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Pros & Cons Of Being Twins

Jun 29, 2024
Hey guys, the Rhodes Bros, I'm Erin here and I'm Austin and since I moved to Los Angeles, I mean, I feel like the biggest statement people say every time we introduce ourselves is: I wish I was a twin too or I wish I had a twin or something like that and to be honest, sometimes it's not all it's cracked up to be, so we put together a little list of the







. We're going to do it right, so we've written them on your phone. The first con would have to be Christmas.
pros cons of being twins
Oh God, because like when we run up to the Christmas tree like when we were kids, all our presents, even now, I still read, I mean, we still run down, the presents would all be wrapped, you know? I had to meet the Christmas tree and then with Erin I would run there like it was our big brother and Aaron's eyes. The gifts were always the same, as if each box was the same, everything was the same, but the problem was that if Austin opened it he would give it before me. I practically opened mine, I knew exactly what he was going to get, so I opened the gift of genetic assistance.
pros cons of being twins

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pros cons of being twins...

I mean, sometimes mom changes it and I like it to be different colors, but with the idea that it's okay, like he just turns into like a new shirt or something and I'm like, oh, I'm going to have the same shirt, maybe in blue, okay, so as a pro at



, we can share everything and by that we mean clothes that move over hair product, cologne, hats. I don't know anything about what he buys, it's usually like mine and whatever he advises, usually heads like this is my sweater that has a t-shirt and a shirt from Zara, we share everything so the next scam will be the fact that when you are. twins, everything gets competitive thinking about high school, yes we both started cross country together freshman year of high school.
pros cons of being twins
Heaton turned out to be the best running back, he was number one on the team, I think our first year. was probably like number 14. Oh, when we moved here, like I said in our last video, my host at a restaurant and when we went to apply for that position, we both got interviews, but that's how they called them, they said, "It's Well, we." We were both waiting for a call, we thought they were going to hire us both and then Ariel got the call and they didn't call me, so the next Pro program, yeah, okay, so it's easy to get away with it, in other words , it's really easy to be sneaky we're really sneaky it was worse than you're younger I feel like we're jobs now and we can do whatever we want like we always have someone to back up their story so say you wanted Okay then we can't go in too much in details because mom watches these videos and would be willing to have sex.
pros cons of being twins
We haven't told her many stories. Yes, there were a few cases where I would say I go to this place. and Austin has my back and we both like to tell our parents we were going somewhere but we actually didn't, we're so elaborate, oh gosh, sometimes there are videos for later when we could talk about this later. once we tell our mom, we can talk freely. He was sneakier, although even without me he's just a sneaky person, but you know, I think anyone in our family could say that sneaky when we were younger, like three-year-olds. There was always someone sneaking around I was just a brat I was like a little brat growing up, he always had an attitude and when I went to the grocery store with my mom, we were and we were in line, I think.
Mom, can I get this chocolate bar and she likes no, if you have this chocolate bar, then I'll get really angry and I'll be like, I'd secretly turn to the side and just break the chocolate bars. and I like to squish my thumbs because I might add Katie's butter, thus ruining it for everyone else. I was just a little brat, but he's still a brat, don't let him fool you, he's a good spreader, he's fine, next. question, okay, that's for you, so our next con will be the fact that we have to share a birthday, let's say your aunt came to your birthday, like not to talk about our aunt or anything, not to talk bad, but I feel like yes They will give you like $40 for your birthday for just one first time.
I feel like it's a lot better, but when you have two people you can't give them $40 each, it's a lot of money, so people split the gifts. I feel like the gang has become like 20 20 and it's all back to competition, exactly it's like who gets the happiest birthdays on their Facebook, oh yeah, how many people like to come take your Instagram photo, how many likes do you have? . terrible, there is a rebirth while growing up. I remember at one of my birthday parties, Austin and I had this laughing problem, we're literally weird, like okay, one was probably like 7th birthday or 6th birthday or something and everyone was at it in the kitchen.
We already have the cake, I do and my mom said that everyone started singing happy birthday, I mean, I also used to always laugh, people think it's happy birthday and we also started laughing so hard that we couldn't stop laughing and I'm pretty sure. Both Peter Pan always feed us and my mom was yelling at us like no no buddy don't do it in front of everyone okay so last pro because we did three and three mm-hmm okay we always have someone to hang. Outside, we always have a little friend, you're tipping my hat, yeah, we always have a friend, it's just nice, it's like a built-in best friend, even though it's really cheesy and it's really really cheesy, but it's true because there are things .
Even here I feel alone if he wasn't here. I would have already packed my bags and ran home because I miss my family and everyone, so he's like a little piece of family that's always with me, so it's nice, too sentimental, oh, nice, nice, it's nice to have a little friend always with you, yes, and someone you can have your back, tell real and sneaky stories, sit on the couch late at night, have ice cream and watch Netflix Aries and comment below which is your favorite Ben. and Jerry's flavor is Mike, which one do you think he is the thick monkey?
I like it. I think I've tried all the flavors and I think my Rapada is somewhere between milk, cookies and peanut butter because our thing is just sitting down every night and eating Ben Jerry's. Yes, that's the end of our




list and if you have pros and cons of having siblings or your twin, let us know some pros about yourselves, yes, if you have siblings different from us or if you agree with us, that's good, that's true, yeah, or if you like it, if you have any similar video ideas, let us know because we're running out of butter in every way, I think we're going to change and Jump with this wool behind us because it's Look excited and it's a really nice night here in LA so I guess we'll catch up next week.
Have a good week. See you later. Good bye guys.

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