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Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories with Morgan Adams!

Apr 06, 2024
different designs, from Marvel to Star Wars, Warner Brothers and even our podcast. Okay, let me show you, so this first image is of Rachel. you can see she is holding the podcast shown and she is a killer mom which I agree so we have pictures of Bridget look at him it is displayed on her wall he is so cute with a Christmas wreath oh my god that makes me makes so happy so if you want some plates of literally anything you can imagine or our podcast displate is doing a huge Black Friday sale let me explain so if you use the code generator at checkout you'll get 35% off for 1 to 2 displates, 39% off for 3 to four displates, and 44% off for five or more displates and ship super fast worldwide.
pop culture conspiracy theories with morgan adams
I think it's only four to five days, yeah, four to five days and they're eco-friendly, so for every plate design sold they'll plant a tree, so look, you get the whole podcast. In the plates, they plant eight trees, I mean, take a breath, honey, look at all that oxygen from the trees. I'm going to go so thank you so much for sponsoring and yeah go show off use the code farmer at checkout and you'll get some savings. the link right in the description below is fine enjoy the rest of the show bye so this is an email I received from Stephanie.
pop culture conspiracy theories with morgan adams

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pop culture conspiracy theories with morgan adams...

We've talked about conspiracies before when it comes to knockoff brands that are real and all. Well this is something I've never heard of and it's not even a at this point it's real it's called a puffy contraction have you heard of this? You have a photo and you will get it immediately. I am so curious. Just think about this. It's crazy. Shrink inflation is something companies and corporations are doing right now to definitely rip us off. Yeah, so here's the first example. Oh my God, mom is going to do it. Lose it, she has been specific about widening the holes in the toilet paper so they can give you less toilet paper.
pop culture conspiracy theories with morgan adams
It makes mom very angry. She's been like this all week. They are also narrower rolls. Yes, but what do we do? We cannot boycott them. oh they're going to find out so their bags now went from 9.75 o to 9.25 o but guess how much they both are 559 no way it's shrinking everywhere it's all air anyway I'm going to say half the bag isn't even It's potato chips, I know that's shit, okay Gatorade, this one made me angry, so Gatorade they made it skinny, they noticed they took their bottles, which is less fluid ounces, yeah, less ounces, uh, let me see what the exact number, wait I realized and thought about it 32 or and now it's 28 or guess what same price same price this is shaking meIMO are they doing this to try to help people lose weight?
pop culture conspiracy theories with morgan adams
No, they are spending pennies to increase profits. Look at this at the bottom of the Gatorade. Are they actually doing this psychologically to make people feel like they are not recovering, so if they sold you the same amount as before, they would have to raise the price, but instead they will keep the same price for that bias? but find a way to minimize the use of materials like this, right, okay, so this Burger King reduced the number of chicken nuggets in their 449 meal from 10 to 8, now that's not necessary, just lemonade though, okay , they went from 64 oz to 59 o.
Scam us once again. I have never bought that in my life. I heard that if you put a packet of Kool-Aid in one of those things, it's like the best lemonade you've ever had in your life. Yeah, wow, okay, do it, so they left. from 4 or to 3.75 to now, a year later, 3.17, they are still getting small, but to be fair, you don't have to use as much soap as you do for the most part. You know you could use less soap, shampoo, and toothpaste. they recommend you use more than they don't recommend you use more than you should so you buy more bouncy toilet paper oh be careful this is going to make me angry this paper towel on the left old bouncy one on the right both packages bought at Costco the width is smaller and the towel is thinner look at that look look we all are maybe it's a grower God oh this is making me angry good this makeup Morgan listen shrink inflation has also reached the hoola tanner Bab baby, the famous hoola tanner It used to be four and now it's 2.5g oh that's huge okay so every company is us okay I'm getting bored I find that interesting wait okay.
I'll speed it up, they're doing it with cookies, they're doing it with key cookies, what kind are they doing, I'm not you, you don't have time for a recap, no, I want to know the cookies, I hope Burger King is there. the recap I really want, I know I feel a little abandoned because I saw the Oreos fly into this kitchen and I never bought them because there are like 10 packs of Oreos. I thought you wanted the show to end. I just want you to want. make a weird food combination because I'm going to take it out, come on, no I want you to do it, we're going to do the Oreo thing, yeah I promise it tastes like cheesecake, you can't tell the difference, we're about to do it. find out if this really tastes like cheesecake in any way, I mean, I get it, maybe like you're out of cookies, okay, okay, eat it, you know, eat it, she's cooking my attention right away God, she's cooking me It's killing, no, I love her, what is it? a


there are a lot of white women Bor what they find strange to do is that a


tastes like cheesecake, wait a minute of all the things I've put Oreo cookies on, this is the closest thing, okay, so she says that This is the closest thing to cheesecake, so let's try this call.
Her partner is so proud of her for finally discovering cheese that tastes good in Oreo. There's no way she knows like that. I can hardly skip it. This is the most fun I've ever had. year, so are we supposed to do everything in our mouth at once or just one bite? I'm doing half of what they want. I already did. There's no way Jared ever waited. We know, Jared. Alright. Greetings. Greetings to all. I hate cheesecake, but. I will say that it tastes like good cheesecake it tastes like cheesecake it's good it actually works it tastes like cheesecake in the end wait it's good it's good what I definitely want one without cheese right after this is good wait what The cheese taste is not really so pronounced if we take the Hawaiian Punch M oo I don't think I'll make it again, but it's good, yeah, I think I'm done, but it was definitely good at the beginning. the cheese at least for me Maybe I put too much in, I was a little overpowered, but then as it went on I was like, oh, this mixes super well, you could be a Food Network star, Oreo, just explain to him that he would do it.
I love it more, I don't hate it. I'm going to have another one. The journey this has just taken is one I never want to go back on. Well, speaking of things that are a little crazy, messy and strange, it's time for a recap. let's get into this Camera Action ryland's recap is about to happen ryland's recap on today's episode of The Shane Dawson podcast it's a family coded episode my mom and my sister are here yeah okay what do you want to talk about ?, we won the battle of brothers. We're not supposed to, oh, in the biggest sibling rivalry of the year.
Shane and Jared emerged victorious on the technicality of cheating, but still won. Adam Sandler is a producer. Oh, that's big celebrity news, huge, groundbreaking, growth-busting news. Community, you have found your new icon Adam Sandler has revealed himself as a producer. I don't think it broke us, I think he encouraged us. I think yes, we celebrate it, yes we celebrate it, really, can we just address that comment and say that? the reason we tell Ryland things is to help, did we talk about this on the show or was it because during a break during the break people get really angry because we yelled at Ryland during Ryland's recap, they say stop yell, let him cook, but we are trying to help him and that's the thing, if we didn't yell at him he wouldn't say anything, no, they are reminding me of things.
Time I can watch the news, a real news anchor has a script written for them and them. You're reading from the teleprompter and I can't just read from the TV. If we show them your cooking skills without yelling at you, you just want to see how long you try to do it, we'll see how long you can stir. fry the board, that would be my teleprompter and then I don't need any of you, oh oh, this is big, okay, take it, the MythBusters are back breaking the news that Hawaiian Punch doesn't really get cold news , it freezes a lot.
Quick, who are we MythBusters? I don't know, are we saying Jar looks like a mythbuster? Wait and Shane will never let anything go. News that she will bring back the black, blue, white and gold dress. He will never let it go. and I'm wondering if you guys are getting so tired as I really don't let your mom do one, oh yeah, which one speaks to you Mom, well the hair extension review was really good, like I was a newscaster , oh, and reporting live. Shane showed us that his extensions are made by taking hair out of the drains in Spain or India and made into hair extensions and now we know what's in Morgan's hair, yes a bit of drag, he could possibly ask his dad to pull it the hair herself. get out of her own drain and save a lot of money, well you could have possibly given me and my brother some better hair genetics and we wouldn't have done it.
I totally agree, I got it, what they do, well there you go, can I? just say I like the option to shake her piñata hair extensions during the reading, yes you killed that, yes that was good sex. Lexa is a new feature that is available for free on your Amazon, just talk to her in a soft ASMR voice and she will do it. hitting yourself with a fart and sexual sensations, that's annoying and if you can't get a fart out of Alexa, kick her leg. Alexa is a cut talking about pra like an austing news woman who shits on all fours in the bedroom and proceeds to wipe her ass. while Shane reveals that he has waffle feet in his own shit only once when I was 12.
I had food poisoning. Let us know if you have waffle feet or if you pee on your partner in the shower. I know if you want waffle pie products, but yeah, that's because Chan is cutting back on his product. Yes, can I just say Vicky, you would make an amazing infomercial actress? Yes, I'm just saying: do you believe me too? Yeah, I think so, well, that's why I'm an Amazon influencer, she's an Amazon influencer. Alert, my mom is causing a sensation, she visits her Amazon page. Link in her Instagram bio. You can see all the products she makes.
Reviews for its high production value. Sell ​​us that cheese genius. Oh, in Oreo news, we take this cheese genius we've been. we were taught that it's really bad for us to eat well Morgan mhm okay so it's artificial and now we can make cheesecake with Oreo cookies you just have to take one and then oh no I won't put it in my mouth that is what you said. you gotta sell it, I'll put Oreo cookies in my teeth, you won't sell them, oh so when you take a bite, the taste we want it all back, sister, the flavors infuse into you and it tastes like cheesecake, do you?
You know? At first you think I'm not doing that, but it actually tastes pretty good. I am not going to lie. Okay, she sold it, yeah, there you go, don't forget Shane's giveaway. You can get a cup that's like $10 for free, it's like 20. something this artificial cheese is getting to me, okay, finish well guys, thanks for tuning in to another one that's Ryland's roundup. The line is spot on. Another beautiful episode of Shane Dawson's podcast. Thank you very much for watching and listening. show make sure you are subscribed on all audio platforms and on YouTube new episodes every two weeks make sure you are subscribed to Morgan's Vlog channel it is beautiful you can see his house that has been under construction for 3 years come to fruition we are almost there, It's almost over and when I refer to it, I'm just seeing my mom on Instagram Vicky Adams 26, her Amazon influencer link is there.
Jared and Chris' links are also in the description section below. Thank you so much for watching and hanging out. See you again next week don't forget to get that mug at Shan Dawson okay good job Chef well here you go that was a lot hope you enjoyed whatever it was I don't know. more, thank you Morgan, thank you Vicki, thank you all and, yes, we are going to go buy Burger King, yes, yes, don't lie to me.

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