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Press This Button, Win 100,000 VBUCKS

May 15, 2024




for a chance to win $100,000 V. Gotta




right now, Charlie, what's your B challenge, bro? I want my V dollars and now you have to complete a random challenge and once you complete that challenge you will get to press the button again oh no this is going to be too easy okay your first challenge is to enter a game and get a peak, it's my turn to press this, come on, press the button here we go to the challenge, okay, your challenge is to hit a trick shot, hit a trick shot, brother, I'm not a virgin, okay, I'm next, let me see what I get, challenge, okay, your challenge is to kill, sitting in a bush, come on, okay, come on, it's my turn.
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I know I'm going to win, okay, will a hundred thousand people win? Come on let me win bro your challenge is you have to go to your locker find the most embarrassing emo and do it right now oh the most looking forward to IRL IRL. oh my gosh if you do that you'll be able to hold back ok I'm gone I got it I'm going good so apparently I have to reach level 10 of this trick race oh my gosh what are you waiting for how does this work ? Even work could get rid of that if you know what I'm saying no, I'm not going to do anything.
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They told me to kill with a pickaxe. He didn't say a single thing about using weapons to lift people up, so, okay. This is the plan I'm thinking: we go down and shoot someone with easy pickaxe. I have to run and then I have to jump into this vent and then I need to fish a sniper and then do this 150 meter trick, come on, oh, that was it. so close, seriously, never, can't believe I just did that, but we need a harp and go to the call until RPG can be the wave, irpg someone and then kill, low key, low key, high key, middle key, uh hierarchy, who's the guy caught? in trick shooting, why are you giving me the worst challenge ever?
press this button win 100 000 vbucks
Trick shooting, brother, are you serious? Please can I hit him? for a random duo until I drop a random do and three blades, okay, I got you, I got you, I got you okay, you told me to go to level 10, but I'm going to lie and get to level one, so here we go. What are you doing? Wait, this is, this is my big kill, no, come here, I have to bother you, please don't sell my game right now. Chances may be high, wait, oh oh, I did it, I beat it, I beat the challenge. right I win my challenge bro okay so you can click again there you go please win the v-bucks no one is a challenge bro you have to be a random player in a 1v1 oh what yeah , wait, wait what you mean okay, I guess I have to give this challenge done, okay, level one, boom, dude, like yeah, I'm just going to tell him I got to level 10 because I don't even care, I'm a liar, Hey, Brian, you already met your challenge.
press this button win 100 000 vbucks
I ruined you, I hope to make it and get a hundred thousand viewers, let's see the challenge, oh man, okay, another challenge for you, you have to be creative and complete a quad editor, oh, that's easy, okay, hurry up, then it's Okay, Renji. I just reached level 10 and I'm ready for my next challenge. Are you going to win the v-bucks? Although, of course, of course, come on, please, oh my god, no, your challenge is to enter any game mode and find someone to subscribe to. my YouTube channel you're real bro no one wants to subscribe to your british app everything's fine here we go bro I'm using you for Subs go away and make sure you subscribe if you're watching right now hello wait close you have a microphone no okay yeah fire, I'm just saying bro, get ready to get carried away because I'm actually the biggest YouTuber, I'm bigger than clicking, they call me the big guys, you know what I'm saying. oh boy I'm about to show you, I can see Freebo, okay, okay, oh, I feel good about this, I feel good about this, cool, we got a 1v1, we gotta 1v1, okay , so my challenge is that I have to hit. a quad editor, so I'm going to put a cone here and then I'm going to edit this, I'm going to put it on a wall, so now I'm going to reset all of this and it falls out.
I've got my mic open, let's explore what's popular right now. what's popping my new whip just happened oh my god someone says hi hi are you coming yeah she's a good girl look at you I'm turning around I'm kidding I'm kidding come on Shane you're going to take me but we. I'm going to like the most discreet spot on the map, bro, shut up, yeah, I'll take you guys, one issue, two issues, three issues, and then four, okay, let's see if I can do it, okay, here's my first try. quadruple edition failed, okay, I'm not good at quadruple editions, I don't care about anything else, I just can't lose this, if I lose it, it's over, oh my god, I don't lose them, hey, gift, you're already back, Of course, that challenge was too easy.
I bet I'm going to win. Check out this challenge. My challenge to you is to eliminate your random duo. No, no, your friends don't count. It has to be completely random. No, why do you have to? do this to me, okay, hurry up, bro, you can't get V-bucks. I have to do this. I need my V-bucks. Can any of you do me a favor for a challenge? What do I need guys please subscribe to renju on YouTube. Okay, you say r-e-n-j-u, yes, yes, how many meals does he have? How many um is next? Do you have 1.1 million?
Yes, yes, everyone subscribes. Okay, they're about to appear in a Renju video. Thanks a lot guys, can I add them? uh yeah man I love you guys uh subscribe to me second try let's do it. I'm late. I'm blaming it on being late right now. Okay, I just got you guys like five subscribers, you should bow down to me right now. Actually you're leaving, but where are you in the v-bucks? Let's find out. Okay, come on, come on, please V-bucks, please challenge, buddy, what if these challenges never end? Are you OK? Your challenge is to enter, go ahead and win.
Come on God, oh my God, I'm literally crazy bro, that's free money, let's do it, let's do it, come on, come on idiot, I'll never play random duels again, okay, I got you bro, oh, he's gone, I got his pre-loot and all. You know what I don't care about bro, how many V Bucks I just finished before everyone else. I have to go. I have to be new. It took me forever, but I'm done. It's another challenge. Okay, your challenge is to get killed with the hammer. in fortnite, kill with the hammer, you have to take them out with the hammer, okay bro, okay, that's easy, that's easy.
I go, here's like my third attempt at a quad edit boom that was four right there, okay, I did a quad edit. I just completed all these challenges bro I gotta earn these v-bucks okay let's see what I get. Press and then you waste your time, brother, the bad thing, I have another challenge. No way, oh my days, is anyone going to do it? earn these V-bucks, your challenge is to enter a game and find a llama, find a llama, that will be impossible, friend, if it's impossible, you won't get any V-bucks, then right, I'll find out, llama, yeah, yeah, okay, listen.
I, oh, say less, yeah, yeah, you're trying to help me with these challenges real quick, uh, I'm, I'm, uh, I'm busting myths, you're not stuck, what are you gay, you're just ready to play a 3 on 3 , go golden, yeah. I'm going to spit on everything. I know there used to be a trick to find llamas and people liked colorblind mode and thought it was Deuter, no, and turned this up all the way, well let's see if that helps you, can you find a llama, oh I don't have any mats, uh so I can explain to you by the way, the next person to do that challenge gets 10,000 V bucks, no, I gotta get those V-bucks, where isn't a better place to go get them? a hammer that the Citadel like this place is actually the best so let's go straight down oh my god I completely box it oh my god yeah Mystic you like that yeah dead traps oh my god I'm Him, OG meatball, bro, what are they?
You're not doing anything, dude, I died bro, it's okay, I have to learn another game. I'm going to surprise us with us. You have to get off. You have to get off. The thing could make you lose the fun. Please please. Okay, let's go. I did it. Sorry I had to use the next one you actually get 10 kv but that's crazy omg I'm so excited thanks bro and you can get some good chinese masks you know you're not lying the question is are you going to win? The hundred thousand, of course, I'm like 100,000 locked in a bag, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see, please know another challenge, brother, why me?
Your challenge is that you have to find a random player and make him comment your name on my video, no. You're lying, ah, this is going to be too easy. I have you diving. Hopefully, I can find a llama all over this map. I doubt it, but let's see, okay, we're landing on this guy, boom, one shot dead, yeah dude, why? This is so sweaty bro who plays this game anymore bro come on boom holy I died to the boss oh I found a llama oh my god that counts I found a llama the holy cut is right below from the tree, oh, it's in my box, oh my god, guys?
I won right, I won was that other one, I won, I won, I ran to you, I found the Flame, I get the spin again, so hurry up, brother, okay, please let me get it, wait, look at me, are you going to win? What do you think? Yes I have this, I have this. I'm going to win the challenge, hey, copy, I don't want anything, Brian, you gotta get in the game and float your random guy, my random guy, that'll be easy. I need someone to do it please, I know I sound so stupid. I just talk to no one responds oh my god okay here we go I just finished that challenge bro what's next?
Whats Next? Will I receive free V-bucks? Spin, you might win, you might not give me your answer, excuse me, the V-bucks, oh. Oh my god, okay, what's my challenge, bro, let's play for real, okay, here we go. I don't even know if players like that exist anymore, but we'll see, we'll see, we'll see, Jake, you have a microphone, bro. left yeah bro i don't speak english but you so you have a microphone you hear me good yeah okay all you have to do is call me gif in that video what is it do you know my name oh Dance, dance, dance, dance, don't come back. come back, come back, come back, don't run, don't dance, dance, dance, dance, please, dance, dance, oh my god, this kid, oh my god, dude, fuck you, man, I hate you brother, oh my god, I think someone did it, who did it, I got you.
I got you, I got you all, I accepted it, oh my god, this is crazy, oh man, you're gone, I'm sorry, man, oh my god, I'm scared, man, I'm a game of hearts, you gotta do what What do you have, yes, I have someone. I have someone. I just got strong with someone. I just got strong with someone. You sent an email successfully. No lion, no lying, I'm not lying, what are you thinking? You're going to win, open, brother, come on, come on, come on, I love you. No way MK, like you cost $100,000. I'm rich, brother.
Now I follow you. Thanks Renju, that's what we're talking about, man, can you buy me a skin?

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