right here, remember to take the y spacing to zero so that your line can go all the way up and down, otherwise there will be a little break here that you'll miss.
quixel mixer for beginners how to make a custom destroyed street tutorial
So after that, we can add a projection here and move our offset all the way here and there, we're going to do minus 0.4. I think I like it, so after this, I'm really going to add another massive stack to this. with a noise strap, there you go when you add noises, it's more of a trial and error kind of thing, so I spent a little bit of time checking the type of amplitude and everything I wanted for this noise, so six by eight. five four octaves and let's change this machinery to right here okay now you're seeing I have a little bit of similar markings so this doesn't look like it's been freshly painted it looks like it's been there for a while and if I wanted to do it yet Further, what I could do is lower this threshold, let's say now that we finish this line, I'm going to do the second line, the second one, that's going to be very easy, I'm just going to duplicate. this layer change the name to line right and on this I'm just going to change the projection to the other side there you have it and that's the beauty of using noise, I just duplicated this and as you can see the line from the other side has a pattern uh completely different here in the masking, so I don't have to do double the work.
This is a huge time saver. Now let's


the line in the middle for the line in the middle. What I need to do is duplicate this one and I'm going to rename it, call it middle line or middle stripe. I think they should be called, but I'm just going to change the color here to white. I'm not going to do full white. apply over here and we're going to go into the mask and the projection and we're going to type zero here so that it goes all the way to the middle and we got our path which actually didn't take very long and We have kind of a


look for our stripes and actually , I think these two look a little bit similar, so what I'm going to do is go into my noise and change the seat a little bit to increase the threshold a little bit, so let's do 0.48, okay, there you go, so we have our two stripes, both stripes of our path, now the next thing we need to do is add some destruction, so I'm just going to go here, the surfaces and what I need smashed earth, smashed alpha earth if you want to follow me, so I'll click here and as you can see, nothing happened because we haven't changed our threshold, so instead of doing it like this, we need to do it.
What I'm going to do is you'll see here the mixture says from the bottom. I'm going to change this to from above. Okay, so I just added a mask here and we're going to add our pearl noise like this and as you can see you're already starting to see the


above I'm just going to go into my mask by pressing number nine and we're going to play a little bit with the amplitude and the seat remember what is black is not going to go through the width, it is going to be seen, so maybe we reduce the frequency a little.
Okay, after we have this, we're going to add another mask to this, so it's going to be a paint mask and I'm going to to choose this one right here, which is one of the default ones, okay, in fact, I'm going to increase this a little bit. and we will start painting. I'm going to paint a little here, the goal of this is to make it so. It doesn't look


, maybe reduce the size and let's go here, make sure we clean it up and you can always press x to change the values ​​here, so the black and white remember what's going to happen next and what's going to happen next What we're going to do is add a little bit of sand, a little bit of dust and debris and we're going to use something called sandy asphalt that's really going to help us with that, it's there right now.
If we leave it as the mixture from the bottom, if I move the threshold, you'll see that it starts to fill the holes that we have here and it defeats the purpose of the holes because I don't want to fill them, so what? What I'm going to do is change it from the top and that way we can use it as a little bit of a different effect, so right now it's really affecting our street and another thing we can play with is adjust Underline the details so it doesn't change too much. part of our journey again.
I just want a little bit of dirt on top, so I'm not going to wrap it all the way around because that means we're going to lose all the displacement we have. We're winning with that layer, but I'm actually going to make it a little bit so maybe over here it should be okay and we're also going to mask this out so I'm going to use another noise strap so you can see by just adding that noise it really adds a lot to our street, so if you turned this off, you would see that it has potholes, but everything else is like the asphalt had just been laid.
What if we had this? This looks like it has aged and not been cared for. The next thing I'm going to do is make this look really post-apocalyptic, like it's been there for many years, maybe even decades. In fact, I'm going to go to my local library and look up atlases and use these iv's that you see here so you can always download them online and add them as a sticker. I'm going to click here now, what you're seeing here actually looks like there's ivy around the road, which is not the effect I want to convey.
What I want to convey is that we have leaves on the road, there are leaves. I've been there for a while because no one drives on this road anymore, so what I'm going to do is change the color so it doesn't look like there are live plants there and I have another hex value. that I can mark here, apply that and that gives it more like you know the plants have dried out and the other thing we're going to do is add a mask by clicking here and I'm going to start painting our mask, so the first thing that What I'm going to do is paint a completely black mask so that we don't see any of those IVs and now I can paint a white mask, but for this one in particular I'm going to choose.
This brush is not soft. The reason I'm using a hard brush instead of a soft one is because I want the details of the plant to show through completely. I don't want it to fade, so if you use a soft brush. brush, it will fade from the outside of the brush, so that's the reason for this. Actually, I'm going to decrease this brush down to eight and we're going to place the leaves around this bump so that we have here, so make sure you have your white value and let's start painting. Well, I think we're good with the leaves and I'm just going to add the final touch, which is the liquid, and this is one of the best things about the blender. you don't have to worry about how to add the liquid or what it's going to look like, you just add a layer of liquid and move that threshold and it's like instant water, that way we have very small puddles that have been there and we have mud underneath, I think we'll leave it out here, I think it looks good, as you can see, they have the leaves floating and the leaves like I gave them that color to make them look like That kind of leaves that haven't been alive for a while but they're in the water, so which they take on a brown color, that's one of the reasons why I chose this type of color and let me get rid of this one. looks good now the next thing is to add some decals to make it look a lot better and we're going to grab the asphalt crack okay so since it's a decal it's always going to load on top without us having to mess with the threshold and let me see, I'm actually going to play with this, let's offset it, move it over here, in fact, I'm going to duplicate this and I'm going to offset it and rotate it, place it over here and the way we're going to make this look is not what same.
In fact, I'm going to add a mask here. I'm going to add a painted mask and I'm going to start erasing a part, so the way What I can do is go to 9 so we can easily erase this specific part because it's very specific. Well, as you can see, we have these nice cracks. Now I just wanted the cracks because I already have these pieces


and this destroyed part looks like a very different one, I'm just going to take it out and save all the cracks. I'm going to go back into my mask and I'm going to paint another mask and paint this black to get rid of that, okay, let's rescale this, just do it. those cracks look a little bit bigger and that's actually very, I think it's very cool, happy accident, I actually like how it looks, so the reason you're seeing this is because since I grew the cape, It came out of the mask I painted.
If you've been into other texturing programs like substance, usually when you add a mask, you add a white mask or a black mask. Here, when you add a mask, you have nothing, so you have to paint it completely white or painful. black depending on what you want to do to it, but because we only paint dark spots in certain places when I resize it and when I make it bigger, it goes outside the mask and that's why we're now seeing this, which again is one one of those happy accidents when you're doing things, so I'm going to go and get rid of this little piece, get rid of this too and that actually looks very, very nice, so the other thing I'm going to do is change the color of it and, As always, have a hexadecimal value here, this just to speed up the process a little.
Well, as you can see the reason why I changed the albedo tint. it's because it was too bright, okay that's it for this video, I hope you like it, if so please leave a like, don't forget to subscribe, leave a comment about


s you would like to see in the future. this was just a simple and quick way to create something for your level if you just needed to create a quick asset that will be on the field this is the way to do it thanks for watching and see you in the next video

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