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PRIDE Shockwave 2003: Royce Gracie vs Hidehiko Yoshida | December 31, 2003

May 13, 2024
and there are some special stipulations here as you will see an unbiased neutral representative of the United States during the match if the referee feels that both fighters are inactive doing so, no four point kicks or knees are allowed on the ground and if there is no action for more than 60 minutes. seconds, the referee will give a yellow card to both fighters after receiving the yellow card, both fighters will return to the standing position, here we go boss, full


rules on this ship. I think he's going to go to the Bucks. Watch the Bucks and kick, punch and kick.
pride shockwave 2003 royce gracie vs hidehiko yoshida december 31 2003
It seems like he's been working on it. He has a good defense. Look inside. No? What's going on here? Please, are we seeing some? Are we seeing some historical otics here or is it our voice of injury? Grace has an incredulous look. his face HoHo Yoshida seems to have been injured or are we the boss this is amazing I don't know I want to see the replay because I personally don't think it wasn't the coin okay here we go here we go maybe it was oh oh yeah he was pretty tall , it was, yes, it was and it was going well now wow wow wow that's not the way we wanted to see this fight start and seeing that I was watching the Hoist I thought maybe there was some cleverness going on but there's no doubt about it today Gracie with a kick to the groin unfortunately there is already controversy here in the first seconds of the second fight between Hoy Gracie and hio Yoshida, you are right, yes what should the horse do, oh he is kicking the low kicks very high. he needs to kick a little lower just to make sure there's a devastating right hand from Yoshida.
pride shockwave 2003 royce gracie vs hidehiko yoshida december 31 2003

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pride shockwave 2003 royce gracie vs hidehiko yoshida december 31 2003...

We saw his striking ability against Bandl Silva in the middleweight tournament. He now he has his arm trapped. He can't attack Gutin here, but the crowd starts at Channing. Yoso, tell me, what can he do now? He has to try to turn or leave, but it's very difficult because you're wearing ghee and it gives you a lot of connection, you can take it off, it's like rubber, like it sticks. her body is already memorable for Gracie for the first time without using the ghee, we saw that opening kick in the groin from Gracie to Yoshida and now Yoshida continues to control Gracie from now on Gracie goes for what seems to be the attempt to set up, you see how Yosa is so calm.
pride shockwave 2003 royce gracie vs hidehiko yoshida december 31 2003
Grazy is holding onto her sleeve, allowing her heels to reach up to her thighs. It's very smart to do it, people can laugh all they want, but I tell you that it will hurt you, head of the course, much stronger than him. They can both go for a Now yes, I should try to go for a he, I went, he goes for one by hook, he goes for all p, but that's what he's not going to run from this side, no, he's going to escape from this, This is not, this is painful. It moves, but it's not a move that can really hurt anything, it does some damage to Yos as she maneuvers her way out of there. substitute for a heel hook, I should go for a heel hook, forget about the other submission, a heel hook is the best option right now and one of the deadliest submissives, M and Yos, can also cure him right now because he has his right foot under his left leg, so if yosa does a heel hop right now over Ho's left leg, ho can't extend, he can't defend him, he's L, he's the same Ling above in this moment, you mention a very prominent Point boss, yosa can do a healing look right now he can't finish the move see if he's going to go for him he can finish the fight ho he can't get out he locked himself in right now if you go for him he goes for him right now he's going for it hook he needs to bend his leg he needs to bend yosh's leg because otherwise the heel hook is not effective this one not the other one the inverted H is effective this is more or less this is better look yosa just has to heal and he he he He can finish the movement right here.
pride shockwave 2003 royce gracie vs hidehiko yoshida december 31 2003
Why does Yosa B return to that position and go for her account? He can't try a hook on the hill, he sticks his leg out and I thought he should have done it a few moments ago, now up, a shot there. Gracie Yoshida content to stay in this position very good, very good now trying to get him out Gracie has him buried there now graci hits from below trying to keep Yos at bay. Nice St. There they connect every time they stare, but now I should. go for the heel hook, now you should go for the heel hook, the heel is fully expanded here, you know, look, you can grab it, now you should.
They are pulling to get their I's out and now they are going for a triangle choke again. triang is really good now he has his back trying, he will try to get the hooks, grab his arm, try to turn him with his shoulder looking for the hooks. It's Yoshida, there's nothing there, but he can transition through AR byos no Gracie, reim masterful, the situation reverses it. Pushing himself towards the center of the Ring, he will now try to escape into half guard and B, when it comes to submissions, it's really about body control, isn't it? I mean, without body control you're not going to be effective. presentations no, yes, it's all about, of course, body control, but also a lot of hat control.
You see, now it's going to be very difficult to get the leg out. Firstly, tua has his foot hooked, but secondly, they are both carrying a ghee. pants so they don't sweat, you can't take them off, this is what I should do: hit the ribs. Blow to the head. He should start hitting now in Yosa's half guard. Yosh should try to sweep it to the left, though. Hor can post with his right arm shots, those are better, go to the body showing some body shots, those shots you should continue doing, he should do this continuously until the referee stands him up again and Mattume is mic'd up. and he is asking both fighters to work to improve or he will put them on their feet to improve the position, yeah, look, these shots are going to these shots are going up.
Good shots, should break the rhythm, should give it one, two, maybe stop half. a second and then he swept Yos and improved this position, he is almost in a mounted position now Yoshida is still holding on to the horse's leg with his left foot, if that is going to escape, it will be a problem for you, it might be a problem for less. There are more than three minutes left in round number one, two 10-minute rounds against special rules for this ship. Now Grae has her back and she has the hooks to go for the rear naked choke, yes, but with a GE, oh ​​yes, really impossible, she kept trying to choke. him with the G but not a rear naked choke he doesn't go he doesn't want to flatten them here boss of this I don't know, I would, I would do my punches from behind like Feder does and P chin all the ones from behind and go full power, full power , those aren't full power punches, but that's what I mean, you can, you can lift your arm all the way up, why wouldn't you do it now?
Graci is talking to the referee, which is uh, a little funny because I remember in our interview with ho that's one of his points of contention was that uh Yos was talking to the referee and he said that's not allowed in a position interesting here, um, you can try going for a rear G choke. be very difficult G strangle anything is fine fig four a body lock body lock yes, so that's very uncomfortable for Yosa right now I'm telling you that that body lock you know makes it very difficult for you to breathe because it presses on your belly, I'm sure Yida has been in that situation before, but you know no, it's pretty difficult.
With the ghee, it is very difficult to get your hands out because, as I said, it is a grip, it is an extra grip, this is what I should do more punches one minute into the last 60 seconds of the first round, this long-awaited rematch between Hoist Gracie and H AO Yosida trying to write the wrong thing and both fighters wanted this rematch and we bring it to you here at Shockwave


and your thoughts so far on this long-awaited Belt bus I don't know I give it the first start I gave it to And now i give everything to Ho he's working let's get a better position the referee can't stop he can't do anything so I mean ending this round would be a favor to H oh he's definitely busier with punches you gotta give him that and there's the end of round number one and, as you say, a strong start by Yoshida, but he hoists.
Gracie comes and uh, she would have to kill that first round in favor of Gracie Legend, but as we know, there are no TKO rules, special rules that include the doctor's stop and the referee's stop, and if at the end of both rounds he reaches the distance, will be the boss. He declared a draw, which will then put Elapo in trouble. Will there be another vote? A kind of rubber match. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know. Gracie will be happy if this ends in a tie. No, I think Hoy really wants to. finish this match, of course, uh, Yoshida wants to do the same, but I mean, there's a lot of pressure on ho.
They both watch the transitions they make, how fast everything goes, how they escape, it's an art, what you are. Seeing what's going on here, it's a beautiful display of what submission wrestling is all about and on the ground, judo and jiujitsu are very similar bosses and I mean, let's face it, it goes back 50 years, as we mentioned when Helium Gracie fought Masahiko Kimura in a match to show who had the superior fighting style and in fact that surname Kamura is very common now in mixed martial arts because from there it was derived from the gentleman who invented the movement Masahiko Kamura okay, let's see what round number two awaits us I really think that Today you should try to keep this fight on your feet, don't go to the ground and just outbox him and throw him out, hit him, he said, he said he would have a surprise for all the fans, yes, now He did it, of course, definitely without that.
A surprise we had to discuss, but he also said that when it came to hitting, he said he would have a surprise for the fans. He said that would be something if he knocked him out, right? Although Yida definitely impressed. MMA fans around the world with his ability to strike and his ability to take a hit against Vanderlay Silva in the final conflict oh that's not good, he shouldn't get down, get up, he should get up, he should get up, he should get up, should get up. and and a punch, punch, that's punch, kick, inside, inside, inside, inside the L, some punches come back, some punches inside the lane, both fighters are still a little cautious in my opinion, of course, you don't want that anger overcomes you, by any estimate, he still is. very focused, although today Gracie remains much busier and more active than hio Yoshida, hey, that's a style we saw he knows how to do against Muhammad Ali by throwing a low kick and let's face Ito Yoshida coming out of that grueling battle against Bly, just like now leg lock.
Here for Gracie is Yosh, 100% healthy boss. I don't know, we asked him and he told us that he was, but you never know. Look, he has the healing hook but he's ripping the arm off. He really should bring out everything he has. Now uh H sh and we're back to the same stance we saw in round number one, referee Matt Hume, right on top of all the action again, a neutral referee brought in especially for this ship Matt Hum from the United States presiding over the rematch. between ho Gracie and hio Yoshida or should I try to grab him right now, should I push him to the side, to the left side, push him on the ground.
Bend his leg, grab his toes, heal, get a good toe grip, then I agree. what you said before, why doesn't Yoshida D try to do the same? No, he can do it now, it's easier, really easier, you see it and there is no defense against it, how could he not defend it again if the referee feels that nothing is going. for more than 60 seconds, he will issue a yellow card to both fighters and put them on their feet and I don't know if it was someone in Yosh's corner. I doubt it, but I heard in English someone around again, someone shouting and now. he can do the opposite, both defending somewhat poorly with yosh's glove coming out of the finger holes, that's a punch with more power very impressed with mt refereeing.
L far o gra doing a good job with the boss also striking, yes, very good balance right now, Yoshida. takes Gracie down and now he has a chance to do an ankle lock here, but Alex again just gets to his feet and Gracie and half a minute she's going to push him down, that's it, you see he sends himself there. momentarily now he got the starting position, what can he do now? He has enough power to walk away and then start crying, you know, but it almost seemed like he had momentarily overextended himself? If Yoshida had exploded, he would have dragged him to the top. but at this moment Gracie has full mount on Yoshida, but what H is doing is very dangerous.
He puts his right arm under Yoshida's neck so Yoshida can turn to the left if he's not careful and now he's going to do it. Work on the ghee covered body again, there's not much power for those shots though, now boss, it looks like Yosa was trying to do just that, go to his left, the reason it didn't work now is because He is stretching his legs. outside and then it doesn't work, this is what I should continue, gra, talking to the referee again, I should cross it right now, cross it, cross it, shoot, cross, create distance and go for a full shot, full power shot thatI should have done. she lowered her arms to a waist block and popped her hips, boss, you should start punching, push this, Bo has very good control, here's the cross face, hit the body, now she's beautiful, very nice, that's ladies and gentlemen, well, we definitely are.
Seeing a great performance, great fight from Bo Gracie, definitely not seeing the same Hio Yoshida that we saw at the middleweight tournament boss, no, that's one thing for sure, but he fights a completely different opponent that we have, that It's true, but I'm saying I don't see the same intensity or level of energy that we're seeing in Ho. I think, in my opinion, whatever it took to win the fight would have been enough. a decision would have a decision look at this now punishing and beating H Yos he is doing a phenomenal job he should keep doing it now but again if it goes the full 10 minutes nothing is decided it will be a tie and where do we go from here? elapo straight to the bar that's where I'm going to go after this I'm talking about ho gra and hio Yo, great job graci, he hit Yoshida from below, now it's not 3 minutes, Yoshida, it almost seems to me that I would see the lottery. boxing, yeah, Yos is not fighting anymore, he has a body injury again now, oh no, he lost it, but I mean, hey, listen, if this had been made by decision, hor would have won to fight, check these out minutes, many blows per part. from ho, but again, yes, you have to do enough now with the heel in the stomach area of ​​yes, but how much time is left now, maybe I grab Gracie's arm, but Gracie got the hooks there, the minutes below off the hook, I heard there's less than 2 minutes left. boss, yeah I hear, hor he's doing a great job here, he goes to throw, he tries to get his left hand out too and then he just starts punching, this is it.
He rides again, we go again and the blows continue, raining to the right, yes. Yos is definitely in survival mode here and now the corner in the turtle position is disgusted with what they're seeing and I'm really wondering what's going on with Yoshida right now, is he healthy or is this just a ploy? go to a draw and end this this is amazing boss yosa in turtle position right now Gracie has his back Today Gracie with the hooks in hio Yoshida seems to not want any part of hor gra right now boss no hor it's just Control, Look at this, no, this is not going to do any good for Yosh's name here in Japan, that's what I'm telling you and this is going to do a lot of good for Gracie's name, who wants to restore honor and wants to bring. bring honor back to his family's legendary father Helio and even if they go to a tie here tonight boss, I think he's done enough to achieve that.
Hoy Gracie, a Hall of Famer, ho Gracie, a pioneer, look at what's happening right now, boss Hoy Gracie. I even know this fight will go down in the books as a draw. Boyce Gracie has definitely brought honor back to the Gracie family and again I don't want to discount this man's talents right here, but I really wonder if Hio Yoshida was 100% healthy. Here tonight, look, look at Hio Yoshida, get up. I think there is more to this story without the key, it will be a draw for fight fans, but I really wonder what there is, this is what we all want to see ladies and gentlemen fight fans. around the world boy Gracie on Aiko Yoshida thanks yes, hor won this fight

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