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Porsche 911 Turbo S v 911 GT3: TRACK RACE

Jun 06, 2024
So good that it's noticeably better than the


s, that wider


is really fun, although it depends on what you're trying to do, I guess trying to do a lap. times it's more accurate I'll give it it's more accurate I'm enjoying it but I also enjoyed the fun of the


s Factor the turbo is definitely weaker the turbo is more like a comic book, isn't it so far? I'm trying to focus on this part, come on, come in, oh, the target just spins. It will be interesting to compare the two through the chicane here because I don't have the benefit of four wheels.
porsche 911 turbo s v 911 gt3 track race
It drives, oh wow, with an ugly looking rotating steering wheel, it moves if you really abuse it. Anyway, let's focus now and do a clean turn, oh come on, that's cool, we have all the revs, so this is so fast. need to raise the harnesses the safety doesn't really hurt you this is how these seats I like the seats now I also like the alcanton the steering wheel is really helping me I was sweating a little on the turbo and sliding around all the leather sweatshirts is noticeably more grippy you don't need to wear the gloves they are like racing gloves a little too creepy get on it use grip or traction so good here just as it holds the nose just holds it doesn't push does it and says where the turbo works whoa just Hawks so good I the engine my neck is getting tired oh it's so capable what a crazy car let's see if I can't deal with this that's more like it here we go and cross the finish line right now.
porsche 911 turbo s v 911 gt3 track race

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porsche 911 turbo s v 911 gt3 track race...

I've done my rounds. You have recorded the data we have on the computer, so reveal to Sam which car is faster considering I thought. It would be faster on the turbo than the GT3. You thought it would be faster in the GT3 than the turbo. Give me the scores. What is my lap time in the GT3? Okay, so in the GT3 you did a 248, okay? What happens with a turbo? God, I know I did it right, didn't I? Turbo, you did a 244. Oh wow, it's basically down to power, I bet so, so in my defense, your minimum speeds in the GT3 went up the entire lap, so I'm going faster.
porsche 911 turbo s v 911 gt3 track race
Go through the curves, go through every corner and come out faster, but you just can't outrun it, so your low didn't exceed the horsepower that turbo has. Yes, that's what I thought. I basically thought the extra performance will make a bigger difference. for me because I couldn't fully exploit the chassis as much as I would like, although I had more thrills going through the corners faster in that GT3 than screaming down the straight with the turbo now we also recorded Sam's time. So carry on, what did you do in GT3? In GT car three I did a 241 241, so you're faster than me on the turbo even though you're in the GT3.
porsche 911 turbo s v 911 gt3 track race
Yes, the question is, are you faster on the turbo? than the GT3 because I thought you'd be faster in the GT3 because you'd really be able to exploit the handling, but what's the score 237, so you're also faster on the turbo and it's exactly the same as you. It's just that the lows are high everywhere along the lap, but here with those long straights there's just no chance. Now I have some stats so I've been measuring the fuel economy of cars, oh don't do that so drive. On the circuit


we were averaging 8.3 miles per gallon with the GT3 and 5.9 miles per gallon with the turbo and you want to know how much fuel we have used driving here from England and on the track, this is the moment of the carbon footprint, yes this is horrible.
We will have to plant some trees because we have used 500 liters of fuel and you know how much it cost. No, it's like 900 euros. It's been good, hasn't it? It's been a lot of fun and I think I had more fun overall. In the GT3 the turbo, even the turbo is really good and fun. The responsiveness of that GT3 just gives me more thrills and I think you appreciate that responsiveness on the road too, so with that in mind, can you guess which car I'm driving? At home in GT3 now driving on the turbo one of the cars that brought the GT3.
I'll let you enjoy the GT3 on the long drive back. Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the video. If you enjoyed it, give it a like. If you click on those windows you can see more videos and if you click on that box you can go to Carlow to see how much money you can save on your next car, thanks for watching.

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