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Putin's Revenge, Part One (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

Apr 29, 2024
(translated): We show weakness and the weak are beaten. (speaks Russian) (translated): He" (crowd singing in Russian) NARRATOR: Once again, Putin saw something else. What Putin sees is that here is American regime change coming for him, Finally, he knew that the Americans would eventually come for him. He was bewildered by the protests, bewildered by the passion of the opposition, and had to look for where to point us. NARRATOR: In


icular, Putin singled out. Hillary Clinton. And we have serious concerns about the conduct of the elections NARRATOR: Clinton's statements about the elections were spread on the Internet You know, the Russian people deserve the right to have their voices heard and. his votes are counted.
putin s revenge part one full documentary frontline
He finds it incredibly provocative that Hillary Clinton feels the need to intervene in this moment of weakness, which is a kind of kick in the gut when he is weak. NARRATOR: And in. The Kremlin believed it was a message addressed to the protesters. It was the first sign from the State De


ment that they are really very serious in their attempts to interfere in our internal political life. NARRATOR: Putin claimed that behind the scenes, Clinton was going even further. He said it was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who provided funds and means to the Russian opposition, and forced them off the streets.
putin s revenge part one full documentary frontline

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NARRATOR: The State Department said they were simply promoting democracy, not trying to control the outcome. But for Putin, Clinton had crossed a line, threatening her stay in power. There is no doubt that he is seeking


on Hillary Clinton. There is no doubt that he views Hillary Clinton as an adversary. And he wanted, you know, he wanted her back. NARRATOR: But first, Putin decided to settle scores within Russia. He ordered a crackdown on protesters and dissidents. (man speaking Russian) (translated): They began to implement searches, arrests, detentions, actions against opposition leaders, persecution in the media. And they launched an individual persecution that applied to tens of hundreds, perhaps thousands of people in the country. (man shouting in Russian) This was a clear message that it's over.
putin s revenge part one full documentary frontline
You already had fun. It's done. It's over. The elections are over. I am the president. You're not going to take me down. I am the law. Bad things often happen to his opponents... He was forced into exile in England after... NARRATOR: Many of Putin's opponents inside Russia fled the country. Others had died mysterious deaths. Vladimir Putin's main opponent says: "I'm afraid Putin will kill me." Death of a former aide to Vladimir Putin... NARRATOR: One, who almost died twice from poisoning, was Vladimir Kara-Murza. ...Kremlin, very close to Vladimir Putin's office... There has been a very high mortality rate in recent years among people who have crossed the path of Vladimir Putin's Kremlin: independent journalists , anti-corruption activists, opposition activists, opposition leaders.
putin s revenge part one full documentary frontline
Many people have died. Some in strange and inexplicable deaths, others in simple murders. NARRATOR: He had secured his power at home and would now deal with the threat from the United States. For the Russians and for Putin now, they are engaged in an existential struggle with the United States. It is about, in the opinion of the Russians and Putin, defending the survival, not simply of Putin, but of the Russian State and the Russian people. (men cheering) (applause) (anthem begins) ♪ Rossia svyashchennaya ♪ NARRATOR: Soon, Putin's Russia would have the ability to strike at the heart of American democracy. (speaks Russian) (applause and applause) ♪ Slavsya, strana ♪ ♪ My gordimsya toboi! ♪ ♪ ♪ Go to


to explore the “Putin Files,” part of the “Frontline” transparency project.
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. Frontline's "Putin's Revenge" is available on DVD. To order, visit or call 1-800-PLAY-PBS. "Frontline" is also available for download on iTunes.

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