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Potato Farming & Processing - Start to Finish

Jul 04, 2024
Farm World


es are one of the most consumed and versatile vegetables in the world. They come in several varieties, each with its own characteristics in terms of flavor and texture. As simple as the humble


. They require a lot of time and effort to grow and harvest potatoes. Cultivation involves several stages, from land preparation to planning potatoes, harvesting and storage. In this video, I will guide you through the main processes of growing potatoes from




. The first step in growing potatoes is to prepare the soil by plowing, tilling and removing any accumulation of dirt, stones or rocks that could distort the growth of a potato.
potato farming processing   start to finish
The second step would be to create beds or rows to plant the seed potatoes. The third step would be to create sea potatoes for planting, which is done by cutting a potato into pieces and then when they come out, most of them are cut, what is not cut, these guys pick them up and cut them with these knives that are here . The fourth step is to plant the sea potatoes, either by hand on small farms or using a special potato plantation. machine the planted potato


s to take root then the new chots reach the ground towards the sun and soon there are green leaves on the ground this is where the potatoes will grow step five after 8 to 12 weeks the potato plants will flower this is an indication the potatoes are ready to be harvested to prepare for harvest plants should be trimmed or herbicides used to kill potato vines step six allow the potatoes to sit in the soil for a few more days after cutting the foliage, this helps the skin hardens, making them easier to harvest without damaging them and better for storage.
potato farming processing   start to finish

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potato farming processing start to finish...

Step seven is to cure the potatoes, which is done by storing them in a cool, dark, well-ventilated place for about 2 weeks. Curing is a process that helps potatoes develop a tougher skin. and heal any minor cuts or bruises that may have occurred during harvest. This step is essential for proper storage and preservation of potatoes and helps improve flavor and texture. This is one of the nine vendors we will be filling this harvest so you have a big stack. Look down there at the end, that's all potatoes, it's about 25 to 30 feet high and I think it's 60 feet wide and it discharges over the pil right here and then this just takes it up, it has a big boom and it just It spreads and it will go away.
potato farming processing   start to finish
From one side to the other and he will stack the potatoes very, very, very high, so as he stacks them, they become kind of an avalanche down the mountain and it covers these vents, now these vents are hooked to the wall here so you can see above. here are these holes in the concrete, so on the other side of this wall is an air tunnel and the air tunnel will bring in air and pump it under all the potatoes because if they don't get air they will rot. You have to keep them cool and dry, dry enough, you don't want them to dry out completely, but you also don't want them to be visibly wet, so you have to keep them in the exact right conditions for them to last because these potatoes could be here for 6 months to a year, depending on when the plant takes them out.
potato farming processing   start to finish
Step eight, once the potatoes have cured, it is time to process them, first the potatoes are washed, then they are grated and sorted and any damaged potatoes are removed. Finally, they are packaged in branded bags ready for sale.

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