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Q&A: What my HUSBAND & I do for a living? Age? TEENAGE BRIDE! Ethnicity, Money $$ | Mel in

Jun 06, 2021
I cooked Sims for him. It's a great memory for me, isn't that taste funny? and the smell brings up a lot of memories, so even when I eat steamed Sims, now it's like a little gift to me, I don't know, so at the time I was able to work, which back then the earliest you could work was 14 years, nine months, I worked. a job because I wanted to be able to pay for things, you know, I felt like, you know, it's not that my parents didn't support me, they did the best they could, but when you have seven mouths to feed, it's hard.
q a what my husband i do for a living age teenage bride ethnicity money mel in
I had a lot of respect for my parents, so growing up it was very noisy, there were always babies around, which was very difficult for me in terms of my studies and growing up in such a big house. Well, now a lot of you asked this question too and I'm I'm going to be completely honest with this that you guys asked, which is also a very good question, how do you manage free time, YouTube family work and yourselves and how do you juggling life in general? It's hard to find that balance, it's hard to make sure you have enough time for the kids, enough time for your


, enough time for yourself, but one thing that my


and I are very much about, that we have spoken, it is very important, it is


makes You better know wives and husbands.
q a what my husband i do for a living age teenage bride ethnicity money mel in

More Interesting Facts About,

q a what my husband i do for a living age teenage bride ethnicity money mel in...

You know he has times when he goes out with the boys. I have moments when I go out with the girls. I have moments alone. He has moments alone. I have dates with my children every two. weeks my son and I will go to eat or walk and my daughter and I will have a good time at the bookstore we will do something that she likes we have to make time and sometimes I do it absolutely wrong and my daughter is like mom left your phone because you know that you're on your phone on Instagram a lot, so there are some days where I'm doing well, I'm handling it well and then, and there are other days, guys, I honestly suck, so I know


it looks like on Instagram.
q a what my husband i do for a living age teenage bride ethnicity money mel in
Sometimes I have it all under control, but it's this fine balancing act. A little tip I do is to know that when you go out with your friends just turn your phone around, don't look at your phone or put your phone in your Bag and just focus on the person and talk to them. You don't have time to chat with a girlfriend or whoever you meet for a couple of hours. Give him your full attention at certain times of the night. I just turned on my phone. and I just like not to be looking at my phone and that for me, guys, is very hard to do because I think we're all a little bit addicted to our phones, you know, the first thing we wake up is we look at our phone, the last thing we What we do at night is look at our phone, so I'm struggling with that and I have to be so intentional, it's very intentional, so yeah, it's a balancing act that I'm still trying to get better at, okay?
q a what my husband i do for a living age teenage bride ethnicity money mel in
Once again, many of you asked what your fashion is, what inspires you. If I'm talking about icons, definitely, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, to me they are the epitome of elegance and class, not necessarily what they wear, but what they are. She's very elegant and you know, in terms of my style, I'm also quite feminine, so I love that her style is so elegant, but for me I don't have a kind of modern fashion muse like Ikana. I love it. As you know, I mix vintage and high street designer brands, so I don't really care too much about trends.
Yes, I like to look at them. Yeah, sometimes, you know, I pick a trend just to have a little fun and try it out, but I would say. In general, I stick with what I love and what suits my body and what makes me feel confident, and you know, what I love to do is I love people watching, so sometimes when I'm taking a coffee, I love to see. styles of different people because I think fashion is a way you can express yourself so I find it fascinating what people wear and I just love seeing what people wear in general so the next questions will be quicker.
I'll answer them very briefly because only a few of you asked them, but I still wanted to address them and it says, Is something called cooking? Yes, I cook, but I have to admit that I don't love cooking. Luckily, my husband likes it. cooking In fact, I prefer baking if I cook, what I like to cook the most are the things my mom taught me, some more traditional Chinese things and hobbies besides collecting bags. I also love collecting handmade dolls. I love the handmade community and another reason why I'm drinking tea from this teacup because I also collected antique teacups, another thing that I used to do a lot more and that I'm going to do this year is that I love going to shops second hand, scrubbing all those teacups and collecting them. so I have quite a large collection of teacups.
I don't know how much they work exactly, but I just collect them, you know, more for their aesthetics, I would say, and another hobby is another hobby, eating. I like to try all the different places to eat, if that's a hobby favorite color I've mentioned this before as zodiac sign sky blue I'm a Virgo birthday September 21st age okay, I think I've already mentioned this. I don't know if I've said this before, but I was born in 1980. I remember my Gucci giveaway actually mentioned this, so 1980, so yeah, I'm turning 40 this year. It's still a few months away but this year it's 40 and they say 40 is the new 30 so I'll be 40. in a few months favorite book I really recommend The Five Love Languages ​​which really helps if you're in a relationship.
I think it just helps to understand each other better. It's by Gary Chapman and I also love Purpose Driven Living which I read years ago. and even from time to time I still read that Rick Warren is an introvert or an extrovert. I would say I used to be an extrovert but now I'm becoming more introverted. In fact, I love staying at home, but I still love my good type of girl. session, we had a dog, he was a Westie, he was so cute, his name was Yuki, but he unfortunately passed away a few years ago, so we know.
We don't currently have a favorite pet food, in general it's probably fried chicken, it's really bad, or french fries, but at the moment I love everything Korean. The next step Do you like


in Australia? Is it the ideal place to live? Yes for me. I'm biased. I have lived here since I was 4 years old. I started kindergarten here. I love Melbourne. I think Melbourne is one of the reasons why it's been voted the most liveable city, you know, for a few years in a row, number one or number two, so Melbourne yeah, Melbourne, girl, I love Melbourne, okay, where Do you see yourself in five to ten years?
What is my future? Hopefully you still see me on YouTube to some extent. I like to continue doing this. I love doing it. I love talking to you. I feel like this is a community and when it's a community you feel like you belong. No. I know that makes me happy. I also want to continue. You know my real estate and also diversify my portfolio. This is how I see myself in five to ten years. Well, now let's move on to some of the questions that might require a little attention. more than one sentence, what makes you happiest, the happiest moment, okay, obviously, besides the obvious, getting married, having my children, it's the little things, seeing them laugh, it's having a really good meal.
I get so happy when I eat a really good steak. I don't know about you, but when you have a really good meal, I think, oh my goodness, that was such a good, satisfying meal. The following is what I am most grateful for. I am most grateful for my family, the support of my family, especially my husband, the close relationship I share with my children and in terms of religion, I am a Christian so I am very grateful for my relationship with God. Next up is my biggest insecurity in terms of my body, hands down, my belly, oh my.
Oh my gosh, if I have stretch marks on one end, like if you go from my hip to one side, my whole stomach is a stretch mark when I had my son, it's like someone drew purple text, it's not a joke, texture, texture of pebbles, purple texture all over my stomach and it's discolored to silver, but that's my biggest insecurity in terms of my body and belly. What is your cleaning schedule for your closet? Do you have a cleaner? Yes, we have a cleaner. It is the best investment I have ever made. She comes once a week and does all kinds of things. important, you know, the bathroom oven kind of work, but everyone who has a cleaner, I don't know if you do, but that frees up a lot of time for the family, but even if you have a cleaner, you still have to clean everyone the days. to wash dishes you still have to fold clothes and all that, but yeah, I have a cleaner in terms of my closet, I just dust as needed.
I don't have much dust in my closet, you know? You haven't seen my closet tour where I display all my bags because I like to see everything visually so I just dust it off once a week so it doesn't really require that much maintenance and then the final question on this, which are quite a few. Some of you asked how he became successful. I think it's a pretty difficult question to answer because it depends on how you define success. Success for you. Earning lots and lots of


is a success for you. Being happy is success for you.
You set out to do it for me. I feel like I'm still on that journey. You know there are still parts of my personality and parts of my life that I want to improve, but you know that, financially speaking, there is always room to improve on my own. Personal footprints can always be improved, so I guess it's hard to say: do you know how you became so successful? Maybe I don't see myself as successful, a bad trait I have about myself, it's very difficult for me to accept praise. It's very difficult for me to recognize it.
You know, my husband always says that you need to enjoy the joy of the journey. I don't enjoy the trip. I'm always so focused on the results, like what the end result is. You know, I need to enjoy. So for me, I know that to you guys I might seem so successful that I can just buy a bag and everything, so yeah, I've been successful in that sense since I was little, you know because of a very average guy myth. family, I don't need to think and say for years and years about a bag for example, we always talk about our purchases and plan it, but in that sense, if you want to consider success that way, yes, I guess so, but in a personal sense that I need to learn and grow from and that's why I'm a big believer and I'm not ashamed to admit this to you guys that I'm a big believer in counseling to talk to people because prevention is always better than cure so, Why do you have to wait, for example, if you are in a relationship when your relationships are in ruins before talking to someone?
I'm like completely raising my hand and telling you that my husband and I have been in counseling sessions before it got that bad, have we ever gotten to that stage, is it that bad before? Yes, I'll talk about the husband later, God, you ask a lot of our husbands, but even when we're not that bad, sometimes we just need another one. person's perspective or even with children when they are dealing with something. I'm a big advocate of talking to someone because they are trained to talk to you and give you a different perspective, so there's only one thing I need to say and I have to be intentional with myself about this, is that since I started YouTube with all of its downsides, I know there are downsides too, of course, you get negative comments and all that, but I'm very proud of the relationship I share. with my children that is the reason why I have not decided to pursue another career either even though I have time and YouTube is not exactly full time although it is almost full time I choose to want to be at home too and sometimes your presence even be there for the children , the kids just knowing that you're there, the moms at home or mom can pick me up from school or you know my son, you know him and you talk to me about some of them or adult problems that he's going through.
It's a success that, you know, my children share such a close bond that for me it's a success and I definitely have a lot to learn as a parent, but that honestly brings me so much joy, how are you guys doing? Did I do it or did I do it? I'm not warning you that this is going to be a long video so I said I don't know if I'm going to get through all these questions but I have the next topic here and you know like I said, I'm looking down. on my macbook because I tried to write down all the questions and you know one of the biggest questions in terms of family was how I met my husband and there were like 12 of you who asked that so this is my story so my husband and I met when we were in high school, we met during a movie, in fact we all met at Chadstone and we were watching Don John DeMarco, his name is Johnny Depp and yes, there was a group of us, we were three guys, three girls and that was our first meeting.
So we have a mutual friend, that was our first meeting. I think it was when I was in year 8. I think he was in year 9. Anyway, nothing happened. We were just friends. You know, I went to a public school that he went to. a private school, but we were kind of close to each other and saw each other off and on for a couple of years, but anyway we were just friends, actingformally his friend asked me to go with him and We were all friends and his friend asked me if I could find someone for my husband and I said yes I will invite one of my friends so we all go as friends so in the forum or nothing when you really notice each other and then it was the after party and the after party will double as karaoke so seriously guys I was like sitting down and my husband was singing and I don't know why I noticed , but he was like singing and I looked at him and then.
He looked, he looked at me and then it was like this ice. I know it sounds so cliché, but it was like this Sparks and then when we talk about it now, like I just joke with the kids, oh, your mom loved me so much, you know? you know all this kind of stuff, but it was these sparks and then we talked like you know back in the day when you didn't know I had one of those phones that was like one of those corded phones that Remember this, so you know your age and I had to going around the corner and then closing a sliding door just to have some privacy, so I remember talking for hours and hours and hours with him and then a couple of weeks later we started dating. and girlfriend and that was in 1997 and funnily enough we didn't see each other much because he was going through his final year exams and he is very studious, very, very intelligent, very smart, very hardworking, so the next time I saw him was after their exams and that's why we haven't seen each other for a while, but anyway that's the story of how we met and the second most frequently asked question.
The guys are obviously very interested in hobbies, it's what they do hobbies for a


and for privacy reasons. I can't reveal his exact occupation, but I can tell you that he owns his own healthcare business, so he loves it, he loves it. and that brings me a lot of happiness because he loves going to work every day. The following are some short answer questions that I will answer under the family theme. Some of you asked what you and your family do in your free time. I'm also summarizing this because a lot of you asked this, but in different kinds of variations, but we love eating as a family, we love trying different restaurants, we also love going to the movies as a family.
I've seen in my stories that sometimes we like to hang out in the time zone and just play some games and we also like to go bowling as a family and then some of you also asked if you would ever do a full video with Mrs. kids on social media In fact, I've made some videos with my kids. The lady has been in a couple of my videos. I'll link them below. My son was only in one which was just a few videos ago. I think he was super shy. He did pretty well, let me know if you want to see more of them, but I've included them in some of my family vlogs because like I said, in terms of content, I'm going to stick with the shopping or luxury vlogs. but there will be a little more family content and the children will appear talking a little more about the children.
I had some questions about the ladies. Do they let ladies wear designer clothes? Do you have any designer items? At what age can you borrow your bags? Well, then the lady doesn't have any designer bags. Her aunts and my friends have kindly given her like little tokens because, you know, all we have is like a mini version of So Sometimes, Sometimes, the Bardo's Children. It's me? They have mini versions of some of the most popular bags, but no, she doesn't have a designer bag. I want to wait until she's older. I'm not at all judging parents who buy designer items for their kids, but I just want to wait.
Until she is a little older before you know it, she will receive a designer bag; However, in saying that I have some items that I purchased from the children's category in size twelve or fourteen, those items we share and she owns a couple of those. items, so I guess I'm not sure what age yet, but maybe 16, maybe she has a bag that I already bought her previously that I want to give her and then she says that the lady is interested in is in fashion right now, she loves to dance, yeah, I want you to ask me what her dream job is and she loves helping people, she has great empathy, she has a very, very kind heart, so I think right now I would say dancer. because she just likes to dance with her friends, but then I'm not really sure, but fashion would say yes and no, she likes to choose her own clothes, but at first right now her style is a little more casual now.
Let's move on to more questions about the husband because, like I said, the husband was a very popular topic and just to quickly summarize this in a few questions, you know, does her husband complain about his spending? Do you have to ask permission? What does her husband think of her? your luxury collection, okay, that's first, okay, then there's my husband complaining about my expenses, sometimes sometimes I don't have to ask his permission, it's more a matter of respect, I just like to say look, this is a bag or these are a pair of shoes that you know I'm thinking about buying and I don't have to run past him saying or can I buy this, no, it's like I'm just letting you know that I'll probably have them in a couple of weeks.
I want to save, what do you think? I value his opinion in the same way, when he makes any type of purchase or larger purchases, he tells me; obviously if it's a small purchase here and then it's not, we just go ahead and spend it. but I think just out of respect we consulted each other and what are my husband's thoughts on luxury? The fact that my husband knows that I love luxury from the beginning. I'm going to answer this in more depth about my luxury and my bad questions because a lot of you asked me, but since we've been together, you know this year is like the 23rd year we've been together and 21 years of marriage, you know, in the end This year, the first bag I bought.
I was 18 so he knew I loved luxury, obviously my collection isn't what it is now but he's okay with it because he knows I've always loved it and he knows I actually loved buying things not just for myself. , but for other people like that, yeah, that's one of my love languages, so I like to buy things for people, for my family, for people that I love, okay, so the next few questions are becoming a lot more personal and I have to say this, guys. It's harder for me to share, but I told you this would be very honest and raw, so I was expecting these questions and a lot of you asked the age of my kids, a lot of you asked the age I got married.
Obviously, I told you what my age is now and many of you asked me what my most difficult moments were in life or in life and you know what it was like to be a mother. Tips for parents. Okay, so first in my children's age, my son. is 19 years old and miss s is 10 years old so there is a nine year gap it is a very big gap and our son was an unexpected surprise so that brings me to the most difficult moment because my husband and I have been dating for a couple of years and I always knew I wanted to be a young mother and we always knew that since we met, even two years, we were already talking about marriage like after college we knew we wanted to get married young hats have a young family but obviously not that young so when I answer the age at which I got married many of you ask me oh my God no, you are so young, you know it, but you have your song it is so old. because I'm kind of young but not old and I think a lot of people think I'm older than I am, hopefully I don't look that old, but anyway that's another thing, because I had it.
I'm not kidding when I say that. I got married young and had my son and had our son young, so yeah, the age I got married was 19. I was in my first year of college, so you know my son is the same age now and you know it's me. I'm very, very honest with him, we'll never be seen as not having a girlfriend or anything like that, but we say, you know, if mom and dad could do it differently, we wouldn't have gotten married so young. Saying you were ever a mistake because you're not, you're the best surprise that's ever happened to us, but it did speed everything up, not that our parents ever said we had to get married, but both my husband and I.
You know, I wanted to get married and I guess that led me to hope. You know, one question was about the proposal. When I found out I was pregnant, he proposed to me and I was like, oh no, you're just saying that because you know each other. You know that I'm pregnant and you know, guys, that life doesn't always go as you plan, life is unexpected, but to this day it's the best thing that's ever happened to us and you know that I gave an or you know, when my son was old enough to talk about this, I told him the whole story and told him you should be here, how we organized our wedding, let me put some of our wedding photos, so yeah, like you.
You can see it in the wedding photos, you can't tell everything because he was very early in the pregnancy, but it was the best day of our lives. We are very proud, as a nineteen-year-old, to organize the wedding. We had a beautiful wedding between family and friends, it was very classic, it was my style, everything for me and I can only tell you my story because this is what I believe. I'm not trying to sound religious or anything, but I'm really sorry. God was a part of it all because you know if you are planning a wedding you need a minimum of six months or a year or a year and a half of planning, but the church you know selected the relatives so we could reserve the church venue. the venue for the reception we loved our first choice that day the same day it was canceled so we could book it at a discounted rate just like all these things fell into place and we were so scared and that was the question You know that was the hardest moment of my life because I don't know about you, but I'm talking about not just Asian parents, but typical Asian parents my age, sometimes you have Europeans like you think, oh my gosh, they're going to disown you.
They're going to know, but surprisingly my parents were very supportive and said, "You know what if you just want to get married, do it properly?" and I was very grateful for their support and the same with my husband's side of the family. . They were also very supportive, maybe not as much at first, but we all came together and you know, I planned the wedding in less than a month and still managed to get a distinction average in college, so despite planning my wedding and everything, yes. I was a very young


like the one who gets married at 19 now I think no one likes it if I think about our son we would like him to be like he jokes with me he's like I'm not going to be as stupid as you get married at 19, you know, I mean my husband is older, but we still joke about it and I'm like, you know, enjoy your time with your friends, you just have a lot of time having him at this age, he's a big help.
I love him that's why I call him my son my son literally my sun he is my sun and that was such a difficult time in our lives because a lot of people judge, a lot of those aunts and uncles or some people at church definitely judged us, but the people that mattered, you really found out who your real friends were and it was really hard because people in college, you know, I still put my degree on hold for a while, but I went to summer school, I caught up, I graduated. at the same time as all my friends, because I basically went to university, came back, studied hard and finished my degree and still took care of a baby, but I couldn't go out.
I had to give up everything I was taking care of, you know. Baby, a little kid at that age while everyone is having fun, so it was really really hard, but that's why the friends I have now are the friends from high school that are 25 and stuff, because those are the girls. that have stayed with me. because that was a big deal, so now you guys know all about it, but I just want to encourage you guys that, for everyone that's young that I'm seeing, never think that you're too young to be able to do anything.
Put your mind on that everyone was going to break up, they were going to get divorced and I'm not saying that it was easier or that we've been through so many things like what marriage is, don't you know that marriage is not a bed of roses? It goes up and down on the roller coaster, but it has been the best roller coaster of my life and we are still here celebrating 21 years of marriage this year and we are very proud of that, but for us that foundation has been a foundation from God. I have to say that, so I guess that's my family life and I think the best parenting advice I can give and this is something my husband heard on a podcast, you know, he turns to a speaker wire and says, ya You know, every time we make decisions about our family we always think you know where the kids want to come home when they're older because let's face it our kids are going to grow up they won't need us you know it's hard to let them go guys it's hard to let them go Wow, my son is growing up.
You know he'll probably have a girlfriend soon. It's hard to let him go, but I won here when we ordered that he just wants to come home and I just hope the decisions my husband and I make make our kids want to. come home and they are older and alonewe can do what we can now as imperfect people are imperfect parents to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be and and and to be the best parents we can be to our children by setting boundaries, and I guess the last kind of question I have here , which some of you did, was how do I maintain a healthy relationship or what is a tip for a healthy relationship.
I guess it's the husband or the kids I have. I mentioned this like I date my son and daughter and in the same way my husband dates like you know, daddy daughter dates and daddy son dates and I think the best advice is to never stop dating your spouse like I said, even after this. I'm all dressed up, we're still going on a date at home, even if you're quarantined or you know you can still have a day, you can still go on a date together and you know, walking to the park together, I just don't do it.
You never stop dating your spouse I guess that's what I think in a nutshell, okay guys, how we travel. I'm going to have my tea. I think I'm looking at the camera and it's been like 45 minutes, so I think. I'll talk briefly about


and then I'll group together questions about luxury and handbags because, wow, I got a variety of questions about handbags and luxury and that's going to be the second part where it makes sense that they go together and You know I had a little bit of health and beauty, but I think this video was probably long enough and I hope this wasn't boring for you, but I hope I answered all your questions.
Let me have a sip of my tea. It's probably cold now, but that's okay. I'm a type of person. Strange fact, I don't mind drinking hot or cold coffee or tea, but anyway, money, fast money, how can you afford so many luxury items? How do you say for money and? bags, how do you say that designer bag? Like I told you when you were a kid, it was really very hard for my first luxury bag. I had to literally save months and months and months during my 20s, although I see a lot of these, you know, in my 20s and by the way, I'm very happy for them every time I see luxury. youtubers unboxing I'm excited for them, I'm really happy for them, but during my 20s I wouldn't say much, maybe like 10 to 12 designer bags, but more like LV Gucci, a couple of vintage Chanels, they weren't really.
It wasn't until after 30 that my collection expanded to what it is today, so how can I afford so many luxury items like I mentioned before? We have different sources of income, so my husband has a job, I have a job, passive income, he gets passive income, obviously, like I said because he owns his own business, I get passive income, passive income comes from from rent, since I said that property is very important to me, we have passive income in terms of stocks, passive income in terms of art and also as a youtuber like all of you.
I know there is some passive income that comes from affiliate links and also YouTube pays some money, but you also get some money from YouTube from collaborations, so if you count them all, there are like eight income streams, so everything that. It constitutes our income, so before buying anything, we first make sure we have enough money. In fact, one of the mistakes we made was, in the past, it was very easy to get credit cards, get two thousand and they're like, oh, you want to increase it to five, then ten, twenty and then you know what? my husband I told him no we don't want credit cuts so we just have one credit card which is really only used abroad because it avoids all the currency conversion but we only have one debit card so I What's on the debit card is money that we have, so if I want to buy the bag, it comes out, it's literally like handing over cash, you know, when people say you know how to save money. we literally had cash so we just have a debit card and that has really helped me but yeah we always talk about things.
I still have rules that I set before I want to buy something. I think about it, of course, there are impromptu purchases. I have fully admitted to them that sometimes I think yes, I want it, I buy it and luckily we are in a position where I can do that sometimes, but for the most part we always discuss it and I always like to think about my purchases before I go. right into buying the designer bag, shoe or item, so one thing that has really helped us and learned from my mistakes is that many years ago we started budgeting and it depends on how detailed you want it. your budget will be if you make a budget we can definitely see in all the categories where we are spending too much money what we can cut back on and that will help you save because you know the stock market or whatever you are saving for. for example, we don't tend to spend a lot, you know, on entertainment where some people might go out to dinner or drink a lot and things like that, so if you save up, you can easily buy, you know.
Louie Vuitton SLG or Chanel SL smaller is good slj smaller is good or you know alloy Vuitton bag all that adds up to lunch I know these are all very basic things but we don't buy lunch, we make lunch, you do more for less of that and there are some ways to be frugal that way so if you really want enough you can save for it but you need to cut back on some things you know maybe it's just not eating out five times a week maybe Whether it's just going out to eat once a week and it all adds up, so the next question many of you ask is advice for new graduates who are just starting to build their wealth.
Advice moving forward honestly for me and I can only speak for My experience is diversifying and trying to find a passive income stream when we bought our first house, it was before we were 30. I understand that it is becoming more and more difficult now, but it is You may even consult a financial advisor and want to get started. a small portfolio of survey stocks, but it's more than just thinking about something other than your nine to five job, yes, that will generate income, but what's a side business you can do sustainably? for money because you're going to lose steam, they're going to say I hate it, I don't want to do it, just diversify, so at first it was more like stocks for us or getting a house and getting rental income and things like that, so thinking about it that way is just different paths and for us now our stream could be eight or nine different streams, but in fact, we only started with one or two when we got married.
We used all the money or our red packet of money and we bought stocks with what you know, the safest blue chip stocks and we started like that, so that's my best advice for you, new graduates or those who are starting to invest. money and I'm going to end with this last question because I think this video could be an hour long, but it sums up all of these questions, but I kind of mentioned this, but a lot of you asked me, do you know how much? reserve how do you save money on bags? Is there a limit to spending money on bags?
How do I budget for bags? Is there a pond of bags or do I buy bags any time I want? Do you know how I make my money like I said? my money I talked about it all the different streams that add up to one big fund always always my husband and I reserve on our calendar a business meeting where we have a budget meeting where we go over everything, so everything, the bills have to be paid first or that Money goes first to the bills, the donations we make to the different charities or the church, or that goes first, whatever is left in the fund we will allocate to whether it is a travel fund, whether it is a purse fund. whether it's a car fund or whatever, so I always recommend that you don't get caught, I know it's very easy, I mean as a country as a world, we spend more than we earn and we have definitely been caught in the trap from having several credit cards at 20, that's why we decided to divide them and now only have one for trips abroad, but we know that there is no such fund for the stock market every month, the money fund is different, so some months.
Some months you may not spend as much on luxury. Some months you may spend a lot more on luxury. We have intentionally put into our travel fund. I know we're going to Paris. I need to allocate a lot more to that fund because every time I go to Paris or Hawaii I tend to spend more, that's how we do it, we always have to allocate, but it's always the needs first the donations and then the leftovers because if you don't do it right That way you will end up having all this debt. Being Stressed Money is the number one thing, well not number one but we are definitely one of the top 3 things couples argue about so please be smart with your investments and your time.
Luxury bags, having luxury things, they're good guys, yeah. It's nice to have all these luxury things, but it's not everything, it's definitely not everything and you don't need that much. Yes, I have an extensive collection of bags, but this is also my job, so never think that you need that much. bags or shoes and one thing you know is that I think we should all be better at just being happier and more content with what we have because there will always be people who will be better than us, there will be people who will not be as good, but it's just about being happy and enjoy the ride, so guys, I'm going to end it there.
I think I've talked enough for now. I really hope I have answered your questions in as much detail as possible. I hope you enjoyed it. and in the second part I'm going to go over all of your questions about all things luxury handbag related, all of your questions because I think there's at least a hundred other questions or so in that, but please like this video if you enjoyed it and if I enjoyed getting to know a little more about myself, yes, I have to admit it because I am a slightly more introverted person, although it doesn't seem like it.
I was nervous about filming this video, but I'm happy to share it with my family. I call them my family because this is a community where we should feel safe, we shouldn't feel judged, and I always like, as a person, to give people the benefit of doubt and thinking that you know and think the best in people. Especially in these difficult times in this situation, we are a family and even less act like a family, let's do what we can so that you know how to control this situation. Every nation and country is different, but we can all play our part.
Much love to you all, stay safe. healthy, I love you so much, thank you for everything and all your support and love, and yes, I just love you so much, such big kisses, goodbye for now guys, the health of our loved ones, our friends, our neighbors, the vulnerable depend of us. our decisions to stay home, isolate ourselves, practice good hygiene and social distancing is how we can show love, show respect, show kindness, show compassion and allow ourselves to spread love, without fear, without illness, without harm, without pain, so that we can be a family, a community, a world.
We can all start to heal, stand up, come together and get through this.

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