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Power Rangers Dino Super Charge | E07 | Full Episode | Action Show | Power Rangers

Mar 30, 2024
Long ago, an alien called a guardian entrusted the greatest


in the universe to


saurs. You must keep the enemy safe Millions of years later, the energems were found and the evil Sledge fought mercilessly to steal them until the Rangers finally defeated him, but From the Ashes appeared. A threat has arisen, only a team of heroes can stop it. Dino Charger. Power Rangers. Dino Super


now. Koda. Things have progressed in the last 100,000 years. This equipment is for what we call sports. I don't see fairness. PS or darts. It's not just a greased pig. catch butterflies butterflies no, no, it's called tennis, they like games, eh, I know it's the monster that ruins their sport in a world


of we must fight to try to break the chain, that div, there's only one chance to take Correct posture, I hope. keep my


alive Go Go Power Rangers never stop go go Power Rangers a theota you have to hit the tennis ball T a little softer but I like to hit hard Rugby is the game for you so mate, it's the favorite sport from New Zealand what you have to do is get to the end of the field with that ball, but first you have to pass us, which is not going to happen, let's try something else, golf, hit that little ball as hard as you can, okay, like this, Hey, look at it, I'm sorry.
power rangers dino super charge e07 full episode action show power rangers
Look ahead, it feels funny, trust me, it's perfect now pretend this evil is your club and when something comes at you, hit it caveman strong watch out Monsters game time Rangers stop them the field clear the field run come on, get out of here Bo Go the game is over ranger I don't believe it my team got lucky my turn for a scary tennis take out the cannonballs Be careful Pass the fatal soccer balls break the brutal baseballs baseball finish Doom Squad and the launch of power what flag on the plane I have that boy is incredible I think he's gone, thanks CA, hey, hey, kids, are you okay, yes, yes, we're fine, thank you, okay, how are you doing?
power rangers dino super charge e07 full episode action show power rangers

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power rangers dino super charge e07 full episode action show power rangers...

His name is Ted, head scout for the earthquake baseball team. Wow man, that was one of the best hits I've ever seen in my life. you like playing baseball in the big leagues i would like that are you kidding you would love a second coach kota i know everything there is to know about playing baseball your skills with my knowledge and training plan buddy we could go down in history cool that's something great, okay, I play great, you'll be a


star kid if it's not your fault, so whose fault is it? Those faceless fools you put on my team are in terrible condition, it's true, the Vivics are snorting candy every chance they get. they put them in game face shape you have one more chance to defeat the Rangers you are a good sport Master Heckle the Amber Fe earthquakes will make it all the way to the finals this year and will lead the way from these humble beginnings is our newest player, Kota goota , before starting.
power rangers dino super charge e07 full episode action show power rangers
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Riley Griffin. I am Kota's personal trainer and coach. Do we have any questions for my man? Yes, yes, you and the red tie, how long has he been? I've been playing baseball oh um my mom says I was born with a stick in my hand they say you like to play barefoot that's true uh shoes crush your toes is this really what kot wants okay Fred let's calm down now that's pure Riley said it's C where were you? born oh born in Mammoth Hunt W okay thank you all for coming see you on the field welcome baseball fans.
power rangers dino super charge e07 full episode action show power rangers
I think the next cod. I'm very nervous. Oh, don't worry. I've brought my lucky Rams Horn. What's next for the earthquakes Kota okay, I prepare what I have to wear shoes, yes Cota, all the professionals wear shoes, yes, that ball is going to land in a different century race C, run around the bases, move it, sorry, bags of seaweed push the rocks down and we'll knock him out. the underdogs, all the


stars make the cut for my Doom Squad and you guys are a bunch of ridiculous lightweights who need to negotiate harder if you want to win, rise and shine.
Sorry Superstar, I have to eat healthier next home run. Goen, he's done it again. Home Run. Come on, give me 50 more, all my power, all my power. I have developed a new




r from red, black, blue, green and pink energies. It will allow you to channel the wavelengths of energies to create a final blow. I call it the dinosaur victory. charger, nothing can stop us now, okay, they say hitting a major league fastball is the hardest thing to do in all of sports. Look, I know how to play, but I didn't have his skill. Hey guys, what's up?
Miss Morgan developed a new Dino Victory Charger that harnesses the powers of your inner gems, we need you to join us to test it out, okay, no way we have a bat, we practice and sprints. Sorry guys, but the tests will have to wait, wait until that sports monster appears. it's still there and this new charger will help us get ready Riley we have to be ready and we will be ready believe me come on Cota hurry up sorry guys I know hold on defense hey if we win this game then let's go to the Koda championships yes the championship Let's go to the Kota championships yes that's great faster a snail could move those rocks faster than you this will give them a boost that's the spirit the Rangers will never be you seems to be a dozen Vivic such again, no matter how good you are, don't forget the basics, eye on the ball, this Morgan discovered a gang of alien scwx, we have to find out what they're doing now, the championship game is in an hour, sorry, no It's the moment.
I don't like it, but it could be something serious, yeah, it could be something serious, so go over there and see what it is. I mean, it might be nothing, but it might be something good, well, if it's something and you need us, then you know, call. We'll be there in no time Well, let's say goodbye, then I won't feel good, ah, nonsense, you'll feel better when you're a baseball champion and so close to getting our Dream Kota on the team, You're not supposed to dribble. drooling the training key my bat doesn't work it's supposed to have explosive power uh-oh it doesn't work because this is not your bat look there are no explosives it's just made of wood so where's my bat wait take out the brutal baseballs?
I got it Ranger has my explosive bat, of course, that's how the Blue Rangers hit all those home runs. That's fantastic, how can it be fantastic? My bat doesn't just hit explosively, it's an explosive in itself, once we get close enough we can detonate it and all those pesky Rangers will go up in smoke you're so smart and handsome Riley Kota, come in Kota, are you there? We have to get back to the stadium before that bat destroys Riley Koda or anyone in the game, come here, come on, Amber Beach Earthquakes. That's us guys here WEA Riley Hey guys, so it's all good.
Cody needs to get out on the field. No, you are a bat, it belongs to that monster. My bat must have been changed when we were fighting him. The one you have is going to explode. we have to get out of here now Koda hey look they can take care of the bat we have a game to win Riley it may be championship games but I still only play Kota please we have to do this from my first game when I was a little league kid until now I have always dreamed of winning a Major League championship.
I have trained, I have practiced but I never had that special ability that it takes to hit in the Major Leagues, but you do, Riley, you have an even more special ability, you have Ranger. skill the Rangers are our team they need us you're right thanks for reminding me what's really important Kota come on no we're still too close to all the people in the stadium oh no that Ranger has your bat it's daytime the Rangers are KY I couldn't get over it , that was out of left field, but you won't be able to hit any more home runs without my magic bat, that means I didn't really hit home runs, maybe Koda, maybe the Doom Squad training is over, it's Crush. time Unleash the power Power here we go let's roll this basketball we'll make you jump through the hoop uh wait the Rangers will never beat their Doom Squad it's a dunk let's get out of here it's just a basketball no guys from normal ball get up we have to intercept that ball free kick are you okay?
We're winning guys, wait. I brought you the new Dino Victory charger. It's risky to try it without testing it, but it could give them an advantage. It's worth it. risk, but first we have to take down those Vivics. I'm ready to charge, activate the beam. Dino charger ready, activate T-Rex supercharge, done. Wait time. You don't have any left. Dino Victory. Charger ready. Dino Victory. Charger. activate T-Rex supercharge. final strike I'm out of my lead oh amazing the Rangers want to be in the big leagues they make the whole team look giant like the game isn't over we're in overtime Rangers let's make our team a little bigger too Dino Chargers ready suon swords swords combined Dino super Drive activate load meaz load Megazord ter load Megazord ready everything for evil evil for fun bring it, hit them with the pariz baseball blow it up, let's throw a cur ball at it, sounds like a plan, we got it Leio explosion covered I've been in bed Angel loord Hammer blow like growing up in the trailer you haven't won yet I still have my best pitch up my sleeve ahead Game Cara nothing pass me here comes my shot fastball that's throwing more than fast B this what I train for they're making me fear my old team we combine finish it together activate PLO charge Megazord formation pack combo swords more charge Megazord pack formation Rex ready we are in this to win it a champion always gets backed up but you are champion Dino super Drive saber activates Dino Chargers activates K super driv saber Galactic blast three strikes I'm out extinct monster Kota we have to get back in the game it's the bottom of the ninth and the earthquakes have two outs coach Ted We're here, where have you been?
It's all tied up Koda, if we're going to win, I need one of those home runs, tell me you could do it, boy, I don't have a magic bat, I didn't hit a home run, hey Kota, it's not about the bat, it's not even about hitting a home run, hey, forget all your training, use your instincts like you're hunting, this is your stick and when something comes your way, hit it hard, caveman, you can do it, come on, strike, one ain't easy. Come on, forget all your training, use your instincts, instincts, instincts, oh wait, what is he doing?
It's a whole, he did it, oh r.

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