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Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein FULL INTERVIEW - BBC Newsnight

Apr 08, 2024
We have come to Buckingham Palace under very unusual circumstances. Normally we would be discussing his work. His duty will come to that, but today he has chosen to speak for the first time. Why have you decided to speak now? Because there is no good time to talk about Mr. Epstein and everything related and we have been talking to new ones tonight for about six months about doing something related to the work I was doing and unfortunately we haven't been able to fit it into his shared agenda or mine until now. and it's actually a very good opportunity and I'm delighted to be able to see you today as you say, this all goes back to your friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, how did you first become friends?
prince andrew and jeffrey epstein full interview   bbc newsnight
How did you meet? I met through his girlfriend. in 1999, who and I had known her since she was at university in the UK and it would be somewhat of a stretch to say that, I think we were close friends when we were friends because of other people and I had a lot of things going on. opportunity to go to the United States but I didn't spend much time with him. I guess I saw him once or twice a year maybe massively more than three times a year and quite often if I was in the States and doing things and if he wasn't there I would say well why don't you come use my home?
prince andrew and jeffrey epstein full interview   bbc newsnight

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prince andrew and jeffrey epstein full interview bbc newsnight...

I told him that he is very kind, thank you very much, but it would be an exaggeration to say that he was a very, very close friend. but he had the most extraordinary ability to bring extraordinary people together and that's what I remember: going to dinners where you met academics, politicians, people from the United Nations. I mean, he was a cosmopolitan bunch of whatever you described. as an American eminence was that his appeal then was that what you because you were perceived by the public as the Prince of the party was something interesting that is also a bit exaggerated.
prince andrew and jeffrey epstein full interview   bbc newsnight
I don't know why I collected that title because it's possible that he never partied. I was single for quite a while in the early '80s, but after I got married I was very happy and never really felt the need to party and certainly go to Jeffrey's. It wasn't about partying at all, you said you weren't very good friends, but would you describe him as a good friend? Did you trust him? Yes, I think I probably did, but again, I don't go into a friendship looking for the wrong thing if you know what I mean, I am and am an attractive person, I want to be able to participate, I want to know, I want to learn, etc., but we have to remember that I was transitioning out of the Navy at the time and I wanted to know more about what was going on because in the Navy it's a pretty isolated business because you're at sea all the time and I was going to become the Special Representative for international trade and investment, so I wanted to know more about what was happening in the international business world and that was another reason for going there and the opportunities I had to go to Wall Street and other places to learn while I was there. there they were absolutely vital.
prince andrew and jeffrey epstein full interview   bbc newsnight
He was their guest. Additionally, in 2000, Epstein was invited to Windsor Castle and Sandringham. He was taken straight to the heart of the world. His invitation, but certainly at my invitation, not at the invitation of the Royal Family, but remember that it was his girlfriend that was the key element. this was, so to speak, plus one, to a certain extent in what I wrote, you organized a birthday party for Epstein's girlfriend at Maxwell in Sandringham, no, it was a weekend of filming, a week of filming, just a simple filming weekend, but during these times he was a guest at Windsor Castle in Sandringham on the filming weekend.
We now know that he was and had been targeting young girls for sex trafficking. Now we know that at that time there was no indication to me or anyone else that that was what he was doing and certainly when I saw him whether in the United States why now when I swim in the United States or when I was staying in his houses in In the United States there was absolutely no indication and if there was you have to remember that at the time I was a sponsor of the NSPCC


stop campaign so I was aware of what was happening at the time about how to get rid of abuse at the kids, so I knew what to look for, but I never saw them, so you would. you made that connection because you stayed with him you were a visitor a guest on many occasions in his houses and nothing seemed suspicious to you during all that time just for the record you have been on his private plane if you have been to stay on his private island yes, you have you stayed at his house in Palm Beach yes you visited Gillan Maxwell's house in Belgravia in London yes then in 2006 no May a warrant was issued for Epstein's arrest for sexual assault of a minor yes in July he was invited to Windsor Castle: the 18th birthday of your daughter, Princess Beatrice, why would you do that?
I was just asking it, but still at the time I don't think I was certainly not aware when the invitation was issued of what was happening in the United States. States and I didn't realize it until the media found out because he never said anything about it, he never discussed with you the fact that an arrest warrant had been issued, so he came to that party knowing that the police I was investigating if it was the police, River, I don't know, she, these are the problems that I released at that time, but I'm afraid he sees, this is the problem, this is a lot of this was happening in the United States and I was not there.
I was a party to it and I didn't know anything about it in 2008 he was found guilty of soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution he was jailed this was your friend did you feel okay? I stopped contact with him after I found out he was under investigation and that was later in 2006 and I wasn't in contact with him again until 2010 so it was one of those things where someone is going through that kind of thing, well , I'm so sorry, I can't be. when he was serving time there was no call or letter nothing there he was released in july in a matter of months in december 2010 you went to stay with him in his mansion in new york why were you staying with a convicted sex offender?
I have always done it. Since this happened and since it became public knowledge that I was there, I have asked myself why I went, what I was doing and if it was the right thing to do. Now I went there for the sole purpose of telling him that because he had been convicted it was not appropriate for us to be seen together and several people advised me in both directions to go see him or not to go see him and I made the decision that since this was serious and I felt like doing it over the phone was the chicken way, I had to go see him and talk to him and I went to see him and he was doing various other things in New York at the time and we had the opportunity to go for a walk in the park and that was the conversation that happened to be photographed that was when I told him I said look what he's been through I don't think it's appropriate that we stay in touch and by mutual agreement during that walk in the park we decided that we would separate and I left I think it was the next day and to this day I never had any contact with him from that day onwards he said when you told him you were breaking off the friendship he was what I would describe as understanding he didn't go too deep into the conversation about what I was doing and what he was doing, except to say that he had accepted whatever a plea deal was, had served his sentence and moved on with his life.
See what I mean and I said yes, but I'm afraid to say that, that, that's what it can be, but with all the consequent scrutiny on me. So I don't think it's wise. Who advised you then that it was a good idea to go and break the friendship? Did that come from the palace? How much did we know it was coming? So there were a number of people which are some people from my staff, some people from friends and family that I was talking to and I made the decision that I had to show leadership and I had to go see him and I had to tell him that that was it, which was December. in 2010 he had a party to celebrate his release and they invited you as a guest of honor Oh in 2010 there certainly wasn't a party to celebrate his release in December because it was a small dinner there was only 8 or 10 of us, I think it was If there was a party, then I don't know anything about you being invited to that dinner as a guest of honor, well I was there, so there was a dinner, I think he was just as equal as you.
I could say it, but yeah, okay, I was there for a moment. Been there or understood it. I'm just trying to figure this out because you said you went to break up and still stayed in that New York mansion for days. I wonder how he was doing other things while he was there, but you were staying at the newly convicted sex offender's house. It was a convenient place to stay there. I mean, I mean, I've been through this in my mind. Many times, at the end of the day, with the benefit of all the hindsight one can have, it was definitely the wrong thing to do, but at the time I felt it was the honorable and right thing to do and I


y admit that my judgment was probably influenced by my tendency to to be too honorable, but that's the way it is because during that time there are those few days when witnesses say they saw many girls coming and going at that time, there is video footage of Epstein accompanied by girls and you were there staying in his home catching up with friends.
I never really wanted to say if they were, so I wasn't a part of any of it. I never saw them. I mean, you have to understand that, that, his house, I described. It's more like a train station, if you know what I mean, in the sense that there were people coming in and out of that house all the time, what they were doing and why they were there. I had nothing to do with it. I'm afraid I can't comment on that because I don't really know the other guest who was Jon Brockman, the literary agent.
He now described seeing you there receiving a foot massage from a young Russian woman. Surely you can't remember absolutely sure, then Jon Brockman's statement is false. He wouldn't do it. Don't know. Mr. Brockman, so I don't know what he's talking about, but it definitely wasn't you getting a foot massage from a Russian girl in Jeffrey Epstein's cells. I know it might seem like a fun way to break up a friendship, allowing yourself some kind of dinner party at home is a strange way to say it, it's a very crude way to say it, yes, you're absolutely right, but actually, the truth is is that I actually only saw it during the part where dinner has fun on the walk in the park and we probably go through the hallway, so let's go to that walk in Central Park that was photographed.
Friends of yours suggest that Epstein wanted that photo taken, perhaps he had even set it up. Are you worried that you are being cheated on again? New information that has emerged since his suicide has made us reevaluate that walk in the park. We can't find any evidence of my staff or my people. I can't find any evidence to suggest that's what he was doing. I mean, you can look at it so many different ways that the fact is that someone very smart took that photograph, it's not as far away as I remember nor do my security people remember anyone being present or nearby because there was enough security. around, I mean, the pictures of the security people are around at the feds, so he could have done it, but yeah, I guess what they're asking me is do you feel like you were part of Epstein's public rehabilitation?
Oh no, it's pretty funny. I don't know, I mean, if he was, if he was doing it, if that photograph was taken for that purpose with that purpose in mind, then it doesn't amount to what really happened, so why wouldn't you announce this breakup? When you came back, why didn't you publicly explain what you did? Were you worried that he had something that could compromise you? Know? Do you regret that trip? Yeah, do you regret the whole friendship with Epstein now? Manat and the reason is that the people that I met and the opportunities that he gave me to learn, whether because of him or because of him, were actually very useful.
He himself wasn't as close as you might think. We did not go. We did not go. We did not go. that close, so I mean, yeah, I would go and stay at his house, but that was because of his girlfriend, not because of him. It was that visit in December 2010 that was the only time she saw him after he was convicted, saw him or spoke to him. Again, 2010 was like that because, first of all, I did well. I wanted to make sure that if I was going to go see him, I had to make sure there was enough time between releasing him because there wasn't.
It wasn't something I was going to rush into, but I had to go see it. I had to go see him and stay home. I could have easily left and stayed somewhere else, but the sheer convenience of being able to get a Grab the Man is, he was in and out all over the place, so taking him somewhere for a period of time to have a conversation long enough long enough to say: look, these are the reasons why I'm not going to do it and that happened on the walk in July of this year Epstein was arrested on charges of sex trafficking and abuse of dozens of underage girls one of the accusers of Epstein Virginia Roberts has made accusations against you says that youmet you in 2001 says she had dinner with you danced with you in a London nightclub had sex with you in a house in Belgravia belonging to the girl and Maxwell your friend your answer I don't remember meeting this lady you don't remember meeting Hazard she says she met you In 2001 she had dinner with you she danced with you you bought her drinks you are at the Trump nightclub in London and she had sex with you in a house in Belgravia that belonged to a girl in Maxwell it didn't happen do you remember her?
No, I don't remember meeting her. I am almost convinced that I was never in a trance with her. There are several things wrong with that story, one of which is that I don't know where the bar is. Not in homeless people. I do not drink. I don't think so. Did I ever buy a drink at Trent when I was there? Do you remember dancing in trap? No, that couldn't have happened because the suggested date was at home with the kids. You know you were at home with the kids. It was a memorable night on that particular day which we now understand is the date which is March 10th.
I was home, I was with the kids, and I had taken Beatrice out for pizza express while she was working for a party at a, I guess. around 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon and then, as the Duchess was away, we have a simple rule in the family: when one is away, the other is there, I was on terminal leave at that time of the Royal Navy, so therefore, I was at home, why would you remember that so specifically? Why would you remember her on a Pizza Express birthday and being at home? Because going to Pizza Express in Woking is unusual for me.
Something very unusual for me. I've never been, I've only worked a couple of times and I remember it strangely clear, but as soon as someone reminded me, oh yeah, I remember I don't remember meeting or being in the company or the presence. you are absolutely sure that you will be home on March 10. She was very specific about that night. She described dancing with you and you sweating profusely and then she possibly had a little problem with with with with with. sweating because I have a peculiar medical condition which is that I don't sweat or I didn't sweat at that time and that was machine.
Yeah, I didn't sweat at the time because I had suffered what I would describe as an adrenaline overdose in the Falklands War when I was shot and it was just almost impossible for me to sweat and it's just because I've done a number of things in the recent past but I'm starting to be able to do that again, so I'm afraid there's a medical condition that says he didn't, so is it possible that you have met Virginia Roberts, had dinner with her, danced with her, had sex with her on another date, right? You remember meeting her at all, but do you know you didn't meet her or you just don't remember her?
No Yes. I don't know if I knew her, but no. I don't remember meeting her because she was very specific. She described the dance they had together. She described their encounter. She was a 17 year old girl. She met a high-ranking member of the royal family. Never happened. She provided a photo of the two of you together. Yes. Your arm was around her waist. Yes. I have seen the photo. I have seen the first girl. How do you explain that I can't, why not? I don't have again I have absolutely no memory of that photograph being taken.
Do you recognize yourself? Look, it was pretty hard not to. Admit it, your friend suggested that the photo is fake. I think it is because of the research we have done. You cannot prove if that photograph is fake or not because it is a photograph of a photograph of a photograph, so it is very difficult to prove it, but I don't remember that photograph has been taken but it is possible that it was you with you that is me but but if that is my hand or if that is the position I but no I simply do not have Memory of the photograph that was once taken, the world has now seen the photo that Virginia Roberts provided taken by Epstein, we understand that in the house of Guerlain Maxwell, this is the problem.
I have never seen Epstein with a camera in my life. I think it was Virginia Roberts' camera. said a little code in one she lent to Epstein he took a photo and your arm I don't remember I don't remember that photo ever being taken I don't remember going up to the house because that photo was taken upstairs and I'm not entirely convinced I mean, that's what I would describe as me in that photo, but I can't, we can't be sure if that's my hand on her, whatever it is. left left side do you think that because I don't remember that photograph being taken, why would someone have put another hand? you think it's you next to her in the photo, but it's definitely me, that's a photo of me, it's not a photo of I don't think it's a photo of me in London because when I go out to London I wear a suit and tie, that's what I would describe it as my travel clothes if I'm going to go.
If I go abroad, I have many photographs of me dressed in that kind of equipment, but they are not there just for clarification, then you think that that photo has been faked, no one can prove whether that photograph is fake or not. been manipulated, but I don't remember that photograph ever being taken and you don't remember having your hand around her waist at Maxwell's house on any occasion, even if it was different, I'm sorry, but if I, as a member of The royal family and I take a photo and I take very, very few photos. I am NOT a hugger and public displays of affection are not something I do, but that is the best explanation I can give you and then and I am afraid to say that I do not believe that photograph was taken in the way that has been suggested.
Why wouldn't people believe you were there? Sorry, why am I just trying to understand that there is a photo? inside Golan Maxwell's house Golan herself is in the background why wouldn't people believe you were there with her that night? I went up to Gülen's house, yes, because because because the dining room when everything was on the telephone that was on the ground floor, it wasn't like that, it was when you entered them, when you entered the hallway, so I don't remember. I ever went up there, I can't explain this particular photograph, if the original was ever produced then maybe we can figure it out, but you can categorically say that you don't remember meeting Virginia Robert having dinner with her. trip dancing with her in you are going to have sex with her alone in a bedroom in a house in Belgravia.
I can tell you absolutely categorically that it never happened. Do you remember any type of sexual contact with Virginia Roberts? Then, at no other time. None. not at all because she said in a legal statement, a legal court document in 2015, that she had sex with you three times, she is not confused about this, she said the first time was in London when she was trafficked to you, the second time was in the mansion of Epstein in New York. It's a date in April, I think that's right, she said it was about a month later, yeah, well, I think the date we have for that shows that I was in Boston, I was in New York the day before and I was at a dinner . for the Wood Band Trust in New York and then I flew to Boston the next day and then one day she says if this had happened, they had already left to go to the island before I got back from Boston, so No I think that might have happened at all.
There was a witness there, Janna Stolberg, who says you visited the house that month. I probably did. I don't think it was one of the weirdest things I've been around. Because of what I was doing, I was staying with the Consul General, which is down the street on the fifth, so no, I wasn't staying there. I may have visited it, but no, definitely not, definitely, definitely not. no there is no activity because in a 2015 legal statement she said she had sex with you three times, once at a house in London when she was trafficked with you at Maxwell's house, once in New York about a month later, at Epstein's mansion and once on his private island. in a group of seven or eight other girls, no, not to Oliver, absolutely not to everything, why would she be saying those things?
We're wondering the exact same thing, but I have no idea, absolutely no idea, that she made these claims in a US statement mm-hm are you saying you don't believe her? She's lying, that's a very difficult thing to answer because I'm not in a position to know what she's trying to accomplish, but look, I can tell you categorically. I do not remember. having met her at all, I don't remember her photograph being taken and I have consistently and frequently said that we never had any kind of sexual contact, whatever she talked about you outside of court in August of this year, he said, quote, he knows exactly what.
It's over now and I hope it clarifies that it was nothing, so if Virginia Roberts is watching this


, what is your message to her? I don't have a message for her because I have to have thick skin if someone is going to do that kind of thing. of accusations, so I'm going to have a thick skin and continue with this, but they never happened, for the record, is there any way you could have had sexual relations with that young woman or any young woman trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein at any of his residences? and and without going into too much detail, if you are a man, having sex with someone is a positive act, you must take some kind of positive action and therefore if you try to forget it, it is very difficult to try to forget positive actions and I don't remember nothing.
Can't. I racked my brain and thought, "Well, when the first delegation arrived was when the accusations originally came out and I said well, that's a little strange. I didn't do it." I remember this and then I went through it again and again and no, nothing. Epstein's housekeeper also in a legal statement in Florida Court said that you visited Palm Beach residents about four times a year and had a daily massage four times a year, that's what she said in a legal statement in Florida Court or I just wonder, when you look back, is there a possibility that those massages were the services of someone who was being sexually exploited or trafficked by Epstein mmm no, I don't think that's it, I definitely know not definitely and Ivan definitely didn't visit his Palm Beach house three or four times a year absolutely not how many times would I say he visited I in total probably four times total throughout the time I met him in fact that was probably the place where, if you see what I mean, he was in the house more there than others in other places where I was, that's fine, but usually it was because I was I was passing by and he was still somewhere else so it was one day it was that was that what you said in your palace statement at no point did I see witnesses or suspect any suspicious behavior yes, says Virginia Roberts' legal team you couldn't spend time with Epstein and not know what's going on you couldn't spend time with Epstein and not knowing what's going on if you're someone like me then people behave in a subtly different way than you wouldn't in the first place I'm not looking for it that's the thing if you're looking for it then you might have suspected it now with the benefit of a lot of hindsight, a lot of analysis that you look back and you're right, that's how it really was. was or was was I looked at it the wrong way but you don't go to these places you're not going to stay with people looking for that you couldn't spend time with him that's what they said you couldn't spend time with him and I don't know the other side of this is I live in an institution in Behaim Palace that has staff members walking around all the time and I don't want to sound grandiose, but there were a lot of people. that were walking around Geoffrey Epstein's house, as far as I knew, they were staff, they were people who worked for him or did things, I was where he interacted with them, if he hadn't already said good morning, good afternoon, but I didn't .
No, if you see what I mean, interact with it in a way. What are you doing here? Why are you here? What's going on? But you would notice if there were hundreds of girls underage and under you, but sorry, you wouldn't notice. If there were hundreds of underage girls in Geoffrey's house, wouldn't they be there? Not when I was there. Now I may have changed his behavior patterns so that it wasn't obvious to me. So no, I mean. Are you asking me. speculating about things I simply don't know about you you seem completely convinced you are telling the truth would you be willing to testify or give a statement under oath if asked?
Well, I'm like everyone else and I would have to do it. take all the legal advice there was before doing that kind of thing, but if things got ugly and the leaked legal advice was to do it, then he would be obligated to do it, did he say? because you have said that there are many unanswered questions everyone affected wants closure you would help provide that closure if there was one, in the right circumstances, yes I would because I believe there is as much closure for me as there is for everyone else and without No doubt, some very strange and unpleasant activities. have been happening, I'm afraid I'm not the person who can shed light on this for several reasons, one of which is that I wasn't there for long.
Enough if you go in for a day, two days at a time, it's pretty easy . I have been led to believe that these types of people hide their activities during that period of time and thenThey continue when you are not there. Virginia Roberts legal lawyers The team says they have asked for a legal statement. There is an active FBI investigation now. Would you be willing to provide it again? I am obliged to comply with my legal advice. Legal advisors tell me that Epstein was found dead in prison. Yes, in August of this year, what was your response when you found out that he had died in shock?
Some people think he didn't take his own life there again. I don't want to be able to answer that question. I think it's focused on something. What to do was a bone in the neck as to whether or not you commit suicide that bone breaks or something like that but I'm fresh now I'm not an expert I have to take what the coroner says and he has ruled that it was suicide he is dead his girlfriend Galen Maxwell your old friend the victims say she was complicit in his behavior but I can't help you on that because I have no idea do you think she has questions to answer about her role in this in the same way? that I have questions to answer in the sense of what I was doing and as I say that I was there to in my mind be honorable and say look you have been convicted it would be incompatible to be seen with Unfortunately, someone was standing with a camera at that moment and took a photograph of us.
It's one of the few photographs of us, but that was the case. If there are questions Ghilane has to answer, that's her problem. I'm afraid I'm not in a position to be able to comment one way or another when her last contact with her was. It was earlier this year, pretty funny this summer in the spring summer about what she was here doing at some rally. even though by then he had already been arrested and was facing charges and thanks to traffic, no, no, this was early spring, I think it was long because when he was arrested in July, no, it was before July and that was the last time, yes, because you talk about Epstein. not at all, no, it's actually quite funny, no, not at all, there was nothing to discuss about it because it wasn't on the news, you didn't know, we've just moved on.
I want to talk about moving forward upon arrival. Epstein is dead, yes, women are now listened to quite rightly, how do you get over this? Well, that's an interesting way to put it. I continue with what I do. I have several things that I've been doing since 2011. They're pretty well organized and pretty successful, so I keep going and trying to improve those things I'm already doing. I wonder what effect all this has had on your immediate family. You have daughters of your own. what I would describe as a constant in the family, we all knew him and I think if we have a conversation about it, we all come away with the same thing about what happened on earth, why, how it got where. he was what he did, how he did it and then he's kind of a non-constant or I mean, this first came out in 2011 and it surprised us all because the photographs were released at a separate time. to when I was there and there was kind of a question about what was going on and as a family we discussed it and then in 2015 when the allegations were made in the statement, there was kind of a on this. the immediate family, not the wider family, the wider family couldn't be more supportive, but the immediate family was what this was all about and we all just lost, so it's like the episode was detrimental to the real family and for Her Majesty the Queen.
I don't think it's been detrimental to the Queen at all for me and it's been a constant trickle, if you know what I mean, deep down, people want to know if I was in a position to be able to answer all these questions in one go. so that I give sensible answers different from the ones I have given and that have given me closure. I would love to, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm just not in a position to do it. Sit down because I'm as in the dark as a lot of people, how do you reconnect with the audience?
So now exactly what I'm doing, which is using and continuing to work with the tone to continue working with the idea and things. what I firmly believe in. I'm not someone who does things in competition with people, interestingly I do things in collaboration with people, so I want people to work together to come up, so to speak, with a solution to a bigger problem, for what We have a number of people working together particularly in the field of education particularly in and also in areas of government and what they are doing so that we are bringing everyone together so that we are all pushing in the same direction an idea now.
Is that? We have been operating successfully for two years. We have three and a half million people who have a badge. We have half a million or just over half a million young people who are using the service. I'll try to think what else we have, but okay, it's designed for children aged seven to fourteen in the UK and it turns out that it's made between five and 95 years old all over the world, so it's now made in a hundred countries. So we were kind of catching up on this. I know we have to bring this to you.
Today I faced questions about a very, very raw topic. There has never been an


like this before. I wonder what that tells us about the path. The royal family is now facing these difficult situations. Has there been a radical change? I think the problem we face in the 21st century is social media. There's a whole range of things you're dealing with now that you're not. I didn't confront 25 years ago because it was just print media and I think to some extent there's a thick skin you have to have and again, I'm not a confrontational list.
I'd rather be. being able to, so to speak, work things out in a sensible way and therefore choosing to go out and talk about these things is almost a mental health issue to some extent for me in the sense that it's been bothering my mind for many years I know I made the wrong judgment and I made the wrong decision but I made the wrong decision and the wrong judgment I believe fundamentally for the right reasons, i.e. telling someone I'm not going to see. you again and in fact from that day on I was never in contact with him, the subsequent accusations are what I would describe as surprisingly shocking and a distraction, but I mean there are all kinds of things that are on the Internet and in the public domain that we just do well, yes, but I'm afraid this never happened, you've talked about a thick skin.
I wonder if you now have any feelings of guilt, regret or shame for any of your behavior in his friendship with Epstein in regards to Mr. Epstein is concerned that it was the wrong decision to go see him in 2010, as far as my association with him goes, it had some very beneficial results in areas that have nothing to do with what I would describe. We are talking about today in general. Could I have avoided meeting him? Probably not and that's because of my friendship with Ghilane. It was inevitable that we would have met. Do I regret the fact that he has enough? obviously he behaved in an inappropriate manner yes I am becoming a sex offender yes sorry I am being polite that he was a sex offender but no I was right to have him as a friend.
At the time, I keep in mind that this was a few years before he was charged as a sex offender. I think there's something wrong, so the problem was the fact that once they convicted him they kept him stable and that's what That, so to speak, I kick myself on a daily basis because it wasn't something that was becoming a I remember the royal family and we try to maintain the highest standards and practices and I let you down simply because this interview has been exceptionally strange. You may not speak about this topic again. Is there anything you think has been left unsaid that you would like to say now?
No I dont think so. I think you've probably drawn out most of what's required and I. I'm really grateful for the opportunity you've given me to be able to discuss this with you, your highness, thank you very much, right?

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