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Puss in Boots the Last Wish Laughs in the Face of The Film Industry

Jun 20, 2024
Hey everyone, real quick before we start, if you want to see this video in the original form that I planned it straight from my brain, you can watch it on Patreon. Patreon is just a way for people to support me on the channel and I can give back to them with longer-form edited content that's a little better than what you can see here on YouTube. If you are interested in watching it, the link will be below, as always, enjoy the Puss in Boots, The Last Wish video. It's everything I love about animation and if you haven't seen it yet, do so right now because I'm going into spoilers.
puss in boots the last wish laughs in the face of the film industry
Did you do so great? It's no surprise to anyone on this channel that I love animation. I grew up. I grew up during the Disney Renaissance and that era of animation has greatly influenced the person I am today and as much as I have enjoyed the recent Disney and Pixar


s, I have found them to be mediocre


s that have been released for cinemas and services streaming. as quickly as possible to do everything possible. Am I being cynical when I say this? Sure, but somewhere in me there was a part of me that longed for the kind of movies that took the creativity of animation to its absolute maximum and I didn't do it.
puss in boots the last wish laughs in the face of the film industry

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puss in boots the last wish laughs in the face of the film industry...

I didn't realize how much I craved it until Spider-verse was released and then a few years later Arcane came out and then I realized how much I missed creative animation, it was a breath of fresh air and an outdated


that gave the Welcome to a new wave of projects from studios both small and large that show that animation does not necessarily have to follow any established rules or structures, as long as it is done well and with passion. Wow into the spider-verse and Arcane made me realize how much I missed them creatively. animated movies Puss in Boots The Last Wish has rekindled my love for animation as a whole.
puss in boots the last wish laughs in the face of the film industry
The Last Wish is awesome, no really a secondary character from Shrek 2 got a Shrek spin-off movie in the same universe and then that spin-off movie got a sequel and its sequel is just as good, if not I'd say it's better than the first Shrek movie. This film has some of the best nuance and character writing in recent years, both for animated films and films in general, to add to it all. that there is incredible attention to detail in this film and the fantastic visual design that drives the medium. I want to touch on a few things this movie does very well in hopes of seeing more movies like this in the future because this movie does a fantastic job of breaking away from


clichés and expectations while still being what you'd expect from a family movie. , those things are visual design and creativity, the wolf and the pus.
puss in boots the last wish laughs in the face of the film industry
Disney has done many wonderful things over the years, but the main problem with its success is the typical visual style that has been copied and pasted between many of its films, as well as competitors who look at its success and try to replicate it. with the same visual style if I sit down to watch another preview of another generically 3D one. animated feature film from a major film company chances are I'm not going to see that movie. I don't care how many glowing reviews I read about it. I'm just not interested in seeing it as an example if you showed it.
For me this I would say is technically fine, the animation is smooth enough, there are some nice hair physics, there is nothing here that really takes me out of the movie except that it has no soul or identity, there is nothing here that be unique or visually interesting, right? Talking about a Minions movie for fun is also true, but it's the same trap I see at Pixar. I'm sure their stories are still great, but they're no longer the innovators and boundary-pushers of animation that they once were. Strange World is an excellent film with something enjoyable. the narration and the messages, sure, but overall it's a little forgettable, but if I see a trailer for a movie that has quick lines, shots of comic book panels, sight gags that appear on screen, fights that have harsh lines drawn to hand mixed with fluid 3D animation, now you know.
It has my attention, I mean just look at it, it's what I love, not only is it visually stunning but it's also creative and fun to look at and look at, you never know what the next moment will bring and yet it never draws you in. . You take yourself out of the moment. This is a movie that could never work as a live action movie because the frame is stretched, the character is smeared, the camera angles are wild, the close ups, this movie takes advantage of everything that animation has to offer, it's wonderful and technically impressive.
Just look at this shot to see an example of what I'm talking about here: The light is cast perfectly on the right side of the cat's body with bright highlights because the sun is rising and you can see the light filtering through all the individual hairs. . The cat's body and it spreads and it is the same effect that is used in the feather of his hat. Your rapier is not perfectly shiny or matte, but is a perfect metallic reflective sur


, it is imperfect and has blemishes, small dents, marks and scratches that reflect. the light in different ways and all the work for this shot that


s a second and a half that is the difference look I have said it once and I will continue to say it until the day I die it is noticeable when a team works on something that they really they want to work and are given the creative freedom to do so alone to further clarify things and give you even more perspective.
This movie had a miniscule budget of $80 million compared to Behemoth's inflated $180 million budget for Stranger Things and I think you can start to understand why I'm so in love with the look of this movie, but in the end of the day, the visuals of a movie only get you in the door and as the saying goes, a movie is only as good as its villain, DreamWorks has a bit of a reputation for being good villains, but this time I think they created one of the greatest villains of all time in any period of media, the wolf or, as we discover, death is as impressive to watch as he is memorable as I write and record this.
I can still hear the lazy whistle of him drawing a soft melody that should be pleasant, but somehow it is so sinister and sad that he makes your hair stand on end, but why is he so memorable and why? Does this specific representation of death work so well? A good villain is not a maniacal maniac who simply performs actions for the sake of performing them, unless you know that is his defining character trait, but even then, in those extreme cases, a truly great villain has motives and morals. that guide their actions in a way that we as an audience can understand and sometimes even relate to, so how exactly do you come up with reasons for death number one?
He hates people who cheat on him. You know the people who cheat death number two. despises those who ignore life number three he doesn't like cats with those main tenants in his place we can begin to see why he hates puce he has cheated death countless times he has died frivolously eight times while death has had to simply watch and just watching this idiot, well, death has tired of the game and decides why don't I lose a favor to both and take the latter. Now he is not a malicious character, a bit sadistic, no doubt, but he is not, in quotes, evil, just simply. is death, another thing I would say that makes a villain memorable is their introduction into the story and wow, I could do a whole video breakdown just on this scene alone and in fact many YouTubers have done it but let's do it the light version of that first detail when the doctor tells caca that he died in the previous scene, he blows out a candle and just before we hear that whistle we see the


candle on the candelabra go out, giving us a clue as to who the mysterious wolf really is and I love the next one. shot that follows him setting up the imposing nature of death as he towers over the poles and stature and turns the glass towards him to look at him in the reflection first before turning to look at him and then he speaks and it's not what you're Expecting it to sound normal and I know it's funny to say, but a lot of performances of death have these crazy voice effects and someone with a super deep, booming voice providing the performance, but here he's just the guy, even though he's a guy with a beautiful flowing voice meticulously between mocking and threatening tones, everyone thinks that it will be you who defeats me, but no one has escaped me again and again, another clue to his identity after this whole tense situation, we get to the fight and are you kidding me with the movement ?
It's kinetic and exciting, the choreography is top notch and they even sneak in a key detail right here, look at the ice reflecting off the sickles of the buses, remember that and then even the moment when Pus feels fear for the first time. time, that's already been set up and explained before in the movies it's never been touched by a plane and then this shot, are you kidding me? Sorry, I didn't know I was watching a horror movie anyway, we get these little moments of terror as death just appears. In the movie his scary, badass self appears and then we have a nice reveal scene confirming that he is, in fact, deaf, which I personally didn't see coming despite all the clues and I think it's a great twist. story and to conclude the character of death, we have the final fight, this scene speaks for itself as I get dizzy every time I think about it, but I want to point out a few things, like the cat's life flashing before his eyes instead of all. all at once calling back to the movie before, it just comes full circle and leads to a great line: lives flashing before your eyes, not just one, the subtle nod to Errol Flynn in the middle of the fight with all the Shadows fighting against the sword that places blocks in the dramatic moment of the fight is the one who has his lives told in it the circle now reflects the eyes of death instead of pus when he turns the fight towards him sword that falls from his hand and the cat kicks him again with his life on the line, there are so many little things to notice and appreciate about this fight, not even talking about the incredible animation work from a narrative point of view, the writers had a little problem, How can you defeat death without cheating on it? line I know I will never be able to defeat you Wolf, we will never stop fighting for this life.
Death realizes that the cat now values ​​life and is willing to fight and cherish his last chance and sticking to his motives and morals, he walks away from him letting the cat live his last life. whistling its melody as it fades away only this time it doesn't sound so sinister only overall the writing of the character is perfection and I know what you're saying that death is not the antagonist of the movie that Jack Horner is and to that I say you are true, but I don't care, don't get me wrong, I love Jack, I think he's a hysterical villain with some of the best moments and one-liners in the movie.
Why did he take you so long? Idiot, but in my opinion, death is too much. He's more interesting to talk about because he's the antagonist, the supporting character, the threat, the rival, the villain, and the friend all at once and they just knocked it out of the park with him, which leaves one last character I want. talk. Puss in Boots was a character that was introduced in Shrek 2 as a supporting character and when I first saw him as a kid and saw this silly little cat acting like Fox, I immediately fell in love, but after getting tired of the decline from the Shrek movie when a cat appeared. when the Booth spin-off movie was announced, I just wasn't interested in the slightest, in fact I rolled my eyes, how could this one-dimensional character be interesting enough to carry a movie on his own as the lead actor? ?
The premise of a cat who has nine lives and who has exhausted all those opportunities to become a living legend, now finally accepting his own morality and experiencing fear for the first time and instead of accepting those circumstances, he runs away from them. and he tries to solve his problems by finding a quick way out. Sorry, I thought it was a kids movie. The cat first runs to the cat retirement home where he loses all purpose and meaning in life and then learns that the Wishing Star is real. He continues to run from his fear and mortality by trying to reclaim the desire to regain his lost lives, thinking that if he had more time he could be satisfied with life being everyone's favorite fearless hero, then Kitty and Pero kind of throw a wrench.
In Puss's story, he begins to learn the value of sharing one life instead of walking nine just for poop. He starts to become indecisive about what he really wants until our good friend the wolf keeps him on Terror's path and this scene was The Breaking Point for me along with Arcane. I think this is one of the best examples of what a panic attack looks and feels like: you lose the ability to think or see things rationally, you lose your breath, and you become isolated in your own horrible reality. and then, to put theTo top off this scene, Arrow comforts the cat, like real therapy dogs do by resting his head on the victim's chest to regulate his breathing and help him get out of it.
Are you kidding? In the end, the cat realizes that it is not. We don't need his


because it was a


he made out of fear and not because of what he really wanted. We can follow Pus as he goes from being an arrogant little legend who thought he was immortal. Someone who, without a doubt, is very fun to watch, is also a huge cock for everyone around him, for someone who protects and cares for those around him, someone who values ​​life for its beauty, he is not just a legend, but a hero who talks about discovering that your desire has been in front of you all along and you.
I just need to change your perspective to see it. The subplot of Goldilocks and the Three Bears crime family managed to make me cry at Orphans thinking that she just wants a normal family instead of the one she was adopted into only to find out that they are more family than blood ever could. . Tying and then this line from Mama Bear broke me and whether you think we're your family or not, if this is something that's going to make you happy, we'll grant that wish. and then to balance out the very sad and serious nature of their subplot, just the idea of ​​them being a British crime family, maybe laughing throughout the movie, in fact almost all of the jokes got to me, this felt like a comeback to form for writers.
At DreamWorks, the humor balanced the inherent dark nature of the story and helped keep the film fresh and fun. I've been quoting this movie non-stop since I first saw it. You're not going to shoot a puppy, are you? in your


why will I save you save me if it suits you I don't speak English I don't speak Spanish either Puss and Boots The Last Wish is one of those once-a-decade movies that is just the embodiment of everything you love about a genre. . a medium and movies in general, the creativity and use of the medium just pushes animation towards a brighter future in the same way as entering the Spider-verse, the writing is some of the best to come out of DreamWorks and I would say The characters here are some of his best work, but there are actually some of the best, most memorable characters written.
I really hope this movie is a slap in the face to other companies and is a wake up call with the release of this movie and its success. other amazing projects like Pinocchio Arcane Over the Garden Wall and many more amazing animated films. I hope this is the wake-up call that mediocre is no longer okay and from that I hope to see even more projects that continue to push this medium forward. I love it even more until that happens, although Puss and Boots, The Last Wish, is a shining example of the best the medium has to offer and is a film I will watch and continue to watch again and again every time I pick it up. remember.
Why I love animation so much. Special thanks to Ian etzep and Joshua Paletti, who are committed at an executive level on Patreon to help make this video possible again. If you want to check out Patreon, the link will be below.

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