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Pranking My Twin Brother 100 TIMES In The SAME DAY!!!

May 08, 2020
I'm going to play a hundred different pranks on my



. Oh, in one day, well, I was up all night making up a hundred different jokes, that's a lot. I know everyone likes it, let's see if we can get three hundred thousand lights. come on dad up there steve yeah we almost have 20 million subscribers so make sure you subscribe please 20 million really watch this. I made you breakfast, yeah, come on, sorry, I bought you something. Come to my bed, man. just a nice breakfast bagel, it's actually very good, man, yeah, yeah, the dead cockroach just left.
pranking my twin brother 100 times in the same day
I'm going to stick this dollar bill to the ground, you'll understand honestly, if you really fall in love with this wood, this is ridiculous. Someone likes it like that. Keep the camera down for him. You don't notice I know I think it's good the other rooster man oh yeah, well, a kind of freedom on a $3.00 bill why don't you understand what's wrong, go to the ground, flute to the ground, why what doesn't come out? the floor that rubs the floor I'm going to change the language to Chinese so you no longer have any idea how to walk.
pranking my twin brother 100 times in the same day

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pranking my twin brother 100 times in the same day...

I can't understand how he doesn't know we're calling him this week. Here was my phone and Chinese movies, well, because I'm finally Chinese, where are you? Yes, stop scaring me, you did it, let's give him my phone, my phone is not Chinese, how did you get my phone? Come fix it right now, yeah, actually, she's not cool, oh yeah, why are you still drinking anyway? yelling at you okay, eh, yeah, I'm fixing it, okay, what's wrong with it? It's my phone in Chinese, okay, you didn't change the change. Sorry, Sony is funny, it's not funny, come on, it's just my phone.
pranking my twin brother 100 times in the same day
I know, yeah, I'll fix it. I do, I'm fixing it well, so what is going to be spelled? Yeah, okay, I don't think my actions/no, it's what you guys, so I'll replace the white dough with toothpaste and Lucas will eat it. Yeah, oh, it's blue, can you tell? Let's put a little bit, that's good, that's good again. Yes, now grab the other cookie and put it on top. He turns me white. I thought no, why did you know this? You could tell me another one. cookies, uh, Boyle and the IRS, I trust you right here.
pranking my twin brother 100 times in the same day
Wow, try this, try this woman, why is she blue and those are white? Oh well, that's good, no, that's too big, no, you don't have to spin moy, yeah, honestly, you'd have to spill it. Even though I paid five, yes, I should pay $5 for that. No, I'm going, okay, don't spill my Oreos. Go upstairs. No, I'm not going up. That is. I will not talk to you anymore. I told Steve to go talk to Lucas outside. so I could put this water balloon on Lucas's head, come on, come on, it's a little crazy, but it's about to be crazy, I'm actually really mad at him right now, stop, stop, stop, stop, Sorry, sorry, I actually won.
Don't do it anymore, relax, stop, stop, stop, I'm going to stop, stop, what, stop, what, relax, relax, relax, well, how do you think it looks so far? It's going pretty well. I have a prank with a needle inside my finger, so what does it look like, how did you do it? do it, I don't know, okay, go find Lucas and be like Marcus's heart, okay, yeah, I got you, uh, Lucas, you know, check on Marcus bro, I think you got hurt, you got hurt and , like on his finger, you got oh yeah, what do you mean you got hurt? yeah someone's like he's like a needle right yeah needle yeah he's outside I don't know it seems like I'm joking I know what happened I need on the ground seriously see you sure yeah , we are playing.
On the swing oh yeah, yeah, you okay bro, you'll see, huh, huh, what's up, let me see oh yeah, are you okay? oh yeah, okay, oh, I broke my phone, you got your phone, you okay, it didn't happen Margit, yeah, hit one, hey, you know this one was a gray paint, have you ever seen these before? No, actually, I haven't loaded them, are you okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah, look and look with double whammy. Oh, wallpaper, come on, baby. hey, it feels like a gibson mind and like it has too much at its core, yeah, oh my gosh, keep going, come on, come on, oh, keep going with these tracks, right, no, not yet, so Lucas and his girlfriend are at that CVS over there.
I'm going to put the cushion on a seat, so once you sit down it will look like this, done, how does it work? I don't know, oh yeah, bouquet, oh yeah, look, did I break it now? That's not what it's supposed to be no, I think you're broke, you broke it, what did you do with it, I broke it, I saved it, yeah, Steve's inside looking for some food, he's a crazy guy, I put some spiders here and there here just wait till I get here widow spiders plain butter classic spiders you're your step getting me going I hate the spider I'm never going to stop why because I'm hungry you can actually stop at McDonald's or not at mine are you sure you're not going to hit me pay nothing else fine, I'll stop if you don't break me, thanks, look, you got something, yeah, once you get what you get again and you like it, okay, here you go, thanks mom.
I think I ruined my water, right? Hmm, what is it? This is lettuce, but our chicken nuggets, where's my nugget? Yeah, wow, okay, my bad, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry, okay, I'm done with the jokes for this video, this whole video was. I was trying to prank you 100 different


in one. day well, you definitely didn't do that, it was these jokes, morges, okay, sorry, I'm crazy hungry, like where's my food?, you put lettuce. I try my best, but I couldn't do it, guys, I couldn't choose it 100


, but. At least I tried, I'm sorry Lucas, actually relax, relax, relax, relax, yeah, actually, it's okay, my bad, you should be serious.
I think I went too far, yes, in fact, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Guys, you're done this time, we're not, yeah, actually, I'm done, damn, you promise, yeah, where were you picking on me all day, bro, like I'm sorry I talked about that, right, no, forgive me, yes, I have to go back down, yes

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