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May 30, 2021
Are you burping and vomiting or is that shit coming out of your mouth? Okay, okay, okay, screw the containers. It's okay, just take it. Don't worry, that's all you have to do. It's really about taking your time. Okay, okay, easy. Jimbo, okay. Okay, I feel drunk playing this. Yeah, don't fall off the edge of the world. That's fine, just grab your big old forward-facing tablet and take it home. Oh, come on. It's all a naked man on a segways. Is he the only one who can? Please be the only one. I'm going to go this way.
quit the game to win
I'm going to go this way. I'm going to go this way. Don't fuck around. It's okay, it's okay. We're almost home. We're almost home. This has to be like this. Get that fucking slow ass, sir. Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus, it's okay. Alright. I have this Oh God, the last steps towards my house, you fucking whore of Babylon. Oh come on, play video


s for a living. It will be fun. They say you enjoy it a lot. They said you knew they were dead, right? This is fucking incredible. You guys don't see how far I can throw up on you.
quit the game to win

More Interesting Facts About,

quit the game to win...

See if I can hit that kid down there. Okay, watch out for a damn Segway Steve coming here. He looks like a thinner version of the old guy above (Nice Up stereotype, Jack). Okay, come on, plastic head... oh, you're so lucky that didn't *screw* us all up. correct Easy. I'm feeling it. Now I know how these legs work. Plan for your legs not to work. Like they used to do it before and Sheeran was screwed, right? Well, wait for the Segway penis to arrive. Oh, that could have really fucked me up. Well, here we go. Alright, last obstacles.
quit the game to win
Are these the last obstacles? Actually, I do not know. Oh wait, I have to go there, I fucking seriously have to. Why aren't these checkpoints? What's the point of even having to stop the sites? Oh No, no, no, no, there is no iron, what a shocking match. I had a great time. I know where my home is, but right now I am loved. I will have to leave. I have to get this


out of here. Okay, my God, Oh, new game. Oh, okay, that's how you wake up in the morning. Well. This is called abandoning the game to win, so I don't know if I should sit here and this is like the whole game if I sit here and watch it, but I'm a bit of a rebel. .
quit the game to win
Oh, wouldn't it be this beard? Oops Escape and alt f4 won't work either. Oh shit. Sure, there's the task manager, but that's cheating. That way, you will finish the process and not abandon the game. What's up with that X button in the top right corner? Oh, why these games? No, but there must be a way to touch it. I think it just needs a friendly approach. Be kind. Come on, maybe press X. I'm trying to be nice, but it's not working. Well, let's try it with some relaxing music. Ah, nice. It still doesn't work, I don't think it will work.
Me neither. Jane, fucking Christ. Fuck yeah, enough of this lullaby bullshit. Let's try something else. Ah, man, I think we scared him. I was having a really fucking great time with that one. Take this and Shirley looks better. Wait, where did she go? I don't know. I guess he's hiding somewhere. Can I just click without having to click on this? Maybe it's a timid walk. Try calling him by her name. I am not an object. Alright, try calling him by her name. I'm ashen. Thank you. Alright. Could you try calling her by her name? X Que Sal, please, oh.
There you are, shiny booger. I actually had to press X on my keyboard to get you out. We have it. I mean, now click on it, uh, her. Did we just win? Oh shit, I guess we didn't know, here we go again. Oh God, this is like the parable of Stanley or friend. Stop Kenny's game. We were so close. Wait, I have an idea. When the lights went out, I think I saw something like a switch behind the title, the circuit breaker, not the console. Anyway, try moving the tile down in this text box. Wait to?
Oh wait, I can't. I can't I can't do it I'm choosing you but it's not working (but it's in the text box like you said) wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what am I supposed to do? Do you like to get angry around here? Oh, I had to put it in that text box, I misunderstood. So that was the main switch. What is that hanging thing? I know, but I want to click on it. There is a flashing light. Now look at another one. Finish the process. Wait, don't touch that button. Ah, this is like not pressing the button too.
I just realized something important: Kill. The process IS to exit the game now, that means I will cease to exist. How could you press that button? How could you end the process after all the time we spent together? After all the challenges we faced, how could you kill me? Okay, I want to interfere with your choices. You know, like a real epic player. I really want to press the button to win, but I just can't do it. I can't press that button. "Textie" is back, back. We can be together. We can go to France. We can live our lives. "Textie", please.
Baby, come back! There must be another way. This is so sad, Alexa... you're not in this room. I think I'll have to do it. I think I'll have to


the game. I really want to sit here and wait, but Oh Music just repeats: "Did you really think it was that simple? Nobody's going to kill me. You're not going to win this game. I'm going to win this game. How? GAME!! " Wait, then it ends when the game closes itself, that's weird. Shit, okay. I wonder if I go back to it. Will he say anything else? Um, hello No, it's still the same Okay.
Well, how about this time I go to the task manager myself, delete everything and end the process? If I win this time, fuck you. Well. Well, I guess that's enough for this video? Um, there's no real way to end this other than to say: You have to leave this video, you have to do it. Otherwise, I'll just be here. You have to be the one to leave. You have to be the one to leave. I can't finish it for you. You're going to have to do it. You will have to take the power into your own hands.
Will you have to click on that X at the top right? You will have to pause the video. You will have to finalize it yourself. Don't worry about the rest of the timeline bar. That's after this. Don't even hover over it. Don't even look to see how much of the video is left. You're going to have to leave it. Can you leave YouTube? Can you stop or? Do you have to look? Every day, do you have to be here? Do you have to watch the videos every time from the end? Do you have a problem? (Anti starts arriving) Do you have a problem with YouTube?
Are you looking too much? Are you getting that screen time? You're going to have to do it, you're going to have to leave, you're going to have to take matters into your own hands for the first time in your life and you're going to have to do it, otherwise I'll just be here I'll be here all the time looking looking waiting You haven't met me in real life How do you know that I exist or else I'm just existing here on YouTube on the platform? Forever. How do you know I'm a real person? Dont do it.
The only thing you know is how to get out of the video right now (Anti launches into a staring contest) Anti: Still here, I see it very well Anti: You can't do it. Can't you just end the video? You have to stay, you have to watch, you have to know what's going on. Just in case. Something is hidden. something is lurking. just in case you missed something. You have to be aware, you have to know what's going on, right? You can't just let it go. (NOPE) You can't just move on. Otherwise, it will always be there Scratching *tap tap tap* in your brain.
What happened when I clicked out of the video? How many of you left the video and came back? Just to see what was happening. Because you can't do it, you can't stay out, you can't just get on with things. You have to know what happens. You have to be here to see it all *Anti stares at your soul* That's a lot of staring, sir. You pass the test now, (WHAT TEST?!) let's move on to the next phase (Thanks for watching!) Bye too, WTF JUST HAPPENED?!

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