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Press L to SUCK! - Roombo

May 09, 2020
Grandma, uh, yeah, well, don't take that out of context, well, no, I miss it, oh, you hit the valuables, you hit the valuables arrow instead, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. that doesn't do anything it actually sets up fine in the window oh it did something yeah buddy there you go oh wait don't stop the valuables what are you doing? oh fool, but they chase you, yes, dead,


them until you bite that. body and now you're fully loaded wait, I lost valuables that people ran out of no, it's okay, it's okay, it's not okay, bag it and worry about the consequences later, don't take it out of context either, it makes sense at the Rumba convention , Yeah. the context of the room both okay, what, okay, I'm at me, come at me, come at me, game, oh, okay, yeah, dude.
press l to suck   roombo
That looks painful, yeah, maybe the other two ran away, all the more reason to murder this one when I'm covered in blood. Nice finisher, hey buddy, great job, clean house. I lost two valuables, even though I feel like a failure, no buddy, what kind of room Bo, am I if I can't defend myself and if I can only murder two out of four people, this house won't be clean, yeah, You know, I have a feeling that even if the valuables came back, when, when, the owners? get home they'll feel like something happened, wait just a damn minute, yeah man what's the point of me using my Walmart gift card on a Roomba if I can't even blow up here?
press l to suck   roombo

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press l to suck roombo...

I don't remember something I don't I don't think so, but it's Wednesday and I've never gotten the hang of Wednesdays, so I feel like I might have been responsible, honey, I still have that mop, dude, dude, five seconds. Oh, God, I guess most of it was in this. room oh boy Wow we'll save one oh wow man I'm a failure yeah okay five five people can you do it? I'll definitely take care of this one, yeah, see you, that's good, it's dead, come on, come on, are they simultaneously? coming from other places too yes, yes they are, but it's like I can't get there, buddy, sure you can, no, I can't, just Roomba, you're way above your fool, okay, well then they Que you stay, you're going to keep killing this one, yeah, well, I mean, it's like I at least know one of them is being taken care of, yeah, yeah, come get me bro, oh, I'm just imagining like when they hired the girl to scream like when she's in the vocal booth like, try to imagine that a Roomba hacked a fan and fell on you from the ceiling what's my motivation like that exactly wow, that was perfect why did they kick them oh yeah, crazy, did they? how do they corner you?
press l to suck   roombo
It's like transmitted by blood. when you get cornered like a couple of them, yeah, well done, I think you should install this water trap and then go for a couple more around the house, okay, yeah, yeah, just immediately drop all the sprinklers because they'll fall off and eventually yeah, yeah, I guess it works for me, look how many people are joking, yeah, someone's going to be God, bro, you're going to become a cold-blooded killer on this again. No, no, no, I don't scramble when it comes to space, but action, oh my god, come on, follow me buddy, it's better when they said that when they want, you think about getting them right where you need them, it just slows them down.
press l to suck   roombo
I guess so, you're right, oh yes, but soon. the coffee will warm them up there you're going to reheat these babies it's more it's stickier for you hey over here over here punks Oh TV oh no, that's fine, really, yeah, here we go, no, oh my god, you're amazing, yes, yes, oh. I killed the wrong guy Hey shit Aaron dude you ain't no cold blooded cleaning machine oh boy this is awesome yeah holy boom loaded baby oh hell okay okay leave 'em this way , use that puddle. I'm going to use the puddle, someone. I stole some valuables that's a dog baby hug hug I think I killed one yes yes and they are fully charged can you kill the one that's getting up now Bibles or the other one yes yes oh killing power oh friend this is amazing all of a sudden Yes, this is right up there with his bad jungle beats like you think you have a Pac-Man. um you know you have to give yourself a so that all the ghosts follow you, yeah, and one of them, what's going on, oh man, so that you get completely loaded. every time you kill someone I get completely charged when I start


ing blood oh no way, yeah, I feel like, yeah, I get filled with killing intent, oh yeah, I see it in the left corner, sorry, that's the part of the television that is covered where we are sitting yes, give me God, be the blue wow that really recharges you to suck a whole piece of good, where is the other one? there's one right there, the one that ran away, no one has run away yet, really, yes, no yes, they ran away oh, I don't like sucking the dead person, that will give you a lot of photos, that's right, yes, three percent cleanup, oh that's the downside of this method, oh yeah what a mess I've created. a lot of blood where's the valuable stuff and there's the dead guy where's that oh oh geez, how did I miss that little kid who just made a bigger mess?
Yeah, I thought thinking that collecting the chunks of him would give you a lot of leeway. but, unfortunately, I was wrong, his blood comes. I can't have any killing intent when I do this. I also like the idea of ​​the pianist in the recording booth and what kind of composition this is. I'll try to imagine a room but he just murdered five people and now he's gleefully sucking their insides, I got it, yeah, oh that's good, you really captured the spirit when he appears, take notes, well, oh man, I want to do one more, perfect , Yes, I do.
Okay, addicted to this game, yes, this is it. Okay, six, let's see if you can handle it, it doesn't make any difference if you go through the water correctly. No, sweet brother, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all, I'm sorry, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. doo whoops whoops mother mother mother mother come on, come on Oh, so flamed that sprinkler over there that it's pretty clear in the hole that was right above you oh, they hit it on the head with the door frame, I think, oh my God , Aaron, oh. My God, master, it's the same, I think you shot them in another room, oh, so sad, pity, so sad, silly, silly, hours were kicked, although you completely shared the charge again, no, I mean, as you should , this is wonderful, come on, come on, come on, oh, beautiful, oh, look. to them now none of us are going to get valuables because they all know me yeah, witness me, look at me Oh, incredible, incredible, oh friend, this is a massacre that slipped in my goo, huh, those three are ready to die yeah that's the fan you don't Don't do anything really loaded oh stop trying to kick me for a second your guys yeah oh yeah one's dead you can suck them suck them it's bad why because it makes me stop first so it loads you completely makes you Chunks Suck on them and now you can see, oh yeah, you gotta be smart about it, no, okay, I got it right, this is it, you got an F, buddy, fully loaded.
I'm practically the master at this, yes, that seems about right, lucky me. the people of samurai Punk to be able to witness how their game is played at 100 percent maximum, maybe you will witness me, please watch me as I show you the powers of my o, so on fire, oh, you are so on fire, so on fire, oh. Soph and so many fans here, here Rose here, can you get several? maybe I don't know what this says, pull, yeah, dog, oh, come on, oh, it's a shame because the TV is about to explode, oh, this is really something that's heating up. for that fire Oh, too bad, I bet you didn't get up, that fire was cuttable, you thought it was just a my God, oh, that's it for me, baby, that's it for me, out of the way, brother, Oh , too bad you're on fire, you thought it was just a chemical reaction, that's what I was trying to say, then my brain short-circuited because I was like, look at all this carnage, so much carnage, oh my god, it's okay, it's Well, don't worry about the small room, but all just a small Roomba nothing. more yeah, so adorable Oh load down, give me that, give it oh no, don't give it the guts, yeah, no, stop chicken, oh, that's not what you couldn't do, oh well, you can kill it, now here we go , you can absorb one more. kick, yeah buddy, oh there must be one more, did you say clean the house, never mind clean, here we go oh, I'm not going to clean the body because I don't need any more, I don't even need any more heavy killing, yeah, yeah? ten percent that's wonderful ten percent in ten seconds that means I have all this unlocked at home one percent per second let's clean this is what I do best yes this is something it's something else Oh, get it, Oh, embarrassing, no I can still use a can there's a lot of blood in these rooms to make this is the Christmas game we all needed man I didn't expect this to be as fun or as intense as it turned out to be Gallery what does that mean?
I know, I guess there are pictures of what, oh, sorry, yeah, what, oh my God, I caught a fish once, who are these? These are mmm significantly more deluded than the thieves in this game, yeah, they were planning a Roomba fighting game I think? I don't know, maybe you'll meet them later, Jack, I don't know, it's a lot of fun, okay, great barracks job and great samurai punk job, yeah, congratulations on your gaming license for your win, it was a lot of fun and go to the game room. Nintendo switch first blood, do you want to give it a try, try it, it's a pleasure, see you later, bye everyone, bye.

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