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Quarantine Cooking: Chicken & Dumplings

Jun 07, 2021
Hey everyone come to the kitchen, Eddie and I were standing there laughing because normally this whole time I was in the kitchen or maybe four sometimes but right now it's just me and Eddie so it's very very quiet here, it's probably the calm. Before the storm, if you know what I mean, our families are slowly coming back together and that's it, Kate, I didn't get my house. It's just, um, it's been chaotic because I was used to, for about three months, you know, seeing two people. three people daily, so I'm excited because we've gotten a lot of requests for this dish and at Paula Deen's family kitchen one of the most popular recipes they select for main dishes is




quarantine cooking chicken dumplings
By myself and Michael, I'm sharing the recipe for




like the ones we make at Paula Dean's Family Kitchen, yeah, mmm, so I'm going to make it exactly like they make it at family kitchen restaurants and they do it a little different . I would do it from home, but there are many ways to get there, although you could say it's an opportunity, so I'll show you all now. I already cooked. I already cooked our chicken, so can you guys get into that pot okay? Eddie shows everyone and this is what's in this pot, onions, celery, water and chicken and of course salt and pepper so now I'm going to take out our chicken and you guys want to cook it until it's fork tender and this is only. a habit I acquired and got used to when I was packing and


eight or ten chickens a day.
quarantine cooking chicken dumplings

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quarantine cooking chicken dumplings...

I would go down the back of the chicken and just cut it through the back, let me see if I can. flip it over, I just cut it off the back and for some reason it's easier for me to pick it so I'm going to let this cool for a minute and then I'll go back to our broth now for a chicken, I'm looking forward to it. about two and a half liters of water will do the job for you and I recommend getting the smallest chicken you can because they are the tastiest, this one weighs just three pounds and that's pretty good, let me ask you.
quarantine cooking chicken dumplings
Today I receive my


tips. You said you cut the chicken wing before putting it in the pot. You made them to look like they're okay, you know? And instead of keeping them whole if I cut them from the back. and butterfly it open, then it will go under the water, okay, that was a good question, okay, the next step is now that we've removed the chicken, I'm going to put a tablespoon of a wet chicken base in there and that will be will be rich. in our broth because it is very important that you have a rich, rich broth.
quarantine cooking chicken dumplings
I'm going to stir it because it has to dissolve and I left it. I left the neck bones there and the liver and the gizzards because there will be Someone at the table who likes them, so I left them and now this is what my grandmother taught me to do. She taught me to add a can of cream of celery and this will help thicken your bra, but that broth is not like that. a little thick and on its own because of the flour you're going to get from the meatballs and that makes sense, will you tell me if I'm not making sense, yeah, okay, it keeps me scratchy, did you get that fly, Michael, wait? 'Everything here in the south we have so many flies you wouldn't believe it and you know the fly is down here, they will come where the good food is and they will drive us crazy, okay, so a can of cream of celery, so I'm just going to stir that, I'll dilute it there and if you don't have cream, my chicken will do that, that's not a problem, but it sure helps that face.
Now our next step is to taste our broth. pouring an amazing spoon to taste our broth and see if it needs more seasoning. My goodness, there is nothing like pure broth, nothing like it. I could drink this whole pot and I'm going to add a little more salt because we can. always put salt on the table and pepper, I have to have that pepper with those meatballs, so this is a beautiful pot of broth, so I'm going to put this back on the stove and bring it back to a bowl when I drop my dumplings in my dumplings are cooking all of you.
I go to pick up my chicken and it's about to cool down enough to touch. I know the skin comes off easily, but I've picked a lot of chickens in my day. You all know where every bit of clean meat is and what to avoid, so I'm going to start with the meatballs. Now I have to say that this is something my grandmother didn't do and I think it's strictly because we did it. Back then I didn't have the convenient products that they have now, so I'm going to make our dumplings and this is how Pigeon Forge does it.
Myrtle Beach and boli Alabama and Branson Missouri, everyone has to follow this exact recipe because for us it is the right one. on the money so I'm going to take my cookie mix this is Paula Deen's cookie mix and I'm going to I'm going to measure I can give it a pop I'm going to measure it so I can something like that I give you specific measurements okay that's a cup and you know how many dumplings you choose to make. That's really up to you if you like a lot of dumplings or if you like mostly chicken with some dumplings.
Well, I think it's 2 cups. I think I'm going to have 3 cups because we sure like those dumplings and that's perfect because it gives me some leftover, so I pulled out my old tablecloth that I keep from just rolling out the pastries, so I'm going to move. These things go around dad a little bit so you have a lot of room and that was just to show you what was in those things for the chicken in dumplings and you can add anything else you want oh there was something out there Simon go ahead and put that broth and that's it, or you can use the drying time if you don't have anything fresh, but I'm going to try to get this off the stems and it comes out better if you step back.
I think well, you know, the other alternative is to just leave everything there and just take out the stems because the little leaves are going to come off anyway and I'm not opposed to the stem being there. Oh, Teresa. Back, yeah, I said it felt so weird just the two of us and then Michael came in, so I'm just taking advantage of the time. Teresa and time is such a wonderful herb to me. I love it, for me it's a little softer. Like the smashing, but you definitely need time on your side, come on, okay, so here we go with our dough balls, we've got three cups of fun in our cookie mix and a tease doing this, so I got you, yeah, clear.
We have to take a little break We have to take a break, take a break, okay, I have my Paula Deen cookie mix here and the director said we're going to take a break, I'm not tired, Eddie, I can't continue this time, okay . I stood here and picked up all this chicken, so we're almost ready to put the chicken and the chicken bones aside and the breast meat makes really nice big thick pieces of meat for the meatballs. What are you whispering about everything I know? you're whispering, I'm going to go over there, hitting me and my chair 'cause I know what he's saying, you make better chicken and dumplings than me, yeah, yeah, I knew I can smell you thinking we need competition, yeah, we did that with Paula Deen. family kitchen oh my gosh, did you hear what Theresa said?
It is the number one most requested recipe from where Tariq spends his holidays in his Bingley quality cuisine restaurants. Oh, okay, from the whole family, okay, yeah, all together though, that's pretty good. We'll see that everyone understands, it's not Michaels' way, but I promise you it's still good, so we'll set it aside and put it in our pot until our dumplings are in the pot and ready to eat. I have a little bit of dough left over I have three cups of my cookie mix in there and I have a little bit left over I have a little bit of dough left over so I'm going to flour I'm really bored because we can roll this now, I started with a cup of buttermilk and it's we may need more and then we may not, but we have three cups of the mixture so here we go so I'm going to do this slowly until it's like I think it should be. be I think I'm going to have to get some more buttermilk I didn't think it was going to be what buttermilk no oh no I hadn't gotten along well I'll tell you the way my grandmother used to make them and it's in the old days and It's hard, there's a lot of work on the days I made dumplings, I would really look like that, but someone would be there to help me because she made her dumplings with flour, all-purpose flour, salt, a little pepper and ice water, and you have make sure it's ice water because she wanted the dough to be really hard and when it's as cold as that on the hard it's so hard to roll it out girl you wouldn't believe it but over the years that's how I made the mine to four. years and then one day in the supermarket, lo and behold, I seem to have found frozen dumplings and they are very thin and in strips, like the ones my grandmother made.
Some people like dumplings, which aren't one of my favorites, so let's see. I started with a cup right now. I'm going to measure well, measure out another half cup and see if that doesn't get us to the wet stage. We won't do it. Y'all, this mix makes the best cookie. have you ever put it in your mouth, I moisten it a little more, so when it's all said and done, we're going to use about a cup and a half of buttermilk for the three cups of my cookie mix, so I'm going to put this on my fabric, here we go, looks like a nice day, everyone is fine, Mikey, could you please take that and put this link?
Thanks, okay, so we'll cross it and our extra dough to make it work. Great if you can save some of your cookie mix because you're going to need it when you start putting out the dough to cut out the cookies, so you're going to need that extra flour, okay, so we're just going to roll them out, that's nice. Well now grandma always told me to make those cookies as thin as possible, but let's see, I have to check with this recipe to see how thick they roll them in Pigeon Forge, that's what they make it for, so I think I have a fork an inch, don't choke and we're going to cut this, uh, an eighth of an inch, okay, we're going to cut them into squares and throw them here on top of a little more flour and if necessary. to continue there with your flower, what does it look like?
This is a movie, a fatter dumpling than the one my grandmother taught me to make, but some people like a fluffier dumpling, like I said, they will find so many different outlets. there to make chicken and dumplings and you know most of us like to try to replicate our mothers or grandmothers' meatballs so you have a lot of options but I just wanted to take the opportunity to show you exactly how Paula Deen Family Kitchen in Pigeon Forge Tennessee makes them because people look up to them and we're located on the island, they're in Pigeon Forge and it's a wonderful place to bring your kids.
You know Dollywood is your Dollywood right up the mountain, but you're talking about a whole day of fun in the sun, so if you're just looking for a couple hours to let your kids run free, Howling is the best place to do it because they have rights for older children. I have rights for the youngest children, lots of entertainment, lots of it and that's exactly where our restaurant is located. When you get to the island it's just to your left and like I said if you don't want to turn a of something like that two hours there and they'll be so happy to turn it there so I'm waiting in our stop tube for all of you and then we're going to drop these dough balls into the pot and just put a little more flour on them and you're going to have to put a little bit of flour on your knife so it doesn't stick so three cups of cookie mixes produced a lot of dough balls for we.
Now here's a secret when you drop them. Put your dumplings in your pot, you don't want to stick a spoon down there and start stirring because it will break them up, you just want to shake your pot, shake your dumplings so this is ready to launch into Haiti, so we put our base of chicken there and our time, so all we have to do is wait for that ball and then we're going to drop our dumplings and Eddie said he's tired. Theresa thinks she's in Hollywood, yeah we always wanted to scream action so the action is our broth is forming into balls beautifully and if you feel like they're a little thin and don't have enough substance you can just knead them with a little more flour like that and just throw it in and remember I told you just now.
You don't want to stir them, you want to stir the pot because a spoon could destroy them all. They look good. I did it, it's okay. I carry face powder, so I like what those three cups did with the three cookie cups. makes and they cut them into slightly smaller squares at the restaurant and that doesn't really matter, it just depends on what size dumpling they want, maybe I just want to throw it away, okay now shake it well if I can't. stir because if I stir them I'll break them Teresa so if I do this it's the same as stirring without using a spoon and possibly breaking them looks delicious so I think they take about five to eight minutes to I don't cook very long so I'll go ahead and I'll beat it a couple of times and then we'll have our chicken and we'll put it on our dumplings and then we'll get a big bone.
I'm going to have chicken and dumplings, okay? We cooked our dumplings for maybe five to eight minutes and I mean, I shook that pot almost the whole time they were cooking and I dropped the chicken, look at those dumplings, would you look at those dumplings? and I just dropped our chickenon top of our dumplings and I just want to get some chicken, uh-oh, somehow, that wing. They put me in your hole, ma'am, I think it's okay, does anyone want me to dip them a little? Okay, deep. Do you want more juice? Teresa or you go sister.
Tell me one more thing I do that the restaurant doesn't do. Someone wants? to guess or bet on what I do very wrong you have it, you win how difficult was that going to be or cream cheese without cream cheese, are they good oh look idiot Teresa, I do it, I do it in the pot when they are completely ready to serve but Pigeon Forge doesn't do that Myrtle Beach doesn't do that Foley doesn't do that it brings us the nose no super yeah so oh no we gave it a Teresa you know, I think a question people ask a lot if you like salty or unsalted stuff Come out, right?
You don't really care, do you? It does matter to me. Oh, I use salted butter on everything now your chef, Michele, chef, chefs, they wouldn't just use unsalted butter. unless a recipe calls for salted butter, but I'm the type that likes my cakes, my pastries. I love sweet and savory so I'm one with a little salt in mine and that's what I did. Oh, at Theresa, time just brings such a natural flavor and so I can understand why Southerners have always turned to this comfort food, that comfort food I mean, it's perfectly seasoned, so I hope you don't have a problem follow this recipe.
I know it can be a little confusing and I thought a lot about giving you all the right measurements, so the best loving dishes those chickens make right, you guys are always so good. Your family will love you. Hello everyone, I'm Paula Deen. If you enjoyed this video. Make sure you like it and click the subscribe button as well as a notification bell to get an alert when I post a video, love and the best dishes for everyone.

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