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Psychology Component 3 EDUQAS Controversies

Jun 07, 2024
Hey guys, today we're going to do some




. Let's start the other way around. I guess we're going to do


because, to be fair, it was the easiest one to do. I just have to copy. and paste it into um in PowerPoint, so yeah, I'll say uh


, so we'll start with the ethical cost of controversies. I will emphasize this, do not copy my answers word for word, you will have the same material and you will have the same evidence, you may not have the same points exactly, but do not copy it word for word, obviously, learn to create your own style of writing, your own paragraphs, like how you write your own paragraphs.
psychology component 3 eduqas controversies
You know, because forget about the evaluation. but it still promotes your own learning, your writing abilities and plus you will be punished for plagiarism if you are found to have copied the answer so this is what I wrote on my exam or close to what I would have written because obviously it would have been one of these four, so the other three that I want I have written in a great way, so that the ethical cost in psychological research refers to the ways in which psychological research can affect the rights or health of its participants, the Risk mitigation techniques are risks. management and benefits or negative consequences for society and the economy, these may include deception, protection from psychological or physiological harm to participants, but in your exam try not to abbreviate or, if you are going to abbreviate it, write participants and then place a PPS in brackets. um so the right to withdraw privacy, privacy, fully informed consent and confidentiality, ethical guidelines state that the participant should not experience greater harm than they would experience with an ordinary encounter with the stimulus or in life. everyday He must leave the investigation in the same psychological state in which he entered.
psychology component 3 eduqas controversies

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psychology component 3 eduqas controversies...

For example, the participant in Watson and Rea's study left psychological research with unresolved psychological trauma that persisted more than a year later, so it would be said that in that case it was unethical, so it benefits society. and the economy despite these clear benefits for society. to which psychological research contributes allows the ethical cost of the research to be covered, while Watson and Rea's small study subjected the participant to intense psychological distress and highlighted the environmentally deterministic nature of the behavior. This has paved the way for multiple effective exposure therapies, such as systematic desensitization, flooding, and aversion.
psychology component 3 eduqas controversies
Therapy to be implemented to counteract phobias of conditions. This is a positive benefit for society as it means that fewer people will suffer from distressing stimuli that can improve economic function, as more workers will seek out jobs they would otherwise avoid due to fear, such as being a pilot. For example, benefits to society may also include life expectancy because studies show that minute or minuscule amounts of stress that accumulate throughout the day are actually more impactful than major life events, suggesting that if you have a phobia of something if you are constantly exposed to stress stress more than the average person, the elevated level of cortisol over time can actually reduce your life expectancy, so if society's life expectancy increases Because of this, then it is a benefit for society, so the assessment of electric vehicles for this is positive. implementation of conditioning techniques in schools, for example, so M Alisa in Al studies with classical conditioning, so she associates praise with a better learning environment, happiness, or lter and Palmer revolutionize the criminal justice system.
psychology component 3 eduqas controversies
Leading questions are prohibited when examining in chief in court, um infect and document the The effects of interrogation techniques do not necessarily document, but it means that we can infer whether some interrogation techniques should be used or not, etc., or the effects of them on the human mind, so even by creating more interrogation techniques, Reign's implementation of brain scans. then, pet scans to determine brain function, which substantiated the assumption of localization of brain functions plus behaviors, understanding of complex phenomena, so behaviors are social, therefore, scientific benefits, preventive measures, etc. ., James Fallon versus Bradley, fall off the wall, so this essentially, this comparison is, uh, reflects two people who had quote-unquote brains of psychopaths, so if you remember your actual study of Al in


one of the classic research, you know that the psychopathic brain both had that, but James Fallon did not, he was not an innocent man and did not commit any crime throughout his life, however, Bradley Wall Drop was a criminal, so it shows that with Certain social or sociological interventions for the prevention of criminal behavior, even if biologically predetermined to perform such behavior, can be stopped or prevented, but that understanding is a merit to obtain the study of brain scans or glucose metabolism in the brain in convicted criminals who plead not guilty by reason of insanity.
However, there are numerous cases where there are potentially negative consequences for society, such as reinforcing stigma against specific demographic groups that do not cover the ethical cost of psychological research. B's 1953 study of maternal deprivation highlighted the importance of parenting; However, it may have reinforced the stigma against workers with disobedient neurodes. Divergent children may have added additional social pressure and stigma for mothers. produce socially functioning children when many factors are outside their control, so the refrigerator mother explanation can 1940 plus the battle of heims, the empty fortress describes ASD as a genuine belief, a child should not exist, for What if then you have a society that thinks that the child who has ASD is due to inadequate socialization on the part of the mother, right or negligence of the mother, that is a negative consequence, that is a negative consequence for society because it means which is not only false but predisposes members of society to women doing harm.
So, evaluation, I say this. Studies with strong arguments, such as the rain in Al, may have contributed to the stigma against people who exhibit behaviors like those with the same brain scans as NG So Not Guilty for reasons of insanity, um for homicide, so in addition, unregulated use of such information from studies may pose a risk as organizations such as the government may use it for unlimited access or media or filters and Palmer, the use of leading questions to distort memory suggests that sentence wording may have effects significant psychological effects, so it can be argued that this is unethical, so the interrogation techniques are unethical. can develop because of this, so it is a negative consequence for society, it is essentially just that these studies are not regulated, their conclusions are not regulated, therefore the knowledge can be very harmful in the wrong hands or, for For example, the application of the psychological study on sensory deprivation was used.
In military torture settings, so this is a tangible example, there is a cost to the individual, however, there is a scientific ethical cost to the individual participants when conducting psychological research. Watson and Re's study of little Albert led him to develop trauma coping mechanisms, such as thumb socks, in addition to the mg study. caused great psychological distress to people and resulted in physical harm, which is a significant ethical cost. This is because three people suffered seizures so severe that the experiment had to be stopped. Another 14 participants experienced great nervousness. This suggests, therefore, that you do it yourself to I can shorten it and mention arom and born ride to be honest with you.
I have no idea what that study is, but I'm sure if you Google it you can find it, so risk management techniques, risk management though. The techniques sought by Mgram nullified the ethical cost of the research to the individual. The process of informing and offering advice to clients allows them to return to the same psychological state as before. Additional research suggested that they even benefited, meaning that they are in a better psychological state than before or than before due to the new knowledge gained or the new understanding of their own behaviors, so in addition, prior discussion with their teachers and students made them boast such presumptive PR content that there would be no psychological harm as they predicted 0.3 participants would go up to 350 watts, therefore no harm, as it was at this point that participants began to complain .
Furthermore, the presence of the ethics committee is a risk management technique that reduces the ethical cost if it is likely to be ethically sound and they would have done it. proov says that Ardo predicted that the prisoners would riot and cause trouble rather than a tyrannical reign, so the assumption is essentially the reality for them was that harm couldn't even have arisen because it wouldn't have gotten to that point, however Obviously, the real results. of the experiments spoke for themselves, so the cultural bias is next, so one in four culture refers to the rules. Customs or morals and ways of interacting unite members of society or a group of people.
Cultural bias refers to the tendency of people to come together to make assumptions about the behavior of others based on their own cultural norms or practices. This can be disadvantageous in cross-cultural studies as it can impede the validity of conclusions or methodologies. for example, the presence of beta bias in a study. It may mean that the standard measure used may obtain inconsistent or non-representative results, so cultural studies allow psychologists to make broader implications about complex phenomena in behavior, such as moral development or happiness, for example. Colberg's study on moral development and Mya's literature review on happiness allows for a scientific view of


. cross-cultural phenomena, however, there is an apparent lack of these cross-cultural studies, such as in a psychology textbook or a standard British psychology textbook, 66% of the research was American, 32% was European, and less 2% was from other countries like Smith and Bond, this is a problem. as it means that the predominant understanding of psychology is a problem as it means that the predominant understanding of psychology comes from a Western perspective that is not representative of global psychological behavior.
This may also suggest that psychological research suffers because ethnocentrism is the use of our own cultural ethnic groups as a basis for judgment of other groups, so essentially the relationship between psychological expression and sociological influence may be so linked that it cannot be Psychological expressions can be applied in Western society, those of Eastern societies or tribal societies, for example, this is because their sociology is different, they will act differently, they will think differently, their brains may function differently. Obviously the organ is the same, but because of its adaptability, it is incorrect to assume that the standards or it is scientifically inaccurate to assume that Western psychology standards can be applied globally because that is not necessarily the case, so that ethnocentrism in research may suggest that cultural bias is present due to Beta bias, thus damaging the external validity of the studies and the applicability of, for example, the social implications of the Mgram study on obedience. that the mechanics of obedience are identical across cultures, which may not necessarily be true, this means you do it yourself, so whether it is a difference between cultures or a bias, this is highlighted by hofste.
Individualistic cultures emphasize self-interest in the personal instant messaging media family. autonomy and achievement are prioritized, however, collectivist cultures emphasize loyalty to the group and interdependence on each other, this means that there will be differences in results between these, this means that there will be differences in results between cultures, I am sorry for bad english For example, my study and my study measured subjective well-being; However, this can vary depending on individualistic and collectivistic cultures, therefore conclusions about the difference between cultures may be due to beta bias rather than genuine difference. The solution to this would be the application of an ethics imposed on thepsychological research.
Additionally, it is important to consider the historical or social context behind the research, as the applicability of said research may differ depending on when. was conducted and participants used SE or SE or sighted found that 82% of psychology research used college students as participants, 51% were college psychology students. This is a problem since beliefs and opinions can only be relative to those subcultures, which is why students use filters and friends. students, for example, the use of non-human animals, the use of us. I'll warn you about the latest controversy. I couldn't finish it when I was reviewing and if I'm really honest with you, I can't be bothered to. finish it, so you'll have to include your own points on that, but you should be fine, to be honest, there's a relatively substantial amount of work or written pieces in there, so non-human animals, so the problem with using of non-human animals in psychological research that there may be a conflict behind broader social interests and potential harm to animals;
Furthermore, there is controversy over whether this has relevance for psychologists, firstly, the implementation of the three R's in psychological research behind the replacement of animals whenever possible, the reduction of the use of animals to the bare minimum and the refinement Of the psychological procedures to reduce suffering that Russell and Birch require in terms of the British psychological guidelines, the BPS requires that animals be treated with their past experience contextualized and that responsibility extends to the care of animals when they are not being studied, including the provision of companions for social animals, for example, if one is a stud of wolf, dog or monkey breeds, such as chimpanzees or gorillas, then one would offer or provide social accommodation. space for them by providing them with more of these animals because, for example, wolves and dogs are pack animals and monkey breeds often also operate within families, so there are multiple barriers to ensuring that psychological research is carried out. ethics regarding animal testing, such as legislation that protects animals. since it only ensures that the most necessary psychological research that causes distress to the animals is carried out, this generally reduces the net suffering of the animals and the psychological research is enhanced by the presence of the three conditions that must be met for researchers to Authorized authorities grant permission for said research.
Another barrier present is Benson's cube, a three-dimensional evaluation of the effectiveness and ethics of psychological research involving animal testing. This protects the animals as it means that there is a rigorous evaluation of the study before it is carried out, ensuring that the trade-off between the animals' potential distress versus the scientific and social benefits are maximized. Some psychologists may argue that the solution to preventing animal suffering in psychological research is to prevent all suffering; This would be a total ban on testing on animals, except for legislation, there are simply guidelines that researchers do not apply. This is supported by Donia (2002), who suggested that the implementation of limitations instead of a total ban is synonymous with regulations and regulations or legislation codified despite the slavery of black people in the United States.
Legality and morality are different therefore simply making it legal or illegal does not make it right or wrong, furthermore this comes with the assumption that humans are superior to non-human animals which is not the case and It depends on a belief system that is more subjectivity than objectivity and obviously the objective is science. Psychology is being as close to a science as possible and science would be considered the closest to being objective rather than subjective, while maintaining an era of skepticism, which is why animals as a therapeutic device have been demonstrated by the presence of pets to reduce stress, for example Allan 2003 reported that the presence of pets reduced blood pressure in children who read aloud, protected the elderly against the stress of life events and reduced cardiovascular risk.
A different type of therapeutic approach aims to allow disturbed or socially isolated people to learn to trust and form themselves. relationships with other people to form bonds therapy with animal assistants can include the use of dogs, cats, horses, dolphins or even fish and hamsters as behavioral facilitators; However, other researchers criticized such studies on anesthesia anes anes Al anes anes reviewed 14 studies of a queen therapy and identified several studies with serious methodological issues sample sizes are very small no control groups are present and individuals will not be assigned randomized to control groups no benefit May simply be due to having special attention from the therapist rather than therapies in general, i.e. the relationship between therapist and client is key rather than having some type of intervention Speciesism is the concept that being human is reason enough for human animals to have greater moral rights than non-human animals.
Peter Singer refers to it as a prejudice or bias in favor of the interests of one's own members. species and against those of members of another species in the same way the singer argued that discrimination of this nature is no different from racial or gender discrimination however Gray suggested that we have a special duty of care towards humans and therefore speciesism is not equivalent to, for example, racism, therefore it makes racism exponentially worse than speciesism. A UT. A utilitarian suggestion would argue that a greater God having rights as an individual or as a collective depends on having responsibilities, but animals have none.
You can counter this by stating that the ecological. Responsibilities such as maintaining ecosystems can be a kind of evaluation point. You could say that by having rights as an individual and as human beings, we have responsibilities to maintain the planet and therefore we have rights, but you could counter this by saying, um, insects that, like bees, spiders , they maintain ecosystems, animals in general contribute to the maintenance of the ecosystem, which could technically be counted as a responsibility if I followed this route of argument as a small point of evaluation, and then you should draw your own conclusion, um, although yeah, just use the same evidence as the skeleton of these points, but you can present your own arguments, regardless of the scientific status of psychology.
Being a scientist refers to the achievement of knowledge based on systematic and objective methods of data collection that can be replicated to demonstrate the validity or reliability of results. This includes falsifiable evidence, standardized procedures, objective measurement standards, and a random assignment of participants to status. psychology scientist has deeply developed contemporary society, for example, the expansion of schizophrenic explanations to biological explanations such as the dopamine hypothesis and an amydala dysfunction in psychopathy and autism, so if you look at some symptoms of the autism, they actually intersect with psychopathy, things like uh, this is mostly intuitive thinking, so I would check that out.
This is not that what I'm about to say is intuitive, what I just said is a fact, but I think that things like a lack of empathy or certain social deficits, for example in psychopathy, are correlated or have been established with be um It can be caused by amydala dysfunction, so this is due to the implementation of modern scientific methods, such as brain scans, as objective standards of measurement to provide scientific evidence, so the changing nature of science has Numerous benefits to society as people will do so. need to verify their claims, this is demonstrated in multiple areas of psychology, such as the refinement of explanations of autism, from the Kanor refrigerator mother explanation and the empty Bleheim Fortress to scientific explanations such as amygdala dysfunction and family studies that use verifiable knowledge instead of armchair psychology. and quotes that cannot be falsified, so things like Freud's explanation, for example, however, the excessive alliance of evidence and scientific authority, I should say, can cause social changes and negative attitudes when a conclusion has been reached incorrect scientific, for example, Balby's study of maternal deprivation with The 44 Thieves was considered scientific in relation to the period and probably contributed to the stigma against mothers.
The first change refers to the type of behavior that was previously studied. Only the pathology of psychological illnesses was studied, however, areas such as mindfulness and positivist psychology are explored. The second change is the methods used, creating options between nomothetic and idiographic methods. This expansion allows for greater methods of measuring qualitative data, such as thematic analysis in literature reviews such as Maya and Dina's research or their literature review, for example, however, the disadvantage could be said that obtaining qualitative data can affect the objective status of the results, so Balby used case studies and they came to a provisional diagnosis, so because it was a provisional diagnosis, it wasn't actually a mental illness, that means it wasn't.
Not standardized, the symptoms were not standardized and were based on your own intuition, which may have been affected by bias, so psychopathy, while psychopathy is a diagnosable mental illness, psychopathy without affect is not necessarily cool, so the nice thing about component three is that apart from a few additional cases, there are a couple of additional cases, but for the most part it's what you've already learned, so non-human animals, yeah, that's mostly things that you don't you've learned in Psychology, but for the most part, even if you haven't. you reviewed this at all, if you had a question you could answer it decently based on the knowledge you already have, you just have to have global processing, you have to be able to extract information from different sides and from different um psychological areas component one classical research assumptions maybe even component three, let's say that for things like, for example, nomothetic idiographic methods or qualitative data or being able to establish whether something is an objective measurement standard or not, things like that, um, but yeah for the most of the controversies it is relatively simple.
I think it's a nice break from the rest to be honest, but component 3 is decent anyway, but it's a lot, in my opinion, it's a lot more than component one anyway, component two is pretty simple if you just go Obviously, check on your own for things like graphing which I didn't cover in my video, but generally speaking, you can use your GCSE Maths intuition for that, but even if you didn't do it when you were in GCSE Maths, you're in your lessons that you'll cover, like um potentially Potential gap Gap in knowledge, so you can really use what you've already learned in component three controversies, obviously, the rest is schizophrenia, autism or I don't know if you're doing something criminal.
Behavior or bullying Behavior or something like that um controversies is decent it's not that bad um for component three you just have to memorize your answers what I did was um I got an A in Psychology so literally when my teacher encouraged me, thank you So much Rebecca, She encouraged us to create response structures for each possible response. You don't have a photographic memory, so you may not memorize all the answers to the T um. Fortunately, the component 3 document was absolutely perfect for me, except for the controversy. question, but I still got an A on all of them.
I think I got an A star on one paper. I'm not too sure, but that's accurate. The point again, it's controversies, actually, uh, component three, not controversies component. three um but if you do that there's no way there's no possible way you can fail there's no possible way you can go lower than a a a b you know what I mean? um if you just have to keep your composure so be it if you suffer from test anxiety be so awesome concentrate the anxiety goes away if you think about yes I have a test coming up you get anxious and then your thought process distracts you it distracts you from it , but if you just concentrate on memorizing even when you are entering the exam hall don't talk to anyone don't talk to anyone if someone tries to talk to you just say listen I'm concentrating I have my exam because that 5 minute conversation can happen after your exam, but you It's great, you might have a hard timea whole year or the university you want to go to, so when you get to the exam, you just have to keep revising mentally, consolidate in your mind, you know everything you can say to be honest with component three because it is so big that it could cause biases in your memory, so it could actually cause you memory loss, but that's up to you and it's really up to you because you know how it works, you know how your memory works, you know how. you review the type of thing, so yeah, um, obviously, I apologize for the scientific states of psychology, it was short, it was the only one I didn't finish, actually, um, but I think with your lesson no, you can probably do the rest, so yeah, uh. thanks for watching I'll see you later

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