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Pt 8: MISTAKES - 6 secrets to learning faster, backed by neuroscience

Apr 30, 2024
then we make


and I know making


is scary, it's very scary, but there is a biological reason behind it, so that feeling of anxiety and stress that you have when you make a mistake has a really important purpose, so when you make a mistake, error, what What's happening is that you're releasing neuromodulators like acetylcholine and you're getting increased activity in your focused attention networks and that increased attention and that feeling of anxiety serves a really important purpose. It basically tells us: hey, you know you made a mistake. change and do better and become more efficient and it's opening this window for neuroplasticity so whatever happens next, your brain is ready to take it in now if you make a mistake and you know you feel a little anxious and you come out okay.
pt 8 mistakes   6 secrets to learning faster backed by neuroscience
You're not going to learn that and B, well, you're actually


to be less able to cope with failure, so this is what you need to do. You should prepare yourself for a little failure. Ask yourself about that topic as you go. Don't wait until you're ready if you're


something, for example soccer. Don't just know it. Kick it directly into the goal. Change the angle. Make it harder so you make mistakes. Don't wait for everything to be perfect. before you try it because at the end of the day if you make a mistake you will be releasing neuromodulators that improve your attention and if you do it right you will be releasing things like dopamine in your reward circuits, which makes you feel good. which makes you feel more motivated and consolidates the learning of what you just did correctly, which is why turning our learning into a game can work so well, it's a win-win situation for our brain either way.
pt 8 mistakes   6 secrets to learning faster backed by neuroscience

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pt 8 mistakes 6 secrets to learning faster backed by neuroscience...

So when you make a mistake, don't see that anxiety as a bad thing, lean into that feeling and keep going because it's really your brain's way of helping you be the best you can be, helping you be better than the person you were yesterday. .
pt 8 mistakes   6 secrets to learning faster backed by neuroscience

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