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Prison Break Out Challenge!!

May 29, 2021
Well this is Team Edge and this is the




. I went back to get J Fred and Bobby out. As you can see, I came in from the roof of the car, so know that I'm here. I hope I don't. I don't fall because magically I don't know, I'm going down, well I gotta go down, guys, girls, I've been here a long time, remember that time I tried to escape, yeah, they put me back here, I died and they revived me just to to be able to keep myself here, we've been here for a while, yeah, it kind of got to go further, it's going crazy now, my accent changes every word I say the same now, the two runaways from this


are I'm going to get one of these completely filled with ice cream, yes, too much.
prison break out challenge
I've been here for 20 years and I've never had the need to go out, but all of a sudden what I do is I'm going to take out sharks, oh that's it. Pretty dumb, they just left the whole security layout Joe, Bobby and I are here, this is the top floor so there's one up here okay we need to deal with our anger issues this is the 20th time I've been in this


, so I've smuggled in some walkie-talkies so that je furt and Bobby can find you and I can communicate with them so I can guide them out of here daily exercise hey Bobby, yeah, hey Bobby, can I see oh, hey, wait, what is this guy?
prison break out challenge

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prison break out challenge...

I can not. Don't pull this out guys, too loud, it's this one sign between them, this is great. Morse code, okay, what am I saying? Oh, I don't have any medicine for your rash, that's why I'm doing it in Morse code, okay, I got it. I actually start looking for things wait oh oh I don't want to tear up the Bible I read this Bible 10 times every time I scroll through the keys oh I see it's okay this is a saw what am I supposed to do with a saw? Oh, what is it? whistling Matthews Oh mamacita yes that's how I get out Oh disgusting whatever this is oh no it can't be it can't be oh oh it's so soft oh is this where's the key where's the key oh my god, just throw it away? his bed hey Bobby, did you find a key?
prison break out challenge
Yes, I found a key. Oh, okay, okay, I have a key too, but it doesn't work for the keyhole and mine doesn't work either. How about we do a little exchange? Oh, that. looks good it's so sticky uh-oh I ate it a screwdriver and a walkie-talkie Bobby is making progress guards are coming guards are coming letters hey Bobby what do you have there what do you hate man I have a screwdriver I can open the whole hallway Apicella Do I have a screwdriver ? I don't have a screwdriver I think I need a screwdriver Where is the screwdriver?
prison break out challenge
So tough, man, his dad never taught him how to use tools. It's something true. Hello everyone, you tried well. I put it on top. Look up, oh that's so easy, hey guard, you can't control, hey Bobby, what else do you have there? I have a walkie-talkie, is there anyone I talked to? I'm going to channel 5, hey Joey, I got a burrito on the line, hey honey we got a car coming, you should put it away, a guard coming. I think you'll have to check the bathroom because there was something in my bathroom. Oh no, I think someone fed us something or got into the bathroom.
Oh no, he is your key. key key key brother I can't understand a word you're saying God, no, these are the right keys, they're all, they work fine. I have a screwdriver, buddy, are you trying to


it? Are they just playing at the opera? Boy, I am. about to leave without him, what do you have in you and describe everything? A Bible or a trophy, a nightstand, or do you let our nightstand have a nice hole? Does it have a paw? Yeah, I have an idea, okay, okay, it's not going to happen. Anyway, you're moving on, let's do it, it works much better, no comments below please, okay, now I can break it, that's against the rules, okay, I watched this in a movie once.
I'm going to put two like this, oh and then you're going to do a little... a little twist, well, twist, you're going to make the bars move like this, oh man, that was so easy, where do we go, what do we do , why did you come back in, oh wait? I didn't actually hit the security guard, don't go into the office, there is a security guard right there, write it directly on the desk, okay, we're right, it's still in front of the door, so you can't, you can't You can come in. It's still okay, go, go, go, go, he turned his back on him, hey, check the desk, check the desk, I have the code to a master lock, it has the numbers 4 8 15 16, don't forget to clock out and don't forget it.
To close I'm going to guide you to another security guard. I guess each of these guards has something to tickle us nicely, wait until now, okay, okay, my guards are leaving the kitchen right now, yeah. the other guards are gone so you can go she's on your left Joey she just turned the corner she's turned the corner great oh well Natalie no thanks go away Joey you're alone Joey oh well oh he's going solo eh I have a camera on can you see me what is this this seems like a distraction hey Brian there is a tambourine with keys Ted to take with you isn't there?
I see a sticky note on the desk because that's, oh no, I just put that, do you have anything for me? Okay, I guess I'll stay here. I mean, I can go out, but hey, maybe this tambourine is to distract people. My butt. Good thing they're just stun darts, okay Bobby, looks like Joey is joining you. I know this is solitary confinement, but it's a lot like a closet. I don't think these people are very well cared for, they never fill us with paper before and we do manage to go to the bathroom. paper oh well well done Jeff red 4 8 15 16 4 8 15 16 very strange response oh I hope he's not even over anything oh yeah he stopped by the kitchen now he's taking over the kitchen Oh who leaves the bolt cutters , is that one? ugly look at the prison guard Bobby, wait, okay, head to the warehouse, head to the warehouse, we should be able to see the tunnels, wait, I'm going down Brian Brian, it's been 20 years you look exactly the same, okay, there's a key.
I'll take the code, won't I? This is a combination lock and a padlock, so it's all three, pick one here, do you know how to use those things? No, okay, that's a bad man, weren't you guys somewhere? It's been nice to know that you guys know, call it, it's been nice to talk for kicking you in the groin, it's all good, oh come on, you think I'm not too claustrophobic? Look at the prison tunnel, oh wait, did you go, Brian, come I? Come down, he doesn't care about us, I made it, I mean, I'm so hungry, I'm home, I'm out of here.
Oh freedom. Oh, okay, ladies and gentlemen, Bobby and I have escaped, which means no, we're low on ice. cream 15 gallons 20 gallons I don't even know how much mm-hmm guys, go see the challenge of not falling off the wrong roof, that's where we jump through this box here three of them and we have to find the mattress and go see this video here this is the first prison we escaped from and that's why we escaped from this one but now we're going to have to get Ryan out please why?

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