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Jun 04, 2021
words, after this happens he said oh it's just a joke bro I got you it wasn't a joke and then he said "Record me real quick I'm going to propose to my girl like I'm practicing on you he's going to propose to his girl this girl says no which is kind of sad the reason she says no is because she saw that he literally proposed to me I don't know it's just a weird situation that's really all what i have to say, let's get back to the normal vlog today was photo day, i brought the camera here for julia, i'm drinking sweat, yes me too, it's hot the first time we did it, i didn't even put sunscreen on.
psycho stalker follows me to another country sneaks into my room
I got there for about 15 minutes, I literally think I burned myself from that, it's bad, so tomorrow will be Julia and I's last day Well, technically, today is our last full day. We're leaving pretty early tomorrow, so now. We have to go do our greed test ourselves, so let's make a little change in our noses, of course, I'll record it for you, but I'm tripping on air right now. Not that I'm not very nervous, we did it before, it's really annoying because the last time we did it it left this feeling in my nose for about three hours, where I constantly felt like I was being tickled, someone did it. otherwise I did it myself when I finished it oh yeah completely and obviously I still like the positive result yeah I hope you guys can do it for us right now and we can get this over with because we still have 30 minutes yeah.
psycho stalker follows me to another country sneaks into my room

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psycho stalker follows me to another country sneaks into my room...

We have like 30 minutes to wait, but I'm going to delete it now. Try at least oh, I almost missed it. Julie has hers. You want to do it again. Let's get it up there, yeah, oh yeah, all the way in. way, until the end, okay, that wasn't bad, it was much better than the first time I had it. It tickles me a little, but I'm calm. I like the tickling. Oh really. I kept saying, "Come up and my eyes are closed." I thought it was still inside because I still felt the tingling. She barely climbed on you, yeah, she barely climbed all the way, wait, that's annoying, we must like to have the suspense and wait until four or five if our results are positive or negative, yeah.
psycho stalker follows me to another country sneaks into my room
I have to wait a couple of hours to find out if they are there, but I feel like if they were positive, they called the


right away and told us to stay there. It's been about two minutes, I don't even feel that tingling anymore. feeling, yeah, no, it wasn't bad, I felt it for hours the last time they went too high, they were like making my brain bleed or something. Oh my God, I'm burned out and I look like Larry the lobster on my legs, you can see it on my legs. The arms here also move my beads so we can show them.
psycho stalker follows me to another country sneaks into my room
Look at that difference. You can see the marks from my beads, but it's so pale there. Yes, we just received our test results. I'll check. Negative for me. Negative for both. there we go there we go there negative look I already had the feeling that we both didn't have it but if we did it's pretty scary which means we would have to stay here for two weeks luckily when we get here for the first time they give us a piece of paper mark yes We want the insurance for the trip or not, it only costs about 35 dollars, it's not that bad, but God forbid, they coveted us, we would have to stay here for two weeks and everything would be included and paid for. because yeah, and they would give us medicine if we needed it and stuff, yeah, but that would suck, you know, just being stuck here, yeah, not even being able to go to the beach or something, yeah, we'd have to stay inside, i guess. the whole time we had the sunset hitting a beautiful day look at that beach behind us like that beautiful girl look she's there so i ended up talking to jesse he's not being weird anymore uh hi hey you came so our last day here we're going to spend some time with them, don't feel bad for us, man, huh, it's like you don't feel bad for us, why would we feel bad for you, like you have to hang out with us, no, no , we want to correct Julia, yes, we do, hey.
Julia let's go out to dinner, you only see him behind the camera with a gun, brother, you can't stop undressing in front of me, no, you have to take out the camera when I start to undress, this gives me a mix. signs no, you're doing it bro, what are you talking about? Yeah yeah the girls had no idea surprise surprise so it's actually both girls birthday so it'll be mine soon. Yes, me too, let's go on June 20, September, oh, okay, oh, but it's not. it's close it's close it's closed but it's far it will be here yes, directly view of the beach so sick oh the lights came on let's go and dinner is served so today is our last day we're heading home now we're at the airport, but we're seeing some candy at the airport and we have some different things here which is cool what is this chunky kit kat?
I've never seen that before, they're thicker, they have white chocolate for toddlers, oh. They're like little ones, yeah, orange flavored, what cookies and cream, dark chocolate, orange sounds pretty interesting and we're back home, let's go, it was a perfect vacation, the perfect amount of time we were there for seven days, I didn't have a single complaint the entire time the resort was super nice the staff was super friendly I had gone on vacation before where I was only there for five days and by the third day I was fed up and just wanted to go back home but I could have stayed there longer.
That will wrap up today's vlog. I hope you enjoyed it. If you guys make sure to hit the thumbs up button and I'll see you next time, peace.

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