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Popular False Preachers Are Being Exposed In 2024 |False Prophets |False Churches |Great Deception

May 01, 2024
five types of


teachings that Christians should flee from we are warned in the Holy Bible again and again against the


teachings and doctrines of the devil 2 Peter 2:1 says but there were false


also among the people just as there will be false Teachers among you who will secretly introduce damnable heresies, even deny the Lord who bought you, and bring swift destruction upon yourselves. In our current age, numerous heretical teachings are


promoted and it is crucial that we remain vigilant against them. Let's examine five specific ones. teachings to ensure that we can stay away from them effectively.
popular false preachers are being exposed in 2024 false prophets false churches great deception
I will not mention specific pastors by name, but rather focus on identifying the harmful and wrong doctrines that are associated with the teaching of Yoga Number One in the church. Consider the example of yoga in our nation. Numerous mega


are involved in promoting yoga classes, offering classes and even encouraging their members to participate. Many Christians in the West view yoga simply as a form of physical exercise aimed at improving muscle strength and flexibility; However, the underlying philosophy of yoga extends far beyond the physical well-


it creates. From India, yoga is an ancient practice believed to lead to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
popular false preachers are being exposed in 2024 false prophets false churches great deception

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popular false preachers are being exposed in 2024 false prophets false churches great deception...

The term yoga self means Union which aims to merge the transitory self of the individual with the infinite brahan. A concept in Hinduism often referred to as God. This perspective embodies pantheism, the belief that everything constitutes. God and that reality is only the universe and nature that encompasses everything around us, as a result, yoga philosophy blurs the lines between humanity and Divinity. A specific type of yoga promoted in several mega


is Kundalini Yoga, which involves a practice believed to awaken a snake. -As energy within the spinal column that supposedly leads to Enlightenment. This image of a snake recalls the biblical story of The Temptation in the Garden of Eden, highlighting a conflict with Christian teachings.
popular false preachers are being exposed in 2024 false prophets false churches great deception
Yoga at its core arises from a philosophy that is fundamentally opposed to Christian values ​​that emphasize self-focus and introspection over devotion to the one true God, suggesting seeking answers within oneself rather than through the teachings of the Bible. Christians should be careful when practicing yoga because of its spiritual implications; However, it is crucial to distinguish between yoga as a spiritual practice and a mere practice. Physical stretching or stretching exercise and physical health are beneficial, but venturing into the spiritual aspects of yoga is something Christians should avoid. Number two, stay away from a false teacher who claims Jesus Jus is the Son of God but is not God, this is one. of the ideas presented by the New Age movement those of the new age see Jesus as the


est creation of God they consider him only as a


teacher and nothing more similar it is a dangerous doctrine that Jesus is the son of God but not God This is not what the Bible tells us that Jesus is God and the Scriptures highlight that clearly in John 10:30 Jesus said that he and his father are one.
popular false preachers are being exposed in 2024 false prophets false churches great deception
John 1:1 also tells us that in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word. was God from Hebrews chapter 1:3 we understand that Jesus is the son of God and the word of God this means that Jesus is God because the Word was God the reason why this Doctrine leads people to hell is that the doctrine in Which you believe about Jesus Christ is literally a question of heaven or hell. You may be wrong about being a Christian. You can be wrong about baptism. You can be wrong about tithing. You can be wrong about many doctrines, but the only doctrine you can't be wrong about is doctrine. of Jesus Christ because if you are wrong in the doctrine of Jesus Christ you are following another Jesus Christ the Bible even speaks of another Jesus 2 Corinthians 11:4 because if he who comes preaches another Jesus that we have not preached or if you receive a different Spirit that we have not you have received or a different gospel that you have not accepted, you may as well endure it Jesus is not just a good man or just a good teacher Jesus is not just a prophet Jesus is literally God when you put on the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ you are putting on righteousness of God you have to do business with Jesus you must deal with him he is God when he walked on this Earth he forgave sins like God I cannot forgive you your sins because I am not God I do not have the authority to Only God God has it and Jesus is God we need for Jesus to enter heaven his righteousness alone is the entrance to heaven your own righteousness will send you to hell that is why Jesus had to come he took the form of a man and even though he was God, he was absolutely God as much as his father is God and he was absolutely human as much as his mother is human.
This is what baffles people. That is what we mean when we talk about the Incarnation that is what we mean when we talk about the incarnation of the deity that is what we mean when we talk about the tabernacle of the word false teacher number three those who teach the doctrine are small or mini Gods The belief that we are little Gods was Popularized by false teachers and the new age, the idea is that because we are children of God, we are also many gods and can get anything we want because we share the divine nature of God.
This idea is based on materialism and leads believers to focus on acquiring. money Fame and material wealth at all costs proposed that Jesus died so that we can have everything we want here on Earth that is not true Jesus did not die so that you can buy a new car or a flashy wristwatch Jesus died to save us from the Flames of Hell on that last day you will see billions of people who have rejected Christ being thrown into the Lake of Fire. You will truly appreciate what Jesus did for us on the cross. A car will be meaningless compared to avoiding the fires of Hell.
The material. The things we pray for will often be completely and utterly meaningless when we see billions of people being thrown into the Lake of Fire on the last day. Good mini theology tries to equate us with God. This doctrine may sound appealing to itchy ears, no matter what the Bible is like. It teaches us that God is Holy, just, omnipresent and omniscient, while man is sinful and has only been made blameless before God through the death of Christ, not through our own innate Divinity. If man were equal to God, he would have to be omnipotent and omniscient as well.
Doctrine that teaches that we are gods in an attempt to make us accumulate wealth. Fame and possessions are not biblical. False teacher number four, those who teach that all roads lead to heaven. One of the toxic teachings circulating today is that it is narrow-minded to think. that Jesus is the only way to the father in John 14:6 Jesus said that he is the way, the truth and the life and that no one can approach the father except through him however false teachers have explained that this statement only applies In the context of what Jesus was saying to his disciples at the time, they also argue that Jesus' statement was only addressed to his disciples and should not be generalized;
However, this interpretation does not align with the Scriptures, there are not many paths to heaven, there is only one path and that is Jesus Christ that right there is the Christian faith the Christian faith is dogmatic that is biblical faith it is uncompromising that is the true Biblical faith does not negotiate leaves no room for interpretation in other words no Jesus there is no heaven in John 3 Jesus told Nicodemus that unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God, so the idea that all roads lead to heaven is erroneous and any church or pastor that is preaching this Doctrine is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
This Doctrine has its roots in universalism. Universalism is the belief that everyone will be saved in the end and that is a lie according to the Bible. Universalism suggests that those who reject God's provision of salvation through His Son will be saved, in other words, a person does not need the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. that is what universalism infers teaching number 5 prosperity gospels 1 Timothy 6: 8-9 says and having food and nourishment let us be there with contentment but those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and harmful lusts that drown men in destruction and prediction most of the current messages are not aligned with the scriptures there are several false teachers out there who teach people how to get rich quick they are more concerned about people filling their churches than people filling Heaven the Prosperity Gospel treats God like a Genie in a Bottle but that is not God you cannot rub him and say Lord I want you to do this you cannot force the Lord Jesus Christ to do anything and your relationship with the Lord should not be based on the things what God does for you, but that is the Gospel of Prosperity, it is a gospel focused on what the Lord can do for you.
Prosperity gospels make people more materialistic, they ask you to believe in Jesus and you will get rich or buy a new car. but this is not the gospel, the Prosperity Gospel makes people focus on worldly things at the expense of Eternity. The Prosperity Gospel encourages you to accumulate treasures here on Earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, while the true gospel encourages you. to do exactly the opposite Matthew 6: 19-21 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroy and where thieves do not enter or steal because where your treasure is there your heart will be also our heart must be with the Lord Jesus Christ God cares about your heart remember the Lord told the prophet Samuel to look at the heart and if you remember Jesus said that one Of the two greatest Commandments is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, this is all.
God is interested in your heart and a person who prescribes the Prosperity Gospel his heart is not in love with God, his heart is in love with this world and the things of this world if God did nothing more for you in your life than to give you the free gift of Salvation that is more than a person could ask for because that gift of Salvation is an eternal gift, it is a priceless gift

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