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PPP:64 "The U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy Story"

May 31, 2021
Introducing the


of United States Senator John F Kennedy. This is Washington DC, official capital of the United States, unofficial capital of the Free World, where the people of Massachusetts visit Senator and Mrs. John F. Kennedy in this historic building today. Every Senate legislative battle comes to an end. dramatic climax it is here where a bill is debated it is here where Senator Kennedy and his colleagues vote on its merits the place where Senator Kennedy keeps his fingers on the pulse of Massachusetts however it is the Senate Office Building a beautiful structure white marble just across historic Constitution Avenue from the capital here most committees, all


s and the vice president of the United States maintain their actual work headquarters.
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It is here that dozens of visitors from Massachusetts and hundreds of letters, telegrams and telephone calls from Massachusetts are received each day in Senator Kennedy's bustling office. Let's ask Joan Delaney from Quinsey Massachusetts about the activity here, she's talking to Ted Ren from Somerville, the


's administrative assistant, excuse us, Joan, hello, couldn't you come? How many visitors from Massachusetts do you have? We have between 50 and 100 visitors every day. We talked a little. with the senator others talk to his assistants and what happens with all that email Jone uh, what are you doing with it? We receive up to 800 more letters per day than any other Senate office.
ppp 64 the u s senator john f kennedy story

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ppp 64 the u s senator john f kennedy story...

Sen Kennedy never misses any message letter in response when the mail arrives it is read carefully and reviewed for particular topics or problems some people write to us about legislative proposals or comments on bills pending in the Senate other people write to the senator about personal matters however all mail is carefully examined and responded to as a matter. In fact, the senator is in his office right now going through mail with two of the girls. Couldn't you come in and join them? Thanks Joan, we'll go ahead and talk to the senator as we go into the senator's office.
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Helen. Chapi's Lmart and Chelsea's Gloria Lman are working with the senator on his Daily Mail. Senator Kennedy in his nearly six years in the Senate has introduced or co-sponsored approximately 350 bills aimed at strengthening Massachusetts. He is also an influential member of two of the Senate's most powerful committees, the Foreign Relations Committee, where he consults with Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson and Assistant Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, and the committee of work and public welfare. Senator Kennedy is also chairman of the subcommittee that drafts labor legislation here. Senator Kennedy confirmed with Senator Paul Douglas of Illinois, these are unprecedented achievements for a senator in his first term, as you can see, this is an office full of moments from Senator Kennedy's family life, from his service in the Navy of the United States and his career in Congress and the Senate.
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Could Senator Kennedy? ask him some questions oh yes, probably his girls, excuse me, Senator, couldn't you tell us about some of the interesting objects around you? Yes, I would love to do it. This, of course, is a photo of my wife. Jackie and my daughter Caroline up here we have a photo of former President Truman and a letter from him and then here we have a photo of former President Hoover. I was chairman of the reorganization subcommittee that considered all of the Hoover Commission recommendations that we passed about 30 years ago. of them in the Senate and expressed his gratitude because I think he has done a lot for the economy.
This is a model of a PT Boat I serve on. The PT 109 in which I served during the war and of course this is the Democratic donkey. What's up with that coconut on your desk? It is a quite interesting object. Well our PT boat was sunk by a Japanese destroyer and we found a native and gave him a coconut which he took across the lines and wrote a message on it. The boats came and picked us up. about 10 days later and I put the coconut in plastic and kept it as a moment of the most unpleasant days Sonic, we noticed that his office is also full of objects to remember his legislative and military bottles, well, he on my desk, uh, many Of the bills that I have introduced on behalf of Massachusetts, of course, on many of them I have had the close cooperation of my senior colleague, Senator Salen, Senator, could you not tell us a little about your campaign for a stronger Massachusetts? ?
Of course, this is an endless job because when we reach the solution to one problem, we find that new ones arise. Massachusetts is directly or indirectly affected by everything we do or fail to do. Let me tell you some of the things we've done. One of the most important continuing tasks is to strengthen the New England economy here, for example the bill that prevented excessive speculation in raw wool. We are a large wool center in Boston. It is part of a broad program we have worked on to combat injustice. Domestic and foreign competition for the textile and apparel industries in our state that employ more than 100,000 of our citizens.
As part of this program, we have obtained higher tariffs on imports of wool textiles when they exceed 5% of national production. We have also secured lower tariffs on the raw wool imports on which we depend, and an agreement with Japan to restrict imports into the United States of certain Tex takes away another vital New England industry. I would like to cite the Kennedy Bill on fisheries and salt and research development, which already amounts to 10 million dollars. This program has channeled fisheries research and development, including funding for the number three albatross. This ship has been conducting research activities in and around Massachusetts ports and off the coast of New England.
Here you can see underwater photographs taken by the crew of the Albatros to strengthen. This industry that provides income to almost 50,000 Massachusetts residents. Another bill to help these families is to level tariffs on fish imports. Of course, nothing can be achieved in New England without understanding its unique problems, one of them being the lack of natural resources. to provide the kind of cheap electric power that is available in the South and West to counteract this Senator John Pastor of Rhode Island and I won passage of legislation giving New England a preference for atomic power. A new atomic power plant is now being built in Ro Massachusetts.
As a result of this bill, of course, Senator, we know that these are just three vital areas that you have worked to strengthen Massachusetts. Another important part of our Massachusetts economy is the Commonwealth Peer in Boston Harbor. We all remember when this vital facility carrying 1/4 of the tonnage moving through Boston Harbor was a safety hazard and needed to be torn down now, however, as a result of the coordinated efforts of Senator Kennedy, Senator Salon Stall and Congressman John McCormick once again carry most of the port's traffic. safely and economically in the wake of the floods, tornadoes and hurricanes that have devastated New England.
Senator Kennedy successfully sponsored legislation to establish a flood insurance program and new flood control works. He obtained emergency disaster relief for those who suffered losses to illustrate another area in which Senator Kennedy has attempted to preserve the historical concepts of this nation and look out for the interests of the people. Let's talk to Salvatore Tua from Medford, Massachusetts. The gentleman will translate. I'm Mrs. Ruo. Mr. T's niece. My uncle said she came to this country in 1955 but couldn't. bringing her family with him through the efforts of Mr. Kennedy, she was reunited in this wonderful country of ours and would like to thank Senator Kennedy very much.
Now other families like the Tas can reunite in the United States as a result of Senator Kennedy's bill revising the McCaron. The Walter Immigration Act, the Kennedy Bill, further opens the doors of this nation to people from friendly countries seeking safety and refuge here. Between 60 and 70,000 refugees, orphans and escapees from tyranny, will enter the United States under this law. In the field of Foreign Affairs, Senator Kennedy has fought to use the economic aid of the United States to keep burning the torch of freedom among the poles that THS and others kept against their will behind the Iron Curtain.
A major achievement of the Senate over the last year and a half has been the release of gangsters, thugs and managers hired by the Syndicate. Hunters who have infiltrated the union movement, Senator Kennedy as a member of the Rockets committee and his brother Bob as a senior adviser to the committee, have played important roles in this historic episode. Well, the fact is that you were paying them a bribe and then I was. pay him a bribe I paid it with the full knowledge of the United States government I'm not talking about that now I'm talking about your own responsibility you know that it is prohibited by law that you pay a bribe well there is no bribe like As far as I'm concerned, we are talking of the fact that you gave $175 a week in cash to Mr.
McHugh and were under the impression at the time you gave it to him that it was going into your pocket. It is not like this? It was not my impression that it was going into your pocket, you advised me that it is for the needy Union men and your friend, but you already testified that first you believed him and then you didn't, it is not so correct, later, later, I was de They said several statements and what I heard was told to Hannah. I was of the opinion that they were probably crying. Well, then you continued paying the money.
I continued paying the money well. So you were giving him a bribe. account reconstruct this conversation with the people you spoke to I imagine you spoke to the people involved spoke to you we discussed the matter yes and you told him what had happened I didn't tell you when I borrowed the money I thought I had borrowed the money and when you thought you had returned it and I thought when I returned it and he reviewed it and these are the records he gave me that show how your memory can fail apparently instead of 52 it was 51 I thought who else did it he spoke to his account, with who did you talk to, who else did you talk to to make this, this report for you, I guess the people who were involved, well, how many people were involved, in total, you mean Lo, yes, well, I have to count and Tell the crazy the one we're talking about now, talk to Mr.
Holzman, Mr. Holzman, well, it turns out that Holzman is dead, that's right, who else did you talk to? Probably Bushin, in other words, the people your accountant talked to were you and Mr. Bushin, now he talked to other people. I wouldn't do it, but Mr. You came and read before the committee the statement that his accountant had been overwritten and now indicates that you borrowed the money in such and such a year and paid it back. the money in this or that year now, when did your accountant do this study? You can't tell us who you spoke to besides yourself, mr. hoer, and the other gentleman, who i think you should ask, senator, his accountant.
I ask you, the one who reported to the committee what his account was and what he found. and now we discover that there are no records that he simply spoke to you and the other gentleman involved and that the entire transaction was in cash. The legislative consequence of this long series of investigations was the Kennedy Ives bill designed to strengthen unionism by ridding it of those who would rob workers of both their dues and their rights. This important measure was approved in the Senate 88 to 1 but was defeated by a close vote in the House of Representatives these were the words of Senator Kennedy and Senator Ives on the day of the chamber action only Jimmy Harer can rejoice in his continued good fortune.
Honest union members and the public at large can only consider it a tragedy that politics prevented the bipartisan recommendations of the Mullen committee, which passed the Senate 88 to 1, from passing the House of Representatives. However, next year constructive labor legislation for reform of this general area will be presented to Congress again next year, in the meantime, those who defeated this bill will bear great responsibility for organized crime that will continue unchecked and now we hear from Senator IES. from New York, the Kennedy IES bill is a good bill that would have put haa out of business, for example, but many of the chamber members were misled by false propaganda from the US Chamber of Commerce .
USA, the American Retail Federation, the Teamsters and United Mine. Workers, can you imagine a more Profane Alliance? They represent extremists on both sides, and I want to say this: While the Senate passed this bill 88 to 1, we did it through a bipartisan approach. Senator Kennedy is a Democrat. I am a republican. We work together. This business policy, partisan politics has never been within our consideration.when I look at that House vote I am ashamed of my party the vote was in favor Democrats 149 Republicans 41 a total of 190 against Democrats 61 Republicans 137 a total of 198 that speaks for itself, the chamber still has a long way to go to go before approaching the nonpartisan attitude of Senator Kennedy and myself and many other Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, of course, Senator Kennedy has also maintained a great interest in other human problems that he fought to extend. 39-week unemployment compensation led successful campaigns to raise the national minimum wage to $1 and lower the retirement age for women Senator Kennedy sponsored legislation that will establish America's First National Library of Medicine.
This library will provide the nation with a vital medical research center. the largest in the world will safeguard invaluable and irreplaceable medical journals now housed in makeshift, outdated premises. The people of Massachusetts also know that, as a direct result of Senator Kennedy's campaign promise in 1952, he, with the cooperation of Senator Sall, founded the New England Conference of SenatorsThis conference brought together for the first time in hi


12 Senators New England Republicans and Democrats in a successful effort to achieve economic and social benefits for this area of ​​the nation. Senator since the people of Massachusetts have always been interested in his personal situation and his professional life we ​​would like to share with them in remembrance some of the intimate highlights of the past few years.
Let's start with that day in January 1953 when he was sworn in as a junior senator from Massachusetts by beloved beep Alvin W Barkley as his entrance into the The Senate was a major political event on the 19th, 1953. His wedding to Jacqualine Bovier was a romantic moment of this year. Another highlight in his lives, of course, was the birth last November of his daughter Caroline and her baptism a few weeks later by Archbishop Richard Kushion. Remember also, Senator, your role in one of the most important political dramas of recent years: the fight for the Democratic nomination for vice president in 1956.
Here are some tense moments from that race that began with your nomination by Governor Riov of Connecticut and climaxed with a second vote when he came within 20 and a half votes of winning the nomination John Kennedy of Massachusetts is an outstanding American John Kennedy of Massachusetts is a great Democrat John Kennedy of Massachusetts is a successful activist and a successful candidate every time who ran for the public election the office convention will be in order and the secretary will proceed with the second roll call of the states for the nomination for the vice presidency of the United States Alabama pass it Alaska six votes Mr.
President Alaska cast six votes for Estus ke offer New York has one and a half votes fuy father 96 and a half votes for the next Vice President of the United States Senator Kennedy Texas 56 votes Texas proudly cast it in vat for that fighting sailor who carries a battle SC STS and that Senator Intrepid the next Vice President of the United States John Kennedy of Massachusetts wishes the state of Tennessee recognition Mr. President Tennessee Mr. President Tennessee respectfully requests the opportunity for candidate Albert Gore to make a brief announcement Mr. President with thanks to this great free Democratic Convention I request that my name be withdrawn in favor of my colleague Senator fber hello Mr.
President Florida Now cast 17 and 1 12 Sunshine votes for Senator kova 10 and 1 12 10 and 1 half for Senator Kennedy Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts uh ladies and gentlemen uh ladies and gentlemen from uh this convention I first want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Democrats from all over the country, north, southeast and west, who have been so generous and kind to me this afternoon. I think it shows, like nothing else could show, how strong the United Party is, and the Democratic Party is second. I think what happened today confirms Governor Steven's good judgment in deciding that this issue should be brought to the convention floor because I believe the Democratic Party will come out of this convention much stronger. for what we have done here today and therefore, ladies and gentlemen, recognizing that this convention has selected a man who has campaigned in all parts of the country, who has worked tirelessly for the party and who will be an admirable companion of Governor Stevenson's formula.
I hope this convention will make the nomination of s ke offer unanimously thank you I propose that we suspend the rules and make the nomination of es ke offer by acclamation of course Senator no account of your personal triumphs would be complete without mentioning the surprise chick W in 1957 by writing profiles on courage was interesting work because all of us who hold office in a legislature are concerned about the problems of how other senators and congressmen have withstood the pressures that we all suffer one of the most encouraging things has been the fact that the service of information of the United States has chosen to translate it to explain a phase of American life I have here the copy that is in Vietnamese and here a copy in Japanese and it has also been translated into Hebrew for use in the country of Israel and also in Spanish and I have here a letter from George Allen that arrived this summer, head of the United States Intelligence Service, in which he says that profiling and courage have proven exceptionally effective in promoting a clearer understanding of American statesmen among our foreign audiences. and, of course, that has been one of the very beneficial things that has come out of the book.
Thank you, senator, for allowing us to visit you here in his office. We get to meet the rest of his family. Yes, I will take it to my house and present it to you. Thank you very much, Senator Kon. It's a pleasure to have him here and I want him to meet my daughter Caroline and my wife Jackie, how is he? I'm glad you had a chance to see something. in the Senate and now to see our house where we have lived for the year and since Caroline was born I hope to meet you all this fall as soon as the senator leaves and we will be back in Massachusetts, you want this thank you.
Thank you very much for coming to see us and we hope to see you soon. He can say goodbye to good. This has been a visit to Washington with your United States Senator, John F. Kennedy, in this great city. A glow with tributes. America's past is being written America's future The authors of that future will largely be the 98 members of the United States Senate. Members of the Senate must have a thorough understanding of both foreign policy and the everyday economic and social problems of the people. They represent must be men of stature, courage and ability. Such a man is John F.
Kennedy. He serves Massachusetts with distinction in the United States Senate.

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