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Programa Completo | El minuto que cambió mi destino: Crystal

Apr 09, 2020
and when I was born, well, that's how he tasted the family catastrophe, really, no, my dad didn't want anyone to see me at the boarding school, I was at the boarding school with 30 blind girls and cared for by nuns, but for example, the punishments were difficult, I've always hated eating. Obviously he was riding me because he hated it because I had to drink that vomit that I had spread on my garter. They are going to take his vomit, yes, of course, but if he took me to tie me up, I decided after weeks that I didn't want to sleep next to him, how about it? welcome welcome thanks for action be the great favor of colleagues in one more broadcast of the minute that changed and destiny my guest tonight gently conquered her audience at only 17 years old her shyness did not prevent her from falling in love with a man who would later face one one of the worst sexual scandals in Mexico and although I could answer, don't ask me about him, for her to meet him was lucky and from his hand she met the blue sky.
programa completo el minuto que cambi mi destino crystal
She likes to have her soul caressed and taken out to dance. She has shown that she is sexually magical and she only asks to be taken as she is, she is here today because she is supported by her experiences and the songs of her life with you, yes, my dear Cristal, the minute she changed my Cristal dress with these thanks, good night, well, listen, very happy, but also, you got a lot out of it. information on the titles of many songs of albums that I have made, do you think we should start in Acapulco, of course, your question, let's see, your real name is Gaudí, he added, Romero, where the name of Rosemary and Cristal, where did it come from, in the record company, when I arrived in Mexico, they decided.
programa completo el minuto que cambi mi destino crystal

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programa completo el minuto que cambi mi destino crystal...

The name Gaudí Lay Audi is because my mother's name was that. I am the youngest daughter of nine brothers, so I think they couldn't find names anymore and then they screwed me over and well, the issue is that at the record company he is Mr. Eduardo. The owner of the record label decided that it was not going with the image that he was trying to manage and they decided to put glass on me and today I identify much more with being glass because even at home they call me Cristal Gaudelia rather than his real name Díaz Díaz Romero who he is and Hakim are his parents, my father is Juan Díaz Martínez, a teacher and specialized in geography, my mother is a housewife from Romero González, but a housewife, and I tell you, I am the youngest daughter of nine siblings.
programa completo el minuto que cambi mi destino crystal
Those are the great families of that time. Given that I am nine years old, I was eleven better then because my mother was very dedicated to everyone in the family and this and well, to two blind children, the issue of having two blind children, a brother that I have before me, was not easy. He is also blind and then it was assumed that I was no longer going to be blind and when I was born, well, that was how he experienced the family catastrophe. I really wouldn't have to ask you why you are born blind if you have seven siblings, who are people who see normally, I understand. and suddenly the eighth and ninth of your father's and mother's children are born without sight because look how good we are going to agree, we always have to say the word blind because to love each other and to accept things by their name they prevent it. no no no no the sighted and the blind is the one who reads your hand I don't know that the blind is the one who doesn't see ok then among the blind because my mother has circulation problems they make her take a medication that was very aggressive She gets pregnant with my brother, so it is understood that it affects her pregnancy.
programa completo el minuto que cambi mi destino crystal
He is born blind with glaucoma. Time goes by and she tells him, "She doesn't realize that she was pregnant again and she tells the doctor that she wants not to have that baby. I was the doctor." He tells her, madam, don't worry, nothing is going to happen now, the baby is coming, now you have already stopped taking that aggressive medication, the medication in one way or another continued to have its impact, so she was born blind, I too am not going to do the same. ridiculousness of many who say oh it's wonderful to be blind how beautiful no no no the ideal is to see the ideal is to have the five senses but if you have a mission in life and you were already born blind love yourself and accept yourself as you are but apart from me I have something that is very nice.
I had my guide all my life, which has been my brother Adriano, who is that brother who, we are accomplices who operated on us together, who brought us to the boarding school since we were little together and now we are going because they didn't have us in the same school. boarding school yes the same school but not the same boarding school then it was like for us it was terrible because if we were together all the time and we loved each other so much because they separated us during the afternoon and at night it must not be easy at all especially for a little girl who wants to see the sun and see the sea and even more so in Acapulco and see the colors and watch television as your parents explained to you when we were born, especially when Adriano was born, my brother, there was a doctor who cared a lot, notice that He did not specialize in glaucoma, this doctor told my mother, madam, I promise you that at least your children will know the light, so they begin to subject us to a series of surgeries since my brother was a month old and I was 8 years old. days after I was born and there they did 28 surgeries on my 14 and after all those surgeries we actually managed to see the light a little more than I did the colors so I managed to I remember that I managed to look at the sky and the blue of the sky and When the clouds got very misty, it was going to rain and as it got darker, I remember the color well and look, I am a dog lover and then at home there were always dogs and the color was like a drone of the dogs we had. black color when people died and then I saw that everyone arrived as black, dark in color, so I learned to give each thing a meaning, a color and a shape, however, let me tell you and all my friends that, unlike What many people believe is that the blind see dark the blind do not see dark is that if we saw dark we would see the blind we do not have color we see transparent also whether it is day or night whatever time it is this German I always make it clear that is You see it's clear, simple, you don't know if it's day, if it's night or in the afternoon, yes, since no no no, sometimes I forget to turn on the light at home, so I'm quite a saver today and I say one thing, one thing is coexistence.
I'm familiar, you fall and I'll tell you about those types of things if I win and other things, and to school you have to go to special schools when when I'm five years old and Adriano is seven, my dad takes on the task of investigating because in Acapulco there's no He had given himself the task of investigating and he arrived and told my mother that the children couldn't live here under our protection. They couldn't live like little animals, so father have them at home, but when they grow up, he then tells them they have to go to a school, I already investigated that school and she is going to go to a boarding school for nun girls and he is going to a boarding school for boys and the school is for both of us, my mom told him, you are not crazy, I will get rid of my children when I say so, what do you think?
I'm going to go back a little because when I was born my dad didn't want anyone to see me. In fact, there are almost no photos of me when I was a baby because, well, imagine, it's difficult, that is, when machismo, when my brother is born, he will be a man however he wants, he goes. to have a woman who loves him and adores him, but when he is born, wow, she is blind and she is a woman who is going to be in his life and who is going to love her, so imagine my dad told my mom, I want the girl to be upstairs, no.
Go down and when people arrive please I don't want them to see you and I go back to when I was 5 years old when my dad told him that we had to come live in Mexico the two of us really was a boarding school a boarding school where mine was was on the street in Berlin There in the Culhuacán neighborhood I never finish and in his he had to be a great companion. He already lived in Peralvillo and the school still exists but it is no longer a school for the blind and it has multiple attention today where they lived In other words, because they have to have a house and then they will go to boarding school, he in the boarding school, I in the boarding school with 30 blind girls and cared for by nuns, and he in another boarding school for all boys cared for by a family.
Hey, many stories are told about education. It's with nuns, you did well in quotes and notice that with nuns they have an ugly character, they have a difficult character and maybe they are right, they don't have to love us as their sons or as their daughters, but for example, well The punishments were difficult but Ángel had punishments, for example, I didn't like to eat the egg, I have always hated it, so they forced me to eat it and they were counted as benches, so I remember that one of the punishments was that since I didn't want to eat it, The egg sat me down and I put my head on his stomach, they poured a glass of juice and egg on my face like that until I took it, obviously voluntarily, because he hated it, I had to drink that vomit that I had made, I had to drink it. your vomit yes of course of course the vomit why why not because I had to learn to eat eggs something that my body did not accept then and on a daily basis that not daily but every time I had to eat eggs which was at least twice a week For example, I think my body protested because from living in Acapulco to coming to live in Mexico City, it started getting cold.
No, then I started peeing in bed along with other colleagues who came from other states, so they woke us up at 6 in the morning and they bathed us in one in an era like a little eyelash where some ducks lived and since today, since then I can't stand ducks, that is, I'm terrified of them, I can stand you, a dog, a horse, anything you want, I'm an animal. It was but a duck, not why because they bathed us with some hoses with the ducks inside that little tab that was from the duck house, so they put us in, they bathed us there with cold water and one day a little girl was called that pneumonia patient and she he died and yes of course we were all blind they saved themselves yes of course with a revolver shovel the butter on the cake was wooden ones so with that one on the buttock now it came today and not the others for paul notice that not at first not because it scared me that my mother claimed that my mother was a very brave Sinaloan and then I said where my mother claimed that everything was going to happen, they are not going to take me out of here and if they take me out where they will take me and they will take me to another worse place and then if they take me They take me out of here and if they don't take me out and I accuse the nun she sees me worse and how long then you were 9 wow 9 and Adriano 7 years but 9 years is a life yes sir but I have left when you meet with his parents at the beginning every 8 days and then after seeing my mom my dad came 7 that my dad was more or less brave well one day he saw us and he started crying I cried and he didn't want to come back any more than how long does it take for us to have it for the first time and I have to leave you a question in the clear air it was Sergio Andrade with this we returned of course it is the minute that changed my destiny it was a long relationship with Sergio Andrade returns 2 a girl of that age does not regularly live those experiences when you tell your parents that they hit you and all this What is the reaction of dad and mom?
Crystal would seem to me or what your parents did seems cruel, but if they weren't involved there, she would have been a girl who would have been totally out of the game. She is not the one because she had not known how to read, she would not have I knew many things. Also, notice that regardless of the character of the nuns who could have been harsh and who could have been incomprehensible because of our ages, there were also some really cool things because the boarding school where I was was sponsored by some very good ladies. society and they made us have a very good education and knowledge that a girl my age did not have.
For example, I learned to play guitar and mandolin at boarding school, I learned piano, for example, they took us to listen to opera, they took us to listen to opera concerts. piano we learned that when I was five or six years old I liked to listen to Beethoven Amos Aracelli Cops I am a girl of that age, I don't regularly live those experiences when you tell your parents that they hit you and all this, what was a reaction from dad and Mom, notice that I told my mom when I had two years left when Adriano was no longer here.
The truth is that the school was already in Acapulco, so I told her, Mom, today is that, look, this and that happens to me and then he wants to be there, change me. to live somewhere else and he answered, hold on, you have two years left and then I said, I think keep quiet, tc is prettier at 14 years old, you come out at 14 years old, but how do you become a singer or will you be the one who sings in the school choir but That being a professional is a sea away but I entered all the singing contests in Acapulco and he gives you whatever tables you want or he doesn't give you tables so some I won others I lost but I was always very current in the Acapulco student society and when the youth values ​​contest opens, notice that I did not want to enter because I had won a previous contest that the promise was to record an album and they never recorded it for me, so I got very angry and said I don't want to anymore. enter contests where you don't have room and he told me right they told me my friends were go ahead and come in look the call for youth values ​​is coming and I don't know what then Adriano the blind man tells me he tells me tax I got married to a song you were going to enter but it's been Keep in mind that you don't come in and if you stay that's cool but if you don't stay you never come in then as it was about him and I never deny him anything serious now yes then the song comes in as we couldn't sing something by foreign composers I recorded a song by Lolita from the hill whose name is what are you going to do if me or what are you going to do without me when the hours go by and the days go by when your auroras are no longer mine and then he came in and told meThey say let's go let's see if this English thing happens I said you said we're not going and there goes my mom my friends the blind man the dog the cat 2 then and then we arrive and they say let's give the list of the semi-finalists and I first of all there is no good and what I do is go then run because it was in a few days and run to make you a dress because I didn't have anything so my mom bought me some fabric as best she could and we can work with the lady from our neighborhood position to make the dress for me and then went to the semi-final and good thing and the next day finalists and me again and then another dress and then and winners and I won in 81 and I won and then the next year I received a telegram that said reason rumba la oti and today with the word vote, I said, it is the dream of my life, the great platform for young professionals, but let me also tell you that and youth values, it was presented as a summary of the festivals that had been held in the republic every certain time, always on a Sunday, then someone told me, hey, Raúl Velasco.
He presented the summary between solo from Acapulco and said that you didn't see but that he would love to meet you that he would very much like for you to be on his program one day and I said machismo I no longer wanted to believe anything when the telegram arrived youthful values ​​I don't know which way to go dowry and I said what, when then they sent me tickets everything goes to my mom I arrived then when I was seeing 270 participants from all over the republic I said no it's not that and then you start to hear those voices areas that are really impressive really amazing I said I with my little voice and softly I eat then look what and there was a girl that no one wanted to accompany her so I told her hey if you sing the song for me I will accompany you with the piano but for this I signed up for the last ones to sing the last ones I don't I wanted to be one of the first ones and then he accompanied her on the piano but she was going to be one of the first ones and I was going to get off and then Raúl Velas was on the jury and then she says and she says that then she is going to sing but not right now she The last one signed up, no, he didn't say it, Raúl Velasco told him to stay and sing, and now that I do, but yes, that's what I earn for accompanying me, and I'm thinking, then I feel like I'm singing my song, I get off, Raúl Velasco goes, he stands in front of me like squats and tells me I like your work, I had already seen you and I want you to be on my program if that man gets up over there who was King Midas who played the Geo bow and then the record labels of 2020 begin for me record company and 20 to my record company and then the next day I had a record company with musart records ok and that's how this adventure began and who gave you Sergio Andrade there with a high return now not even the minute is it can be in about two minutes that they change their destiny she is cristal we return that was her first man go ahead you there yes there is for the matter we are alone eat the first leg cristals that the musart records company are the ones that play sergio andrade if originally there was a song that I was going with luckily it was was coincidence is that originally I was going to sing a song by maru from cesc arte called in case you come back so we are not going to call chucho ferrer to make the arrangement and joyes that is watch a ferrer the oti chucho ferrer name me but they say hey Can't find Chucho Ferrer, so leave a message to the guy, this young man, to the arranger, this young man, it's good if Andrade leaves a message and tell him that tomorrow we'll wait for him at five and let's see if they arrive or yes, well, he will never be a general in his life.
He arrived at five in the afternoon and then he was going to make the arrangements in case you came back, so we were, you know, with the tones and he took I don't know what and then he told me hey, I'm going to teach you a song and I'm going to ask you. If you like it, then you defend it from using tombstones to sing it and it sings to me softly and honestly independent of everything that the individual is, whatever you want as a human being, he is a great composer and he is a great arranger 7 that happened over time, don't believe That's how there is love at first sight of strawberry, I went blind to see which one defines average over time, well, it's just that more than two years, no, four years, don't go overboard, either, I'm not that decent, no, well, imagine, suddenly you come from the province of being the daughter of a boarding school family you don't know about the guy who was 26 years old who was single that he took up the piano and played impressively that he composed that he directed an orchestra and that nothing ever gets smaller bauza you say wow this guy is great I mean then you start to admire him and he starts talking to me like how nice I don't know that I would really like to be your producer because the first album wasn't really produced by him, it was produced by a man named Juan Carlos a Vara who when we were going to make the second album he told me today that I would love to be your producer and then he was getting closer to me and well the body is body and the flesh is flesh and I felt beautiful the future was not my first boyfriend it was let's say it was my first boyfriend seriously more seriously for me but well I don't have him your first man and him there if there is more adult we are talking to him the first leg was your first time yes yes that yes yes but first boyfriend no how long have they been three years He arrives and he was as perverse as they say.
Notice that I think he became sick with the power of that situation because, for example, personally, he never proposed that another person come into our lives, that is, he and I live together. About six months, just not three years, we walked, that's why I have to say that everything went flat, I'm not that difficult, but I'm not that easy, right, so little by little, we started walking, imagine that we went to Japan together on a Yamaha, we went to Viña del Mar together. This is what we did, we traveled to Los Angeles together, hey, I say for the love of God, then we started living together for only six months and how good it is because when we lived those six months, I really believe that the 20th dawned on me that I was not for a man like him because because She wasn't so little when she was so little she likes them smaller and besides but she said no but I answered her I wouldn't let me I mean I did fight with her something but no no man has ever hit me in my life it's starting from dad and I in my house I never saw my dad hit my mother even a single blow but for telling you something he did take me to tie up one day he got very angry because because I went to see Juan Gabriel and he arrived and then he entered his dressing room and we were talking and Cristal and Sima told me, don't leave and I myself prepare come however she comes, see how you don't come to be seen, you come to see me, that's why I want her sitting on me at my show and taking her away to the living room and the dressing room with my sister chiva way you are not seeing how we come and then we go they sit me up front with my arm on the stage and then I and in the tower flies and that day just that day Ricardo Rocha's live program broadcasts everything the program, I don't know if he remembers the night when they broadcast the entire program with him and then I gave him a flower, he kneels and I love it, my love is satisfied with knowing that you loved me and then obviously everyone manages to send me the next day called mister mister hysterics and told me what were you doing with that guy because he is my friend but since it is possible that you cannot have another composer other than me so he tied me up and told me well you have to promise me that you are not going to come back to take with him and they are already living points yes but that was no there is not yet we did not live together let's see come along to take a commercial break I don't know if you understood sir madam why the madam well if you avoid



there will be there will be see Juan Gabriel appear from Ricardo Rocha's show the next day Mara Andrade calls her and ties her up and after that she continues with him continuing to receive we return of course if he determines that I am not going to the office it is my manager who does it no no I go to the utility room but I turn on the TV and I hear times will always come and I said son of a and where did Sergio Andrade leave you in a chair in Brown's office memo in the accounts office and I'm here ok he tied you up from here he tied you up from here and then you stay there for a while until you learn that you can't be friends with another composer and that it's not me how long the son estimated about this and it lasted a while about two hours I think so call in and if you learned the lesson I I didn't answer because I didn't want to lie either and while I was saying I shouldn't continue with him but I should continue but I still don't know how and then in the meantime he has to leave the house where he lives, he's going to live at my house and We started living together, I decided after weeks that I didn't want to sleep next to him because I didn't feel good, I didn't feel like I know a couple, and this is what it means to have a couple, this is what I mean, this perversion was already beginning, well, look.
I knew that she was with other people but no, he never took her to the house well let's see well I hope I tell you the girls later he had them together which with admiration so that never ever happened to me so after six months I told him that I needed him to leave my house and that I didn't want to continue with him anymore, so pretend that he doesn't tell me that he doesn't listen to me, he leaves the house, but we kind of kept going, I mean, I'm going to keep calling you for support.
I'm going to keep looking for you, so I sent him a letter where I told him that I terminated all fundamental work, everything as it is, I don't remember it, but it was very brief where I only told him that I didn't want to hear from him again, that to hell, yes, just to the chorizo ​​then he sends me to say how that is not your handwriting and I do not open up and this is not your handwriting this someone had the dictation so I assume that he does not know anything so I send him a cassette and I tell him it is my voice It's me, I don't want to see you again, I don't want you to ever look for me again, I don't want to hear from you and if you come back to look for me, I'm going to hold a press conference and I'm going to comment on everything about how you are as a person and the reality was not that in 1984 Andrade gave a song that he had written to you to the jury if that is what he punishes me with what song better times was a song than the chest you if look right after I found loneliness and I felt very afraid in the middle of the darkness of course I understood that life was not easy for me that I had to fight if I wanted to be happy it will always come there is a part that says if one day I will achieve it but there is a part of the song that says I heard the news today in the television you listen to the news you see it so I was going to go to that hotel it was already ready for me to do it so that I could go with that song so when I went to Juan Gabriel's place which was in '84 who built the patio I He says, he had already given me that song, I already knew it, so the days go by, weeks go by, and I told him, "Hey, Sergio, when are we going to record the OTI thing, what's going to happen with the OTT and he tells me, 'No, it's not going to be anymore.'" to the oti because I'm not going to go to the oti because he didn't tell me why he's going to jury finally if he determines that I'm not going to the situation it's my manager what I do no I don't go to the oti but I turn on the TV and I hear times will always come and I said, son, if you told him, it's clear that when I kept quiet, I went to see him, it takes away being a scorpion, or maybe if I hadn't removed it, if I hadn't left it, that tension would have left the jury, or maybe it would have been you.
I don't think about the clan because after that he told me ah but it's going to be the vineyard of the sea and be careful when Yuri comes in third place I think not second in third the third then he tells me I'm warning you that you can't be less than what I didn't even achieve here in Mexico, ching, what's my fault, so wait, in '85 I got horribly sick from my gallbladder, I had surgery and that was when they still opened you up like that, this wasn't like that with how they operate now, and he goes and tells me, hey, how do you feel? we are going to do this it was in January on January 20 and then I went to my doctor the doctor came up and told me he did a lot of psychological work for me he told me you can use this with you can sing you can do everything of everything of everything I'm going to Viña del Mar on February 11th he participated in Viña del Mar he came in second place and the Chilean came in third place I said oh how wonderful then when I come back the doctor tells me I'm going to tell you the truth you couldn't even wear heels you couldn't even eat red meat you couldn't do many things but I had to help you so that you could go to vineyard of the sea than another god if the truth is that yes and then in those comings and goings he stopped living in my house and I had already planned in my head that the vineyard of the sea returning and so it was sir returning and vineyard of the sea some slippers so that he can go to sleep he fábregras you you already see him with more people from the middle east if for example you already know an actor who already knows it very hairy in the final stretch of this program today, friend, tell me something and when all the scandal breaks out with this guy with andrade, what did you say whether he saved me or not because I already knew that, that is, I didn't know that one day someone would speak and all that would happen but when I left he was already forming the group of little painted mouths so I already saw all of them there I said what's up with those little girls, what's more, my mother told him one day, hey, I see you, I see you It's going to be nice to have those girls standing there, but there's what you think, lady, one this far away loves me, so and one day the blind man and he said to him, hey, Sergio, why do you like girls so much and he told him because they smell like strawberries and he said yes, but you're going to have a very serious problem one day, they don't want to be here, they like it here, so in some way, like me, sentimentally I was already going more outside than anything, and professionally, well, I was also no longer interested in whether they were there, if they weren't there, and I was already I didn't analyze the only thing I wanted was to leave and see what path I was going to give to my life, especially artistic, not what I later met with Aníbal Pastor and that was when I made the album to take me out dancing andThen with Alejandro Jaén, we made a great album, so I kind of said wow, then, Andrade wasn't indispensable, he's good, he's a good musician, he's a good producer, but he's not indispensable with them either.
You know, an actor, you know, very hairy, he's no longer with whom Louis, I had an affair with Julio German, don't tell me yes, sir, the truth is, I change the minute I upload and this and the question about an intimate tumor, of course, I'm not married, notice that I'm not I know if you remember that he had a time in which he separated from his wife and was sort of adrift, he even had other twins with another person and then in that time I met him because I had a very handsome, very pretty section. Of course we have been able to forgive for forgiveness for the family but boy I don't regret it and when when you appear naked in a studio magazine in the fans people saw you and people who were very morbid and it was what I wanted to wake up I asked and of course it is that I'm going to tell you that there is a difference if any other person undresses nothing happens but if the blind girl undresses a lot happens a lot as a wife is that she is blind months she arrives she also has what she doesn't see what she does and she has with that wherever it is it is as human as everyone else, you didn't lack the only thing, notice that I did think about it, but there were no couples on YouTube with whom I didn't feel like I was capable of feeling that father part of sharing, saying with this guy, I want to get old and I want to die But when I met Michelangelo, who is my husband, who is my partner, and to feel so cool about living with a person, to admire him, love him, and share so many things with him, we were no longer old enough, especially I, I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be, but the thing about Your mother was the result of a medicine that she took with a beaver.
Our measurement, then you have it or not, whether it is possible to have only heaven, no, but do you agree that after 40 years they say that it is dangerous and then that kind of made me jump? You understand me a lot apart from the fact that he no longer had many intentions and look, today I don't regret it because he and I are eternal boyfriends, that is, a new life and I'm never going to get married because with him because because I see that when people live and it takes years if they don't get married without revealing our marriages no I live with the virus of sin I live in sin because after the nuns I am going to live in sin it always happens cristal man thank you for being here I love you businessman too thank you she is cristal I I am Gustavo Adolfo Infante, later also and you, your kind presence next week, the same time, the same channel, we have another minute that changes until forever, my mother had a very very serious birth problem in me at my birth to the point that they put the suns oils on her as memories.
When leukemia comes into your little sister's life, she came with mom because she was working on the sweater and suddenly she saw that she had a ball, a tumor, my father came, he hugged us and it was the first time that I saw my part cry, I think the only area external yes and many times and the second bull grabbed me and hit me in the scrotum my mother cared because if she's not going to be in it I'm going to pay for your school but I'm not going to pay for where you live or what you eat and we arrived I go to sleep 15 or 20 times on sidewalks when you're on the street behind everything I know you have to clean pee especially clean that on the bench it rolled yes yes and hunger is the only thing that makes you want to do whatever the minute that changed my destiny Saturdays 9 pm participate in image on television

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