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Postmodern Jukebox feat. Haley Reinhart "Creep" REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach/Opera Sing

Jun 03, 2021
welcome back to the charismatic voice and my choice on tuesday today we will see a band that i have heard before but i have never heard them perform this lead


er, we will hear it on a



. with



and she will



originally by radiohead. I love Radiohead and have been listening to them since I was a teenager. I adore them, so it will be particularly amazing. I think seeing how the



puts a spin on it. this song, I would never think that you can make this song jazzy or make me feel like swing dancing, but the postmodern jukebox does just that: they like to surprise people with really imaginative covers, so I'm really excited to see what they do with


and I'm so excited to hear Haley for the first time, let's get to this when you were.
postmodern jukebox feat haley reinhart creep reaction analysis by vocal coach opera sing
Your skin makes me cry. I wish it were special. You are very special, but I am great. What the hell am I doing? I love her. voice like she has one of the most instantly adorable voices I've ever heard, it sounds almost like she talks by singing it, her technique is definitely related to the way she speaks, there's nothing manipulative about her voice, it's just a very natural sound . I loved it when she also came into this chorus and had this really long extended creep note, I think they even extended that extra long um from the original version and then when she added a little grit to it, I thought, oh my gosh.
postmodern jukebox feat haley reinhart creep reaction analysis by vocal coach opera sing

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postmodern jukebox feat haley reinhart creep reaction analysis by vocal coach opera sing...

This is a really amazing voice and I love the way she does her hair with her hands and everything too. It's just that I'm going to go back to the beginning and watch this again. Okay, here we go when you were here before your skin was made. I cry, wow, she's so amazing, oh, okay, wait, uh, this voice turns me on so much right now, the way she has this quick little vibrato at the end, it's very, I love it, like a choice of style I listen to. She also talks a lot about jazz, and she does these really fast slides, without vibrato, like in the air, which is lovely.
postmodern jukebox feat haley reinhart creep reaction analysis by vocal coach opera sing
Also, it seems like she's had some training, I think she in swing dancing or some type of solo jazz dancing, probably because of the way she acts. combing her hands is very, it seems very authentic to me and I've done a lot of swing dancing, so I wonder where she got those ideas to comb our hands too, okay, go ahead and I'm beautiful, that's okay, I wish I was special, you are very special, but I agree, what the hell am I doing? I love the way she leans towards uglier sounds to express that ugly feeling and I also love the way she sometimes uses um like. the way she comes out of singing to express more, so you listen back, let's back up a little, the way she says ugh at the end gives even more expression and it's not even technically singing, it's wow, she's using the voice her. so many fabulous ways it's okay I'll let it go for a while I promise control I want the perfect body I want a perfect soul and I was you're so special yeah I wish I was special she the way she expresses her voice and a little I mean yeah she's very sexy like she has little lines that she says that are intentionally sexy lines and uh and of course the way she moves too um but I love that she's like a very pin-up girl and then she gets nervous and just lets this thought out. internal that really makes me think of housewives and and um and that era of honey, here's your dinner and it feels like she was expressing what a person was in that.
postmodern jukebox feat haley reinhart creep reaction analysis by vocal coach opera sing
I feel like she's saying, uh, she's crazy, I feel like she's saying a lot about women empowerment with this, which is fascinating, I love that she has this twist, how cool! um, her message intrigues me like crazy, let's back up a little, what the hell am I doing? period, uh, I love the way he works on the pauses in his voice, so he has like little cries every now and then, it feels like it's coming from the center of his soul, ah, there's a lot of good in this, let's go back. a little so she can train this part together wow there's so much more of the song to go where else will she go? whoa, I thought she was going to finish that race and she kept going like crazy and then she went high she came back at the end.
She is using so many different places within her


tract to make these sounds. One of the things I love about jazz and scatting is when they like to switch to a different part, like an area to create. some sounds are not necessarily always made up of pure vowels, instead they make sounds that are more guttural, sometimes they will not like throat singing like more yum and use different um, play with different consonants and sing through them in different In many ways it's also really cool, like at the end here, whoa, she just threw it in even at an earlier moment, she liked that it started going down like a small scale, but then she stopped halfway like it was just an idea quickly than suddenly. she fell, it feels so natural and authentic, but I also think a lot of this was really planned.
It's fantastic. Wow, I'm going to listen to this song many times. No, we have to watch that whole song one more time. very special yes, I wish I was special, but I am. She's so creative, like how many different ways she's been expressive so far. I loved the little scat section. It was great. The various syllables she chose are very funny. And then I love the way she. this arrangement has regressed at this point and it's so fun to hear her go from wailing to this incredibly tender moment and having that control there and then being able to riff with this more delicate part of the voice, some people actually being able to riff when they want to. like a lot, uh, singing much more powerful music and some people will only be able to do it when they sing very quietly, it's nice to be able to do both and she's excellent, excellent at both, um, she Even oh, I was looking at how she holds up her sound before, she uses her whole body, you can see her really going into her diaphragm and she likes to use her whole support very, very well and she even moves with her sound, it seems like it's very very connected with her little


mechanism there even um oh wow well we have to go back and catch that again I just couldn't stop it I love the way she chooses to go in and out of this growl it's amazing amazing amazing she's so clear in control that she's able to add it or take it away and she has a clean sound that It's fantastic and I also love the way you hear her make whole mouth shapes to just uh, it's like this expression that's not even a word, it's just the shape of a mouth, instead, we'll come back and We'll try to catch a couple of those again.
It's she's amazing. Wow, I still love that little one. The part I'm doing here. Alright. So that part is a great way to look. what she's doing with her mouth, she's making all these sounds to be expressive that aren't even words, I love it, it's even more than dispersing, right there, listen to that, oh wow, I think I have a new vocal love for this woman ,


haley. wow she is amazing she is capable of making so many cool sounds I love the way she uses every crevice of her vocal tract to be expressive I adore it of course I adore this arrangement like I'm pretty sure that they would be able. take some creep and make it cool and vintage, but I loved the key changes.
I also love that bunk bed that they had and they had like little um in the middle with the instruments that made it feel like a big band, but the real revelation was Hayley, wow, that woman can whale and wow, she kept that up throughout the whole thing too. the song. I'd expect a lot of people to get really tired after that kind of wailing, but she kept going and was able to stop it in a moment. period and then hit it again, she is a vocal heroine. Thank you so much for those of you who suggested this and thank you for letting me choose Tuesday to discover things like this.
I need to hear a lot more from her. so please make suggestions below in the comments and also come join me on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 o'clock Pacific time, no, Arizona time, I lied, Arizona time, I'm here in the chat on YouTube when we release these. videos at 8 o'clock Arizona time. I hope to see you there and come and join me on Patreon at some point if you want to get to know me better or make really cool suggestions like this so I can check them out on any Tuesdays I choose. Hope to see you all somewhere soon, bye.

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